#never forget amy flanderization
sofibeth · 2 years
I feel for long running series, espcially for Sonic, folks should know the difference between a what a character is as a whole vs the portrayal of said character in a media.
Tails in modern times has probably been one of the best treated Sonic character between IDW comics, the movie sequel, and even in games like Colors and Mania. However because of one or two bad portrayals in Sonic Forces and argueably Lost World (that one more iffy execution) many folks just brushes off as how he's fallen from grace. While I do wish Tails was alot more action active and playable again he still has his core traits as a I like about him and modern games put more focus on him as a support role which mostly everyone has.
I usually use Sonic Adventure 1 as a basis since it was the game that reintroduce the main cast into a new era and define their main traits and development. If a portrayal keep the core idea of SA1 and expand upon it I would consider that a good portrayal. (e.i. Sonic in Black Knight, Amy in the IDW comics)
Its why as a Tails fan, Sonic Forces annoys me as the Chaos scene not only contradict his SA1 development but they don't do anything with it. After that scene Tails acts pretty much the same as usual in modern portrayals making the scene jarring as the game never explores Tails' mindset during the war and how losing Sonic effected him that much for him to cower at Chaos. Not expecting some master class story but if SA1 can build a relatable story of Tails learning to beileve in himself (HAH) and becoming his own hero I am gonna feel a little robbed when that regressed.
Tho for a more postive modern example I feel an underrated trait from Tails in Colors is that they gave him alot more sass and snark which I feel fits post SA1 Tails. Some of it I would credit it to Kate's deilvery of lines but scenes like Tails teasing Sonic over talking to a broken robot and Tails being like "oh wait no that was me" is just the fun kind of humor for me. I also like more personialty since I can chalk it off as Sonic influence rubbing off on him which is cute.
Anywho this just an expanded verison of me saying I'm tired of Tails slander based on a 5 year old game.
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skull001 · 4 years
The idea that a character like Amy needs to mature in order to improve is something I always founf to be ridiculous.
The Sonic franchise is populated by kid characters, with maybe a few exceptions (Rouge, Big, Vector, who are legally adults). I expect them to behave as such, including the traits that an over-sensitive and easily offended audience finds annoying. 
I have never approached any form of fictional media with the desire to see role models. No, I come because I want to be amused and entertained and escape from reality for a bit as I see the adventures of a group of quirky characters do silly and awesome things you’d never try in real life.
Amy not only is my favorite character of the bunch, but also the one I’ve seen through so many years be criticized for the terrible sin of acting like a kid, featuring some of the flaws that come from being young and inexperienced, but still being balanced enough by also being one of the most sensible characters when the situation calls for it.
Always hated how it’s always Amy who needs to be changed to pander and appease to people who never cared for her in the first place (Dorito munching bro-dudes and 3rd wave feminists). Also it does not help the fact that she is singled out for being a female character, as if she had to abide to certain expectations while the likes of Tails or Knuckles were allowed to be themselves without questioning (people even openly accept the idea that Knuckles is a close friend of Sonic who always tag along, despite how this goes against his established character, lmao).
No, Amy HAS to be a role model and be what some people outside of Sonic Team think she should be to “appeal to the western audiences” because of her gender. She is celebrated for not being herself, yet when other characters take on her traits or do the things Amy used to do, they are celebrated as if it was a first.
But of course, I can already see those people who will accuse me of wanting for Amy to go back to being flanderized as if, lol, that is what Amy was like which is so dead ass wrong because the problems started long AFTER Amy was re-introduced in Sonic Adventure and it’s sequel SA2. That’s when ST made two huge mistakes: 1) make Amy’s crush eclipse the rest of the character and 2) give the rest of her endearing traits that used to balance off her flaws to newcomer Cream the Rabbit, who took on the role of the ingenue.
Likewise, I find it hilarius how people claim ST and the current writters made a HUGE improvement just because Amy does not fixate so much on Sonic. IIRC correctly, ever since Lost World Amy has not only not been given a relevant role (Hell, they even robbed her chance in Forces, until the IDW fixed this... and then did nothing outstanding with it) but worse, she has not been neither the energetic nor the optimistic girl she used to be up until Sonic Unleashed. 
