ran196242 · 19 days
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Putting the FUN in Fear and Hunger.
Sticker Pack is available here ☠
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topicaboutislam · 11 months
اِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ یُسْرًا
اِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ یُسْرًا
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moonfungers · 2 months
this is sort of random as hell but i can't help but think of like. a funger termina isekai fic. 💀 no but like. FEAR AND HUNGER IS THE WORST universe to be inside, really. it's all misery!!! pain!! suffering!! and i'm just picturing this like, regular person gets transported into the universe and just absolutely loses her shit bc she KNOWS, she KNOWS DAMN WELL exactly how she's screwed, far better than anyone else!! she's played the games dozens and dozens of times, died so many times, and now she's IN that setting, she's in that world, and death is now PERMANENT with REAL stakes. she knows the entire game like the back of her hand, but what does it matter, bc it's fear and hunger. there's only so much knowledge that can help you . .
in my head, in a lot of isekai fic and stuff, ocs tend to like, hide the fact that they know things? but i feel like a modern-day oc who gets transported into fear and hunger would be forced into a position where she has to be honest bc its the best chance of survival. this isn't a game where she can just follow the right steps, recruit the people, get them to do the things, this is now real and dangerous and terrifying, and she knows that she can't do it alone.
and i'm just picturing like. d1, she wakes up before everyone else, loses her shit, and then promptly refuses to let ANYONE leave the train. no no but like, also can you picture what im seeing, this woman just pacing back and forth frantically, very clearly losing it, and she's like "you fuckers are not going ANYWHERE, we are all traveling TOGETHER, bc you all do not understand how much danger we're in" and then the others are like, you know, the train just stopped, weird dream, they haven't even been to prehevil yet so they don't know how fucked up everything is over there, and now this random stranger is just losing her shit, they don't take her seriously bc honestly who would, and so she just. she just starts fucking putting them on blast
"o'saa i know you went into the dungeons and nasrah's with you" "pav you will SIT your motherfucking ass down, you do not stand a chance against the fucking kaiser and it isn't even the REAL one you fucking idiot"
"levi i know youre going thru like. withdrawal right now and its totally ok and we have a doctor here and i will get you some heroin if i need to but like please dont run off where i cant find you"
and just basically knows stuff she absolutely shouldn't know, and she's like "YOU GUYS GOTTA BELIEVE ME BC OTHERWISE WE WILL LITERALLY ALL DIE, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. there is only ONE way to guarantee us to live and im telling you this bc i know how screwed we are and i cant do it alone ive never even held a fucking weapon in my entire LIFE i just play video games at home-" and also how fucked up is it, that this isekai oc would know damn well that no matter what, someone has to die? like. you either kill everyone else and like get sulfurized/escape, you get moonscorched bc you run out of time, or someone has to become one with logic. aka to get the best "everyone lives" run, someone still needs to die
idk my brain just had this pop into my brain and won't let it go. it'd like, a cliche trope ofc, but i feel like in the context of fear and hunger, it'd be just so horrifying and awful and so WONDERFUL to read
bc its like, fear and hunger is a game series that we know damn well is a horrible like, UNIVERSE to be in, its depressing and awful for the characters who live in it, but can you imagine the ripe ANGST of having an isekai oc from our world go into it? they have our world as a reference point, in the way none of the other characters do, bc this is their world, they don't know anything else, how could they? but this isekai oc would just be so fucking-- innocent in the way the others aren't, bc she hasn't lived through the horrible F&H world and like, the dynamic there is so so interesting too bc all of the characters in termina, all of them on that train are AWARE or have been involved/done bad things, and this here is a character who hasn't, who hasn't seen blood or misery for her entire fucking LIFE. she'd be an "everyman" character by our standards, you know, but by their standards? she'd be such a fucking anomaly with the shit she says, the things she believes in. and also, you know, the fact she knows things about all of them and the situation they're in she has absolutely no right to know and its so SO interesting to think about, actually?? like genuinely losing my mind thinking about this rn
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Hey, this is my first time asking, so I apologize for any mistakes!
How about a concept for the yandere O'saa from Fear and Hunger: Termina? I haven’t seen content like this with him yet, so I’ll be glad if I see at least some information about this cute yellow mage!
And I have a couple of thoughts that I want to share (maybe they can help you with writing a future post, idk?)
