#n they wont taste like crayons
kxttqi · 2 months
WHATS A REALLY GOOD GIFT TO GET MY FRIEND (its her bday in a few days and idk what to get her help)
NGL I WOULD LOVE IF SOMRONE GOT ME SCENTED CANDLES ON MY DAY n happy bday to ur friedn in advance !!💥💥
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pipqueak · 6 years
@moneyismypassion​ tagged me bc i wouldnt stop sending him mozart memes
Were you named after anyone? not my first name but my middle name comes from my mom’s, grandma’s, so on
When was the last time you cried? this morning
Do you like your handwriting?i would if i could READ IT
What’s your favorite lunch meal? mac n cheese
Do you have kids? kids r not my cup of tea
If you were a different person, would you be friends with you? yeah im hilarious
Do you use sarcasm? im built on it
Do you still have your tonsils? they were still there last i checked
Would you bungee jump? anything for a chance to die
What’s your favorite cereal? wice kwispies :3
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? why bother
Do you think you are a strong person? i worked at the home depot hon
What’s your favorite ice cream? half baked or mint chip! and if you offer me a waffle cone ill love u forever
What’s the first thing you notice about people? height
What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? m head 2 big for m body
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? black sweatpants, no shoes (im sleebin bro)
What are you listening to right now? halozy
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? idc as long as i taste good
Favorite smell? vanilla or cinnamon
Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? mummy
Favorite sport to watch? kitchen nightmares counts right
Hair color? dark brown
Eye color? dark brown
Do you wear contacts? haha u plebs with ur glasses
Favorite food? warm cheesy things
Scary movie or comedy? depends on what type of both, i love psychological horror but cant stand sexist or gross-out comedy
Last movie you watched? the hunchback of notre dame (i realized i never saw it)
What color shirt are you wearing? blue
Summer or winter? winter bc blankets and cat cuddles
Hugs or kisses? ew
Book you’re currently reading? i just marathoned killing stalking bc someone reviewed it on youtube and im kiiiiiinda iffy abt it
Who do you miss right now? my husband majima goro (and aryan bc i wont play w/o him)
What’s on your mousepad? haha mousepad, what is this 2002
What’s the last TV program you watched? osomatsu-san
What’s the best sound? windchimes or water over rocks
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Rolling Stones, but im more of a Bon Jovi sort of person tbh
What’s the furthest you ever travelled?  i went everywhere as a baby but i can only remember South Africa
Do you have a special talent? im a cat whisperer and im great at introducing people to things
Where were you born? Montclair im p sure
@kanade123 has to do this bc she wont respond to my memes
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
and you thought this RP was just a happy little romp
--Jump cut after lewdness-- Kid: (panting) "You were...wow..." stocking: *laying in kid's arms, panting heavily and blushing* Kid: "How do you look so perfect?" stocking: *she chuckles and kisses him sweetly* Kid: (kisses back) "I have never orgasmed so hard before.." stocking: y-yeah... Kid: "...Stocking? Can I ask you something?" stocking: sure, what is it kid? Kid: "...I don't mean now, but, in the future, however long that is...would you...want children?" stocking: *bluuuush* if its with you then...yeah, i would. n-not now of course, maybe when we're older, at least after we've graduated. Kid: (nods) "Likewise...I do not know if i should be a father, or that I would be good enough. But I see my father...and I see you...and I can see it. I could see having a child with you...Do you take birth control?" stocking: *she blushes* just in case. Kid: "That puts my mind at rest..." (kisses the top of her breast) "Will I see you in the morning?" stocking: of course kid. Kid: "Good...ah! I will be sore in the morning..." stocking: aww... *she hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug) "Thank you...not only for this night...not just for your support this week...but for being you. I am so happy with who you are, who you will be in the future. I love you." stocking: *she smiles and kisses his forehead, and soon falls asleep next to him* --While they slept...-- Kid: (in his sleep...) "Stocking..." -you find yourself in a dark abyss- Kid: "Where am I?" -its almost like you're in deep water- Kid: "So wet...Stocking?!" -stocking is at the very bottom of the darkness, her hand reaches out to yours- Kid: "Stocking!" (he plunges downward, kicking his feet through this liquid, his hand extended down to reach her) -the surrounding area is cloaked in pitch black darkness- Kid: "Take my hand! Hurry!" -the second she takes his hand, and the second before you awoke, her face changed; she had two dark holes for eyes, no nose, and sharp, anglerfish like teeth- Kid: "Gah!" (wakes up, sitting up) Kid: (looks around the dark room) "Wh-Where am I?" stocking: *sleeping peacefully next to him* Kid: ("Is this still a dream?" Looks under his sheets. "...No. Not a dream..." Puts a hand close to Stocking's, brushing some hair away...He lies back down, closer to her, putting his arms around her.) "Don't leave me..." -the next morning- Kid: *yawns* stocking: *her eyes open* morning kid. *she smiles warmly* Kid: (smiles back) "Hi, beautiful." (kisses her lips) stocking: did you sleep ok? Kid: (squirms) "I wish I could say it was uneventful..." stocking: *frowns* do you want to talk about it? Kid: "...I thought I had lost you." stocking: oh, kid....*she hugs him gently* Kid: (leans his face into her shoulder) "It's okay. It was only a dream. I just...don't want to lose you." stocking: you wont. Kid: (lets the hug persist) "Thank you...I feel--OUCH!" stocking: k-kid?! Kid: (weak laugh) "Sorry. I'm still a little sore...You were...enthusiastic." stocking: hehe~ *she hugs him* do you want me to kiss it and make it better~? Kid: o\\\o "Um...yes?" stocking: *she kisses his butt cheeks* stocking: you know i was joking, right? a-about kissing it... Kid: "I-I knew that! Ha ha...ha." (avoids eye contact) "...Sorry." stocking: hehe~ -later, after washing up- stocking: guess we should walk to school together. Kid: (nods, holding out a hand) "Let's." -at school- liz: well there you two lovebirds are. Patty: "Hi, Stocking!" Kid: (smirks at Liz) "Hello to you, too. How are you this morning?" liz: pretty good all things considered, you? Kid: (nods) "Good...Still some nightmares, though." liz: *frowns* well, its a new day, so lets try our best, ok? stocking: right. Kid: (smiles) "Right." Patty: (hand raised in a fist) "Hell yeah!" -and so- -in writing- -stuff happened- -later- sayaka: *at the convenience store* *whistling* Black Star: (enters the convenience store) "Oh, sweet! The slushie machine is fixed!" (walks by Sayaka--then notices her) "Oh, hey." sayaka: oh, hey black*star! *she waves and smiles* i'm just pickin up some snacks and stuff. Black Star: "Yeah, same!" (pats his bicep) "Got to have some munchies in between hard training!" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* so, how's everything going? sayaka: pretty good. my bike's being worked on, so i had to take the bus here, haha. Black Star: "Well that sucks--sorry to hear that. You live pretty far from here, then?" sayaka: actually, i've been staying with a student apartment with madoka, remember? tsubaki: oh yeah, i remember when you two first transferred in. black*star tried to declare you his rival, haha. Black Star: (eyes narrow) "I can still be your rival. Just name the location and time, I'll make sure a nurse is there to tend to your multiple injuries." sayaka: ohoho~ just so you know, i can still heal. tsubaki: hey come on now. *sweatdrop* Black Star: "Hmph. Showoff." (grabs a bunch of snacks) "I bet I could still eat more potato chips in a row than you!" sayaka: you're so on! tsubaki: *sigh* -they didnt even notice hiro watching from the corner- hiro:....*sigh*.... Arthur: "Oh, Hiro! Hello!" hiro: *SCREAMS LIKE A SCHOOLGIRL* oh jeez....arthur dont sneak up on me like that!! Arthur: "Ah! Don't scream in my ear like that!" hiro: *siiigh* w-what did you want? Arthur: "Can't I ask how one of my favorite people in the world is doing?" (gives the slimiest smile possible) hiro:...............................*totally poker faced* Arthur: "...Okay, I actually need a favor." hiro: *grumble* what did you want, arthur? Arthur: "Shinra. He's all high-and-mighty lately since joining the Academy. I want to prank him." hiro: this sounds like a bad idea.....and a bit hypocritical. Arthur: "I'll give you 5 bucks." hiro: dude no. Arthur: "6 bucks?" hiro: shh! *watches as sayaka, black*star, and tsubaki walk out of the store* *sigh* no good, she's talking to someone else right now... darn. Arthur: (looks back and forth at Hiro and Sayaka--then smirks) "Oh! So that's what's happening!" hiro: *BLUSH* i-i dont know what you're talking about! Arthur: "You know, I personally know Sayaka." hiro: i- wait really? Arthur: "Really. How about I introduce you?" hiro: well, we kinda know each other, more-or-less.. Arthur: "Does she know your name? Or that you know someone as chivalric as I?" hiro: yes and.....*excalibur face* unfortunatly yeah... Arthur: (frown) "I bet you I could get her to date you." hiro: hey, come one, that doesnt involve you! Arthur: "Maybe I should ask her out on a date..." hiro: DONT! besides, dont you already have a crush on another girl? Arthur: (frowns) "I don't have a crush on anyone..." (blushes) hiro: despite how much you stalk that one girl...anna i think her name was? Arthur: "I DON'T STALK HER! AND HER NAME IS ANYA!" (slaps hands over his mouth) "I mean...who are you talking about?" hiro:.......................*totally silent* Arthur: "...Anyway, I just wanted to pull a prank on Shinra to do some bonding with you. But if you want to be alone, pining for Sayaka, go right ahead." -elsewhere- tsugumi: *humming a tune as she works on a candy kit* Meme: "Do you think this has enough sugar?" ao: i think so. Anya: "I thought commoners' treats were overly sweet and with little substantial flavor..." mio: it looks like a little penguin. Meme: "Yes, it is! That'll be your piece, Mio!" (smiles at her) mio: *blush* Anya: (smirks at Mio) "Tsugumi, which animal candies are you making?" tsugumi: this one is a panda. Anya: "...It looks like the penguin..." ao: i'll have mine. *she eats the one shaped like a flower* hmm... tastes like grapes. Meme: (has an octopus one she made) "Hm...Orange!" mio: *nom* soda i think? Anya: (eats her bear candy) "Ah, spicy! I think it's cinnamon?!" tsugumi: mm lemon~ Anya: "Should we swap the extras now?" tsugumi: yeah. -elsewhere- Stein: "...Shit." spirit: ?? Stein: "I'm out of cigarettes...I guess I've been smoking more than I should..." spirit: well thats unfortunate.... (chuckles at a memory of when aya replaced stein's cigs with crayons) Stein: "Stress. Just a lot of stress right now." spirit: yeah.... Stein: "Have you spoken with Justin?" spirit: yeah...he's still a little shook up about that. Stein: "Can imagine...I asked Marie to keep an eye on his recovery." spirit: *nods* is she staying with him at his apartment for the time being? Stein: "Yes..." (crushes his empty cigarette carton) spirit:....any progress with lord death? Stein: (shakes his head) "Our missing student remains missing. No searches through any apartments has found her...Has anyone checked the...Sealed Shrine?" spirit: we had kirara check it...its empty still... Stein: (nods) "Okay...Increase security at the Shrine?" spirit: seems good. Stein: "Okay...How are you holding up? How's Maka?" spirit: she's doing well. Stein: "Keep an eye on her. I imagine she's going to make herself part of this investigation, whether we want her to or not." spirit: i'll talk to blair about it. speaking of blair, wanna go to chupas? Stein: "...Why would I go there? To drag your drunk ass home when you have too many glasses?" spirit: it might help take your mind off things. Stein: "...Well, I can get a laugh out of you there..." spirit: well we'd better head off~! Stein: "Okay. And I can pick up more smokes." spirit: woohoo! -and so- *a girl with dark hair is sitting with blair, she seems to have something on her mind* spirit: heeeellooooo~! Blair: (rubs Lenore's back, then spots the guests) "Death Scythe! Welcome! And you brought the doctor!" spirit: yeah, i talked him into it~ tell the girls he's here! oh? whos this? lenore: *raises a brow at him* Blair: "Death Scythe, this is Lenore! Lenore, this is the guy I told you about!" Stein: "..." lenore:...hey... *eating her sunflower seeds* spirit:...not much of a talker is she? Blair: "She warms up to people quickly! Just give her time. And how are you, Doctor?" Stein: (pulls out carton of cigarettes) "Better. Now." lenore: *grimace* oi, death boy, you really a death scythe or is that just a nickname? spirit: i am indeed~ lenore:...i might need to talk to you guys then...in private. spirit: (blushing) "Oh...Um, both of us? Together? At the same time?" lenore: not like that you pervs! Stein: "What's wrong?" spirit: nothing! *sweats* Stein: "Where is there a private place to speak, Lenore?" lenore: *shrugs* blair? Blair: "Staff room? Just make sure no one is changing in there. :3 " lenore: *grumbles.* -staff room- lenore: you guys can see through souls, right? Stein: "Well, it's more like I sense souls." lenore: then you know what i am then? spirit:...kinda cranky? lenore: *glaaaare* Stein: "A witch." lenore: actually, that's where your wrong. i'm just a raven. Stein: "...I've heard weirder..." lenore: i wouldnt blame you, magic animals are mistaken for witches all the time. but thats not why im here...*she takes out a poster of tsumiki* from what i hear, you guys were lookin for this girl, right? Stein: (leans forward) "Indeed." lenore: well, i was flyin' around, and i ended up spotting her... her and her creepy friend...i think its her boyfriend? spirit:........... O______________________________O Stein: "A man with scarves all over?" lenore: yeah, freakishly tall too. something about him gave me a weird vibe... Stein: "Where were they going?" lenore: *she doodles something* this place, in a cave somewhere. *its a crudely drawn picture of baba yaga's castle* Stein: "...Spirit? Does that building's front look familiar?" spirit: yeah... lenore: do with that what you will. Stein: "I trust that, if you find more information, you will be forthcoming." -and so- lord death: so thats where they are, huh? Stein: "This castle...damn." lord death: baba yaga's castle...this may be our best chance to capture and detain them. contact the other death scythes and sid. we're going to initiate a raid. kohaku: *easdropping* ....... Stein: "Understood." (departs to contact peers) -later- soul: *phone rings* huh? Maka: "You going to answer that?" message from AmberQueen: hey, dipshit, get your friends and meet me at the park. [this message was sent to everyone she could] soul: huh? hey maka- Maka: "What?" soul: i got a weird text from- *maka's phone rings* Maka: "Huh?" (takes out her phone) -she got the same message- Maka: "...This seems shady. Maybe I can see who else got the message..." Maka: (texting Tsubaki) "Did you get an odd text from AmberQueen?" -at the park, kid, stocking, liz, patti, black*star, tsubaki, ox, harvar, chrona, kim, jackie, kilik, mahiru, hiyoko, ibuki, kirika, and gopher were there- liz: what do you think this is? kim: probably some joke. Maka: (looking around, suspicious) "After a curfew and everything else, I'm kind of worried." kohaku: so you losers showed up? tch, at least you did something right. soul: oh god not this bitch! kohaku: up yours too. Kid: "Enough. Just explain what you want." kohaku: i over heard where the killer is hiding out. baba yaga's castle. stocking: huh? whats that? Kid: "The headquarters of the witch Arachne." ox: i heard the place is haunted by her servants who died in a massacre 60 years ago. Maka: "Why should we believe this information is accurate? This could be some wild goose chase." kohaku: its the best you got, ok? and i know a way to get us there. the DWMA is prepping for a raid as we speak. i have a plan on catching this guy. soul: and what makes you think we're gonna go with this? kohaku: because i know all your little secrets. i know more about the things that go on here than the AV club ever dreamed off. but you'd know that, rich boy. soul:.... Maka: "???" Patty: "Oh! Oh! What secrets do you know about Kiddo?!" Kid: "What?!" kohaku: i prepared a letter for each of you, none for ibuki, hiyoko, mahiru, kure, or goomba, you guys just showed up. gopher: its gopher! -everyone is given their letters. each one contains one of their darkest secrets that hardly anyone knows- stocking:.... *she begins to tear up* Kid: (doesn't even open his letter--slides it into his coat and holds Stocking) kim:...!!!! h-how did you.... Jacqueline: (puts a hand on her shoulder) tsubaki:....... soul: *rips his up* Patty: "...Well, I'm convinced." (rips the letter into bits--and eats them) Black Star: "One time! It was just one time!" Maka: "You bastard! Who the hell do you think you are?!" kohaku: i know all you're little secrets. and if you dont help me here, i'll make sure everyone else knows too. -the other 5 recieve their letters- kohaku: here, took me a while to write these up. Harvar: "...Or, rather than be blackmailed by you, we could just kill you." kirika: i think i like this chick......*reads hers*.... and now that like is replaced with wanting to beat the shit outta you. kohaku: oh really? and here i thought the DWMA was supposed to protect people, like me. Crona: "..." (breaks down crying) Maka: (pulls Crona in) "Someone who hurts people like this?! And you want our protection?! From what?! You're so smart--you protect yourself!" kohaku: all i want is to prove you losers can actually handle the big dogs. unless you really are just weaklings. Kid: "You would know, after all we have accomplished by this point, that we are hardly weak, or losers. We are more than capable of bringing this killer to justice. Now that we have the location, we are not in need of your assistance. Therefore, please go kindly fuck yourself." kohaku: fine, but how do you plan on _getting_ there? Patty: "We can get there ourselves! We got weapons who fly, meisters who fly! Hell, Kid probably has a big-ass jumbo jet under his mansion! And all he has to do is push a button, and fire poles appear, and we go down the fire poles into his Batcave and get on that Batplane to--" Black Star: (covers Patty's mouth) "What do you have that could even help us, you asshole?" kohaku: *chuckles* do you even know where the place is? as i said, the DWMA is prepping a raid. just find a way to sneak onto the airships and hide out. ibuki: we gotta! its the only way we can save mikan! Kid: "Hmmm...I suppose I can get Father to spill some details that help us get on the planes without being noticed." Kid: "Father will be very observant, but I may be able to distract him." liz: isnt the path to the hangers in the underground tunnels? Kid: (nods) "Everyone, pack only the essentials. We're joining this battle." -in the underground- stocking: i guess... i should tell everyone, huh? Kid: "Are you sure? I mean, this is...this is your life, and you should not be outed like this." stocking: *she nods* it may benefit everyone.... *out loud* hey, you guys know im an angel right? liz: !! Kid: o_o Patty: "...I did!  " Harvar: "Huh. She has the same tact as Lord Death." soul: sure sure... stocking: well, check THIS OUT! *shows her wings* kilik: woah! Black Star: "Ha ha ha! What, like giant wings and--" (sees the wings) "...Oh." kim: dude! Maka: "...Well, there goes my nickname." ibuki: pretty! *sparkly eyes* soul: hey maka you'll always-.....n-nevermind... Maka: "You say something, Soul?" ox: wait...if she's an angel....and she's death the kid's girlfriend.....does that make her the angel of death? Kid: "..." (slaps hand over his face) kim:...