#ngl it got kinda morbid at the end there lmao
www98vikitoo · 2 years
Okay but like
Imagine red strings of fate trope but the soulmates got a sports career or something involving precise movement lolol
"Bich i love you but this shit(the red string) is ruining my life and im this close to cutting it with my hair cutting scisors"
And their figure skater soulmate replies goes like
"Hun same but not even ice skates can cut this motherfucker *cries in trauma involving tripping over the string after a jump they almost always nail*"
And while we are in the artistic sports branch, imagine what nightmares rhythmic gymnasts have during a ribbon routine lmao like
"Lets play the how-many-nonsensical-tangles-am-i-gonna-have-in-a-minute-and-a-half game and lets fuck around and find out if im gonna do bondage in front of an audience"
But then you get the morbidly hilarious deaths like
"somehow died of suffocation" you figure out how that happened lol
Theres so many possibilities but none of them have been explored. Yes im in my crack fic mode
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orcelito · 1 year
man emotional vulnerability's so fucked lol like ive told a few ppl at work that my cat died & theyve all been like "oh my god that's so awful, im so sorry" etc etc & like Yea it's nice to have the condolences, but a part of me feels like im faking it for attention. then im like. uh. dude. ur cat really did die. ur not lying about this one bit.
tbh i sorta feel like if i wasnt there for the euthanasia & seeing him dead, i wouldnt believe it was really true. Even Then i keep having to remind myself.
shit's weird.
#speculation nation#animal death ment/#i know i said id try to stop posting about it. sorry.#it's just rly weird. i think im in the uh. whats it. denial phase?#less that i dont believe it happened and more. well#Factually i know it happened. Logically i know. i have the memories. i have the pictures. i have the Ashes.#but in my heart it doesnt feel like he's dead ykno? feels like i should look over and hear his obnoxious Mraaa as he wanders up to me#feels like i should be able to go out to my living room and greet him on the chairs out there. or see him in the windowsill#it's probably bc of how sudden it was. even holding my own mini funeral for him today wasnt enough to really drive it home.#not to mention how ive been compartmentalizing like Crazy to still be functional with work and such#like me picking up the bag today. seeing it & nearly breaking into tears right there#b4 i just Slammed that bitch shut. a harsh Don't Think About It. bc like hell im gonna cry in public more than monday night.#biking home wryly thinking about how it's the Second time ive brought a cat home in a bag. kinda morbid ngl.#not allowing myself to truly wallow in it probably has not been healthy for my processing overall. but im just trying 2 keep my sanity#i dont Want to be miserable. i dont Want to be depressed. so when ppl are giving it the rightful sorrow it deserves#im just standing there like. ah. Right. this Is something really awful. and i Am really broken up about it.#and in the end i know im not going to do anything different. because that's how all my negative emotions go.#Don't Think About It and It Won't Hurt Me. lmao no wonder i have problems with crying.#ive got emotional numbing down to an art form. ive been So good at it ever since i was a teenager.#and im gonna keep leaning on it however much i need to. better to be fake happy than true miserable.#pretend youre happy for long enough and it starts to feel real (until it doesnt). i'll take the fake shit over reality any day.#negative/#i guess.
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