He clearly sees us BELOW himself and considers us stupid. And at the festival this is expressed like "Tsk, they are too stupid. They need my protection." And meanwhile Nasrah had already cursed him and his entire bloodline a thousand times for deviating from the main mission.
2. Despite his cold nature, he can express his so-called sympathy through advice on magic. Maybe he can even teach us some kind of spell so that we are not completely useless and can help him a little during the battle?
3. Most likely, through gaslighting and manipulation, he will prevent us from trying to make friends with someone at the festival.. “Why are you doing this? You know you can’t trust anyone here. What if they take advantage of your kindness and kill you? Don’t be an idiot."
4. It seems to me that at the end of the festival he will kill us without hesitation. But he will probably do it as painlessly as possible so that we don’t suffer too much from pain? And when he can survive the festival and get out of Prehevil alive, getting rid of Nasrah...Maybe he'll try to resurrect us like D'arce did? Even though we will be slightly different from our previous selves... In the end, it will be better than nothing, right?
I hope that in this way I could inspire you to write about him!
He has a concept in the works, I believe :D But I will use these ideas for him.
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metroaceh · 7 months
Staf Puskesmas Juli Respon Pemberitaan Dugaan Pungli
BIREUEN|METRO ACEH–Berhembusnya kabar terkait isu Puskesmas Juli diduga telah melakukan pungli terhadap ASN sebesar Rp 300 ribu, seperti dilansir media ini, langsung mendapat respon dari sejumlah staf yang ikut angkat bicara menyahuti tudingan tak sedap itu. Penanggung Jawab Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat (UKM) Puskesmas Juli, Nasrah, SKM kepada media ini mengaku, pihaknya cukup menyayangkan…
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bastawihashimqasmi · 11 months
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gigi-art-gallery · 1 year
Gesicherter Direktkauf, Kostenloser Versand & Direktpreise aus dem Studio ➼ Kaufen Sie die neuesten Arbeiten von Nasrah Nefer auf Artmajeur Online Kunstgalerie.
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widiyaniahmud · 1 year
Ust Adi Hidayat (Rangkuman )
-Misteri Gambar Bunda Maria & Yesus dalam Ka'bah"
Mundur di 40 zaman generasi keatas (Nabi Nuh)lahir 116 tahun setelah Nabi Adam meninggal dunia .
Ada 5 orang sholeh (Wada,Sua, Yauk, Yagud,Nasrah)*maaf kalau salah nulis ini rangkuman sedengernya widi. yang membawa risalah dan meneruskan risalah Nabi Adam,kemudian mereka meninggal (dan masyarakat ingin mengabadikan kenangan maka dibuatlah patung)
Dimanfaatkan oleh setan jadi Pe Tuhan an, sehingga diutus nabi Nuh , untuk menyadarkan masyarakat
Kemudian terjadi banjir besar, Nabi Membuat Kapal besar untuk menyelamatkan ( zaman nabi Nuh mewariskan generasi kedua)
Rumah pertama yang "dibangunkan" untuk menusia yaitu "Ka'bah" untuk kiblat (keterpaduan masyarakat islam untuk bersatu) bukan untuk menyembah Ka'bah
Saat zaman Nabi Nuh banjir mengenai sebagian bagian Ka'bah
Setelah Nabi Nuh meninggal terserbar lagi kekufuran iya, kebaikan juga iya. ke berbagai wilayah ,ke wilayah Irak contohnya ada penyembahan patung,penyembahan matahari dll
Kemudian masyarakat menyimpulkan merenung "masa matahari Tuhan kan tenggelam(?)"
Singkatnya Nabi Ibrahim dan Ismail ditugaskan untuk meninggikan pondasi Ka'bah yang hancur zaman Nabi Nuh (makannya di sekitar Ka'bah ada makamnya) saat momen ini. mereka berdoa agar ada Rasul Terakhir yang menyempurnakan Risalah Islam yang di lahirkan deket Ka'bah (Muhammad)
Al Anbiya : 29 "Api dijadikan Sejuk pada Ibrahim"
Raja Namrud "mempopulerkan patung patung Lagi"
Nabi Ismail meninggal deket Ka'bah dan keturunan nya melahirkan Nabi Muhammad
Terus keturunan Nabi Ismail menebar risalahnya sampai ke Nabi Muhammad (berkelanjutan)
Saat Zaman Nabi Sulaiman , beliau memperbaiki citra yang menyembah patung, dibeberapa wilayah.