*SMACKS OX IN THE FACE* no. Patty: "Ha ha ha! We all knew before you guys did! Want to know how we learned?!" liz: oh my god. Patty: "Sis and I were stopping by Stocking's apartment when--" stocking: *COVERS PATTI'S MOUTH* Black Star: "Man, it's like everyone can fly! I want to fly! Why don't I get to fly?!" tsubaki: maybe someday. *pats his head* hiyoko: how much further do we need to walk? Maka: "A few more yards...Hold it! Hide!" Stein: (from down the hall) "Have you finished all preparations, Spirit?" Maka: (grabs Soul by the wrist and hides behind boxes) spirit: yeah, i think after the announcement tommorrow, we should be ready to take off. Stein: "Good. Finish up the preparations. I have to return to the infirmary." spirit: ok then. Stein: (looks around) "Hmm..." Maka: (cringes) "Hide your soul, Soul!" soul: *doing so* -as is everyone else- kim: *silently casts a spell protect on everyone* Stein: "...Ah--" (sneezes) "Ugh. Allergies." (walks away) Jackie: (smiles, pats Kim on the shoulder) "Good work." soul: on what? kim: dont worry about it. Jackie: (sweats, nervous smile) Maka: (points to a plane opening) "Get in the cargo hold, stay quiet." liz: ok, lets move. -they all stayed there until morning, at the school, an announcement was made that a school break would take place for the next few days. and then, the airships began to move- Patty: (passes out brown paper bags) Harvar: "What are these for?" Patty: "Weak stomaches." kirika: dude, we're breaking so many rules here, its great! mahiru: and suppose we get caught, what then? Black Star: "Amateur! I broke so many rules, they had to make the 'Black Star Rule'!" liz: *shrug* Maka: "As long as we are not caught less than halfway there, they won't bother to turn back." -at the halfway point- gopher: what do you think is in these boxes? Kid: "Check the labels." gopher: ammo, food, armor... kim: *peaks out the window* woah... check out this view... Jackie: "Such expansive, untouched wilderness...Astounding." kilik: where even are we? Maka: "I can't quite get a gauge...we've been going South. South America?" gopher: i thought it was someplace to the east, in the mountains? Black Star: "Dude, Maka is worse at directions than me." Maka: -_- Patty: "Anyone got a compass? And a map?" ox: tadaaa~ i always keep this map with me. kim: is that a mountain up ahead? Patty: "Or a really big hill. Is it on the map?" ox: hmm. any landmarks? Black Star: "I think so? Tsubaki, does that thing look familiar?" tsubaki: *squints* Patty: "It's a white house. What's the big--" (...) "Holy crap! That's the mayor’s House!... his vacation house anyway.” gopher: i think its a temple actually. Patty: (deflated) "Oh...Is that temple on a map?" ox: i think its the north eastern branch of the holy sol temple? Maka: "Okay, so we're going northeast...I wonder where Baga Yaga was hidden..." gopher: i think it moved in the past. all i know about it is what noah told me... Patty: "Noah?" kirika: oh, that creepy guy that tried to kill you? yeah, i chased him off. i think it was his dad or something. Kid: "...Hmph." gopher: yeah, back then, he was the most important person to me. everything i did, it was for him, even if i had to suffer. but kirika, she saved me, she helped me for the better. and i've loved her since~ kirika: dont be creepy! -later- Kid: (looks to Stocking) "How are you holding up?" stocking: good, cant believe we all got away undetected... kilik: so whats the game plan? Kid: "We either stay out of sight of the adults, or we just reveal ourselves and force them to accept our assistance. Which option should we take?" ibuki: we're gonna find a way inside and save mikan! hiyoko: how do you even know if she's here? Kid: "Okay, so we're going for covert...We hide behind the boxes in the back, and when they remove some items, we find the right moment to duck out. Or someone will have to do a distraction...Actually..." (opens one box) "Would some of these uniforms fit us?" liz: they look pretty bulky... kim: bulky enough to wear over our clothes. Kid: "Put them on, and hope that Stein and the others just assume they brought more soldiers than they thought." -and so- Maka: "That uniform looks good on you, Soul!" sid: alright listen on up! the kishin and the fugitive are currently in the very building you see on the horizon, a building known as baba yaga's castle. Jackie: (sweating, whispering to Kim) "Is this actually going to work?" kim: i hope. sid: we'll be sending you in waves, each in groups of 12. any volunteers for the first wave? Kid: (raises hand) Patty: (raises both hands, pulling up Liz's, too) kirika: *raises hand* gopher: *raises hand as well* Kid: (looks to Stocking) stocking:... *raises hand* Kid: (smiles) soul: *looks at maka* Maka: (raises hand) soul:...*raises hand as well* sid: ok, we'll need 4 more. Black Star: (raises hand, about to open his mouth to shout something...) tsubaki: *throws her voice to sound more masculine* we'll volunteer. Tamaki: "I volunteer!" sid: good job. now we'll need one more person. Arthur: "I as well!" Tamaki: -_- "Perfect." liz: *covers patti's mouth* (thinking: WHY IS HE EVEN HERE?!) sid: !! boyle....did you sneak in on one of the airships? Arthur: "A knight like I does not sneak onto any airship! I simply avoided being seen by all of you when I came on board to do my duty as a knight!" Patty: ("Artie?! ...He still looks kinda hot, though.") sid:....................you all keep an eye on him, keep him out of trouble, ok? soul: *throwing his voice* yes sir, of course sir. Maka: (gulps. Thinking: "How did Soul learn to throw his voice?") -as they are taken to the entrance, they are each given a schematic of the castle.- Kid: "Hmmm...I would have liked to have seen this castle when it was in its previous glory." liz: *grabs his arm* Kid: "...I mean, where is my unit to search?" guard: you and your teammate will be searching the 6th leg. Patty: " 'Teammate'? Singular?" Kid: "...Does it have to be the _sixth_ leg?" liz: *grabs kid's arm again* Kid: "I mean, we will certainly go there! Thank you!" Maka: "We have Leg #1. How about you, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: leg 5. -Team of 12: Maka and Soul (Leg 1), Kid and Liz (Leg 6), Black Star and Tsubaki Leg 5). That leaves: Patty and Stocking (or are they with Kid and Liz?), Arthur, Tamaki, Kirika, - Black Star: "How about you, Kirika?" -patti and stocking took leg 4, kirika and gopher took leg 2, leg 3 goes to arthur and tamaki, that just leaves legs 7 and 8- Stein: "I'll take Leg 8 with Spirit." Kid: (about to say something about Leg 8--then is dragged away by Liz) Patty: "No worries, Kiddo! Stocking and I will find this killer and be back in no time! Right, Stocking? spirit: huh? stocking: *takes patti and heads off* Patty: "Was it something I said?" --At Leg 6-- Kid: "How am I supposed to stop this killer...when I only have _one weapon_?" liz: hey come on kid, if we both went, it might out you, so lets just try and focus. Kid: (inhales) "Okay. Please stay alert while we're here: we don't know from which side any potential threats can emerge." liz: ..... *tense* Kid: "I don't sense any souls here...but who knows whether they are hiding. Do you notice anything odd here?" liz: other than creepiness, no... Kid: (brushes aside some webbing on a wall) "Looks like no one has been here in a long time..." (brushes more) "So filthy in here...I suppose it wouldn't hurt to clean up a little bit..." liz: *her foot bumps against the corpse of an arachnophobia member* EEEK! Kid: (turns) "Oh, great, now I have to clean _that_ up? Liz, did you bring cleaning supplies? Perhaps some rags, a vacuum?" liz: lets just go! -leg 4- Patty: (humming) "La la la la la..." stocking: this place is so old... so many webs... Patty: "Yeah, isn't it neat?! Such atmosphere in here! You think we could rent this place out for tours?" stocking: ...... *she finds something* -obtained the spider's servant mask- Patty: "Ooooo...What's that mask for?" stocking: i think this is the mask that arachnophobia members wore.. Patty: "Hmm...Anything weird about it? Something that could point us where the killer is?" stocking: not sure... Patty: "Well, that's not very helpful." (leans a hand against a wall--causing a stone to push in) "Uh oh..." stocking: !!! --A door slides open-- Patty: "...SECRET ENTRANCE! YES!" (victory pose) -where are they?- Patty: "Whoa...It's a passage into a weapons vault! It's like they had an arsenal here for emergencies! So why didn't they ever use it?" stocking: not sure.... *she finds a log* hmm?? Patty: (picking up a longsword) "What's that you got, Stocking?" stocking: i think this belonged to one of the soldiers here... *she examines it* Patty: (sets down the longsword, picks up a battle axe--then spots a mirror) "Rawr! Look at me! I'm an axe-wielding badass! BOOM! POW! ZORT!" stocking: *she puts the log down, and sighs* come on, we should keep going. Patty: "Okay!" (covered in ammo, weapons, and clutching a spatula) -leg 1- Maka: "...Damn. I can't sense anyone in here...Do you see anything, Soul?" soul: no, just old stuff... Maka: (looks ahead) "And it looks like this leg is almost closed off...Looks like the ceiling caved in here...but the damage looks...more recent?" soul:...... lets just be careful in there, ok? Maka: (nods) "Climb over this debris, and let's get to the other side..." soul: *he nods and does so.* looks stable. Maka: "I hope so..." (puts one foot in front of the other) "Okay. Now it's just about going down the other side..." -they made it- Maka: (holds out hand to help Soul down the last few steps) soul: ok...im good. Maka: "Hmmm...Shadows all the way down this hall." (removes her flashlight) "Watch my back." soul: *he nods* -the unknown stands before you, but knowing what you must do, it fills you with determination- Maka: (shines the flashlight in various spots) "Corpses. A lot of corpses." (shines light elsewhere--and rats scurry) "Long decayed corpses." soul: gross.... *steps on an old, dusty top hat* huh... Maka: "Find something?" (looking at a tiny corpse...with really long arms) "Huh." soul: just an old hat... Maka: "Hmm...This corpse. Kid would be freaking out so hard about it...One arm is really longer than the other, as if this person was in the middle of transforming upon dying." -a bunch of bats fly off someplace- soul: gah! jeez... Maka: (follows path of the bats upward...) "Oh boy..." soul: so... Maka: "If these rats and bats got in here, that means there has to be another entrance...Stay on guard: I have a feeling there are secret routes that our target can use for an escape." soul:.... -elsewhere- Arthur: "I shall guide us to victory over this criminal! Stay behind me: I don't want you getting injured." tamaki: tch-... literally no difference from the tournament... Arthur: "Well, it's the truth. How would it look if one of us was injured? With me in the front, I make sure you are not hurt." tamaki: i could easily handle myself you know. Arthur: "But I wield a mighty sword! How could your bare hands be more powerful than Excalibur?" tamaki: i can manipulate fire and claw them up. Arthur: "...But I have a sword. I can go all *swoosh* and *slash*! You don't have a sword." tamaki: *she hears something* shh. Arthur: "..." (whispers) "My sword is still epic." -silence, then something goes horribly wrong- Arthur: (a slice along his arm) "Ah!" tamaki: ack... *her forehead bleeds* w-what the hell was that, an earthquake? Arthur: (clutching his arm--his sword arm) "An earthquake doesn't claw at someone...Tamaki! Your forehead!" tamaki: O-ow... -elsewhere- sid: what the hell was that?! Stein: "An earthquake?" (pulls out radio) "All teams, report! What is going on?" tamaki: not sure... lord death:....n-no....this cant be....this isnt..... Maka: "...Soul? Do you feel that?" soul: i have a bad feeling about this. liz: its just like when..... Kid: (nods) "This is not good...We need to get to shelter, now!" Black Star: "Why is the ground shaking now?! I've been here for an hour and only now it is happening?!" stocking: you have to be.... PATTI WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! tsubaki: whatever this is, i dont like it. Patty: (running after Stocking) "You got that right! Big-ass earthquake happening!" sid: is this..? lord death:...im afraid it is........... Stein: "...Heh...Ha...Ha...Ha ha ha!" lord death: a new kishin has been born. spirit: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! Stein: (struggling to stay standing) "The Kishin! Hee hee--No! A-A new Kishin!" spirit: oh crap.... come on buddy, we're getting you outta here, just stay with me! -in another tower- feodor: *hears a scream* wait...n-no..n-natalia?! gopher: *panting* sid: what the- !!!!! Maka: (eyes widen, seizes her chest) kirika: *screaming and clutching her right eye, which has a shard of glass piercing it* soul: maka?! Maka: "This...fear...I feel like my soul is going to explode!" soul: maka! get a hold of yourself! Maka: (struggling to catch her breath, looks up...) "Soul!" (she points ahead of them) "Transform, now!" soul: right! -he transforms into his scythe form- Maka: (wields Soul...and sees the monster approaching: a three-eyed manifestation of fear itself) "Soul! We're going to need an exit!" (swings back to destroy the caved ceiling behind them) "Witch Hunter, now!" soul: LETS DO THIS! SOUL RESONANCE! Maka: (swings back to clear the rubble ahead of them) "Aaaaaaah!" (swings down) -they cut a hole into the ground- ????: uhuhuhuhu~ Maka: ("What was that?") "I'm going to need one more swing to break us out of here, Soul!" -something that appears to be hair slams them down through the hole- Maka: (her chest and face slams against the ground) "Ah!" -after the dust settles- soul: what is tha-...you're shitting me... asura: oh look at this, seems we have guests. Maka: "Mmm...I can't see..." tsumiki: suprised to see us? Maka: "Tsumiki?" tsumiki: suprise bitch, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me~ -at base, almost everyone had gotten out- stocking: KID! *she hugs him* lord death: wait, KID?! Kid: o_o "Um...Hi, Father." (to Stocking) "Patty? Where is she?!" stocking: right here. lord death: WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE?! Patty: (hides behind Liz) "Scary Lord Death is scary..." Kid: "It's a long story--but we're here now! What can we do to stop this?" -BWOOM_ Patty: "..." -soul and maka were knocked into the field.- Kid: "Oh no..." soul: ahh....m-maka?! *he cant see her in the dust* Maka: "Ugh...you need to stop being my human shield..." -you're alone maka, alone with the kishins- asura: what to do...what to do... Maka: (eyes break open) "S-Stay back!" (gets on her feet) -a bandage smacks her to a slab of debris- Maka: "Arg!" Maka: "My head..." asura: you know, i have this feeling. Maka: "Yeah...I can imagine..." (pushes herself back up, assumes fighting stance, albeit wobbling) "It's called being a coward." asura: perhaps, but i have the nagging feeling you're going to cause me trouble if i let you live. quite a lot of trouble. Maka: (smirks) "Happy to know that. Because I'm going to survive this, and then I'm going to knock you down again and again until you cannot stand up." Maka: (thinking: "I am so afraid right now...") tsumiki: hehe~ we can tell that you're lying. Maka: "No lie. Just the one thing that stands against fear..." (clenches her fist, turns, and lunges at where she thinks Tsumiki is standing) -nothing there- Maka: (swings around, looking for her target. "I can't sense their souls...") soul: maka! Maka: (thinks she hears something) "Soul?!" -a figure resembling maka's mother is standing there- -the fog has cleared- Maka: "...This can't be..." mama?: *she smiles* Maka: "Mama?" (voice in the back of her: "Stop! This can't be real!") (walks towards her) "Is that you?" mama?: *she opens her arms for a hug* Maka: ("What am I doing?! This doesn't make sense!") (smiles, opens her arms for the hug) -squeltch- Maka: (coughs, blood) "M-Mama?" -the figure is gone, and all you can see is soul, with a horrified expression- Maka: (standing, her legs wobbling but otherwise still...then her eyes roll back, and she begins to fall back) soul:...ma-.....MAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maka: (crashes against the ground) asura: what a pity. Maka: *no response, she’s gone* tsumiki: fufufu~ *she uses her hair to throw her body in the way of the others* Patty: "No!" Kid: "M-Maka?" kim: !!!! Jacqueline: "Oh no." lord death: !!!! Black Star: "Maka!" (running to her) Kid: (shakes his head, following Black Star) spirit: m-maka? MAKA NO!!! *he grabs her* maka? maka sweetie get up! Kid: "Spirit. Stop." spirit: NO! SHE'S OK! SHE'S JUST PASSED OUT THATS ALL! *tearing up* Kid: "No." (single tear falling down his right cheek) "She is dead." soul: *clentches fist and cries* YOU BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!!!! *throws a punch and misses asura: *tosses him as well* soul: *CRASH* nng... Black Star: (leaps to Soul, helping him up) "Stay with me, man. I'm right here. Get up. Get up!" soul: ma...maka!! *he tries to run to her* MAKA!! ox:..... Harvar: "Do we even have a chance against this guy?" (transforms anyway) asura: how unfortunate, she was one of your best....*looks at lord death* wasnt she, father? Kid: "!" (looks at Lord Death) lord death:..... Black Star: "What the hell is he saying?" asura: oh, the old bastard never told you? over 800 years ago, i was the child of death, and next in line to be the shinigami. but as you can see, that didnt go as planned. long story short... *inches from kid's face* i'm your big brother Kid: "W-What?" asura: isnt that right father? lord death:........*he looks away* Kid: "...No. No, this--this is not right." (glares at Asura) "That is not true!" asura: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA go ahead, dont believe me.....but tell me....you have nightmares often, dont you? Kid: "..." asura: you've heard a voice in your head too, havent you? Kid: (balling his hands into fists) "Shut up...you murderer..." \look at you, goddamn pathetic...\ Kid: (his frown slowly emerges as a smirk) "I'm going to kill you..." Black Star: "???" stocking: *she grabs kid's hand* Kid: (The smirk falls off. He looks back at Stocking) "St-St-" kim: TSUMIKI WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! tsumiki: oh? Jacqueline: (putting a hand on Kim's shoulder, as she struggles to hold back tears) "We are your classmates! Your friends! How can you do this?!" kim: is it because of how others treated you? i know, a lot of the students pushed you around, picked on you, but thats not any reason to do this! tsumiki: *sneer* you have some nerve....didnt you use to pick on me too? kim: i was dumb back then, i can see i was wrong to do that to you! please! Jacqueline: (whispering) "How is this at all justified? How the fuck can Tsumuki justify any of this?" tsumiki: i'm not looking for power if thats what you're thinking, i just wanted to live forever. Kid: "No one lives forever. You of all people know that." tsumiki: tell me....have you ever loved someone so much, you'd kill for them? Kid: "What? How does that justify what you have done?!" tsumiki: i killed those people to be with the one who needs me the most... *she holds asura* liz: what?! Kid: "You're insane. And for your crimes, there is only one fate you deserve. Liz. Patty. Transform. Now." Kid: (lets go of Stocking's hand, whispers to her) "I'm going to need all the help I get: arm yourself, now. And don't die on me." *after a while, the battle ended, asura and mikan escaped* sid: DAMN!! they wont get away with this... Kid: "...Damn it..." (falls to his knees, letting Liz and Patty fall along the ground) liz: kid.... Kid: "..." (sobs) soul: *sobbing, clutching maka* please....you cant.....i didnt even tell you.... Black Star: "..." (silently crying) -one week later, after maka's funeral- Kid: (standing before the entrance to the Death Room...and starts to walk away from it) "No. I can't." liz: kid, you have to face him. Kid: "No, I really don't." Patty: (clutches his hand) "Please, Kid? You haven't spoken to him in days." liz: come on, how will you know if you dont say something to him? Kid: "...Would you two speak to him? If he lied to you like this?" stocking: kid... please.... Kid: "...Can you follow me inside? Even if I speak with him alone, I...don't want to walk in alone." liz: of course... stocking: *she nods* Patty: (nods, sadly) -inside- lord death: *he doesnt seem to notice* Kid: "...Father?" lord death: !! oh...kid.....hello... Kid: "Hi. May we speak?" lord death: yes, of course...