#my teddy eddy shreddy spaghetti
spacedlexi · 2 years
pls tell us more about teddy spaghetti
aw anon how could i refuse
he is a sweet little boy who is too troublesome for his own good
back in 2018 we rescued him and his little family off the street when he was only a few days old. here he is (and his brother) as a little nugget
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and ever since he has had a bad habit of putting literally everything in his mouth nothing is safe he will eat Anything and it landed him in the er when he was 6 months. we really struggled to afford to save him but the vets loved him so much they helped us out by driving him an hour to somewhere more affordable so you Know hes a sweetie
he especially seems to like things that are The Worst for him to consume. tomato sauce, chocolate, plastic, rubber. he once ate an entire bite sized crunch bar. he will drink the water that is soaking a used pasta bowl. absolute Nasty behavior idk why hes like this. the rest of his family is normal. we have child locks on the garbage can but he'll reach his little paws in there and just grab whatever he can. he also loves to shred paper but at least he doesnt eat it... he'll even shred aluminum foil this cat is something else. he'll stain his white fur with tomato sauce but unfortunately i dont have any pics of that. all over his mouth and paws
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but i can never be mad at him for too long hes just too sweet. also he gives the best hugs and kisses hes just a little love. runs to the door to greet you when you come home like hes a dog and wont leave you alone until you give him proper hugs and kisses
more pictures under cut cuz this is already long eheh
already putting things in his mouth. all downhill from here
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these springs are his favorite and he will bring them up with him to sleep with. i dont let him play with the broken ones anymore cuz i once caught him trying to shove it into his mouth whole
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see the destruction he has caused to the shower curtain. we replaced this when they were like 2 years old and theyve already destroyed another one so its not because theyre teething
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he loves his mommy so much and im pretty sure hes her favorite of the 2 babies...
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him and his daddy. this was after he finally came home from his surgery. i took his cone off so he could sleep then his dad held his hand 🥺
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and the whole fam. they are some of the sweetest cats we've ever had 💕 they just want to be friends with everyone
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