#need bluesky code
just-camtro 10 months
I actually am done with Twitter (X) bullshit. I don't have bluesky yet, but honestly i just want to have a decent site for once to interact my friends AND share my arts.
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candyheartedchy 7 months
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Got a Cohost!
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monstrousproductions 4 months
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We finally made it over to the other other blue website! If you're over there, gizza follow - our ratio's well out of whack 馃槄 馃槈
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koilarist 7 months
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So over the spooky season I well and truly missed my opportunity to make a BOO joke Boo. 800. are you picking up what I'm putting down here I wanted to do a little something to celebrate but I'm currently neck deep in WIP art as it stands, so maybe I'll do something different and celebrate the new year since this one seems to be ending on a high note.
For all the issues this year had (My main social media site falling apart by the seams just as I'd hit my big milestone goal, the double whammy OC lore scalping bonanza, my health taking another fun nosedive) I have so much to be pleased about by the end and honestly, that's all I'm looking for at this point.
To make what I love and have a blast doing it. :)
It's turned out to be an incredibly lovely bonus that other people have turned out to be enthusiastic about my art/OCs too. There's not really a way to reply to tags on tumblr but rest assured I read them and experience Feelings every single goddamn time.
This has turned into a whole thing. Oops. Getting carried away here when this was only meant to be a 'yay' post. POINT IS. Thanks for hopping aboard. Here's to another year of serving art to the masses!
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me1onmi1k 7 months
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im on Bluesky by the way !!! You can get SFW and also spicy stuff on there 馃挋 if someone needs a invite, let me know and i will hook you up :)
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ckerouac 7 months
If y鈥檃ll think you can get rid of me if this site goes down, you鈥檙e sorely mistaken because I鈥檓 everywhere.
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edwardashley 7 months
IF TUMBLR DIES reminder you can find lme on Twitter (seccotines) and Bluesky (billygibson)!
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frankbelloriley 8 months
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softypyro 9 months
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jemichi90 8 months
Replacing Twitter with something more fun and welcoming. I'm not leaving Tumblr, but I figured I'd let you know I'm there as well. ^^
EDIT: Many people seem to want the invite codes so I've got a bit of a queue for them right now, so be prepared to wait or ask someone else for a code instead. Also, the offer is mostly for my mutuals and followers here - although I welcome new followers on both platforms
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ashtonisvibing 9 months
the world would be a paradise if websites didn't require invite codes
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peemil 3 months
who up thinking we need an archive of our own
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patantasma 4 months
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I haven't really seen it mentioned, but if you plan on signing up for bluesky, note that you will need a phone number in order to get the SMS code.
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hacksawboy 6 months
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banger from my bluesky
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dropoutfailure 7 months
what is blusky?
bluesky is a twitter clone bc the tesla car guy ruined twitter within a year of buying it
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raiponces 7 months
do any of my mutuals have bluesky !! in case !!
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