*trying to sound chipper* what seems to be the trouble, kiddo? Kid: "Is it true?" lord death: is what true? Kid: "...Would you stop acting innocent like you have no idea what I meant, and just answer my question? Just once, could you please take something seriously and tell me: are you Asura's father?" lord death:.....kid....why dont...i show you one of my birdhouses now...just the two of us... Kid: "Would you stop treating me like a child and just answer my question?!" lord death:......follow me....please... Kid: "Fine." -in the catacombs, you eventually come across what looks like a small temple.- -a figure is reading in what appears to be a study room- ???: ah, hello death, and to what do i owe the pleas-..... Kid: "???" ???: oh.....so he knows now....doesnt he? lord death:....yes.... Kid: (clenching his teeth) "Then you are Asura's father...Damn it." inori: *she enters* oh, hello father, i did not think that we would be having company. ???: ah, inori my child... inori:...is this not the best time? ???: *sigh* this is.... a rather private discussion, for now, why dont you attend to your studies. inori: ah, of course. *she goes to do that* lord death:.....*sigh*....kid- Kid: "You lied. You lied ever since I was born. Maka is now dead, our allies are...Maka is dead! Your son killed Maka!" lord death: kid, please... Kid: " 'Please' what?! Is that a lie?! Asura killed her! You are his father! And I--I--Ahhh!" ???: i know you must be upset right now, but please, try to listen. as- that child lost their way. lord death: *puts a hand back to say he can handle this* lord death: *hugs kid* its ok kid. Kid: "No!" (slamming his fists against Lord Death) "I didn't know! You never told me! And I never knew! So many are dead now and--" (sobbing) lord death:...son....please...*reaches out* Kid: (sobbing) "M-Maka..." lord death: *puts a hand on his shoulder* son- Kid: (sobbing) "Father..." Kid: "Why couldn't you tell me?" lord death: i did it to protect you. you're very sensitive, and i knew you wouldnt be able to handle this... Kid: "Sensitive?!" (pushes away) "That's your reason?! Not to hide that you are responsible for all of this?!" (thinking: "Oh, God, I just said that aloud.") lord death: .....son- Kid: "...Father, I-I'm sorry." \pitiful. simply pitiful. after all he did to you, after how much he lied to you, you're just going to forgive him just like that? how pathetic\ Kid: (shakes his head) "Just tell me the truth. No more lies, or I am walking away from all of this." (looks up, glaring) "I am not sensitive anymore. You tell me the truth right now, and you stop lying. The truth, now." lord death:...what do you want to know? Kid: "How is any of this possible? How did Asura come to be...your son?" lord death:...........*he cant even speak* Kid: "..." (waits) Kid: "Father...Talk with me. I want to know. I don't want secrets between us. I am too old to be kept in the dark like this. Please." lord death:...*trembling* -even if he wanted to, he couldnt bring himself to tell you- -hook cemetery- stocking: *looking around* Kid: (before a gravestone) stocking: *she walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder* kid? Kid: (doesn't look back) "Hello." stocking:....*she sits next to him*.....you ok? Kid: (shakes his head) "I thought speaking with Mother would help...It just..." stocking:...how did it go? Kid: "...He lies." stocking: ......*she holds his hand* Kid: (tense) "It's bad enough he sees me as only a...well, a Kid...but after...after...M-Maka..." (he presses her hand against his as he starts to cry) stocking:....*she hugs him* ssshhh, its ok kid, just let it out... Kid: "How many people have to die on me, because I screwed up, before I'm not seen as a kid? If I hadn't...if I hadn't gone on this mission, Maka and the others...they wouldn't be dead." stocking: its ok, you didnt know this.....im still here kid, liz is still here, patti is still here, black*star, chrona, tsubaki, soul, kim, jackie, the others, we're all still here. Kid: "...I know...but..." (puts a hand on his mother's tombstone) "I didn't want more death." stocking: .....do you want to stay at my place for a while? Kid: "Stocking...I...don't want to leave Patty and Liz alone." stocking:...want to bring them too? Kid: (nods) -at stocking's place- Patty: (sips her drink, quiet) "Thank you for the tea, Stocking." stocking: no problem. *stroking kid's head* Patty: (leans against Liz) Kid: (sniffs a bit to hold back tears) stocking:.... liz: *hugs patti* so, want to watch a movie? Patty: "Y-Yes." Kid: "Sure..." stocking: *she puts in a comedy movie* Patty: "...Ha." (she does not sound enthused yet. She leans against Liz on the couch) Kid: "..." liz: *hugs her* stocking:....*she holds kid close, kissing his forehead* Kid: (relieved murmur) Patty: (smiles a bit) -elsewhere- tsubaki: *knocks on soul's door* soul? its us, black*star and tsubaki? could you let us in? soul: *he doesnt respond, he just lays in his bed* ......... Black Star: (whispering to Tsubaki) "Blair suggested we go on in...but even I feel awkward doing that..." tsubaki:....the door's locked.... Black Star: (sighs) "Soul? Let us in, man. We need to talk." soul:......*very slowly, he gets up and shuffles to the door opening it. he looks very sickly* what....? *his voice is cracked, like he had been crying for days* Black Star: (small smile) "Hey..." (holds up a shopping bag) "Got some snacks here, too. Want to have a glass of water with us in the kitchen?" soul:.....not thirsty.... tsubaki:.....!!! s-SOUL!! Black Star: "What did you do?!" soul:..... tsubaki: *goes to the bathroom mirror to get some bandages* Black Star: (stares hard at Soul) "No. You are not doing this to yourself." (approaches until he is almost nose to nose with Soul) "If I have to tie you up to prevent you from hurting yourself, I will." soul:............*no response* Black Star: "...Soul. Look at me." soul:............*his eyes seem dull* Black Star: "It is not your fault." soul:...............i should have been protecting her..........now she's gone..........i'm a failure....... Black Star: (seizes his shoulders) "There was nothing you or I could do...So if you want to blame someone...blame me..." (lets go, holds out his arms) "Just...just blame me. I deserve it..." tsubaki: black*star, its not your fault either! *she hugs them* Black Star: "..." (crying, clutching her and Soul) soul:.................*says nothing* Black Star: (hugs Soul and Tsubaki harder) "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." ["It was surreal, seeing Black*Star, one of the loudest and rambunctious people i know, crying and beating himself up like that, i didnt know how to react to that." - excrept from 'The Death Scythe's Melody' a memoir by Soul Eater Evans] soul:....... Black Star: "I'm sorry, Soul." -chupas- Spirit: (pours another glass) "..." blair:.... *she holds his hand* Spirit: (lip quivering) blair: *she hugs him* its going to be ok. Spirit: "Maka..." blair: i know.... i miss her too... Spirit: "I failed her...I failed my wife...I let my daughter d..." (collapses, wailing) blair:.....*she hugs him* Spirit: "Maka..." blair: i'm sure she's watching over you, wherever she is. Spirit: "A parent is not supposed to outlive their child...And it is my fault. I should have demanded she not leave. I should have known she was there. I should have stopped her--and I didn't. I...I don't deserve to live..." blair: *she continues hugging him, stroking his head* shhhh, there there.... Spirit: "I want to die...I want to die..." arisa: do you think he's going to be ok? lisa:...im not sure...but its terrible, losing your child like that... arisa: i dont want that to happen.... *sniffle* Spirit: (weeps, groaning in emotional pain) lisa: *she hugs her* i know... Spirit: (continues sobbing, barely holding on, repeating...) "I want to die..." -patchwork labs- justin: thank you for letting me stay here tonight...i'm too tired to walk back to my apartment… Stein: "You have a room here, whenever you need it, Justin." justin: thank you....*sigh*... marie: so how was she? justin: breaking the news to feodor's fiancée wasn’t easy....she was upset...although that would be an understatement. marie: oh. justin: it was one of the most frightening experiences of my life.....*mumbling* girls are terrifying... Stein: (small smile as he glances at Marie) "Indeed." marie: *pouts* Stein: (light laugh) "Come on, Justin--I still need to put new sheets on your bed. Marie, can you brew some tea?" marie: ok. -the next day- stocking: *holding kid's hand* Kid: (a little light returning to his eyes, but the sad frown remains) "Morning." stocking: do you need anything? Kid: "...My stomach feels a bit irritable...When I was young, I used to have ginger ale for that..." stocking: i think i might have some...come on... *she walks with him* KId: (follows her to the kitchen) -after the drink- stocking: feeling any better? Kid: (nods...and he looks at Stocking...and he smiles) stocking: do we have school today? Kid: "...If we did, do you think I'm ready to go back?" stocking: ............. liz: should i send in a sick call? Kid: "...I...should go...I should try...Will you three be there?" stocking: of course kid. we're always going to be here. *she holds his hands* Kid: (smiles) "Thank you...Let me get dressed and get going." -at school- Kid: "...Everyone seems so quiet." Patty: "..." liz:... stocking: *holding kid's hand* Black Star: (enters the classroom, not saying a word...looks up at his friends and waves to them) kilik: hey. ox:......soul still hasnt come back to class, huh...? Harvar: "I haven't seen him." (beat) "Poor guy." kim: yeah... Jacqueline: (wipes a hand across her face, sniffs) "I thought Black Star and Tsubaki went to see him." tsubaki: we did yesterday.....he's....*she sighs* he's not doing well... Black Star: "...Kilik...It's...bad." kilik: really bad? pot of thunder: ??? *sad face* Black Star: "..." (slight nod) -the teacher came in- Sid: "Hello. So...we're back in session, back in class...and...there's a lot to discuss, I'm sure..." -some of the students nod- Sid: "Well, it's...Sigh...This is really hard. I want you to remember that we are still offering mental health services...and we are trying to keep a schedule that slowly brings you back into the daily grind, so today is just a half-day." tsugumi: ..... Sid: "I thought today we would discuss how to adjust the syllabus for the semester...and open the floor for you to discuss what you want us to do with this class." Anya: (puts a hand on Tsugumi's shoulder) Meme: (does likewise) ao: *hugs* tsugumi: i-i'll be ok..*sniff* Sid: "...Does anyone want to talk about the syllabus? Or...other topics?" student: maybe renovating certain parts of the school, like the auditorium? student 2: maybe get funding for a pool on school grounds for the swim team? Sid: "Yes, the auditorium would be a project to keep us busy. We have been organizing a committee for that...trying to get some music there." Black Star: "...Music, huh?" Sid: "Swim team would be good...We can't just keep using community pools." Jacqueline: "Has Soul's brother contacted him?" student 3: maybe work on expanding the kitchen for the cooking club? tsubaki: not sure. Sid: (nods) "Cooking...that is a skill everyone needs, to take care of themselves..." student 4: finally so something with the gym uniforms! or at least give us an option for better shorts. --Some laughter in the classroom-- Sid: (smiles) "Okay, let's do that." -seems a lot of work on extracurricular and club activities will be in the future- Black Star: (slams his hands down on the table) "I got an idea." tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "A memorial statue...for those we lost." tsugumi: we should rename the school library too. Black Star: (nods) ox: a hall of fame sounds great. Sid: "...I'll make these proposals to Lord Death. I think he will appreciate hearing you all be so passionate about this..." (struggles to speak) "I...am proud of you all...Any other business before we conclude?" -anything?- ao: why dont we work on a school garden? Jacqueline: *sniff* "Thank you for listening to us, Mr Barrett. I think we're done for today." kim: ... Sid: (wipes away tears) "Class...dismissed." -later- stocking: you know, a garden doesnt sound that bad. Kid: "Could we...make it symmetrical? Perhaps?" stocking: you'd have to ask the gardening club, but im sure it can be worked out. Kid: (smiles) "That would be nice." Patty: (hesitant) "Maybe...a venus fly trap? Or a piranha plant?" liz: *sweatdrop* Kid: "..." (breaks out laughing) stocking: *she chuckles* liz: i can see you're doing better now. Patty: (hugs Liz, rubbing her cheek against her arm) liz: so, what do you all want to do? Kid: "...Is...Soul seeing visitors?" liz: i dont know... Kid: "...I would like to try...but I'm not sure I'm ready myself." -at the hospital, outside soul's room, wes is there- liz: oh, hey wes. Wes: "Liz! Um, hey. It's...good to see you..." (awkwardly holds out his hand) liz: *she shakes his hand* Wes: "...Sorry I haven't texted since..." liz: i-its fine, no worries...how's he holding up? Wes: "...I...don't know. He closes up when I'm in the room, and when I leave, I hear him crying. I..." (struggles to keep it together) "Sorry. I've never seen Soul like this." liz:...want to talk about it? Wes: (nods) "When the doctors told me he was on suicide watch, I couldn't believe it." liz:....kid, patti, stocking, keep an eye on him ok? stocking: of course. Wes: (smiles) "Thank you, all. Soul is...going to get through this. I'm happy he has friends to depend on." -and so- liz: i remember the first time patti and i were here with kid. Wes: "Here? Who...was injured?" liz: *sigh* kid....he was in the same situation soul was, well, for a different reason... Wes: "Same? You mean...Oh. I'm sorry." liz: yeah.... he's always been like that, even when we first met him. Wes: "Always? I hate to say it, and I'm sorry to say it, but I never saw it. When I see him with you and your sister, he always seems...happy." liz: well, you'd be surprised. he's always tried to hide it, but i think he is getting a little better, especially with stocking around. Wes: "...I feel like Soul hid this for so long. There was something I missed in Soul, some sign or detail or something that would have told me...and maybe I could have been here, been better at helping him so that...this wasn't happening." liz: its not your fault wes... Wes: "I don't know how to fix this...This isn't like when he was slashed across the chest. Soul isn't fighting to stay alive. He is tearing himself apart...and I am scared." liz:...*she hugs him* Wes: (tenses, then slowly accepts the hug) "T-Thanks...How do you help Kid through these situations?" liz: usually just listen to him, let him rest, make sure to just be there, make sure he's taking care of himself. Wes: (nods) "I already cancelled my concerts. I'm here in Death City as long as Soul needs me." liz: ah....do you have a place to stay? Wes: (awkward laugh) "I got a hotel room, but I've been here more than there. I haven't had time to look at apartments. I was thinking of staying with Soul, if he would have me...Why do you ask?" liz: just curious. -with soul- soul: *sleeping* Patty: "...Soul..." soul: *mumbling* no...no dont...i... Kid: (puts a finger to his lips) soul: *wakes up* MAKA!!! Kid: "!" Patty: "..." soul: hah.....*he looks down at his wrist* oh.........*he curls up and cries a bit* Kid: "Soul...We are here. We're not going anywhere." soul: maka....please........come back....... Kid: "Soul, I'm sorry." (looks to Stocking and Patty for help) stocking: just take it easy soul. do you need anything? soul: ........i dont know............ Patty: "..." (pours a cup of water for Soul) "Here. Please?" soul:.........*sips a bit* Patty: (smiles a bit) "Thank you, Soul." (wipes away a tear) "We love you, you know that, right?" soul: ............*nods very slightly* Kid: "You know Wes is out there, yes?" soul: what about it? *he sounds a little bitter* Kid: "He...is out there, if you want to talk with him." soul: i think i'll pass.... Patty: "But that's your brother..." soul: so? Patty: "...If that was my sibling, I'd see them...If something happened to Liz...even if I...was not..." (cries) stocking:...*hugs her* shhhh, there, there.... Kid: "Soul, we'll respect your decision. But if it not a good idea to avoid fami--" (stops) "Family..." ("Father...Oh, God, I'm an idiot.") stocking: ?? kid.... Kid: "It's nothing...I just remembered something I'll have to do...later." stocking:....would you like me to come with you? Kid: "...Yes." -later on, at the mansion- Kid: "...Father? Are you here?" -no reply, maybe check his room?- Kid: "Father?" lord death: !!!!! *tries to pull the cover over himself and yumi* SON?! Kid: "Father?! Azusa?!" (...) o\\\\o "Later. I can tell you I forgive you later." Azusa: (trying to cover herself) Azusa: "What the hell?!" lord death: i can explain!! stocking: sorry to disturb you. *closes the door* *sweats* um...wow... Kid: o\\\\o "This explains so much." -later- lord death:....so....kid.....how was your day? Kid: "...Not as good as yours?" (small laugh) "Sorry." lord death: well, at least you're taking it a lot better than i thought you would... Kid: "...I do want to talk about...our last discussion...but I have to know: you and Azusa? For how long?" lord death:...for the past 6 years. Kid: "...Father? I appreciate your privacy...but...wow, six years? And you didn't tell me? I mean...I am happy for you, and I would certainly be happy six years ago as I am now...I just...I wish I had known." lord death:....im so sorry kid, i've just kept so many things from you... Kid: "But I forgive you. I mean, if you'll let me...or don't, because if you have nothing to apologize for--Gah! I'm so confused! I'm just saying, you are my father, and I can't lose my family." lord death: ....... im not sure if i even deserve your forgiveness for how i've behaved.... Kid: "I don't care. I am still angry for what has happened, I am angry that Maka, Joe, and others are dead...but you are my father. And if I am going to live with myself, I have to forgive you, and we have to work together. Agreed?" lord death:.......*he hugs kid tightly* Kid: "..." (returns the hug, crying) "Dad..." stocking:.... lord death: i'm here now son, i'm going to make it up to you... Kid: "Then we have to be honest with each other. I know you are a Shinigami, overseeing life and death...but I am your son. I deserve to know some of my past...and that includes your own..." (sniffs) "Can we...at least be honest starting now...such as about our relationships?" (looks to Stocking) lord death: of course. if you are to succeed me someday, you'll have to understand the past, as to not repeat my own mistakes. Kid: "Thank you. That is all I have wanted to know...I'm not sure now is a good time to ask, so if you want to wait until a...less awkward time, we can. But I want to know more about...Asura." lord death: ok. when you have some free time, why dont we go back into the underground? Kid: (nods) "Thank you..." (looks to Stocking) "Stocking? Could you sit with us for a bit?" stocking: of course. *she sits down next to him* Kid: "Father? Are you and Azusa happy?" lord death: yes, of course. *he smiles at yumi* Azusa: (blushing) "Yes, we are." Kid: (smiles, takes Stocking's hand) "Good." stocking: so, i guess i'll have to start calling you mom......i mean kid! kid will have to...start calling you mom.....