Mihrab (tempat ibadah yang tidak disukai Setan) sesembahan yang diarahkan kepada Allah. Kemudian Sulaiman meninggal
Sisi di Mekah aktivitas berkelanjutan, dari masa Nabi Isa ke Nabi Muhammad ada Jeda. Risalah Nabi Isa menyebar , sementara di Mekah ada sosok di Jeda Itu Amar bin Luhai (Pebisnis dan Pedagang) , karena Mekah Kota Suci dan melihat dia baik disangka Wali sama masyarakat
Amar ini lemah agama, tidak kenal dengan risalah tauhid. Merantau ke Yaman dan Syam
Ketika di Syam dia melihat patung , padahal di syam negeri para Nabi. Karena itu dia tafsirkan patung itu Tuhan , akhirnya dia berfikir untuk membawa Patung ke Mekah
Sampai di Arab pada masa Pra Ke Nabian didatangkan Para Patung Tadi. Karena dia Awam Agama dan Jiwa bisnis nya muncul
Sementara warga Mekah karena menganggap dia baik jadi berpengaruh Amar ini jadi awal mulanya dari dia
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sudawoqik · 2 years
Syntocinon drug study scribd pdf
 SYNTOCINON DRUG STUDY SCRIBD PDF >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
           hydralazine hcl - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Drug study. DRUG STUDY. GENERIC NAME Oxytocin Injection. CLASSIFICATION Oxytocic. DOCTORS ORDER Incorporate 10 units oxytocin to present IVF 1015ggts/min. vitamin k drug study. christianmark24. oxytocin drug study. sweetpixie18. Erythromycin. FrozanS. DRUG STUDY. Renmen Rosito Hortelano. DRUG STUDY Lidocaine.169736236-Lidocaine-Drug-Study.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for oxytocin drug study. Methyldopa Drug Study - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. a drug study about Oxytocics are the drugs of varying chemical nature that have the power to excite contractions of the uterine muscles. Pharmacology-it is a nonpeptide. It is Drug Study - Tranexamic Acid - View presentation slides online. Oxytocin. Julie May. Naloxone and Benzylpenicillin DRUG STUDY. Nasrah N. Musa. Naloxone. Syntocinon produces phasic contractions contractions to achieve early vaginal and ECG. Classification: Uterine- Promotes milk ejection (letdown) (IV) occurs. Drug Study Nursery - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
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ijazahilmu · 2 years
Surat Al insyirah - Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga
Surat Al insyirah – Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga
Surat Al insyirah – Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga #shorts Surat Al insyirah – Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga Amalan Ijazah Ringan Hasilnya Mustajab, klik link berikut: — https://bit.ly/amalandoamustajab — https://bit.ly/amalandoamustajab — https://bit.ly/amalandoamustajab Surat Al Insyirah akan memberikan manfaat dan keutamaan bagi setiap…
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ijazahspiritual · 2 years
Surat Al insyirah - Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga
Surat Al insyirah – Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga
Surat Al insyirah – Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga #shorts Surat Al insyirah – Surat Alam Nasrah Membuka Pintu Rezeki datang Tak Terduga Amalan Ijazah Ringan Hasilnya Mustajab, klik link berikut: — https://bit.ly/amalandoamustajab — https://bit.ly/amalandoamustajab — https://bit.ly/amalandoamustajab Surat Al Insyirah akan memberikan manfaat dan keutamaan bagi setiap…
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nowayzinedine · 4 years
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Red light district.
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fakeaspressonnails · 5 years
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”Can I Speak with the Manager?!” 👩🏻‍🎤🦄💕 BTS with @nasrahomarphoto _________________________________________#photoshoot #capture #cute #fashionphotography #nyc #beauty #beautiful #ootd #photography #modeling #hair #makeup #model #beautiful #nyc #newyorkcity #mood #highfashion #photographer #gorgeous #photoshoot #fashionphotography #photograph #makeup #aesthetic #bts #brooklyn #portrait #dollskill wig #rainbow #tulledress
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forestgreenlesbian · 3 years
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Vestiges, Nasrah Omar
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art-now-germany · 3 years
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Abondanza, Nasrah Nefer
Springtime.....birsting nature....flowers
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gigi-art-gallery · 1 year
Nasrah Nefer
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