#my mom watches semantic error
iguessitsjustme · 1 year
About Sangwoo: He is…honest.
She is correct.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Tattoos in BLs
Dean [Until We Meet Again & Between Us] - I do not remember seeing this, but I have the picture, so it must've happened. It’s a compass on his hip because he was lost without Phram and always looking for direction.
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Win [Until We Meet Again & Between Us] – We will hopefully find out something next month when the series begins, but even if we don’t, we can still appreciate that these are henna including those angel wings.
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Jang JaeYoung [Semantic Error] - Does it have meaning? As he stated in the series, “Not really. I just liked it” but I'm seeing an eclipse thanks to Ayan's hoodie.
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Chu SangWoo [Semantic Error] – Hand drawn by JaeYoung, and it is the first image JaeYoung ever drew for him when they first met in the episode one.  
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Black/White [Not Me] – White had to get it because Black had it, and Black had it because..no idea, but it could symbolize death or strength.
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Yok [Not Me] – Mandarin on the flank means mom, but the birds and the forearm one, no idea.
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Tonhon [Tonhon Chonlatee] – “An anchor is what a navigator or sailor uses to hold his vessel to the ocean. Tonhon means a navigator. That’s why I had this anchor tattooed on my left chest to remind me that my heart will not drift away. It will be with the ocean and that is your name, Chonlatee, forever. Every time I look at it, it reminds me that I have you in my heart all the time.”
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Kamol [Unforgotten Night] – I didn’t watch this, so I’m guessing that it was because he had pet tigers, and I'm fine believing that.
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Mangkorn [Big Dragon] – Mangkorn means dragon, and he is the dragon (Yang) to Yai’s tiger (Yin).
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Porsche [KinnPorsche] – A phoenix because that was his underground fighting alias, fire is his friend (he gets the fire started in the woods, he starts a fire in his first week on the job, he smokes), his mom used to tell him stories about the phoenix rising from the ashes, his color in the series is yellow, and he is the phoenix/fire (Yang) to Kinn’s tortoise/water personality (Yin - he's like his mom).
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Pete [KinnPorsche] – “No legacy is so rich as honesty” is from Shakespeare’s comedy All’s Well That Ends Well, which is about a woman of lower rank trying to marry the man she loves who is of a higher rank. The quote shows not only to live an honest life (in a play full of dishonesty), but to be honest with oneself, something that Pete does in the end when…you know.
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Ram [My Engineer] – Has a dream catcher on his neck to chase away bad dreams, a wolf on his arm, a tribal turtle on his shoulder, and a few others.
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Forth [2 Moons 2] – Actor’s actual tattoo. Might be a Sak Yant tattoo for good fortune.
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Sarawat [2gether] – Actor’s actual tattoo. I think it was something about remembering who you are.
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Gene [Lovely Writer] - Actor's actual tattoo. A family portrait. Thanks @calipigio
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Phupha [A Tale of Thousand Stars] - Actor's actual tattoo. It now has a quote above it. He also has two thigh tattoos ("Be somebody nobody thought you could be" and "Every sunset is an opportunity to reset"), "PEACE" on his bicep, and an upper back tattoo. *whispers "I love him"* Thanks @veemark
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Ai [Ai Long Nhai] – Actor's actual tattoo. A crescent moon. Thanks @mushiemadarame for letting me know it's his.
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Ayan [The Eclipse] – Actor’s actual tattoos. The thigh one is a G-Dragon lyric telling his mother not to worry about him. Hip tattoo is "beautiful" (seen in Only Friends) *A little salty about the hip one*
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE 💖🥳🌹I hope this year is full of kindness, warmth, strength, hope and positivity for you ✨
i can't believe it's been only a little more than an year for me on this hellsite. i already love all of the people here 🥺
i grateful that that we had @badbuddyweek @badbuddyrewatch this year!!! most definitely the highlights for me 🫣
i loved everyone's edits/gifsets/creations (y'all are so talented), and the meta posts and the fics (the brains!!!!!), and they truly made my year!
i discovered ton of different shows this year, and watching them along with everyone here talking about it definitely made me like those shows more!
some of my favourite shows/movies that i saw this year were: the gifted series, cherry magic movie, fathers movie, semantic error, vice versa, enchante, the eclipse, 55:15 never too late, baker boys, kieta hatsukoi, light on me, the player, not me, everything I'm currently watching and definitely bad buddy!