*awkwardly sips tea and sweats* Azusa: (reddening, out of a mix of embarrassment and some annoyance) "Um, let's start with Yumi for now." Kid: (smirks) "Okay...Mother." -later- Kid: "That was...eventful." liz: we're home. oh. miss azusa, what brings you here? *feigning ignorance* Azusa: "Kid knows, Elizabeth." liz: WHAT?! kid, let me explain- Kid: (crosses arms, smirks) "Yes, please, explain." liz: well, oh jeez.... when two people love each other- Kid: "I know that. Stocking and I got an eye-full of that." Azusa: "Hey!" stocking: *practically dying from containing her laughter* liz: *jaw drops* O________________________________O Patty: "Was Lord Death wearing his mask while he and Yumi were bow-chika-wow-wow-ing?" liz: PATTI! lord death: do i look like the sorta guy who would wear his mask during such things? Patty: "...Kinda." (looks at Stocking) "Was he?" stocking: no, i actually didnt recognize him at first. but i know where kid gets his looks from~ hehe~ lord death: he does have his mother's face shape. Kid: (blushing) Patty: "...Did Kid inherit anything else from his papa, Stocking? Like below the belt?" liz: PATTI!!!!! Kid: (coughs up drink) Azusa: "Kill me now..." stocking:.............. C: *eye wraggles at yumi* lord death: *AGRESSIVELY SWEATS* liz: ok sis its been a really long day, time for bed. Patty: "But I have more questions! Like, what position were--" (dragged away by Liz) "I'm not finished!" Azusa: (squirming under Stocking's stare) "May I remind you I am still your teacher? Still grading your assignments?" lord death:.... Kid: (clears throat) "Does this count as a double-date?" stocking: *sweeeeeeats* what were we talking about? lord death: why dont we enjoy some tea? stocking: tea sounds great! doesnt it kid? Azusa: "Yes, please, anything...Maybe something harder than tea." -later- stocking: *laying next to kid* today was pretty eventful, huh? Kid: "Yes...On the one hand, I...am happy to have met with Soul, actually, and to have bridged a gap with Father. On the other hand..." stocking: ?? Kid: "I'm still surprised at Father and Yumi." (smirks at Stocking) "They could learn to lock the door." stocking: yeah, hehe. Kid: (glances at the door) "Good thing we have learned that lesson..." stocking: yeah. it kind of reminded me of my own dad. i've walked in on him in the act lots of times, sometimes with women, sometimes with men, sometimes more than one person. it's happened so many times it hardly phases me anymore. *she laughs* Kid: (sweats) "R-Really? This was a first for me..." stocking: yeah. *she hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug, sighs) "It's going to take some time to get used to thinking of Yumi as...someone who has been with my father for...six long years. Any advice?" stocking: *shrug* just try taking it as it comes............that came out sounding wrong. Kid: (smirks) "Or it came out right..." (kisses her lips lightly) stocking: hehe~ -the next morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzzz... Kid: (smiles, checks the clock) "Time for school, Angel..." (kisses her forehead) -at school- liz: so whats on the agenda? Patty: "Gossip! A lot of flipping gossip! I can't wait to tell everybody that--" Kid: (slaps a hand over her mouth) liz: shhhhh.... tamaki: *grumbling* Patty: (muffled: "What's wrong, Tamaki?" then realizes she is still covered--so spits on Kid's hand) Kid: "Yuck!" Patty: "What's wrong, Tama-kitty?" tamaki: some creep with red hair kept harassing me the other day, trying to get me to dye my hair blonde and call him 'papa'. Kid: (scrubbing hands with antibacterial wipes...) Patty: "...Oh God, that is dark." Kid: (realizing) "Hmm. Should we speak with Spirit?" liz: maybe after class. tamaki: i'm going to seriously file a complaint if this keeps up. Kid: "Please, rest assure, Tamaki, Spirit is not being a pervert. I mean, not this time. This time, he is mourning the loss of his daughter...in his own way...Imagine what it must feel like to lose a child." tamaki: oh, that maka girl? why is he dragging _me_ into this? Patty: (studies her) "You kinda look like Maka, what with the pigtails..." (stares at her chest) "...although different in some areas." stocking: down girl. tamaki: you wanna go?! Patty: (nods) "Yes, actually, I do. You have very nice boobs." tamaki:... -scene redacted due to extreme violence- --Later— Naigus: "I have never seen someone's arm bend like that." Patty: (bandaged) "Worth it! Ouch! My boob..." Kid: "...Liz? You do realize you and your sister are now asymmetrical. I mean, more than usual." liz: alright, enough with the boob talk. Kid: "No, I mean she is bandaged, and you aren't. Naigus, could I borrow some of your bandages to wrap up Liz?" stocking: kid, just breath iiiiin. Kid: "What? What did I say that was wrong?" stocking: just breathe kiddo. Kid: "...Fine. I suppose I can ignore the lack of bandages on Liz..." (sneaks a set of bandages into his suit pocket) Naigus: (knocks Kid's hand) "Put those back!" stocking: kid! *tiny chop* bad kid. Kid: "Ow! Okay! I'm sorry!" (puts them back) *grumbling* "Let's just get to class, then find Spirit. Patty, you rest here and recover." -first class of the day- Kid: (small laugh) "Imagine if the teacher for first period was Azusa..." Azusa: "...Um, good morning, students..." Kid: o_O stocking: ..... good morning miss azusa. Azusa: (frowns at Stocking) "Good morning, Miss Phillis." (turns to the class) "Welcome back to classes. Let's take it slow to return to our lesson material. We begin with a discussion on meister-weapon resonance improvement." stocking: *slumps back* its Pheles... Azusa: "Sorry. Please open your books, as we review options for improving resonance between partners. A meister and a weapon depend on trust for each other..." -next class- Kid: (chuckling, whispering to Stocking) " 'A meister and weapon depend on each other'...Is that Father and Azusa's small talk in bed?" stocking: *whispers* oh shush kid. *chuckles* marie: now, on the subject on elemental alignments, there are 4 elements that are regarded as the 'core four'. these elements include fire, water, earth, and what other element? Arthur: "Fire!" shinra: she already said fire, idiot. mami: its air or wind. Arthur: "Fire is twice as important, so it makes up two of the four elements!" marie: correct, miss tomoe! Harvar: "How else are you going to get fire if you don't have air, Arthur?" Arthur: "...Shut up." Black Star: "Miss Marie? How can I wield all four elements at once to become a badass bending master?!" marie: ....... anyway, each element has its own set of branch elements. thunder/electric stems from fire, ice stems from water, grass/nature stems from earth, etc. Kid: (diagramming these elements) Black Star: "Tsubaki! She just ignored my important question!" tsubaki: *sigh* Kid: "Miss Marie? What are some uses of the electric branch element? I imagine it would have medical applications, similar to use in defibrillation." marie: indeed, it also assists as a back-up generator. Black Star: "Could it power up something small, like a lightbulb, or something big like a Christmas display?!" marie: it depends mostly on the amount of power used and the skill level of the user. Black Star: "Oh! Oh!" (waves hand excitedly) "Have you ever powered up a Christmas tree display?!" marie:....................................................... -next class- Sid: "Okay, class, we are going to take Survival Class seriously! You all are going to line up and get ready for today's activity!" Kid: "Well, Sid's back in the swing of things." Sid: "Today, you will be running the obstacle course--in pairs." (holds up ropes) "You will be tied at the ankle to a partner, to demonstrate that in combat, you are only as good as your partner in battle." Kid: "...We're being roped to another person?" stocking:.... : ) Kid: o\\\o "I guess that's not so bad..." --Everyone is tied up: Who did Liz get?-- liz: oh goddammit... (she got stuck wth reid) Reid: "Hey, cutie." (eyebrow wiggle) liz: *twitch* stocking: so who did i get? Kid: (waves) "You can't get rid of me that easily..." (ties their ankles together) (whispers to her) "I've been practicing my rope-tying..." stocking:..... C: tamaki: who am i getting? Arthur: "Hi." tamaki: why. Arthur: "This is no picnic for me, pal. I wanted Anya!" Patty: "And I wanted to be roped with Big Sis, Arthur, and/or Tamaki! Instead, I'm with Mio!" tamaki: tch- whatever, lance-o-loser. mio: i just wanted to stay home today. Arthur: "Cat-Fetishist." Meme: (pats Mio's back) "It'll be fine! Anya and I will be watching your back!" tamaki: get bent. Anya: "More like Meme will be watching your back..." (smirks) mio: 7////7 t-thanks sempai. Meme: (blushing) "Yeah, no problem." tsugumi: do your best! Sid: "Enough flirting! Line up!" Sid: "Patty and Mio, you'll start us off!" Meme: "Go, Mio!" Patty: "Don't go slow on me, kid." mio: *gulp* Sid: "Ready...set..." (blows whistle) "Go!" -mio screamed the whole time- Patty: "RAWR!!!!" (takes off running through the mud) Patty: "Jump onto the rope swing, Mio!" Anya: "...Well, Mio's going to die." Meme: (slugs Anya in the shoulder) Anya: "Owie!" mio: MAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Q______Q Patty: (Tarzan yell, as Mio hangs off her ankle, her head soaked in the water below, emerging with algae on her head) mio: OH GOD WHY?! Sid: "Well, you're time is slower than usual, Patty, but that was a lot faster than you usually do, Mio! Great work! But you're both a mess. Hit the showers." Patty: (swings Mio up over her shoulder) "On it! To the showers!" mio: awawawaawawawaaaa Kid: "...Your sister is going to get someone really hurt some day, Liz." liz: *sweatdrop* Sid: "Next up, Tamaki and Arthur." tamaki: alright then. Arthur: "Don't slow me down, Tamaki." -later- Arthur: o_o "I'm dead...she had to use her fire-flight ability and killed me." kirika: fuck! *she lands on a rock* its ok! it was the empty socket, see? *takes off her eyepatch* im good! Kid: "!!!" tsugumi: *SCREAMS* Sid: "Tamaki, drag your useless partner to the nurse. Stocking, Kid, you're next." stocking: come on kid, she's just trying to set you off. Kid: (nods) "You ready?" stocking: yeah. - they made it through with relative ease- Kid: "Woo! That was incredible...I thought we were going to fall at least once! You are quite agile." stocking: i've been practicing~ Kid: (smirks) "I'm sure you have." -next class- Patty: "Looking forward to this class! But I can't get the rope off of me...Mio? You got a pair of scissors?" mio: let me try something. *turns her finger into a tiny blade and cuts through the rope* Patty: "Oh! Clever! Thanks!" (hugs her) Meme: (glaring at Patty) mio: *sweating* uh...thanks... Patty: "Aw, you're blushing! Liz! She's blushing!" mio: *pulls at her cheeks* oh shush you! Meme: (ripping her book in half) Anya: O_o "Calm down, Meme, calm down..." Patty: "Hey!" (tugs at Mio's cheeks) "Stop it, you blushing cutie!" tsugumi: hey now... Meme: (puts a hand on Patty's shoulder) "You stop that right now..." mio: *crawls over to meme* owwww... TT.TT Patty: o_O "Um, sure." (lets go of Mio, pats Meme on the head...) "I'll just go...over there..." (runs for dear life) "Sis! Meme is scary!" Meme: (pats Mio's cheeks) "It's okay..." (brings her head to her chest) ao: oh my... *dark smile* this may be a problem. Anya: "Hmph. I see no problem. What are you talking about?" tsugumi: lets just listen to the teacher! Patty: (hiding behind Liz) "Who's the teacher for this class?" liz: i think its.....oh no.... Kid: " 'Oh no' what?" liz: its 'mr funtime' Takehisa: "Sit down and shut up, or I will make each and every one of you wish you had never been born." tsugumi: Q^Q Everyone in class: 0_0 Patty: "...Hey! It's the scary guy with no eyelids!" liz: *COVERS HER MOUTH* --A chalkboard eraser beans Patty in the head, knocking her out-- Kid: "Patty?!" gopher: rest in pieces. kim: dude, too soon! Takehisa: "No more interruptions, or the next student will be hospitalized. Today, we are discussing weaponry." (lays out a set of knives and firearms along the table) "If we have time, I will demonstrate my skills at knife-throwing. The next student who speaks up will be my first volunteer subject." Kid: o_O ("I'm happy Patty is unconscious now...") -silence- sayaka: *clears her throat* Takehisa: "Sayaka." sayaka: why me?! Takehisa: "I said silence. Now, stand in front of the chalkboard, while I demonstrate my knife-throwing skills that I learned in the circus..." Black Star: "You were in the circus?!" Takehisa: "For a semester abroad. Oh, and Black Star, you are my next volunteer." Black Star: "Damn it!" Takehisa: "Stand right there Sayaka...and don't move." sayaka: *SWEATS* (thinking: i never thought i would say this, but i'd rather be getting dissected by stein!) --One knife-throwing demonstration for Sayaka and Black Star later-- Takehisa: "Class dismissed." Black Star: (calm) "So, how you holding up, Sayaka?" sayaka: Q~Q Black Star: "Tsk. Newbie." (drinks a glass of water--and water squirts out in multiple streams along his stomach) "...Oh. I guess I got stabbed..." (collapses) sayaka: !!!! *she heals him* Black Star: (coughs up water) "Ugh...thanks..." sayaka: no problem~ Takehisa: "You two look awful. Get out of here and rest." Kid: o_o (clutches Stocking) stocking: crisis averted. Patty: (yawns) "Why do I feel like I got hit by an eraser in the head?" -after school- Kid: "...I know Father wanted to speak with me...but I wonder whether I should postpone it..." liz: ?? Kid: "Maybe we should do something else? Or should I see him?" liz: what do you mean? Kid: "...Father is willing to speak with me about some questions I've had...but I'm not sure I'm ready. Maybe I could speak with him tomorrow...and we do something else this afternoon..." liz: ah.... *she saw spirit across the hall* Kid: "...Oh, and that...too." (follows to Spirit) "Spirit?" Spirit: "W-What? Oh, hello, Kid. Liz. Patty. Stocking. How are you?" stocking: doing good. Kid: "Fine...But we wanted to ask--" Patty: "Why are you trying to get Tamaki to dress up like Maka?" Spirit: "..." Spirit: "Maka..." (eyes welling) Kid: "..." (puts a hand on Spirit's shoulder) "Maka is dead." Spirit: (sobbing) liz: oh damn.... Kid: "Look at me, Spirit...She is still here..." (he puts a finger to Spirit's chest) "There is nothing none of us could have done..." Spirit: (still sobbing, putting his arms around Kid) "Maka..." stocking: its ok... Kid: (pats Spirit) "Stocking, help me bring Mr. Albarn to the counseling center...Liz, Patty, please call ahead..." liz: ok. Patty: (pulls out her phone) "Hello, E-Feather? We got someone coming by..." --At the Counseling Office— nygus: ah, good to see you. Spirit: "Hi, Mira..." (cries) Kid: (pats his back) "Let's have a seat." -later- Spirit: "...I don't know how to get through this. But thank you for bringing me here." (holding box of tissue, still crying) stocking: hey, its no problem. Kid: "Spirit, let me come with you for your next meeting. Can we make that session now?" Spirit: (nods) "Friday?" Kid: (smiles) "Friday, then. Eternal Feather will set it up for you." eternal feather: sounds good. Spirit: "Thank you...I'll see you Friday, Naigus, Kid." (pauses) "Um...Can I ask you something, Kid?" Kid: "What's that?" Spirit: "...I heard that you and Stocking learned about...your father and Azusa." Kid: -_- Spirit: "That bad, huh?" stocking: eheheh...heh.... *sweatdrop* Spirit: "I'm sorry you found out this way. But trust me, your father and Azusa had your best interests in mind. And trust me, Azusa cares about your dad. And you." (puts a hand on Kid's shoulder) "So don't hold it against them." Kid: (takes Stocking's hand) "I haven't. And I won't." (smiles) "Thank you for letting me know that--" (realization) "YOU KNEW?!" Spirit: "...I'll see you Friday!" (runs away) stocking: *sweatdrop* well.. Kid: (slaps hand on his forehead) "Let's just...go home...Sigh...I guess I should try to have coffee or something with Azusa to talk about...things." -some days later, underground- lord death: how are you holding up? Kid: "I'm trying to take things one day at a time. Liz, Patty, and Stocking, as well as others, have helped with that. How are you?" lord death: i feel much better. as if a heavy burden has been lifted.... do you still remember the way? Kid: " 'The way'?" lord death: to where i took you last time we came down here? Kid: "That way, right?" lord death: yes thats right. -you approach the temple looking building. Kid: (feeling like his skin is crawling) "There is something a little...unnerving about this temple." ???: *the figure is tending to a garden of flowers in the back* Kid: "Father, who is this person?" lord death: a good friend of mine. ???: hmm? ah, lord death, hello. and it seems your child has come along as well... have you been boding well? you seemed quite upset the last time i spoke with you. Kid: "I...feel better, mostly. Um...I'm sorry, I don't even know your name." ???: i can understand if you do not recall me much, but i know much of you, kid. you may call me Eibon. Kid: "Eibon?! The sorcerer inventor?" Eibon: ah? is that how i am referred to on the surface these days? Kid: "As far as I have read..." (looks at his father) "Eibon has been under Death City all this time?!" lord death: indeed. you've met him once before, when you were only a newborn. eibon: so, what do i owe the pleasure of this visit? Kid: o_o "I...need time to process. Eibon is under Death City, my father is in a romantic and sexual relationship with Azusa--" Kid: "And Asura is--" (beat, gets serious) "We are here to discuss Asura, and my and Father's relationship to him." lord death: now now, lets just take it one step at a time. *sweatdrop* eibon: ah, yes. do come in. -inside the shrine, it is much like a house. there was also two sets of stairs, one going up, and one going down.- -downstairs there is what seems to be a workshop, and a door hidden behind a shelf- Kid: "Your...home, I take it?" eibon: my home and workshop yes. *he opens the door to a small room, containing various items* lord death: so you still kept them? eibon: at least what i was able to salvage. Kid: "What...is all that? Your inventions?" eibon: partially. these were asura's old belongings. Kid: "...You knew him." eibon: hmm? ah, yes, i was his godfather. keyword, _was_. eibon: after the end of the Roma war, the city of Gilgamesh had been left in more ruins then before. the residents fled to other parts of the world. i gathered up as many things as i could, such as the sarcophagus of eternal sleep, and other things. but sadly, two things were lost to the ages. Kid: "I read about that war...The two items you lost..." eibon: one was a belonging of my departed father, an old book that was used as a gateway to another world. it was used to seal demons and the worst kind of criminals. it was sealed away to prevent it from being misused. Kid: "That...is dangerous. And the other item?" eibon: a music i made for asura. it had a soothing melody to ease the soul... i still remember it. *he takes his ocarina, and begins to play the music box melody* Kid: o_O "Father! I have that music box!" lord death: oh? Kid: "Eibon! Is this device dangerous?" eibon: of course not. quite the opposite really. it's intention is to ease the soul. lord death: asura always had awful night terrors. he was always fearful of everything. Kid: "O-Okay...Just wanting to make sure given...you know, how dangerous some Magic Tools can be...But I find it odd that I happen to find it at that curiosity shop...along with those masks..." eibon: ah, so thats where it ended up...