#nd she was so understanding i cried ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
coeluvr ยท 5 months
Hello dearest!
I don't usually write messages because I have weird, shy internet anxiety, but I wanted to make an exception because compliments always motivate me to keep writing and I need u to keep writing so I can finally h*ld Vincent's h*nd!!! ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคก
This is one of the few IFs where I actually want to romance all ROs!!! Usually, I have a few I really want to romance and the rest I slog through cause completionist tendencies. But you've done a wonderful job of not only making the characters feel very alive and dynamic but also making them all appealing and attractive.
I usually always want to romance the hater because pettiness fuels me but also love angst with a kill them with kindness mc (I WILL H*LD VINCENTS H*ND OR DIE FIGHTING GOD). So, confirmed Vincent-mancer. His art? HIS EYES. HIS LIPS. PRETTY PRIVELEGE IS REAL AND ALL CRIMES ARE EXCUSED (also I really tried going into it being like he's not sad!!! But, as someone who's been in that place, while not an actual war, he definitely comes across as sad in the sense of a weariness at life and that he's struggling to fit back into his skin as pre-trauma Vincent. Artist did a 10/10 job with all the art because THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL I CREYYYY)
But the chokehold Hunter has on me? They were gonna be first because their personality is appealing to me both fictional and irl but omg everything I read I HAVE TO HAVE MORE. Like it's moved beyond I'd definitely vibe with this character and look forward to their route to i WANT TO SMOOCH THEIR PRETTY FACE OFF. So now confirmed Hunter-mancer (I actually died on the tattoo snippet on patreon is it a good or bad day to be bi?)
Helios kind of types I'm more of a 50/50 with, but obviously gotta do it for the juicy drama. But all stuff with him has just been so ??!!!???๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿซ  like he just leaves me more intrigued. Confirmed Helios-mancer. (The amount of times I'm gonna replay his route to try different things is actually gonna be crazy)
Soarine hot women nuff said. But also just ???!!!?!? I can't even form words. I'm so excited for more scenes with her. Confirmed Soarine-mancer. (Ma'am pls step on me respectfully and not so respectfully)
Fadiya as the official best friend (Hunter you're a bestie too but I feel bad like I'm making u choose between me and Helios :((( ) is usually one I'd keep strictly platonic. I love platonic routes as much as romance and nothing grabs me more than having a best friend character in IFs. BUT SHES SO ADORABLE. I WANNA SMOOSH HER CHEEKS. Also I feel her cause I'm that oblivious too ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I always appreciate ifs having the shy and bold type flirting but I need an oblivious idiot one because I'd be accidentally flirting with her like I do with all my friends without realizing I'm in love with her (and then be unable to speak to her once I realize because flirting? With people that aren't just platonic friends??? That I have feelings for????? Sounds fake). I gotta write the fanfic now (and perhaps share with u once I get over my shyness)
I really am looking forward to the next chapter! I'm so glad I subscribed on patreon too :))) keep up the good work (it also motivates me to cure my depression and post my stuff too)
This is so sweet, anon ๐Ÿฅบ Thank you for sending me this message!!
I'm so glad all of the ROs are appealing to you! I love them all so much they're all beautiful and have so much to their stories. ๐Ÿฅฐ
Vincent's pretty privilege is insane lmao so many people folded when they saw him ๐Ÿ˜ญ I guess Vincent's inner sadness seeped through because he's really okay #trust but then I probably have a wildly different definition of okay haha very low standards of living over here. He was also never trauma free lol my man just going through it. ๐Ÿคญ
I understand your love for Hunter!! They are just very... very. The tattoo part is one of my favs too they're so smooth with it like okay you're popular with everyone we get it ๐Ÿ™„ *cries to sleep*
Helios is super interesting to me because of the way he handles things and his mindset like I need to study him under a microscope. His route will definitely fulfill all your desires for drama! ๐Ÿฅณ
Soarine hot woman. Real. She can ruin my life any day.
Fadiya is perfection and a gift from the gods because she's just so ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฅน I love her to bits and she's going to be so fun to write.
Thank you for your kind words! I love these kind of messages so you're right hehe. Definitely gave me a boost! ๐Ÿ’—
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tg-headcanons ยท 2 years
NOW UR GONNA GET MY FULL NEURODIVERGENT AGENDA also I think it's obvious I saw the reddit post that asked if everyone had BPD (derogatory) and I went "yes, they do (affectionate)"
kaneki has ADHD, BPD, and some kinda dissociative disorder. He's definitely the Quietโ„ข version of all of them because he has anxiety so he was the kid that got books taken away in class and then pulled out another and he's been hyperfixated on Sens novels forEVER he knows them mfs better than eto herself. He also has the executive function of a small fried potato so he turned stuff in last second and also forgot to eat (he thought it would be easier as a ghoul because they eat less often but he forgets until Ghoul Instincts kick in and he's about to go ape). With BPD he never confronted people because Scarie so he just cried at home because Hide couldn't hang out and that must mean he hates him right? Also that man can go from normal emotions to crying at the drop of a hat. Dissociation is obvious he's just in the 20th dimension talking to the other hims.