tagging some blogs/people who made my year 10x better! @justafriend-ql @gooseras @dramavibes @naravits @telomeke-bbs @singharit @prans-pat @piningintrovert @ardentlytess @tutontawan @deshimango @dimpledpran @talays-portkey @i-got-the-feels @billlkin @actually-yikes @7nessasaryevils @phukaoapologist @grapejuicegay @cankersoregirl @lovelyghostv @surajmukhis @pranpats @tipsyjaehyun @pranparakul @freensrcha @icouldhyperfixatehim @ghostvalleymasters @laowen @lanzhans @machikeita @tachineko @seeking-moonscapes @dribs-and-drabbles @absolutebl @airenyah @maggiecheungs @wahgifs @baifengxis @smittenskitten @dangermagnetstrand @ahxu-laowen @oldfashioncupcakes @casualavocados @cubedmango @spicyvampire @heretherebedork @kaonoppakao and literally everyone else (the tag limit 😡)
i can't wait for this new year to bring a lot of great shows to us so all of us can collectively lose our minds over them yet again (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
something below the cut for people who didn't have the best of 2022 and some dose of hope & strength.
so, i did not have a particularly great 2022. i could only get through it safe and sane because of the loveliest person that my mother is.
she wrote something for me for the new year's, and I'd love to share it with everyone who had a difficult 2022. (consider it a bearhug from my mom & i).
मैं प्रार्थना करती हूँ, अपने बच्चे के लिए, वो आने वाले साल को, जी भर जियें।
जो रोष मिलें हैं जिंदगी से, उसे स्वीकार कर आगे बढ़े।
दुखद स्मृतियों को भुला पाएं, सुखद समृतियों को हँस कर याद करें।
कठोर ना बने, पर कोमल भी ना रहें।
चलना ही है सर उठा कर, ये बस याद रहे।
दुख उन्हें तोड़े ना।
जिंदगी का एक पहलू लगे, कोई ना हो, उनकी माँ है साथ, ये भी हमेशा याद रहे।
अपने जीवन को धिक्कारें ना, उस से जी भर प्यार करें।
रास्ते खोजें उस पर बढ़ें, और जीवन को स्वीकार करें।
translation: i pray for my child to live the coming year to the fullest. accept whatever hardships & pain this life has given you and have the strength to move on. have the strength to forget the painful memories, and remember the happy memories with laughter. do not become cruel, but do not remain tender either (so that people walk over you). remember, that you should walk with your head held high! hope that the pain doesn't break you. if it ever feels like there's no one for you, always remember that you have your mother (parent/guardian) with you. i hope you don't curse your life, love it to the fullest. find & explore your way/path, move forward on it, and accept your life.
skksksk the translated version seems a lot like toxic positivity bs but i swear its not, it full of love and strength and hope and respect.
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Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @lurkingshan and boy howdy am I pleased Shan tagged me! I love my comfort watches, talking about my comfort watches, and even talking about what a comfort watch is. I struggle with anxiety, and it affects the way I watch TV. (When I watch a new drama with zero spoilers, for example, it's liable to set off my anxiety BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN AND IT STRESSES ME THE F OUT.) So for me, a comfort watch is anything I can watch on high-anxiety days that eases my pulse and lowers my blood pressure and restores my sense of balance. That does not necessarily mean it's all cozy fluff, though, as demonstrated by the very first show on my list! It just means I find the show familiar enough to be comforting, or the themes particularly heartwarming. And yes, it sometimes means it's no-drama fluff.
Hannibal -- Probably because I think this is only the single most perfect show ever produced and I practically have it memorized, I find this show to be wildly comforting instead of anxiety-inducing, despite its subject matter. Yes, it's a show about a cannibalistic serial killer and the FBI special agent who befriends him. But it's also one of the best (and only) examples of magical realism on our TVs and its really, really, really exquisitely crafted. From the cinematography to the acting to the script, there is not one single flaw in this perfectly executed drama.