*sigh* damn grave robbers... Kid: "...Oh." (looks sad) "I didn't mean to gain some item from such a site..." eibon: well, its in your possession now. has it done well for you? Kid: (nods) "It has helped my sleep considerably, especially against nightmares." eibon: ah... Kid: "I suppose I have to thank you for that...so, thank you." eibon: *he smiles* -later- Kid: (looking around) stocking: hey kid. *she smiles* how was it? Kid: "It's a challenge to come to understand all of this...and I'm scared." liz: i know, but we're here for you, ok? Kid: (nods) "But it's not everyone who is related to a...Kishin." Patty: (hugs Kid) "You are not related to a Kishin. Your dad is your family. And we are your family. And no one here is a Kishin...although Sis gets pretty grumpy some mornings." liz: *glare* Patty: (smiles at Liz, pulling her into the hug) "Love you, Sis and Kid. And you too, Stocking! Get in here!" -some time later- kim: what do you think this mission is? Jacqueline: "I don't know. I can't get a read on any of the teachers to know whether this is serious. Have you heard anything, Kilik?" kilik: *shrug* i think just a normal mission. stocking: looks like we're doing some infiltration. Kid: "Infiltrating where?" liz: lets see.... Baroque Mansion. Patty: "Infiltrating a mansion?" (light bulb) "Oh! So Sis and me will have to impersonate maids to sneak in?!" Kid: "...Why would you impersonate maids? Where would you even get maid outfits?" -one jumpcut later- stocking: ellen's going to be so pissed with you guys. Patty: (tugs on her outfit) "Yeah, I think I'm going to end up stretching this thing in the chestical area." Kid: "Of all the silliness...although, odd enough, those maid outfits look good on you, Liz and Patty...so symmetrical..." letter: dear DWMA people, please come and help us! my papa and i have been kidnapped by slave traders who are hiding out in the old baroque mansion. im scared and want to go home. please hurry! stocking: what about me and homura? Kid: "Yes, you would look good in a maid outfit too..." Patty: "...Did you just hear yourself, Kiddo?" Kid: "..." (eyes widen) o\\\\o homura: we're already wearing our disguises. stocking: hehe~ Kid: (turns around, looks at Stocking) "...You may keep that outfit...forever." kirika: ugh, save the barf fest for later. Patty: "Homura doesn't look bad herself, either! Homura, you'll make me go homina-homina-homina! " gopher: *staring at the letter* homura: ..............*facepalm* Kid: (shakes his head to focus) "So, who will the DWMA have outside the facility as backup while you infiltrate?" homura: actually, we're all infiltrating the estate. liz: i think we have some special ops as a backup. Kid: (inhales) "Something feels off here. We don't know who this child and their father are? Or the names of these enslavers? Or how many there are? What other intelligence do we have?" homura: we dont know anything else as of yet... Kid: "Then let's treat this infiltration as gathering intelligence before making a larger move." -they are taken to the mansion outskirts- Sid: "We'll have special ops around here. Be safe in there." liz: right. -kid, gopher and stocking took the left side, while the thompsons, homura and kirika took the right- stocking: weird, its like....no one has been here for decades.... Kid: "These cobwebs...I wish I brought cleaning supplies." gopher: *rolls eyes*......... Kid: "Hmm...I think there are cracks along these walls...We may be able to see through them into the next room." -just empty rooms- -a scream is heard- stocking: ?! Kid: "Empty? But where--" (hears the scream) "Follow that scream!" -they make it to a large room, where a girl is locked in a cage- Kid: (looking around) "I don't sense any souls...But approach the cage carefully. Gopher, have your lock picking tools ready." gopher: *gulp* *he opens the lock* you can come out now. girl: hu...huhuhuhu~ that's your cue~ *footsteps are heard* Kid: (eyes widen, looks behind, instinctively standing in front of Stocking) gopher: *his eyes widen* n-no... you're kidding me... ????: "This is quite a menagerie: a shinigami, my former servant...and something altogether different. I have never seen a specimen like that young lady there." --Noah emerges out of the shadows-- --Noah stares at Stocking-- stocking: who the hell? Noah: (pulls the book from his side) "What are you, exactly?" (flips through pages, drops a finger on a spot) "Human? Oh, ho ho, no, not human. Something more...ethereal maybe?" stocking: just who the hell are you? gopher: noah-sa.....no.... i-i'm not.... what do you want from us? Noah: "Maybe under the A's?" (flips to the beginning of the book) "An angel! But...something is off. Not quite. A fallen angel? Or maybe..." Kid: "The hell is this?" (looks to the girl) "What is this? A trap?" stocking: *pulls her blade out* i dont know what you want, but you better back the hell off. Noah: (chuckles) "What I want?" girl: *she is already by noah's side* hehe~ is that him? my useless runaway of a brother? gopher: w-wha? Noah: "Tend to your brother's injuries. Make him feel better. We'll be needing him." girl: huh? hey something's off, he has a soul with wings on it? Kid: (rushes at Noah) "Bastard!" Noah: (seizes Kid by the right arm--and breaks it) Kid: "Ah?!" kirika: *KICKS THE GIRL AWAY* what the fuck? stocking: KID!! Noah: (immediately appears in front of Stocking) "You asked what I wanted?" stocking: !!! gopher: it was..a-a trap... Noah: (sneers, staring at the knife she holds) kirika: wha- YOU?! stocking: *holds her sword at his neck* who the fuck are you?! Kid: "Kirika! Get Gopher!" (looks to Stocking) "Stocking! No! Get back!" Noah: (leans forward, letting the sword's tip pierce his neck...and no blood comes out) stocking: *she backs up* stocking: w-what th hell?! Noah: (opens his book) "Devil...That sounds about right..." stocking: what are you talking about?! --Noah's book opens, and glows-- Kid: "No!" (rushes at Noah, seizing him by his waist with his right arm) "Stocking! Run! Now!" stocking: !!! *she doesnt know what to do* Noah: "This is tiresome..." --A manticore emerges from the Book--and seizes Kid by his broken arm, dragging him away-- Kid: "No!" (reaching his good arm out) "Stocking!" stocking: KID!!! *she runs for him* Noah: " 'Stocking'?" (looks at her) "Ah, the sock is your weapon." --Noah grabs Stocking by her leg, the one still with the sock on it-- stocking: ACK! *she kicks at his face with the other leg* Noah: (still sneering) "What a nice sensation. Do you know how little I feel? How little that hurts?" (cackles) "That kind of kick wouldn't even tear through paper..." Noah: "But I want to feel. I want to feel everything. I. Want. Everything." stocking: *she's terrified* LET GO OF ME!! Kid: (desperately punching at the manticore, finally freeing from it) (calling into his radio) "Sid! Liz! Help!" Kid: (desperately trying to run back to Noah and Stocking) --The Book glows brighter, its pages flipping rapidly-- Noah: "I want you. And I will have you, Devil." kirika: *slashing at the manticore* you're welcome a-hole. stocking: !!!!!! KID!! Kid: "Kirika! Stop Noah!" Kid: "Stocking!" --A vacuum slowly is pulling towards Stocking, air whipping up her skirt-- --The Book is going to pull her inside...-- girl: oopsie~ *she punches gopher into a wall* stocking: KID!!!!!!! Kid: "Stocking!" kirika: !!! *she rushes to stop the girl* fuck off brat! --The Book manages to pull in Stocking's un-socked leg, as Noah tugs on her other leg, dragging more of her into the book...-- stocking: *she tosses a sword into the manticore* Kid: "NO!" (pulls back his hand, slamming into Noah's face--until his hand is pushed through it) "What the fuck?" --Noah's face crumbles like paper...then slowly pushes back Kid's hand-- Noah: "I've learned some new tricks. Amazing what knowledge you can amass." (closes his fingers around Kid's face) "Can you say the same?" Kid: (reaching his hand, desperately to fight back...and instead latches onto Stocking's hand) kirika: *SHE RUSHES AND JUMP KICKS NOAH'S FACE* Noah: "Ah!" stocking: AEROPUNCH! *she punches kid away from noah* Kid: (lands on his back, groaning) "Stocking..." (eyes widen, he pulls himself up) "Stocking! No!" (he runs to her, holding out his right arm) "Take my hand!" Noah: (lying on the floor, quietly laughing) stocking: *desperatly trying to grab on* kid please! i dont....want to lose you kid! i love you too much! Kid: "Stocking!" (he grabs--and misses. He grabs again--and catches her hand!) "Hang on!" girl: *she tackles into kid, knocking him back.* Noah: (laughs) "That's my girl." (sits up, snaps his fingers) "Collect." --The suction increases, tearing at Stocking-- stocking: KIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!!!!!! Kid: "No!" (slams his fist into the girl's face) "No!" --Stocking's face and extended arm is all that is out of the Book: the rest of her has been pulled in-- girl: hehe~ stocking: *SCREAMING* Kid: (pulls back, launching his fist into her and knocking her off of him) "Stocking!" (he runs, leaps, and tries to grab her hand...) -its too late, she's been pulled in- Noah: (slams the book shut) "Mine." Kid: (shuddering) "No..." (tears welling) "No." liz: kid!! Noah: "Child." (points to the girl) "Collect your brother--or what's left of him." (lifts his foot, and slams it into Kid's broken arm) Kid: (no scream, no pain...just whimpering, shaking with fury) kirika: *defending gopher* like hell! gopher: k-kiri..ka? Noah: (rolls his eyes) "Oh, for crying out loud..." (marches towards Kirika) "You want him that badly? Your little boyfriend?" (looks at Gopher) "You seriously got someone to want you?" Noah: "I don't even want you in my collection, you puss. You scum. You subhuman garbage." gopher: s-shut up... Noah: "The shinigami could not hurt me." (looks at Liz, smirks) "Oh, hey." (looks back at Gopher) "You think you have anything that can stop me?" akane: how about a military force? Patty: (transforms into Liz's hands) "Blast him!" girl: *she returns to noah's side* liz: when im done with you, there won't be a scrap of you left! Noah: (rolls his eyes) "Jeez, really?" (wraps a hand around the girl's waist) "Keep Gopher. Consider it a consolation prize." (tips his hat to Kid) "Later." homura: he's getting away! --A piece of paper slides out from his hat as he tips it--and starts sucking him and the girl into the Demon Paper-- Patty: "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" liz: *she is hesitant* Patty: "Liz! Now!" --DWMA forces shoot repeatedly at Noah and the Girl...but it is too late: they have swirled like energy into the paper-- liz: *she has flashbacks of their brooklyn days, and falls over to her knees* -the paper burns up- Patty: "Liz! What're you doing?!" Kid: (lying on the floor, shuddering, weeping...) Patty: "Liz!" homura: where did stocking go? Kid: (slowly lifts his unbroken right arm into the air...) Sid: "Where is that girl? Where is Stocking?" homura: kid....? Kid: (...and slams his fist into the floor) Kid: (raises his hand again...and slams it--with a bone-crunching sound) liz: kid? kid?! Kid: "My arm...is broken...Not...symmetrical..." (lifts his now broken right hand into the air to slam it down again) liz: kid! stop it! Kid: (shoves Liz off of him--and slams again) "Stocking!" (slams again) "Stocking!" (reaches up again...) *SLAP* Kid: (stunned) homura: *she slapped kid across the face, her face stoic, but her eyes tearful. Patty: (reverts to human form, clutching Kid's arm above him) "Oh, God! It's all blood!" (looks around) "What are you fuckheads doing?! Get help!" Patty: (sobbing) "Get a doctor! Now!" Kid: (crying) "Kill me...Kill me..." kirika:...... liz: kid! what happened? Kid: "She's gone...Devil. That devil took her. He took her!" Kid: "Kill me! Kill me!" liz: what do you mean he took her?! Patty: (still holding Kid's arm, sobbing) homura:.... Kid: "Noah! The book! He took her! He took--Kill!" gopher:..... Sid: "Gopher!" (approaches him) "Stay with me, kid. Noah. What did he do?" gopher:....*he starts crying* i-im sorry....im sorry.... Sid: "It's not your fault, Gopher. What did Noah do? Just tell me." Kid: "Die...I...die..." gopher: he captured her in his book... i...*he passes out* Sid: "Oh God." kirika: g-gopher! dont you fuckin' die on me you idiot! i...i dont...want to lose anyone else.... Sid: "Medical! Naigus! Get here, now!" Kid: "Die...We all die...I want to die..." Patty: "Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth now...you are no coward, and I am not listening to this..." (leans down to Kid) "You are not! You are not!!" --A month passes-- liz: *knocks kid's door* please kid. open the door. Patty: "..." (stares at Liz) Kid: (in the corner of his room) Patty: "Stop asking him to open and just knock it down. Or do you think you can't do that, Elizabeth?" liz: kid, please. we're all trying to find her as best as we can. Patty: (glares at Liz) Kid: "..." Patty: "You really don't know anything." (pulls out a lockpick--and opens the door herself) "Useless." liz: ..... kid... please... Kid: (holds up his hands--healed, but...there is something along them...) Patty: "!" liz:... !!!!! KID?! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?! Kid: "Pain." liz: *she forces the box cutter out of his hands* Patty: (takes the box cutter from Liz, holding it in front of Kid) "No! No!" (tosses it aside, into the hallway) Kid: (shoving Liz and Patty aside, crawling to the hallway) liz: *she holds him down* no! ellen! Patty: "Sis! grab him!" ellen: *she takes the cutter and leaves* this is going under lock and key. Kid: "Stop! Stop it, you--you--fucking--" *SMACK* liz: DEATH THE KID YOU GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!! Kid: "W-What?" Patty: (still glaring at Liz) "Good one, Sis." Kid: "Liz? Why would you do that?" liz: you cant keep tearing yourself up over this! i know you miss her! but you trying to kill yourself 24/7 wont help things!! Kid: "...How easy would it be for you to die, Liz?" liz: ?? Kid: "A human like you: what would it take? How long for you to bleed out from a cut? Or to suffocate?" liz: kid stop. Patty: "...Oh God..." (seizes Kid by his shoulders) "You shut up. You shut up right now about my sister!" Kid: "How hot would the temperature have to be to burn you alive, Patty?" (looks up...his eyes are dead) "That is what I want. But I can't. I am a shinigami. I cannot be killed so easily...It's funny, isn't it?" (he laughs) "I'm Death itself--and I can't die!" (keeps laughing) "I want to die, and I can't! Isn't that hilarious?!" (keeps laughing, as the tears are falling down his face) Patty: (lets go of Kid...and falls back on her behind. She scampers back toward Liz. She reaches for her hand) liz: KID JUST STOP THIS! please...*tears are streaming down her cheeks* stocking wouldnt want you doing this you yourself. Kid: (he stops laughing. The smile fades.) "Stocking..." (he tries to hold back the tears...and he can't: he starts sobbing) "I...I..." liz:..... Patty: "Kiddo..." (brings Liz's hand to Kid, guiding it to clutch him) Kid: "...I hurt you...my own weapons...I'm a monster." liz: kid. you arent a monster... Kid: "I'm not human. What even am I? I'm a worm...a worm who feeds on the decay of others...who leads others to death...Joe...Maka...S-Sto-ck-k-king..." liz:....*she hugs him* shhhh, there there, we're gonna find her, i promise... Patty: "Not human?" (clutches him) "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard--so dumb only a human could say that. Stocking is not dead, you idiotic human." Kid: (silent, just letting them hug him) Patty: *sniff* "I'm sorry, Sis..." -that night- Patty: (hugging Liz) "I'm sorry..." liz: its going to be ok... -in the garden- Kid: (swings the rope over the branch) Kid: (whistling) -a fox watches him- Kid: (drags the bucket and turns it upside down. Stands on it, holds the rope to his head) "Not taught enough...Have to make the rope a little higher.." Kid: (about to make the rope higher--then spots the fox...and stares) fox: what are you doing there? Kid: "...Killing myself. What business is it of a fox? Actually, what business is it of a fox to talk?" fox: that sounds dumb. i just needed to get some air for a while... kotone's been an absolute nightmare recently. Kid: (distracted from the rope) " 'Kotone'?" fox: yeah, she's kind of my 'owner', more of 'some psychotic brat that kidnapped me from the wild and likes to abuse me for her own entertainment. Kid: (removes the rope from around his neck) "That's horrible!" (gets off the bucket, approaches the fox) "Where is she? How can we stop her?" fox: its kinda complicated.. you see, her dad is some weird magic user with some magic mumbo-jumbo book. Kid: (blank stare) "...You have to be kidding me." fox: i wish. and it's gotten worse since they brought in that girl. from what i can hear, he's doing some...really nasty things to her. Kid: "...Oh God...Please, what is the name of this man and this girl?" fox: didnt get the girl's name, but the guy, his name is...noah i think? Kid: "..." (slowly smiles) "You just saved my life.. because you just saved that girl." fox: huh? Kid: "What is your name? What do you call yourself?" fox: just call me 'chelsea'. now what did you mean by what you were sayin just now? Kid: "Chelsea...A month ago, Noah kidnapped someone. Her name is Stocking. And I love her. She is my life. She is what makes me live. And with your help, we could save her and give you your freedom." chelsea: oh really? how do you plan on doing that? you dont even know where this place is. Kid: "Chelsea, would you be willing to lead me?" chelsea: well...if it keeps ya from makin' an ass of yourself. follow me. Kid: "Wait--we're going to need help. Can I bring some friends?" chelsea: if ya wanna risk getting them killed. Kid: "We're not going to die...not now. Liz! Patty! I need you!" -they seem busy- \do you want to risk them getting hurt?\ Kid: "Chelsea, stay here, please?" Kid: (looks back to the Mansion) "Forgive me, Liz, Patty...Chelsea, take me there." chelsea: *she brings kid to a forest alcove, where a page is attached to a tree* Kid: "A page? Is this from Noah's book?" chelsea: yeah, it will lead into another world. a world full of monsters and demons. i was lucky to make it out the first time, but... Kid: "But?" chelsea: this is a lesser page, where it takes you is completely random. we might not even end up in the same place as each other. if that happens, do me a favor. Kid: "Name it." chelsea: beware the woman who swims in the dark abyss... not sure what it means, but i heard it a lot in there. and consider the kinda people living in there, i dont want to see this lady. Kid: "...Lady in the dark abyss? Did she look like she wore stocking--You know what, forget it. I'll deal with that if I come upon her. How do we enter?" chelsea: just jump right in. Kid: (gulps, steps back) "For Stocking...Here I go!" (runs forward to jump in) -you arent sure where you are. it looks like a monochrome forest. it seems to go on for days- Kid: (looks around) "Can I even sense anyone in here?" (attempts soul perception) -nothing- --Kid takes his first step and moves forward-- -back at the mansion- liz: KID?! KID?!?! Patty: "...Oh God...Sis! The Garden!" liz: *she notices the gate is open* oh no...this is bad! Patty: "And a big-ass noose on the fucking tree!" (looks at the ground) "And are those dogprints?! What the fuck happened?!" -later- -the mansion organizes a meeting with some of the others- soul:.... homura: *she takes the rope and examines it* Patty: (slapping her head) "Bad, bad, bad..." Azusa: (snatches Patty's hand) "Stop that. This is not your fault." Black Star: (looks at the footprints) "Vague, but might be able to follow..." (then sees something else) "Hey, these are dogprints?" (dips a finger, licks the dirt) "No...coyote?! When are there coyotes around here?" homura: well, the memory on the rope showed kid speaking to a fox... free: why dont i sniff this out? *sniffs the rope* Black Star: "Got the scent?" free: *he follows it to the clearing* it ends here, weird. homura:.... *she touches a tree* there was a page there Black Star: "A page?" (looks to Soul) "What would a page be doing here?" soul: *shrug* gopher: it has to be a page from the book of eibon... Patty: "Can we get another one?" Azusa: "..." ("Would Eibon have it?") lord death:.... follow me. Azusa: "Come along, everyone." -in the catacombs- Azusa: "This way, everyone." Patty: "Creepy..." kirika: where even are we? Black Star: (drip of water from above hits him) "Hey!" Azusa: "Catacombs." free: you ok eruka? Eruka: "F-Fine...Just feel like my skin is crawling." free:.... -you feel your sins crawling on your back- Eruka: (eyes widen) "I...AH!!!" free: eruka?! you ok? Eruka: "Stop! Stop it! I'm sorry! Just stop it!" (scratching at her skin) free: *he hugs her* just breath, iiiin. Black Star: "Soul! Hold her arms! Stop her!" Eruka: (panting, gasping, struggling to hold herself together) kim: *holds her down* its ok eruka! Azusa: "..." lord death: we're almost there. Eruka: (calmer) "Thank you, Kim..." ("Huh--DWMA Witch is good for something...") Black Star: "Dude, what the hell was that?" free: she-... its nothing.... do you want to go back, eruka? Eruka: (shakes her head) "Keep going." free:...come on. *he gives her a piggy-back ride* -they arrived- inori: hm? father? we have visitors.... eibon: oh? well this is... what brings you all down here? Azusa: (slight smile) Black Star and Patty: "...Can we wear that mask, mister?" kim: waaait whats inori doing downhere? inori: i live here. kim: wait really?..........i literally thought you were homeless. Azusa: "We have an important discussion to have with you, Eibon." eibon: is that right? Azusa: "Kid is missing, and your book may be the key." eibon: !! Azusa: "Do you have an option to help us?" eibon: *he goes into his study and takes out the book of eibon* lets see... gopher: wait...thats not the same book noah used. it was brown and had a gold 's' on it...i think it was an 's'... Azusa: "An 's'? Eibon, do you know of this?" eibon: *his blood runs cold* it couldnt be....thats.... that describes my father's book. the book of Enoch. -after an explanation of what the book is- Patty: (grabbing Liz) "Oh no..." lord death: please, we need to prepare. there is something inside that world kid must never meet. -back in wherever- Kid: "I feel like I've walking for an hour..." -the silence is almost deafening. a figure is seen in the distance- Kid: "...Lady in the Abyss...Better keep my wits about me..." --Kid approaches the figure, silently-- ???: *the figure turns its head.