#nerrrrr theres still so much i could add
idoloatria · 6 years
Sootopolis- Places of Interest
Side note, I pull inspo a bit from the games/anime but mostly from the place Sootopolis was based on, the Greek island of Santorini.
Sootopolis is a large island, with a few smaller ones around, it does have beaches and vegetation along its sides, and inside the crater as well in some places. The city was only accessible by flying and diving, but since the events of the legendaries battling, a section of the crater wall was opened up. A large gate is in place there, but opens when needed to allow ships to pass through.
The city is a very popular place, it’s beautiful and has a vibrant atmosphere along with a rich history. It’s a popular tourist destination (particularly for romantics, and for weddings/honeymoons) now that its a bit more accessible. When visiting, you might wanna check out these places-
- Theia’s Court. Over time, it has come to be known more simply as “the food court” or just “the Court” but that doesn’t mean the story of it has been lost or forgotten. Theia was an incredibly beautiful Sootopolitan woman that lived centuries ago. She was kind and powerful, almost a goddess, some might say. She had a strong aura and was able to use it to manipulate water, especially alongside her partner pokemon, Milotic. There are many stories about Theia, one of which is about her love of the ocean view and community feasts. 
The Court area is a cobbled, somewhat short, but wide street that ends at a cliff with a spectacular view of the sunrise. The end is rounded, a large semi-circle, and has a thick, stone balustrade as a barrier to prevent people getting too close to the drop. The large Milotic fountain is nestled in the centre of the ‘circle’, giving plenty of room around for people to stand at the balustrade or sit on the stone bench lining it. This whole ending area is large enough for several small sets of cafe tables and chairs to be set up as well. (lazy img ref)
On the left side of the street and partial curve, there are cafes and food stalls, some are more traditional than others. The right side of the street mostly holds gift/souvenir shops and trinket stalls that are popular with tourists. There’s also an old pottery shop, a florist, and a stand where an elderly couple sells herbal remedies.
- Library/Archive A large, church-like building near one of the city peaks. It has an impressive face with archways and fluted columns. The pale, stone walls have water motifs etched in friezes, and there are many stained glass windows that keep the place well lit and feeling airy. This is one of the oldest buildings and has undergone many repairs over the years, especially due to the recent (in-game) events.
Sootopolis was isolated for a very long time, so the library is mostly filled with books written by the Sootopolitans and many of the stories would be unknown to the rest of Hoenn. There is a room dedicated to the records of the Sootopolitan people and their bloodlines.
- Lookouts There are numerous lookout points throughout the city. Most give views of the ocean by itself, others the beach. Some hold views of the city itself from a higher vantage point, or of some of the public gardens. Most of these places will have stone benches for seating, and a small plaque giving the name of the spot and some history or a fact. Tourists tend to visit each point and take photos there.
- Restaurants Sootopolitans love their food, and they love eating together. There are many restaurants in the city. Most will serve ‘traditional’ food, and many have predominantly outdoor seating to best enjoy the great weather. Over the centuries, as Sootopolis was visited by people from other places and those people settled down there, other types of cuisine was introduced within specialty restaurants/stalls/cafes. Sootopolitan restaurants tend to be very open plan, with decorative columns/pillars and room for plenty of people.
- Cafes Like restaurants, there’s an abundance of cafes. But the cafes are a bit more ‘modern’ and have a lot more variety. Since they’re smaller and easier to set up, there are many cafes of different region styles, and they’re more common than a simple Sootopolitan style. There are a number of popular Kalosian style cafes around, and a Unovan cafe by the Museum has recently opened and gained interest.
- Art Galleries There are quite a few around Sootopolis, but the largest one holds all the best. Ancient statues and historic paintings (replicas of these things anyway, the real ones are in the museum), as well as works done by more modern artists are found there. Many aspiring artists dream of getting their art displayed here.
- Museum It was once a mansion of an old leader, but was re-purposed by his family after his death. It’s grand and well kept, secure and filled with many important pieces of history. 
- Water Theatre Designed some time ago by Juan, this theatre is especially for shows involving water pokemon. Simple shows are put on twice a week (mostly for tourists), with more elaborate performances held at the start of each month. During the Water Festival each year, there is a complex show each night, and there is a competition held as well.
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