Want to really fix Amy? Then leave her personality alone and instead focus on the other stuff that holds her back, like the bloody classic trio that only exists to deny her place in the main cast over the most idiotic reason possible: not having been introduced in the Genesis/Megadrive trilogy. Stop giving her traits and role to other redundant characters for the sake of bloating the cast and have her act upon the things that she can contribute both to the team as well as to the story. Often not people forget that Amy, despite being a decent fighter, is so much more than just smashing things with her hammer. She is the only character who can see the inner good in bad guys and help them reform and become allies. She believes in those who doubt themselves (something that perfectly complements Sonic’s “I believe in myself because I can make a difference”). She keeps her friends from giving up or losing faith and will make the sacrifices others don’t or can’t for the greater good... But saddly, lots of writers and developers seem to either lack imagination to put Amy to good use, or only see her as a love interest/token girl. =_=
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How To Fix The Big Bang Theory (aka a long complaint)
Ugh! I don’t know what’s going on, but Tumblr has misplaced more than one of my draft posts. I had a whole thing written out and it’s gone. I think. So here I am again with a new and improved posting.
So anyway, tonight starts the new season of the Big Bang Theory. Who’s still watching? Who gave up? Who is catching it merely in reruns? But yeah, there’s no question that at least for me, season 10 was basically The Office’s season 8...a significant, often poorly done drop-off from what it used to be. So how would I improve it, you ask? Let’s find out. This post may be a bit lengthy. 
The Character Flanderization
They’re supposed to evolve, sure, but Sheldon is uber-boring now. He used to be the heart and soul of the show and now he’s almost mature. Must they take his personality away, even if he does evolve? I’d also like to mention Penny, who is gradually getting less and less mature. She was pretty levelheaded in the beginning of the show; I’m not sure why she’s turning into someone a little more ignorant.  
The Bad Writing Implementation
For the love of Pete, WHY is Stuart moving in with Bernadette and Howard again? For NO reason? And they just accepted this? With no motivation or reasoning whatsoever? Come on, guys. He’s a big boy who needs to move on now. 
I only just saw the episode where the government takes away their project without reasoning last week. So they’re just going to remove that story, without a reason, from the show? Look, guys. I was an English major. I took many a class on writing in and out of college. That is really lazy writing. Conflicts have to be solved internally for the most part, meaning you can’t just “drop a bomb” on the characters. Not only do I feel bad for the characters who worked hard on a life-changing project, but I feel bad for the viewers who wasted a whole season on seeing something exciting and got nothing from it...again. You can’t just get rid of a plot you’re bored of like that. Note: I didn’t see most of the finale. If this was developed further and I missed it, please somebody correct me ASAP.
That particular instance was unfortunate, because that was a pretty decent episode otherwise. 
Oh yeah. STOP INTRODUCING PLOTS AND FORGETTING ABOUT THEM. Remember when Penny confesses she hates her job to Leonard? What’s she done about that? And where is baby Haley? It’s not realistic that she’s never ever there. 
The Koothrapalli Experimentation (sp? sorry)
Please, please find something new to do with Raj. Every time we see him he is:           a. Intruding on a couple’s romantic time and getting in the way           b. Mindlessly following around Howard and Bernadette the whole time           c. Trying to decide on his dating situation and ultimately not making that            decision by the end of the episode
You get my drift? Raj needs to do something new and that hasn’t been done 100 times before. 
The Doing Nothing Hypothesis
Why does it seem like they just sit around and talk a lot these days? Remember when they’d go on scavenger hunts, watch Howard throw out the first pitch at a baseball game, have dinners together, go on dates, and so on? 
Let’s go back to Bad Writing Implementation for a sec. Remember when Penny and Leonard are thinking of how to spice up their relationship, and by the end, decide on a Relationship Agreement devised with Sheldon and Amy’s help. Ha ha, funny punchline! Right? *crickets* Well, no. I would have preferred to see them working on it rather than having Penny wonder about what she should do for twenty minutes. 
The Romance Disintegration
Remember when Howard and Bernadette were a cute couple before the baby arrived? Remember when Leonard and Penny liked spending time together? I miss those days? Let’s see them have more fun. 
So yeah, these are some improvements that will need to be made if I want to start watching again. Long shot maybe, but otherwise it’s time for this show to finally end with dignity. 
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