Ok another question. Can u rank best seal teeths for me ? Very curious !
ohh cool i've never considered this question before!! seal teeth are pretty interesting, it turns out. seals are born with teeth, unlike most mammals, and they usually have 34-38 teeth, depending on the species. here's my ranking of the top five types of seal teeth.
crabeater seal teeth
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these things have to be number one simply because they're cool as fuck. despite its name, the crabeater seal doesn't actually eat crabs. instead, it uses its specialized teeth to filter krill out of the water, just like whales!
2. elephant seal teeth
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they're nothing fancy like the crabeater seal teeth, but they have to be big and strong since elephant seals use them to fight. plus I think it's so funny how they just look like two little points when an elephant seal opens its mouth.
3. leopard seal teeth
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these look a little like crabeater seal teeth, right? leopard seals eat krill too, but also fish, squid, penguins, and even smaller seals! their teeth look very sharp and pointy. leopard seal probably ranks #1 on my list of seals I would least like to be bitten by.
4. harbor seal teeth
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I like how they're so uniform and neat. politely sharp little points. this harbor seal is getting its teeth brushed! harbor seals don't use their teeth for chewing -- they're mostly used to get a good grip on fish, which they will then swallow whole.
5. harp seal teeth
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delicate and beautiful. need I say more? the harp seal eats many different fish and ocean invertebrates.
plus: bonus pic of a harbor seal showing off its tongue! seals have bifurcated (forked) tongues. this is because they are beasts of the devil.
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stares directly at the sun with my big wet eyes
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hi what is a seal
this is actually a great question! a true seal, or earless seal, belongs to a group of marine mammals known as pinnipeds, which is Latin for "flipper-footed!" there are three families in the Pinnipedia order: Odobenodae (walruses), Otariidae (sea lions and fur seals) and Phocidae (true seals).
true seals are often confused with sea lions or fur seals, but there are actually several traits that make them unique! take a look at these photos of a harbor seal (left) and a California sea lion (right). what differences do you notice?
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one of the biggest noticeable differences between seals and sea lions is the ears. sea lions have external ears, whereas seals just have an ear hole, which can sometimes be difficult to spot. here's a closer look:
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another big difference is their flippers! sea lions have longer front flippers than seals, and can also rotate their hind flippers and walk on them! seals can't do this, so on land they move in an ungainly, caterpillar-like motion called galumphing. this video of a seal release from the Cornish Seal Sanctuary will give you a good idea of what seals look like when they galumph.
kind of funny, right? don't let them fool you, though -- they can move pretty fast when they want to! these elephant seal bulls are galumphing so fast that their long noses (called proboscises) almost get in the way.
there are nearly 20 species of true seals, ranging in size from around 3.5 feet long (baikal seal) to 20 feet long (southern elephant seal). the largest seal on record was a southern elephant seal that was measured at 22.5 feet in 1913. (side note: if you have some spare time and a tape measure, and like me, you have trouble conceptualizing exactly how big this is, try measuring it out! i was a little terrified to find that this seal would have stretched from my apartment bedroom nearly all the way to the kitchen).
in conclusion, a seal is a strange and wonderful type of creature. seals are distinct from sea lions, and each species of seal is incredibly diverse and weird in its own way! here are a couple photos of these majestic beasts:
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(images: baikal seal, hooded seal, grey seal, weddell seal, northern elephant seal, bearded seal)
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What species of seal is your favorite baby seal ? They all look like little wigglers, I fuckin love it. Pictures welcome :3 🦭
hi kolya!!!!!! it’s very hard to pick one, so i asked my fiance what they think is my favorite baby seal, and they said grey seal, so i’ll tell you about the grey seal. the grey seal is a little guy who yells and screams in a pathetic manner.
it is born with a white coat, which is called lanugo fur, and it can’t swim for the first several weeks after it is born. it will nurse for the first month or so of its life and get as fat and round as possible, then its mother will return to the sea and it will have to figure out everything about life by itself.
it can be found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. the grey seal is actually Germany’s largest predator!! but of course it is equally at home on the coasts of Maine and New England. here are some photos + a video!!!
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p.s. they ARE all such little wigglers
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I love seals they’re beautiful and cool creqtures
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