One Spring Night -- The ironic thing here is that I don't think this is one of the best kdramas ever, nor is the subject matter all fluffy, but I have re-watched it more than any other kdrama ever. I find the main female lead to be a refreshingly honest woman who sets excellent boundaries and sticks to them while advocating for mutual respect. In this drama, a single dad meets a woman who is stuck in a mediocre long-term relationship. Their ensuing romance is quite sweet with almost no misunderstanding. They both have excellent communication skills and healthy relationship dynamics. The main male lead is very uncalculating and honest. All the characters feel authentic, and I particularly like the dynamic between the female lead, her sisters, and their mom. Sadly there are a few really toxic male side characters and a side plot of domestic violence. I always skip their scenes on every re-watch though.
Old Fashion Cupcake -- In this slice of life, age gap, gay romance, an employee nurses a long term crush on his older boss and finally begins seducing him with fancy pancakes. I adore this story about the middle aged lead's healing journey from severe repression. Of course it helps that the leads have A+ chemistry and the show has excellent production values. It's also not a huge time commitment, so it's perfect for rewatching.
Because This is My First Life -- In this slice of life romcom kdrama, a thirty-something woman who recently had the rug pulled out from under her by life enters into a contract marriage to secure a decent roof over her head. The male lead is respectful and endearing, the female friend group is downright fabulous, and the dialog is practically poetic. I also like how much self-respect the main female lead has (this seems to be a running favorite of mine).
Another Miss Oh -- This romcom kdrama holds a special place in my heart for having both the absolute best k-drama first kiss and also having a full cast of quirky side characters who aren't the least bit annoying. (Usually when comedies aim for quirky characters, I find at least one of them super annoying.) This drama has it all: excellent pacing, hilarious shenanigans, a small dose of pre-cognitive visions (without veering into a murder mystery plot!), warm-hearted reveals about characters, relatively high-heat for a kdrama, and a killer cast.
Semantic Error -- In this romcom BL, a sexy older boy discovers a serious younger boy (who is likely on the spectrum) has outed him as a slacker, starts out bullying him, and accidentally falls madly in love instead. Opposites attract, excellent production values and great visual storytelling with believable lead chemistry and sweet, A+ post-credit finale scene. Perfectly paced and relatively low time investment, so it's perfect for a lighthearted re-watch.
Business Proposal / Sh**ting Stars / 20th Century Boy and Girl / The Fabulous / Jugglers / Gogh The Starry Night / King The Land -- These are all interchangeable (to me!) "no-drama romcoms", meaning they resolve any potentially anxiety-inducing dramatic plot points within the length of an episode. They are lighthearted, laugh out loud funny, and filled to the brim with endearing characters, fantabulous friend groups, and familiar tropes. If you're looking for classic friends to lovers, pretend relationships, or workplace romances, these are your jam.
The Glory -- What. A. Masterpiece. In it, a 36 year old woman slowly takes revenge on her childhood bullies. It's soooo satisfying to watch and re-watch y'all (especially if you can make it past the first episode which graphically depicts the abuse she survived). Unlike many revenge dramas, no one gets a redemption arc and instead everyone gets exactly what they deserve (no more or less). There's a slight romance thread that is well-designed, incredible dialog, A+ acting, and excellent pacing and reveals. I comfort watch this when I want to see smart, well-executed justice married to brilliant storytelling.
A Piece of Your Mind -- My go-to healing journey drama about coping with loss. Sometimes you just need a good cry, and the first few episodes of this deliver! This is slice of life romance mixed with a smidge of futuristic AI and is a heartwarming exploration of various kinds of grief and loss, all while mixing in a sweet romance plot with lots of likeable characters.
Boise Boys/Outgrown -- Sometimes a comfort watch is turning off your brain while watching competent craftsman create order out of chaos. While most HGTV home shows feature a lot of soulless design, Luke Caldwell's design aesthetic is pretty much identical to my own (an eclectic blend of mid century modern with colorful accents and inviting textures in practical layouts). It is seriously comforting to see old, possibly abandoned houses be turned into stunning and livable homes. Downright peaceful on my truly high-anxiety days!
Honorable Mentions (because ONLY 10 IS A JOKE) go to Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Moonlight Chicken, Bad Buddy, Lost/Human Disqualification, Lovely Writer, History 2: Right or Wrong, History 3: Trapped, Be Loved in House I Do, and My Love Mix-up because I either re-watch them whole (or my favorite scenes from them) somewhat regularly when nothing else can quite scratch my comfort watch itch.
Tagging @piningbisexuals, @spicyvampire, @absolutebl, @syrinth, @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you, @thequeenofsastiel, @tiggymalvern and any one else who wants to play!
