maverickcalf · 3 years
Ficlet prompt 19 for platonic goosemav?
Send me a number and a character or ship and I'll write you a ficlet!
So this is gonna be angst hours, just a heads up. Top Gun spoilers
Maverick could never find his way around this place. Although that might be because he had only been here once, years and years ago. He wasn't sure what compelled him to come today, it just felt like it was time.
All the headstones looked the same, and Maverick had only vague memories of what the number on the back was. He knew it was by a tree, but the cemetery had trees and the trees had grown. He was suddenly happy he decided to get hear so early, because at this rate it would take him all day.
Maverick knew he could just ask but, he really didn't want any questions. He wasn't sure if cleaning graves was the norm around here, he didn't want any questions about the bucket, brush, trowel that were visible in his hands. Truth be told he wasn't even sure if it would work, but he wanted a sign. A sign that he was there.
It took him two hours to find Goose's headstone. He was happy it wasn't too dirty, it looked like it was visited often. That's, good.
Maverick began getting to work cleaning off the grave as best as he could, it has been a windy few weeks, so there was a lot of dirt. Still Maverick didn't mind.
Maverick wondered for a moment what would Goose would say.
"Five years Mav, and the first thing you do is wash my face? Do I look like Slider?"
Maverick chuckled, "Sorry, I just want you to look nice for when your family shows up, sue me."
"It's been too long Mav."
Maverick who had finished cleaning the headstone, was now sitting on the ground. "I know, and, In my defense, I really wanted to."
"It's not like I was going anywhere."
Maverick sighed, " Yeah I know, I always was a shitty friend."
"You know that's not true buddy." Maverick could hear Goose say, from the back of his mind. God it was still so clear, the gentleness in his tone. Even now he couldn't imagine he was mad at him. "I know if it was me, visiting you it would've been hard too." Maverick wiped away his tears, and he could almost really hear Goose laugh, "No need for tears. I am okay. really."
"I am sorry it took me so long." Maverick said, taking the trowel and shoveling some of the dirt.
"Uh are you digging me up?"
Maverick pulled a bag of seeds out from his back pocket, "Just seeing if these can grow, I am sure you are tired of looking at grass all day."
"...I do, but Maverick; I would rather see you here than some flowers."
Maverick patted the dirt gently, trying to hide the fact he had planted anything. "This is how I can get myself to come back, not for me but for the flowers."
"And for me too?"
Maverick stood up, looking at Goose's grave and nodding, "Yeah buddy, for you too."
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maverickcalf · 3 years
PLEASE go on about GooseMavCarol
Alright let me just throw out my thoughts and see where this goes. Long post so it's under the cut!
First off, Goose and Carol I imagine met sometime during break from school (junior year leading into senior year) and were just friends for a bit. Carol actually surprised Goose by sending him care packages and letters. So by thanksgiving break they decide to get engaged. Marrying after Goose and Carol had graduated. It was hard for them to be away from each other but they loved each other dearly, so they make it work. Along the way they have their son Bradly and both of them come out to each other as not straight. Goose for some reason decided to do so when Carol was in the middle of a shower. To this day Goose has no idea why he decide to tell her right that he doesn't only like women. (Mav does laugh his head off latter when Goose tells him that's how he came out.) Carol came out to Goose later that night when they went on a evening walk. They honestly fins that nothing changes between the two of them, but they do feel happier around each other. Things seem pretty set in stone.
Then Goose meets Maverick.
Now Maverick is aggressive when Goose first meets him. To Maverick's credit he expects Goose to be like all the RIOs always on his ass when in the air, telling him to focus up and be more careful. And while Goose is nervous about some of the stuff he does, it is clear that Maverick does know what he is doing. So he does what he does best and makes light of the situation and starts to crack jokes. And to his surprise; Maverick doesn't tell him that he needs to be more serious. In fact it seems to take the edge off for both of them. Flying becomes more fun again.
It only becomes clear to Goose why Maverick was so aggressive when he learns more about his life. Had Goose heard of Duke Mitchell? Yeah sure, but Mitchell wasn't an uncommon name, Goose didn't want to assume. He doesn't have to assume for long; when Maverick has to deal with some sailors giving Maverick a hard time about it, to his face for some messed up reason. Goose very rarely raised his voice, mostly because it comes out as more of well, a honk. But he did it to tell those guys off.
Maverick was a lot more open after that and filled in a lot of gaps in his past that Goose had assumed but hoped weren't true. Turns out they were. Maverick Mitchell didn't have any family. Being bounced around from foster home to foster home after his father, and then mother's passing. He didn't even have very many friends growing up as he had habit of putting up walls to avoid being hurt.
So Goose makes up his mind to help Maverick, the world may have turned his back on Pete Mitchell but Nick Bradshaw sure wasn't going to. They became friends.
When Maverick first met Carol on a weekend trip, he was a much happier person and she took to him at once. Sure he was rebellious but he was also a good third parent and was a lot of fun to be around, basically if Goose or Carol wanted to do something, Maverick was down for it at once. This often left them tired and by the last night they all ended up passing out on the couch after putting Bradley to bed. Carol, who had woken up first that morning, reflects to Goose that it was very nice, with Maverick there in the morning. Goose doesn't know how to feel about that.
Goose still keeps his distance physically. He doesn't want to spook off his friend, not knowing how the young pilot felt about not straight folks. He doesn't let Maverick get touch starved but he doesn't give him long hugs. But in the back of his mind, he is still thinking about what Carol said.
Their second trip on leave is longer, leaving more time for Goose to reflect. This reflection is also added by the fact that during this time they come out to each. And he comes to the conclusion that, he wants Maverick to know that he always has a home here always. And that, he loves him. Maybe not in the romance way, but not quite in the friend way. He asks Carol what her thoughts are and say tell him that they should have told him that months ago.
Maverick is in total disbelief at first, he hasn't had anyone one tell him he loves him in a long time, and even the memories of that were fading away. But to Goose's surprise, Maverick says it back. Carol is overjoyed and is happy to have her two fellas.
After that every time they get time together, they spend it together. Maverick does tend to leave them alone for more sexual things. But Goose and Carol say that they would be fine with any romantic partner Maverick chooses and will be willing to work them in no matter what. Still for now everything fits and everyone is happy.
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maverickcalf · 2 years
Ship Bingo send me a pairing and I’ll answer!
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Cute couple, I wish we saw more of them together, they seem to have a playful energy. And Goose is so damn happy when she is there. There are not nearly enough fics with the two of them.
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