* -it looked like stocking- Kid: (stops) "Stocking?" -the figure takes off, deeper into the immense fog- Kid: "Wait! It's me, Kid! Come back!" -though you are fearful, the love burning for that person, it fills you with determination- Kid: "Come back!" (he pushes himself to run faster) "Stocking! Don't leave!" -there is a dark lake she stands in front of.- Kid: (in the back of his mind..."Lady...Abyss...What was that...? No, it _is_ Stocking! It has to be her!") "Stocking! Please!" (practically crying) "Don't leave me!" -she leans in...- *splash* Kid: "Wh-What?" \kid\ Kid: "...No..." \kid, please help me!\ -her reflection reaches for you- Kid: "Stocking!" (he plunges his hand down towards the water...) \Through the woods a young man came sadly. Something broken in his chest. He had dared to love another. Alas, no better than the rest. Up my path the man came gladly. Something opened up my doors. I longed to stop his bleeding heart. So I called him to my shores. Those you trust will hurt you badly. Something now I'm sure you see. So drown your tears in me my dear. As you drown, my dear, in me.\ Kid: "..." (Gasps--he feels like he can't breathe...) -something grabs his hand and pulls him under- Kid: "?!" (he is suffocating, unable to reach air, covered in dark waters...) \oh pitiful child. you've suffered greatly\ Kid: (losing focus--"What--What is happening?!" Sees the body of Stocking, just floating. "Save her!" He forces himself to swim to her, her face turned away and hidden by her long hair...) Kid: (He is losing consciousness, dying somehow of oxygen deprivation) -oddly, you can breath here?- Kid: (gasps--and swallows water...but also air?) "What the hell?" (he says aloud) \you poor child. you've been through so much these past days...\ Kid: "Stocking! What is happening?" (he shakes the unconscious body, her face covered by the long hair) "Look at me!" -the face is dark, with two red lights for eyes- stocking?: and tell me. you came here for that girl, yes? Kid: "...You are not her..." (seizes her shoulders) "Where. Is. Stocking?" \you're a strange one~ how can you love a filthy half-blood like her~?\ Kid: " 'Half-blood'?" \that girl is of angel decent, but she also carries the blood of a demon.\ Kid: "...No..." (shakes his head) "You lie." \she's a monster that shouldnt exist. much like you~\ Kid: (slams his wrist around her throat) " 'Monster'? You shut your fucking mouth right now." \how cruel of you to hurt that girl~\ Kid: "I think you're confused...I am a shinigami. I judge not by gender...I judge by the quality of character..." (stares at her) "I love you, Stocking. No matter what. And I will find you, and we are going home." \you know i'm not that girl...yet you still call out to her... how foolish, considering it is because of _you_ she was trapped here\ Kid: (smirks) "My father gave me some advice a long time ago: 'Kill them with kindness...' I am appealing to your humanity: help me rescue her. You take her appearance--you had best bring me to her, or I will beat you until you let go of her appearance and reveal your true image. Where is Stocking?" \she comes and goes... i can see into her head, oh what horror's she has seen.\ -the figure takes the form of asura- \and what of you?\ Kid: (gasps, lets go of their throat) \you know that many centuries ago asura was next in line to be the shinigami. he was the first born. and had things gone to plan, he'd be the grim reaper.\ Kid: "Stop this. You stop this now!" \just think of it. if things had gone differently you would not be here... all things considered...\ \Y O U  S H O U L D  N O T  E V E N  E X I S T\ Kid: "Shut up!" (swings to punch) \just give up... its your own fault she's suffering here...\ stocking?: it hurts kid... why didnt you save me? you couldnt protect me... Kid: (eyes widen) "Stocking?" *slice* stocking?: ahahahaha how pathetic~! Kid: "Gah..." (notices the slash along his chest...bleeding...) "No...I did everything I could for you...Why?" stocking?: then prove it... make your way to the other side of this world... \and kill everyone and anyone in your way...\ Kid: "...Yes..." stocking?: do you truly love me? would you kill for me? Kid: (smiles gently, putting a hand along her cheek) "Yes, my angel..." (he lets his other hand rest on the side of her neck) stocking??: good boy~ *she smiles a twisted smile* \there are many forms of madness. the madness of fear, of order, of anger, of knowledge, of power...but also...\ \the madness of love\ Kid: (his eyes welling as he smiles) "I love you, Stocking...I will kill for you..." Kid: (lines form along his face, along his chin--but his tears fall more, as his voice cracks...) "Starting with you..." Kid: (snaps ‘stocking's’ neck) \you really would kill her just like that?\ Kid: (the lines still along his chin) "That was not her. And if I have to kill every last thing in this pit, I will do so..." (turns with vicious eyes--as he can't stop crying) "I will kill all!" -elsewhere- gopher: ok, stay close you guys. Patty: "Wh-What should we be expecting?" gopher: monsters, criminals, those who have lost their way... Black Star: (smiles) "So we get to kick ass and rescue Kid? That's a two-fer." liz: and maybe get stocking back in the process... Patty: (smiles) "That would be good, Sis." gopher: not sure where we are, but i think we're in the 1st level now. we'll have to deal with the first boss monster, a succubus. soul: fantastic... Black Star: "Succubus?" Patty: "Wait...Do you mean...?" gopher: most likely a demon noah had captured some time before. Patty: "But I remember hearing about succubuses-es...What do they do again?" homura: last i checked, they attempt to seduce humans and feed upon their life energy. Black Star: " 'Seduce'? Like...you mean they get all...pervy?" liz: fantastic. Patty: "...Ew. I hope their hands aren't all clammy or something." soul: i think i'll manage..... *arm scythe* ???: (giggling) liz: EEK! Patty: "What? What?! What was that?! (And why am I as jumpy as Big Sis?)" --This environment is made of curtains, which seem to be undulating, as if someone is behind them-- ???: "Heh heh heh~" homura: *aims her gun* show yourselves. ???: "Oh, please don't point that big thing at me, sweetie..." --A bare leg stretches out from behind the curtain-- ???: "Unless you really want to ~ " Black Star: (blushing, gulps) "S-Succubus?" liz: oh my god!...what the hell is with that hair?! -BATTLE START- Succubus: "Hmmph..." (pushes her breasts together behind her...apron?) "You like? I had it styled..." (saunters towards Black Star, rubbing his chin) "And the carpet matches the drapes, sweetie..." [fight] [act] [item] [mercy] Black Star: "Hum, um, I-I-I, wh-what?" --Black Star chooses [incoherence]-- Patty: -_- "She's not that hot." Succubus: "Ah, I was hoping for more men here...I suppose women can work, too..." (sways over to Homura) -homura chooses [examine]- Succubus: (leans forward at Homura, showing her vast cleavage) "How are you, cutie? You want to do something with that long, big gun of yours..." homura: [explain] we're looking for our friends who were trapped here. --The Succubus. HP: 90. But what she lacks in endurance, she makes up for in [Charisma], [Confusion], and [Adolescent Awkwardness]-- Succubus: (stretches her hands over her head, hiking up her apron just a bit to expose more thigh) "You'll have to be more descriptive..." liz: [defense] *liz psyches herself up* Patty: (looks confused at Liz) Black Star: [explain] "Uh...A guy with black hair and three stripes in it?" Succubus: (smirks) "A shinigami?" soul: [defense] and a girl with blue-pink hair, too. Succubus: (laughs) "Oh, that specimen is most interesting...Her screams are practically..orgasmic." (offers a hand to Soul) "I could guide you to the one who has captured her...if you'll give me something, young man." soul: [item] *soul gives her the porno mag* i dont know why i kept this... i dont even need it anymore. so you can have this. Black Star: "...What the fuck?" Succubus: (pouts) "I was hoping for your...essence. But I guess this will have to do...Sigh...Pictures are nothing like the real thing..." (twirls a finger around above her, summoning a circular portal in the sky over them) "Hop in..." -VICTORY- gopher: well, that worked...sorta.... come on. -entering level two- Patty: "What exactly is in Level 2?" liz: *sniff* smells good... Black Star: "Yeah...I feel...hungry?" gopher: everything in this level....it kind of wants to eat you. the boss here is the 'pig'. really nasty lookin thing too. he may have been human at one point. Succubus: "Ho ho ho, some young boys and girls with appetites?" (whispering in Tsubaki's ear) "I like people with good taste...and so does the Pig." tsubaki: HOW DID YOU- how did you follow us in here? Succubus: "Who else will lead you, cutie?" (wraps her arms around Tsubaki) "Did you wish to find a different guide?" (pouts) "That would hurt my feelings." gopher: well, thanks. and after this one, i have no idea what to expect. you and pig are the only area bosses i know... Succubus: "Have fun with that one..." (pokes Gopher in the nose) "You'll need it...I'll wait to see how this battle ends..." (swirls and vanishes) "I'll be back..." Black Star: "...So we have to fight a pig? How hard can that be?" (sniff sniff) "But I can't fight on an empty stomach--let's get some grub!" (runs into a restaurant) waitress: we could use some help in the back, mind helpin us~? Black Star: "If it gets me more food more quickly, sure!" Patty: "Free food?! I'm in, too! Come on, Sis! Free food!" tsubaki: um.... *notices the patrons giving them odd looks* Black Star: (pops into the backroom) "So, what'd you guys need?" chef: come on in... Patty: (coming towards the backroom as Black Star talks) Black Star and Patty: (enter) tsubaki: *follows* liz: *sniff* *smells like cooked meat and....blood?* Patty: "Wow, you guys like the color red around here...Red uniforms, red walls, red floor, red food." Black Star: " 'Red food'?" waitress: *GRINS WIDELY AND HOLDS UP A KNIFE* dinner's served~ Patty: "Super!" (looks back and forth) "But where is it?" chef: we just loooove to serve our customers. Black Star: "Um...Okay?" -a man is layed out on the table, being gutted open- man: eat up ok? Black Star and Patty: o_o Patty: "Sis! Weapon now!" Black Star: "Tsubaki! Let's show them how we cut up people!" -waitress and chef attack- Black Star: (wielding Tsubaki) "Soul Resonance, Go!" tsubaki: right! Patty: (aims Liz) "Bang bang bang!" (fires at the chef) liz: have a nice dream. Black Star: (rushes the waitress, slashing at her) -the enemies are defeated, obtained the waitress uniform and the butcher's knife- Patty: (in the waitress outfit) "Am I pretty?" -yes it does, and it increases your skill points recieved in crafting- gopher: but where's the area boss? Black Star: (playing with the butcher's knife) "No clue..." (sniff) "You smell bacon?" gopher: ah!! -BATTLE START- pig: *the pig drools and brandishes his blades* [fight] [act] [item] [mercy] Black Star: "...Huh." [fight] "Gaaaaaah!" (swings Tsubaki at him) pig: *takes 26 damage* Patty: (leaps up in the waitress outfit, firing shots at the Pig) "This little Piggy wanted hot lead!" gopher: ok. *casts blaze beta* pig: *hp reduced to 62* Black Star: "And this little Piggy got sliced up royally! Go, Tsubaki!" -slash attack- pig: *slashes at patti* Patty: "Arg!" (clutches her shoulder) Black Star: "Patty!" homura: *gives patti a healing item* Patty: "You wonderful nurse..." (aims again at the Pig) "Let's finish this!" -call in a support?- Black Star: knocked down by the Pig) "Could use some help here!" -summon succubus into the battle?- Black Star: "Even that pervy sucky-person!" --A hole slams through the wall of the restaurant-- -succubus joins the battle!- Succubus: "You call li'l ole me?" Succubus: "Hi, Piggy!" pig: *pig seems confused as why she is outside her zone* Succubus: "What? I can't pay a visit? Now, let these cuties go..." (slides fingers along his neck) "Or I pierce you against that wall..." pig: *pig grunts, but obliges.* Succubus: (pinches his cheeks) "Onward, you sexy beasts!" (opens a portal) "Just a few more chapters to the hidden spot!" -new area- gopher: ok, from here out, i have no clue what to expect. Patty: "Jeez, don't you know anything? ... Does anyone else feel kinda irritable?" -a croud rushes past, screaming in terror- liz: oook... what was that? minotaur: *THE MINOTAUR CHARGES AT YOU* -many levels later- [Wrath = Minotaur. Envy = I don't know, demonic baby versions of the characters. Pride = ???. Greed = Something involving Soul desiring to get back what he lost...] [sloth I guess] -the final area- -there is a dark fog around the area... creepy dolls and dead bodies litter the area- -an omnipresent air fills the area, but you stay determined- Patty: "Oh my God..." Black Star: "Keep moving, guys. It can't be too far...Anyone sense a soul or anything around here?" soul: my head hurts... ngh... m-ma..k-ka.... Black Star: "Keep it together, Soul." (puts an arm around him) "Stay with me." liz: *she hears a voice up ahead* gopher: hmph, how annoying...that succubus completely ditched us... homura: *she examines a tree. there is a bloody heart with the initials 'K' and 'S' written inside* Patty: "K? Kid? S? Stocking! Oh, man, I'm getting creepy vibes..." -in a path of blood is written; forever, and ever, and ever, and ever...- homura: we should keep going forwards. Black Star: "Damn, Kid...Stocking...What the hell did this place even do to you two..." Patty: (slowly moving) "Sis? What is going to happen?" liz: i dont know.... Patty: (holds her hand) "Kid..." -there is a chapel looking building up ahead- Black Star: "What's a church doin' here?" homura:.... *she opens the door. at the end of the corridor, is a doll of stocking in a black gown, and someone else...* Patty: "Oh no..." Patty: "Sis, is that...?" liz: k...kid? Kid: (his back to them) "Honored guests...I'm so happy to have you here..." Black Star: "...Tsubaki...be ready..." soul: kid? you ok man? Kid: (turns, revealing a frown...and a chin decorated with five vertical lines. Then he sneers) Mad!Kid: "I hadn't even sent you invitations, and you still came! How wonderful!" liz: *her eyes widen* k-kid...? Mad!Kid: "Welcome, to our wedding! Say hello to our guests, my bride..." (takes the doll of Stocking, waving its hand at them) (falsetto) "Hello, everyone!" homura: ...... gopher: O_O and i thought i was creepy... Patty: "Sis...?" liz: kid? what are you talking about? Mad!Kid: "I'm a married man now, Liz!" (sets down Stocking on a pedestal--and kisses her forehead) "Who wants the bouquet?" (holds up dead flowers) homura: kid....thats not stocking.... Patty: (hugging Liz) "We're here to take you home, Kid..." Mad!Kid: "Home? But I still have my honeymoon!" soul: with a doll? Black Star: "Dude, if you have a honeymoon with _that_, you got problems..." --The bouquet slams into Soul's face-- soul: OW! shit... *he was cut by the rose's thorns* Mad!Kid: "You DARE cast aspersions on the woman I love!" gopher: damn, this isnt good... Mad!Kid: (glares) “the lady of the abyss said I could be reunited with her, all I have to do…. Is kill everyone." Black Star: (gasps) "Tsubaki!" [lord death: in that world, exists a lady that swims in the darkness. a woman known as Pandora.] tsubaki: right! Patty: "No!" Black Star: (it is too late--he is rushing at Kid, who simply stands...) liz: BLACK*STAR WAIT! Black Star: (swings the sword down...) [eibon: she was to be executed for her crimes, but she had become too strong for them.] Black Star: (freezes...then coughs blood) "W-What?" Mad!Kid: (smirks) "Stocking has my heart forever..." Patty: (shocked, crying) Mad!Kid: (tightens his grip along Black Star's chest) "Who has yours?" tsubaki: black*star!! tsubaki: *changes back and kicks him away* Mad!Kid: "Omph! ... Heh. Hee hee hee! You finally show yourself instead of hiding, Tsubaki? Or are you just going to scream your meister's name some more?" [eibon: as a last resort, i took my father's spell book and sealed her inside, though it was difficult.] tsubaki: kid please, stop this! this isnt the real you! Mad!Kid: "Shut up!" (kicks Tsubaki in the face) gopher: hey kid! listen to me! you arent in your own mind! that demoness, Pandora, she's manipulating you! Mad!Kid: (picks up Tsubaki by her face) "You have her voice...My bride needs her voice back..." (removes a knife from his pocket) "I'll carve it out of you, you thief. Open the box, retrieve Stocking's voice..." (leans the knife against Tsubaki's skin) "Take back what is mine..." gopher: FEATHER BULLET! Mad!Kid: "Ugh!" (the feather pierces through his forehead and out the back) "..." (he collapses back) Patty: "Kid!" Black Star: (fighting back the pain) "No way...he is taken out that easily...Tsubaki! Please, God, tell me you are..." gopher: he'll live, but it buys us time. tsubaki: *panting and coughing* i-im ok... Mad!Kid: (muttering) "Angel...Demon...Angel...Demon..." homura: kid. listen to me... we want to help you. Black Star: (smiles, trying to hide tears) "Should've known...no weapon of mine dies that easily..." Mad!Kid: "Stocking?" homura: kid, please, its me homura, remember? *she kneels down next to him* Mad!Kid: "She promised...if I killed everyone in the world, I would have her back. Why would she lie?" (sobbing) "She's going to be lost forever." *SLAP* Black Star: "!" homura: KID LISTEN TO ME! we can still help her. but not with you lost in madness like this! Mad!Kid: "...Homura!" --Kid sits up-- Kid: "How dare you slap me on only one side of my face!" homura: here, hold this. *she gives him one of stocking's namesake socks* Patty: "...You brought her socks?" Kid: "...St-Stocking's?" liz: shh. homura: people arent the only ones who can carry memories. Patty: (frowns) "You shh!" (thinking) "Oh, hey! I'm not as mopey now! Kiddo's back!" Kid: "..." (cries into the sock) "Stocking..." [Black Star: (coughs) "Yeah, Kid's back. My chest is cracked in eight places, but he's back. Whoop-dee-doo..."] -you are shown memories, memories with stocking. during happy times, sad times, silly times, intimate times- Kid: o_o "Wh-What is all this?" homura: memories. memories of the objects. --Kid remembers first seeing her fight. He remembers staring at her in class and at lunch, following her after school to ask her name.-- [gopher: *gives black*star a full heal* quit whining you baby] [Patty: (whispers) "And memories of her foot fungus..."] [Black Star: (whispers) "You're the baby! Diaper-wearing baby!"] --Kid sees Halloween, battles, study sessions...He sees forgiveness, love, compassion, joy...He sees all of her...