Eto also has ADHD and BPD which means her and kaneki would understand each other too well and build off each other until no one else could handle them. I feel like her Sen persona is actually a part of her and not just a mask, so she tends to be a lil forgetful and has AWFUL concept of time also literally the dead giveaway connecting eto and sen was her fidget (swinging her legs). I really can't describe how but I just get a phat BPD vibe from her but I could be projecting ๐Ÿ˜” but if anyone she cared about tried to leave her she'd go ape shit she has no reason to mask her emotions so it'll be everyone's problem. Also she definitely gets angry before any other bad emotion so someone's like "hey I'm gonna leave aogiri because I have a family and stuff and-" and she's like okay I'm gonna go commit a literal war crime brb:).
Juuzou has ADHD and is literally like the only diagnosed person here because he's unbearably hyperactive. First day on the job and everyone's like there's something wrong with this kid and it's not just being raised by ghouls. He's medicated, which is why he's more tame in re, but he's still always moving and is one of the only needs many sensory neurodivergents. When he's at home he has all the lights on, some show playing on the tv, YouTube on a computer, and music from his phone while furiously pedalling away on one of those pedal things for people with like restless leg syndrome idk how to describe it. Also has an oral fixation and hanbee got him a chew necklace after he accidentally chewed through a pen. And he has gum and chewy candy stashed everywhere.
I have some more but I realized how long this is and it's prolly annoying ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I just got excited and I like talking Abt my thoughts I just get to nervous to put my name to it
Bro I LOVE ND Headcanons and YEAH IVE BEEN SAYING SENโ€™S BOOKS ARE KENโ€™S HYPERFIXATION! Iโ€™m 90% sure that his whole thing for Rize was that situation of โ€œdo I love them romantically or do we just share a hyperfixation?โ€
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1eos ยท 4 years
Hi kendra from a capricorn to a virgo do you have any tips on how to stop being the Therapist FriendTM? this shit is tiring ๐Ÿ˜ญ btw love your blog keep being the funniest person on here
i DO have tips ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ the past few yrs have been me learning how to stop too
-firstly nd maybe most importantly just make everyone respect your time? i used to make myself available for my friends 24/7 nd that was a bad idea bc if i didnt answer a text abt how they were sad instantly they would get mad at me so what i learned to do was tell everyone that i put my phone on do not disturb at a certain time so if i dont respond im getting ready for bed OR if i was busy/not in the right head space i would text back nd tell them i see their messages but im busy so ill get back to u in a second
-stop giving advice all the time. as the mom(tm) friend u want to dive in nd give advice or fix stuff but we gotta stop trying to fix EVERYTHING! what i do is i ask my friends if they just want to vent or if they want advice. nd if i feel like something is way beyond me i sayย โ€˜im not comfortable trying to give advice on this may i suggest talking to x,y,zโ€™. i feel like showing ppl that u dont have all the answers would help make them realize youre not a mom or a therapist you're just a FRIEND
-have a threshold of caring. this doesnt happen often but ik everyone has that one friend that complains nd complains nd doesnโ€™t want to get better they just want to complain until someone else fixes their shit. well what i do is after it becomes clear that they donโ€™t want to fix a situation i tell them straight up that im only gonna listen to them drag everyone down w their issues WEโ€™VE ALREADY TALKED ABT 3 more times. i have a close friend nd he hates his job w his dad so much but heโ€™s not even TRYING to look for a new job nd after a yr of complaining thereโ€™s nothing i can do but tell him straight up that heโ€™s stagnating nd thereโ€™s no more advice or help i can offer. its on him. u dont need to rude abt it ofc just be very honest. tell them u thereโ€™s nothing anyone can say/do until THEYRE ready to change. if they get mad at you even if ure nice abt it thatโ€™s a sign that theyre not a good friend tbh
-nd lastly. this is something i JUST learned how to be honest enough to do but just tell ur friends how u feel! if u have friends that care abt u theyโ€™ll understand when u tell them that ure overwhelmed with your own feelings/life so that u canโ€™tย  always be there for every small thing going on in their lives nd that u might answer messages slowly/not be able to hang out to listen to them complain all the time/etc BC u need to worry abt u! nd again thereโ€™s a very sincere nd nice way to say this obvs lmao nd if ur friends have an issue w you taking time for yourself then again they aint shit!
-basically try to open up an honest conversation w your friends? i find that the main reason we get stuck as the therapist friend is that weโ€™d rather keep our problems to ourselves nd ppl see that as a sign that we have everything together when we donโ€™t nd then WE feed off of helping others bc it makes us feel accomplished nd wanted when u shouldnt have to bear the burdens of everyone else to be a part of a friendship. relationships should be mutual giving nd taking! learning to be more vulnerable should make others see u as human nd u deserve to be able to ask for help from others :) i hope this helped im on this journey w u too anon pls know ure not alone ๐Ÿ’–
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