-- -stocking smiles at you- --She descends down on angel's wings, and holds a hand to him. And she says...-- -stocking: i love you kid.- Kid: "Stocking...I will always love you...Angel." -the chapel area vanishes, as does the doll.- Kid: (clutches the sock) "Stocking..." gopher: i think i see the exit up ahead. Patty: (lifts Kid up) "Do you remember me?" (holds him up to Liz) "Do you remember her?" (looks to Liz) "Welcome him back, Sis!" liz: ki-....KIIIIIIIDDDD!!! *she cries and hugs him* YOU DUMMY WE WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!! Kid: (slammed against her) "Can't...breathe! And I thought...the water...was bad..." Patty: (slams against Kid) "Stupid! Moron! Idiot! Loveable Kiddo!" Black Star: (slams against Kid, too) "Welcome back!" soul: good to have you back man....come on, we have to go save your girlfriend. Kid: (sad eyes at Soul) "Thank you." gopher: *rolls eyes* well, i look forwards to seeing kirika pick on you again idiot reaper. Kid: (laughs) "Your v-shape frown is still offensive." gopher: *sticks out his tongue* liz: come on you two, lets get out of this crazy place. Kid: "Not without Stocking." gopher: she should be through that portal. Kid: "...But why would the Lady of the Abyss direct me here, if the portal is there?" gopher:....we'll explain later. -in noah's base- kotone: hmmm? papa, the book is acting odd. Noah: "Busy indexing my collection. (Should it be alphabetical or chronological?) What is the book doing?" kotone: O______O;;;;;; *she stares at the people before her* pa- *mouth covered by gopher* gopher: if you want to keep your kneecaps, tell us where the girl is. Noah (doesn't turn around or follow, exiting the room): "Just take care of it. I'll get to the problem when I can. (And I thought Gopher needed to be held by the hand...)" Patty: "Maybe we need to open a new mouth in her...How about we blast one through her face?" kotone: Q-Q *she gets the key and gives it to them* *she glares at chelsea* hey stupidface, go show them the cage. chelsea: *she guides them to the door* Patty: "...Your name is Stupidface?" chelsea: its chelsea, actually. she's just a brat. kotone: *held at bladepoint* eeh? soul: you're not goin' anywhere brat. -in the dungeons- Kid: "Dungeons. Where is she?" Kid: "I-I can't sense her..." chelsea: here. *she paws a door* -stocking is chained by her wrists to a wall, bruises on her skin. she's trembling- Kid: (gasps, struggling to be quiet...he approaches slowly) (whispers) "Stocking?" stocking:.... *she doesnt seem to notice* Kid: (approaches, approaches the chains...) "Black Star." Black Star: (nods, limps over...) Kid: "Take the chains, and be ready to catch her..." stocking:....... Black Star and Kid: (take the chains--and rip them off the wall, freeing her, waiting for her body to fall into their hands to catch her) stocking: *she lands in kid's arms* ........... -she's breathing- --Her back is bare, the clothes there ripped...and there are two scars along the back-- Kid: (cringes) "Oh, God..." (feels her breath) "She's alive. Gopher, get us out of here." tsubaki: !!! oh my god... gopher: right. chelsea: hey take me with you guys! Black Star: "What do you think, Kid?" Kid: "...After this experience, I'm not sure anyone should be here...Why are you here, Chelsea?" soul: i think we may have a problem... Kid: "?" gopher: !!! Noah: "Thank you, little fox: you brought me more collectibles. Good job" chelsea: *snarls* kotone: PAPA THEY'RE TRYING TO GET AWAY WITH THE HALFBLOOD FREAK! --A shot fires through Kotone's body-- Kid: "Good shot, Liz." kotone: *SCREAMING* --Kid is holding only Liz in his hand. This is serious: symmetry be damned-- liz: ok, we're just going to be leaving now, ok? stocking: *she's visibly terrified* Noah: (glances at Kotone) "She was in mint condition, too..." (pushes her aside) "You damaged my goods." kotone: p-pa..pa...i-it hurts... Noah: "SHUT UP! ... The adults are talking." gopher: she's in pain! Noah: (rushes at Gopher, slamming him by the throat and into the wall, then down to the ground) "Shut up, you weaking. SHUT UP!" Kid: (holds Stocking closer) "It's going to be okay..." (to Noah) "You hurt her. Your sentence is death...Soul and Chelsea, get Stocking and Gopher out of here." gopher: burn in hell. *feather bullets him in the stomach* soul: on it! *picks up stocking and runs off* --The feather fly through him like paper-- chelsea: *bites noah's ankle* Noah: "Heh. That tickles..." (backhands Chelsea, stands up) "Fine. Take the failure." (stamps his foot onto Gopher's back) "All broken pieces of him..." Kid: "...Liz, Patty. Transform." gopher: *he gets up and grabs kotone, carrying her with him* liz: right! Patty: "On it! Blast this motherfucker!" tsubaki: *takes chelsea and flees* Kid: "Black Star, get them out of here. Noah is mine." Black Star: "...Liz? Is he alright for this?" gopher:..... take her with you, i need to do something... liz: *takes several shots at noah* Noah: "Cyclops!" --The wall of the jail cell shatters, revealing the brute-- --The Cyclops slams into Kid, knocking Liz loose from his hand-- liz: ack! gopher: *runs back, clutching something* gopher: TAKE YOUR WEAPON AND RUN! --The Cyclops bites at Kid's wrist, threatening to rip it--and Patty--with it-- Patty: "Kid!" Kid: "Patty!" Noah: (looks at Liz) "Little girl...You're the one who was afraid to shoot me, aren't you? You know what I did to that demon friend of yours?" liz: what? Noah: "The halfbreed that the Shinigami came to rescue--that little repository for all of his desires. Do you know what I did to that angel-demon hybrid?" gopher: *sends a feather bullet into the cyclops' eye* liz: what are you talking about? Kid: "Ah!" (the monster removes its grip on his wrist) "Patty! Fire at him!" Noah: "Her screams were the best part. I forced her to show her wings...and I enjoyed letting my fingers trace along them. Did you know angel wings can re-grow? That was surprising..." liz: !!! --A shot fires through Noah's torso-- Noah: "...Huh. That was rude. I AM TALKING HERE!" (seizes Liz by her wrist) "What was I discussing? Please, remind me." liz: you're horrible. Noah: (pulls him towards her) "You have no idea...Why don't I show you? You are hardly worth my collection...but I did lose Chelsea to you: I need a new street urchin to organize my collection." Patty: "Sis! Get away from him!" liz: let go of me you fuck! --Another shot fire through Noah's abdomen-- Noah: "Heh heh heh..." (punches Liz in the stomach) "You come with me..." liz: *coughing blood* *she kicks him* Noah: "Arg! Bitch!" Kid: "...Gopher. What do I need to do to kill him?" liz: heh, not the worst i've heard. gopher: i have a plan, but we need to get liz out of there! --Noah's grip loosens-- Noah: "I'll shut that mouth up, until the only word you scream is 'Stop.'" liz: *she shoots his hand* Noah: "ARG! My hand! My collection is nothing with it!" Kid: "He's lost his mind...Liz! Here! Now!" liz: *knees him in the crotch and runs back* gopher: now who's the weakling?! Noah: (squeak) "...Weakling? How is this for a weakling?!" (flings his hand--sending out paper stars...that just bounce off Gopher) "...Damn." Kid: (with both Thompsons in hand) "This is just sad...Gopher, what do we do?" gopher: oh nooooaaaah~ remember this? *holds up the book of enoch* Noah: (smiling giddily) "My book!" (reaches outward--and falls down to his knees) "The Book of Eibon..." gopher: its the book of enoch actually, used to seal monsters...and the worst criminals. not sure which you are. *he sucks noah up into the book* Noah: (laughs loudly) "Yes! My collection! I am with my collection! Forever! Ha ha ha ha!" Noah: (seizes Gopher by the wrist) "And with you!" -wing claws noah's other hand- gopher: *closes the book* nah. Noah: "Ah!" (the hand is sliced off, sucking in the rest of Noah) --Noah is gone.-- gopher: *he duct tapes the book shut* karmic justice at its finest. Patty: (holding up Noah's severed hand) "Souvenir! Neat!" -the hands fade into paper- Patty: "Ah! I was going to keep it in a jar!" Kid: "Is this enough to trap Noah? Just keeping him in this book? What if he escapes?" -after they return home, and a touching reunion with stocking and her dad- -eibon would seal the book within a barrier seal- Kid: "..." stocking:....... *she's trembling* Kid: "Stocking..." stocking: *she looks up weakly, her expression sullen*...... Kid: "You're safe. You are here now." stocking:......... *she cries silently* Kid: (says nothing, just holds her, letting her cry into him) stocking: i dont know.....how am i supposed to feel, knowing the man i thought was my adoptive father is actually my real father.... and that i....w-what am i kid? Kid: (nods) "This is normal. It is absolutely normal to wonder. Stocking...does this change your love for your father?" stocking: i..i...of course i love my dad....its just..... *she cries* its all my fault! my mother was cast out of the heavens because i was born! i ruined her life! Kid: (strokes her hair) "No parent ever blames their child for anything. Your mother loved you. She would not have you, she would not have given you life. You ruined nothing: your mother made her decision, and she loves you. She gave you this life, and she wanted you to live." stocking: how can you be so damn sure? how can i be sure of that? I'VE NEVER EVEN MET HER! Kid: "Stocking...I have to believe that. I have to believe that there is a reason you are here." stocking: im a monster..... a halfblooded freak of nature.... Kid: "...Stocking...Look at me." stocking: *she looks at him with tear filled eyes* Kid: "You would not think of your father as a freak. You would not think of your mother as a freak. You are their child: you are all of them in you. You are Stocking Pheles. You are loved. You are admired. You are a being of light and a being of darkness...an equal balance. Stocking, you are you." stocking: ki.....*she breaks down crying* kiii-iiiiiid.... Kid: (holds her) "Stocking...It's okay. It's okay." stocking: kid...i-i- *she clutches her pelvic area* o-ow-OW!! it hurts! Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: *she's choking back tears* t-tha....that guy....he tortured me.....and...he...he r-ra.....*she breaks down again* Kid: (mouth agape) "Stocking..." stocking: im scared kid! i can still feel his hands all over me! -she's hyperventilating- Kid: "I'm sorry, Stocking." (crying with her) "I'm so sorry..." (removes a brown paper bag from his pocket, opening it) "Breathe. Please, Stocking?" stocking: *she takes it and tries to breath* Kid: (leaves a hand along her shoulder, trying to breathe as well) -after a while, she is able to breathe easier, laying in his arms- Kid: (stroking her hair, silent, thinking...) stocking: kid..... can i stay here for a few days? Kid: "You can stay as long as you want...You're always welcome here." stocking: *she smiles faintly* thank you kid.....i....i love you... Kid: "I love you, Stocking..." (kisses her forehead) -the next morning, after stocking has been given a proper bath- Kid: (waits for Stocking...) -once she was dressed, she came out, slowly- Kid: (smiles) "How was the bath?" stocking: ok....i was by myself...but i still feel his eyes boring into me... Kid: "I understand. But he is gone. And he is not coming back." ("...I hope...") stocking: *she hugs him*....you got taller... Kid: (small laugh) "More of me here now..." stocking: *she smiles a little*....im hungry... Kid: "Up for going to the kitchen?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (takes her hand to guide her) "What would you like to eat?" stocking: anything really... Kid: "Waffles it is." (he smiles) -when she is handed her plate, she takes a bite, then another, and another until she is practically gorging them down, she then starts to cry- Kid: (hands her a tissue, holding her hand) stocking: *hic, sniffle* t-thanks ki-kid.... liz: how's she holding up? Patty: (waves at Stocking) Kid: "One day at a time, Liz." liz: hmm... well, that gopher kid's going to be taking on an apprenticeship under eibon Kid: "Hmm..." ("I feel ambivalent. On the one hand, he helped save Stocking. On the other hand, he was...that bastard's creation...") Kid: "..." liz: you ok? Kid: "...I feel awful." stocking: ..... *she holds his hand* Kid: "...But I'm happier now." stocking: *she smiles slightly, a bit of life returning to her eyes* Kid: (smiles back) Kid: "...Liz? Patty? Thank you for bringing Stocking back." liz: of course kid... (thinking: at least he isnt trying to off himself anymore...) Patty: "We're happy, too, Kid, to have you and Stocking back." stocking: *she nods* Kid: (keeps holding Stocking's hand) "Still hungry?" stocking: y-yeah... i havent eaten in a month... Patty: (sad frown) Kid: (pours some water and orange juice) "Keep drinking, too. I'll make some more waffles." -later- Kid: "Stocking? What can I do for you?" stocking: *she nuzzles into him, holding honekoneko* Kid: "Just stay right here, then?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: "Okay. I am right here, right now...Stocking..." stocking: mmm... Kid: "Would you mind some music?" stocking: i'd like that... Kid: "I had this brought down..." (he opens the Music Box) stocking: ah... Kid: "Rest, Love..." stocking: promise you'll be there when i wake up? Kid: "I promise." stocking: *she slowly falls asleep in his arms* Kid: (continues to hold her, stroking her hair) -the next morning- stocking: zzzzz... Kid: (slowly wakes up, with her resting on his chest...he lets her keep sleeping but he is wide awake, worrying) stocking: zzzz... Kid: ("What I was going to do without her...I was going to give up my very morals, to kill all, just to save her...") (crying) ("I'm feeling sorry for myself...but after all that happened to her, is what I went through at all comparable?") stocking: *she nuzzles against him* Kid: ("...All I can do...all we can do...is live through this...She makes me happy...Do I make her happy?") stocking: *muttering in her sleep* kid... *she smiles* Kid: (crying) ("This is enough...This is all I want.") liz: *knock knock* kid? you ok? Kid: (wiping his tears) "Yes...Please, come in." liz: *she opens the door* how are you two doing? Kid: (puts a finger to his lips, indicating she is sleeping) "I'm really not sure..." liz: ah. Kid: (wiping a hand over his eyes) "I...am not sure what to do." liz:.... *she pats his back* Kid: (cries a little bit) liz:...*she hugs him a bit* Kid: (trying to be quiet) "It's so awful..." liz: kid... Kid: "I...was going to do awful things...and I feel so much pain for Stocking, when she has been so strong through all of this." liz: kid. its not your fault... Kid: "I know. But the fact is that, she was captured, not me...I have not had a day where I have not repeated that day, thought of everything I should have done to trade places with her. Liz, I am happy to have Stocking here. But I think I'm always going to blame myself." liz: kid..... *she tears up* Kid: "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for how angry I am, how...how many times I tried to die." liz: kid... look. she's here now... you're here....we're all here... Kid: (nods, crying, trying to smile) "I love her. I love you, Liz. I love Patty. I just...will never be able to thank you all enough." liz:....*she hugs him* thanks kid....for all you've done for me...for patti...for all of us.... Kid: (accepts the hug, while leaving a hand along Stocking's back) "...Liz? I don't know when Stocking will return to school...I think I could use another day off." liz: take as long as you need... Kid: "What are you and Patty doing today?" liz: we'll just do classes i guess. Kid: "Please take notes for us..." (strokes Stocking's hair) "We're coming back, when she and I are ready." liz: can do. Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." -in the morning- stocking: hey kid...c-can you take me to the doctors? Kid: "Of course...I think that is the right action to take in light of..." (he let the remark trail off) "I'm sorry." stocking: y-yeah.... -at the doctor- doctor: well ma'am, we've finished the test, and we've confirmed you are not pregnant. Kid: (holding her hand, a slight squeeze on it) stocking: *she breaths a slight smile of relief* a-anything else? Dr. Melinda John: "...Stocking, I think you should sit down." stocking: o-ok... Dr. John: "Stocking, you were without food for months." stocking: a month...yes... Dr. John: "Your body is going to need time to heal. I see concerning evidence in the tests of dehydration...It's amazing that your kidneys didn't destroy themselves." (she puts a hand on hers) "You're strong. But you need time to heal. So, I want to see you the end of this week to check on your recovery...and I think you should seek additional help." stocking: o-ok... Dr. John: (smiles) "Good." (looks seriously at Kid) "You make sure of it, Kid. Make an appointment at the front desk." Kid: (nods) "Stocking? Anything else?" stocking: should i eat or drink anything? Dr. John: "I recommend high-electrolyte drinks in moderation, slowly increasing the amount of water you drink, and stick to light foods high in nutrients...and I think a few sweet treats would be fine." stocking: high..electro...??? Dr. John: "Gatorade. Something to increase sodium intake and hence rehydrate your body more quickly. I'm also going to write out a prescription for a very minor steroid to help you rebuild your physical strength." stocking: o-ok. Dr. John: "Stocking? Is there something else you wanted to ask?" stocking: what about...m-my lady parts...? Dr. John: (looks at Kid) "Should Kid be outside for this...?" Kid: "Stocking, if you want, I can leave..." stocking: .... well, kid....c-could you stay with me for this... *she holds his hand* Kid: (holds her hand) "Of course." stocking: i-i think he'll listen to this... Dr. John: "...Stocking, I'm sorry. In cases of repeatedly rough forms of intercourse, recovery can take three days, four days, a week. Injuries to the vagina were extensive, and you have numerous lacerations--like thin papercuts. That is why I want to meet the end of this week--because, really, your survival after so long is astounding, and your healing is faster than I expected. But I am concerned how these injuries may have compromised your reproductive organs." stocking:...*she covers her mouth and weeps* Kid: (leans down, hugging her) stocking: *voice cracking* i feel sick... Dr. John: "Do you want to lie down?" -later- stocking:...... Kid: (holding her) "It's time for your next steroid." stocking: o-ok. Kid: (gets up) "I'll get you some water from the kitchen, and something to eat with it...Would you walk with me there?" stocking: *she stands up and slowly walks with him* Kid: "Easy down these steps..." stocking: *she manages to make it* --In the kitchen-- stocking: ...... *she watches kid get the meds ready* Kid: (shakes one pill from the bottle, set it on the plate next to...) "Be sure to drink the full glass of water, have the steroid..." (slides a plate with a sticky bun on it) "with your meal." (he smiles) stocking: *she smiles and takes the med, bun and drink* Kid: "I've been trying to improve at cooking...I had some trouble making the bun not too sticky..." stocking: its really soft.... Kid: "Too soft?" stocking: it...it tastes really good.... thank you kid. Kid: (smiles) "You're welcome..." (moves his hand towards hers...) stocking: *she rubs her stomach* Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: i was really scared....that there was a baby inside me... Kid: "I understand. The doctors assured us you are not pregnant, and that is important to know." stocking: r-right but....what if i was....i dont know what i would do....dont get me wrong, i do want a child.... *she starts to cry* but i want it to be from you... i want it to be _our_ baby.. Kid: (moves to hug her) "It's okay. You are okay, Stocking. It's what I want, too." stocking: *she hugs him back, trembling and crying* Kid: "..." (strokes her hair) "Stocking...I love you. You are safe here." stocking: *she slowly calms down* t-thanks... Kid: "You're welcome...Do you want another sticky bun?" stocking: y-yeah... -a week later- Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: a little better... Kid: "That's good...This will get better, I promise." stocking: *she smiles* so, do you think im in good enough condition to return to school yet? Kid: "Well, Dr. John said you were ready at your last appointment, although she advised scheduling time for counseling...Do you feel ready to return to school?" stocking: maybe.... what day is it today? Kid: "Tuesday." stocking: maybe next week then. Kid: (smiles) "Next week, then." (kisses her forehead) "Have you been drinking enough?" stocking: i think so... Kid: "Hungry?" stocking: not really... Kid: "How do your muscles feel? Better for walking?" stocking: a little bit. Kid: "...Stocking? How about we walk outside? Just along the backyard. If you get tired, we come back inside." stocking: sure... --Walking along the backyard-- Kid: "It's bright out..." stocking: yeah... Kid: "Feel cold? Or hot?" stocking: temperate.. Kid: (small laugh. Looks up at trees) "I look forward to seeing the leaves finish growing back..." stocking: yeah. and valentines..... Kid: (with his hand around hers) "Valentine's will be good." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "And your birthday." stocking: *she smiles* stocking: i heard kyouko graduated from NOT class to the ALT class. Kid: (nodded) stocking: though some of the others still have a ways to go. Kid: "They'll be fine. Everything worth doing well takes time." (smiles at her) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Stocking...May I kiss you?" stocking: o-of course kid. Kid: (kisses her cheek) -knock knock- Kid: "Someone at the door? Stocking, will you come with me?" stocking: yeah. -at the door, mikako stands with some papers- Kid: "Mikako?" Mikako: ah! good afternoon. mr barrett asked me to drop your lessons off here for you. *she hands him the papers* Kid: "Th-Thank you...We hadn't expected this." mikako: s-sorry, i'm trying my best. Kid: (cringing) "No! I mean, we appreciate it! Thank you! ... Would you...like to come in?" mikako: are you sure? i mean, not that i dont think your house is nice, i do i just... i wouldnt want to intrude, especially since- oh! stocking: oh? mikako: i didnt know you were there. *sigh* i heard you were really sick. Kid: (slight smile) "She's getting stronger, every day." mikako: ah well. i should head back to the dorms. i hope you feel better soon. Kid: (looks to Stocking) stocking: ok i will. take care ok? -mikako nods and exits.- Kid: (watching Mikako leave) "She seemed worried." stocking: i havent really seen her around that much... is she new? Kid: (nods) "She came to us after...an accident." stocking: what happened? Kid: "...Her father was a Flame Human." stocking: oh.... and what about her mom? Kid: "The same." stocking: oh.... Kid: "...The Death Weapon Meister Academy: we are there for all who need us, who want to adjust to an ever-changing world--as we ourselves keep changing, too." stocking: right. Kid: (approaches Stocking, puts his arms around her into a hug) "..." -elsewhere- soul: *he opens the door* yeah? Black Star: "Burgers!" soul: oh hey, come on in. *he looks* oh, hey chrona..... tomoe.... mami: hello soul. *she smiles weakly* Crona: "..." (avoids eye contact) Black Star: (already at the couch, laying out plastic bags full of burgers, fries, onion rings, milkshakes--oh, and some things for the others) mami: *she pats their back* its ok chrona... *she smiles warmly* soul: its ok, im not gonna eat you or anything. Crona: (still looking down) "Hello." soul: you hungry? Crona: (stomach growls, nods silently) -inside- Black Star: (mouth full of food, struggling to talk) "Chow down, Crona! Plenty to go around!" soul: so, how've you all been holding up? Crona: "...Fine." tsubaki: i visited my family, and that went pretty well.. mami: i've been doing well too. Black Star: "Still being awesome." (gives a thumbs up--while he has lettuce stuck in his teeth) "How you doin'?" sayaka: i've been training my skills up. since kyouko got into ALT, i've been working harder than ever! Crona: "..." (sips on milkshake, looking down at their feet) soul: doing pretty good. after that whole other world incident, i realize just moping around isnt going to help anyone. i have to keep trying to become a death scythe. Black Star: (looks down a bit) "Oh...You up to a certain number of souls right now?" soul: last i checked we have about... 51. Crona: "Congratulations." soul: well....yeah, thanks. Crona: "..." (shaking a bit) mami: *she hugs chrona* Crona: (steadies themselves...) "I'm fine. Thanks." Black Star: (shakes the onion ring container at Crona) "Come on. They are really crispy and tasty..." Crona: (tentatively reaches for one--and bites in) "...T-Thanks." (smiles a bit) sayaka: so, what do you all want to do after this? Black Star: "A game? Or head out and see what's happening in town?" mami: that sounds like a good idea. sayaka: ?? mami: maybe going out around town? Crona: (nods) Black Star: "Where to, Tsubaki? Any suggestion? Maybe to the park or a shop?" -where do you want to explore?- [x] mall [] park [] deathbucks [] arcade [] plaza [] other? Crona: "Oh, the mall? Um...that might be nice..." soul: sounds good. Crona: (small smile, holds Mami's hand) Black Star: "Cool. I could use some new jeans.." tsubaki: ok. sayaka: neat! i hear theres some new games and manga out too. Black Star: "Then let's get going!" -at the mall- Black Star: "Do these jeans make my butt look big?" tsubaki: they look nice. *she smiles* Crona: (holds up a shirt: "Cutie") "Um..." mami: oh, did you find something you like? Crona: (blushes) "N-No! I mean..." (awkwardly holds the shirt) "What do you think?" mami: hmm, i think it looks nice. Crona: (blushes harder) "...I'll buy it." sayaka: i ship it. Black Star: "???" sayaka: *whistling* Crona: "...Mami? Are you buying anything?" mami: i might get this. *she holds up a green jacket* i think it looks nice. Crona: (nods) "The color is nice on you...A lot of colors are nice on you." mami: aw, thank you chrona. Black Star: "...Oh, now I get what Sayaka was talkin' about. sayaka: i know right? *she grins* Black Star: "Okay, Cupid, what do we do? Let this experiment play out on its own, or jump on in and add something to bond them?" sayaka: hey come on now, lets just leave them be. so, what else did you get? Black Star: "Of all things, this book..." (holds it up: it's a book of poetry) sayaka: wow. i got two new manga series i want to start out on. Hero High School and Kingdom of the Vampires. i hear they're pretty good. Black Star: "Good you're doing more reading...that's kind of what I want to do since..." ("...Maka.") sayaka: yeah.... well, cant dwell on the past too much. like soul said, we have to keep moving on fowards. Black Star: "We all got our ways of moving forward...AND MY WARRIOR'S WAY OF MOVING FORWARD WILL BE TO READ THIS SUPER-GIRLY POETRY!" (beat) "I mean, super-girly manly poetry!" sayaka: sure. *sweatdrop* soul: maybe you could ask kid to read you some of his. Black Star: "No, his stuff just makes people's skin crawl. I don't know how Patty hasn't chopped her own ears off from that." soul: yeah...and dont get me started on the stuff he writes when he's relly depressed. its like chrona's stuff. only creepier....and i think there was a cannibalism analogy in the last one... *shudders* Crona: "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY POETRY?" soul+sayaka: nothing. sayaka: i think its nice. *sweats* Crona: (creepy eyes of creepiness) "Okay..." sayaka: *sweats* mami: so now what? Black Star: "How about we get some food?!" (nervous) "Right, everyone? Ha ha ha ha..." sayaka: yeah, im starving. Crona: "But we had those burgers..." Black Star: "Nope! More food! Let's go! Sayaka, what you want? -elsewhere- Kid: (washing his face in the bathroom, trying to calm down...studies his chin in the mirror) "No lines. Good." stocking: kid? are you ok? Kid: (smiles) "Yes. Just keeping an eye on myself...I...have a confession to make about...what I did _not_ do in the last month..." stocking: ..... *she listens* Kid: "...I had stopped my medication." stocking: !! k-kid... Kid: (says nothing, just nods...and cries a little) stocking: is that all you wanted to tell me? Kid: (shakes his head, and holds up his wrists to her) stocking: kid...? Kid: "I tried to kill myself. More than once." stocking: kid..... *she hugs him, weeping* Kid: "I gave up...I gave up on you...I'm sorry..." stocking: its ok...i-im right here now... im sorry i put you through this... Kid: (crying) "It's not your fault. This...just happened. I feel awful to say this, after how much I screwed up, but we can only learn and move on...I'm sorry." stocking: *sniff* y-you're right... we cant beat ourselves up over this... Kid: (smiles) "Okay..." (hugs her) -later, they are laying in bed together- Kid: (looking at her, slowly putting a hand to her cheek) stocking: zzzz.... Kid: ("Please sleep, Angel. Regain your strength.") stocking: *she hugs his wrist* Kid: (A tear falls as he smiles. He closes his eyes, ready to try to fall back to sleep) -the next morning- stocking: zzzz.... Kid: *yawn* (slowly opens his eyes, feeling the dried tears along his lashes. He smiles. "She's here.") stocking: *nuzzling her face into his chest* Kid: o\\\o ("...She's so warm...She's so alive.") stocking: mmmn... Kid: ("This feels nice...and...") stocking: *she slowly opens her eyes* Kid: "Morning." stocking: morning kid... Kid: "How did you sleep?" stocking: a lot better... Kid: (kisses the top of her head, at her hair) "That's good..." (puts his arms around her) "What do you want to do first?" stocking: not sure... Kid: "Would you like me to make you breakfast?" stocking: yes please. Kid: "So why don't you shower, and I'll make you whatever you want. Waffles? Cinnamon buns? Maybe prepare some fruit?" stocking: yeah. -after that- Kid: (lays out a plate of waffles with fruit spreads and maple syrup, another of cinnamon buns, orange slices, grapes) "...This presentation looks unbalanced..." (looks under the table) "Maybe the table is lopsided." stocking: it looks yummy. Kid: (looks back up over the table, smiles) "That's good...How was your shower?" stocking: it was pretty good... Kid: "Good..." ("I'll have to ask later whether she is doing another follow-up with the physician...") "Well, let's enjoy this meal." stocking: yeah... Kid: (cuts the pancake...then smirks...) "Stocking?" stocking: hmm? Kid: "I made your pancake special...I add just a bit more sugar...I was wondering whether you could let me have a taste." stocking: oh, sure. Kid: (opens his mouth) stocking: here you go~ Kid: (closes his mouth around her fork) "Hmm...So sweet." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (smiles. "I have wanted to see that smile so much...") "I'm sorry to say I didn't make my own waffle as sweet, so if you don't want a bite...") stocking: im good. Kid: "Okay." (continues eating) "Anything else you want? A different fruit spread or topping? I also put out the butter." stocking: i think i'm ok... Kid: (finishes his waffle, samples a bit of the fruit) "What did you want to do today? We could take a walk to the park." stocking: yeah, maybe check up with the doctor after that... Kid: (nods) "Okay." (he takes some empty plates to the sink) "Let me take a shower, and we'll go for a walk to the park, then check with Dr. John." stocking: ok. -at the doctor- Dr. John: "How have you been feeling, Stocking?" stocking: a lot better. Dr. John: (smiles) "I think test results will bear this out. I am amazed at your healing ability: while scarring remains on the skin, I have not located internal damage." stocking: *her eyes brighten* that's great! Dr. John: "I do want to ask--while I cannot _locate_ damage, do you feel pain in the pelvic region?" stocking: very little... but not as much as i did... Dr. John: "I am going to prescribe some skin ointment to assist with healing your skin. And you have to slowly acclimate yourself to any previous activities. Therefore, I recommend abstaining from masturbation or sex for one more week." stocking: fair enough. Dr. John: "Have you been keeping up on steroids and slowly increasing your exercise routine?" stocking: yes. Dr. John: "Take it slowly to work yourself back up to your previous exercise regimen. Let's meet in a month to see how you are recovering, okay?" stocking: sounds good. *she smiles* Dr. John: (smiles) "Take care of yourself, Stocking. And if you need anything, call." (frowns) "And unlike that weirdo with the screw through his head, I don't vivisect my patients." stocking: yeah, haha. *sweatdrop* -at the 8th brigade HQ- iris: *watching something on TV* maki: oh, so seems the commander of the 5th is attending a film premier. i hear she's worth like, billions. iris: yeah.... *her expression is solemn* Akitaru: *huffing* "Yeah." *huffing, lifting weights* "She's pretty loaded--monetarily, I mean." shinra: yeah... *shudders* iris: ............. shinra: you ok? iris: !! oh, yeah, im fine. its nothing. Akitaru: *looks seriously--and sets aside weights* "That's enough of that..." (stretches) "Maki, get Shinra and Arthur to train a bit more. Iris, I have some maintenance checks to do around the building, and I could use some help with the blessings and such on certain artifacts. You up for helping me?" maki: roger sir. iris: yes, of course... *she blushes at shinra* shinra: *SWEATING* Akitaru: "Iris, we can start with this artifact. I call it 'the Holy Hand Grenade.' But really, it's just the shape of the container. It really contains the ashes of a Flame Person--the Urn of Kasai. Bless away." -elsewhere- tsugumi: *she's cutting out paper hearts for decorating.* Meme: (whistling as she puts up a paper heart on the wall) -in the temp holding cells- giriko: the hell are you in here for, junior? Anya: *sniff, rubbing her nose* "So absurd." giriko: i was talkin to your boyfriend there. Arthur: (claw scratches all over his face) "The dragon was truly a violent creature. I was lucky to avoid its fiery breath." giriko: you mean the little lizards. yeah, that sounded hilarious. Anya: "Why am I even here?! I didn't ask to be 'rescued' by this nincompoop!" guard: we're just keeping you here until we can contact your legal guardians to come pick you up. Anya: "My legal guardians in a completely different nation! Why do I lack diplomatic immunity?! Call the ambassador! Call the consulate! CALL MY TSUGUMI!" kirika: calm the fuck down, just call the dorms or something. Anya: "THEN GIVE ME MY ONE PHONE CALL!" Arthur: "...I too would like my one phone call." kirika: yeah, go callup fuckin merlin or some shit. Arthur: (frowns) "My father's name is not Merlin. We do not discuss my father." kirika: *rolls eyes* whatevs, dude. Anya: (chanting as she strikes metal bars with a mug) "Tsugumi! Tsugumi! Let me call Tsugumi!" guard: miss, just calm down for a moment. -later- tsugumi: anya! are you ok? Anya: (sobbing) "The lizards! It was horrible!" tsugumi: huh? Anya: "I did not need him to defend me from dragons! Why?! Why?!! Why do I attract crazy people?! Tell your cousin Maki the next time I see him, I'm kicking his head off!" tsugumi: *sweatdrop* ao: oh, hello morning knight. Arthur: (smiles) "Hello, Celestial Star Being. Has the Princess recounted my tale of bravely slaughtering those wicked dragons?" ao: more or less. Arthur: "Have I been asleep for long? It's already morning?" ao: no no, its still mid-noon. Arthur: "...Oh..." ("...This person is odd...") "Princess, shall I escort you and your friends home?" Anya: (growling at Arthur) "Tsugumi...I want to hit him..." ao: the thought is appreciated, but we know the way from here. tsugumi: down girl. Arthur: "But I insist: a knight cannot leave defenseless girls on their own." Anya: "We. Killed. A. Monster. What have you done--polished your shoes and stare at yourself in the mirror?!" ao: oh? Arthur: "Come along, ladies--I shall guide you to your home. Follow me!" (walks in the opposite direction of the girls' dorm) Anya: (facepalm) -the three return to the dorms- Anya: "He is such a fool! A blithering, incompetent fool!" tsugumi: yeah... i want to like him and give him a chance... but he's kind of a jerk. Meme: "...What did I miss?" tsugumi: to be honest, i dont even know anymore... Anya: (screams into a pillow) "He is so dumb! So stupidly hot and dumb!" Anya: "..." Meme: o_o tsugumi: .......................... ao: ................. mio: ..................bruh........ Anya: (removes pillow, looking dead inside) "...I have to go jump off the balcony now, excuse me." (walks to the balcony) tsugumi: DONT! *pulls her back* Anya: "I said nothing! I said he was dumb! Stupidly dumb and hot! I mean--ARG!" Meme: "Huh. So Arthur really is attracting all kinds of girls--and guys, too." mio: you know what would make him hotter? literally setting him on fire. Anya: "Yes! Do that! Tsugumi, have your cousin do that!" tsugumi: O_O -elsewhere- medusa: *sitting in her cell* *grumbling* Guard: (whistling) Guard: "What's eating you, witch?" medusa: guaaaard im thisty! (thinking: this SUCKS! having to resort to begging....i hate this! i bet arachne is rolling in her grave laughing.) Guard: "You had your ration of water for the hour--how can you be thirsty again already?" medusa: it may as well have been fucking BATHWATER! Guard: "We provide what we can get from the faucet, the same that the guards here have to drink, too. What, you want us to go above ground to get you 'quality' water?" medusa: yes, some fresh air would be nice. Guard: "Forget it. Death Scythe gave specific instructions: you are never to be let out of this cell." medusa: *hmph*.... Guard: "Now, you knock off this whining, and maybe I'll get a guard to go upstairs and get you non-bathwater water." medusa: very well.... *she lays in her bed and looks up at the ceiling* (thinking: stupid anti-magic handcuffs.... if they didnt give me these damn things i'd have been out of here ages ago...) Guard: (intercom) "The witch is giving us trouble down here. Lot of complaining." ???: why dont we send her on downstairs... make sure she behaves herself. Guard: (tense, talks on intercom) "_Downstairs_? I mean, isn't that a bit harsh?" ???: im sorry did i stutter? Guard: (tenser) "No. Sorry. I'll escort the prisoner downstairs immediately...I'll need to grab some assistants, though." medusa: ??? Guard: (to other guards, outside Medusa's door) "Prepare the anti-magic shackles to go around her body, and the chains, too. We don't want to give her an inch." medusa: where the hell are you taking me? Guard: "And put the gag around her, too." medusa: ?! (thinking: what the hell are they doing?) Guard: "The stairs are down this hall: keep a hold on her, and ready yourself: you know what that location does to people of lesser constitution. We'll need the guards with strong anti-demon wavelengths to resist the worse effect." medusa: (are they taking me down to the kishin's shrine?..) *she laughs* Guard: "...What do you find funny about this?" (grips hard on her shoulder) "Knock that off, or a worse punishment awaits you." medusa: *she stays silent until they arrive* Guard: (points to the wall) "Chain her there." medusa: (thinking: usually this is the other way around...) Guard: "Okay, let me check the chains..." (studies them) "Look secure." (sees the gagged Medusa) "You brought this onto yourself. You upset the supervisor, and you see how badly you have made this for yourself." medusa: *smirks* Guard: "Wipe that smile off your face..." (feels tension in the back of her neck) medusa: oh? Guard: "Y-Yeah..." (scratching the back of her neck. "What the hell...?") medusa: *she doesnt say anything* Guard: (looking around the room...and feels like the walls are undulating) "Okay, she's chained. Let's get out of here..." medusa: .... Guard: (practically pushing the other guards forward) "Come on! Move it!" -soon, she is alone- medusa: ......... --What sounds like wind blowing through the room is heard-- medusa: oh noooo its a draft! whatever will i do? *there is an obviously sarcastic tone to her voice* --The wind knocks the back of her head against the wall, holding it there-- medusa: ow! shit... ???: "You..." medusa: ?? ???: "I know you..." medusa: oh?
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