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sashimi-time · 1 year
Completed BL Dramas Recommendations
So, I'm pretty picky about the types of BL dramas I watch. I've watched a lot, but I usually never end up really loving it, you know? I enjoy scenes here and there, so I decided to make a list of the ones I absolutely adored from beginning to end! Warning though, this is…a really short list. If you have any suggestions on BL movies/dramas, please share them!
2 Moons (2017) (Thai) - 12 Episodes
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Plot (MDL): Wayo Panitchayasawad is a freshman at a university that is also attended by his long-time secret love, Phana Kongthanin, a second-year student. As the Campus Moon, Pha is extremely popular but he does not seem to enjoy popularity at all. When Yo becomes the Moon of his department, the two meet on a daily basis. Their relationship starts quite rough since Pha seems to pick on Yo, but things change.
Notes: This is actually my very first BL drama, so I guess it will always hold a special place in my heart. It was super light and cute. I loved it! I watched it with my mom (lols), and we both enjoyed it so much! I loved Phana and Wayo in this one. And the song. Mygoodness, the song. It will forever be stuck in my head (1~ 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ I love you~). Actually, I really liked everyone here! The chemistry was great, the acting, and the friendships. <3 It actually has a 2019 remake (2 Moons 2), where the story progressed much farther than 2 Moons. In that one, I actually mostly enjoyed watching Kit and Ming. They were super cute. The chemistry between them was off the charts. I'd suggest 2 Moons 2 for those two alone. However, I didn't care much for Phana x Wayo in the remake. I liked it more when they weren't on the screen…sorry, but the other couples were way, way more interesting with better chemistry… So yes, I suggest 2 Moons (2017) if you want something light-hearted, fun, and short!
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Semantic Error (2022) (Korean) - 8 Episodes
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Plot (MDL): Chu Sang Woo is a junior computer science majoring student who prizes reason, rules, and a rigid sense of what is right above all else. As part of his university work, he is told to work on a group project for the liberal arts, whereby the group is required to make a final presentation in order to pass the module. But as the rest of the group – whom he knows nothing about – have decided to leave him to do all the work on his own, he decides to remove their names, and make the presentation in his name.
But little did he know that when he did this, he would deal a heavy blow to the academic prospects of a senior student named Jang Jae Young. The latter, a design major, is Chu Sang Woo’s polar opposite. He is stylish, fun-loving, and – above all – extraordinarily popular. He is the closest thing the college has to a superstar! But when his credit for the liberal arts project is taken away, his grand plans to study abroad are suddenly thrown up in the air. He seeks out Chu Sang Woo and is of a mind to torment him. But when the duo is forced to work together, a strange attraction starts to develop between them…
Notes: Oh. My. Gods. This drama.
I actually read the Manhwa of Semantic Error, so you have no idea how hyped I was to learn about the adaptation. AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT ME. o(≧∇≦o)
Everything about this short drama is great. I honestly believe it adapted the web novel really, really well! My friend and I watched it together, and we couldn't stop feeling all fluttery and screeching our hearts out after every episode! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ It very easily took the number 1 spot in my list for BL Dramas, no contest. And even though it was short, it didn't feel rushed, you know?
Other than the amazing (in my opinion) story (except for that really, really weird scene in French class. I didn't understand its purpose when I first watched (and rewatched mehehe) this drama, and I still don't understand it to this day), the actors and the acting! Mygoodness. I thought they casted them to a tee. Park Jae Chan is the perfect Cha Sang Woo, and of course, Park Seo Ham is the perfect Jang Jae Young. Don't even get me started on the chemistry between these two because booooooooooi. There would be sparks every time they were in a scene together. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE TOGETHER?!?!?!? My heart. TT^TT
Other than the two adorable main characters, I absolutely loved the side characters as well! In my opinion, Choi Yu Na is an absolute queen, and I absolutely adore Ryu Ji Hye. Seriously, you can't hate anyone in this.
So if you haven't watched this yet, please, please do. You will not regret it. Just remembering the scenes from this drama makes me feel all fluttery. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ HAHAHHA.
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divorcedmalewife · 2 years
ok. kinnporsche recap. this is literally a wattpad fic come to life. who greenlit this. and why can't i get a tv deal out of MY fics. also those last 2 episodes were a trip and a half. and their mom?? sorry bestie but everything about their mom really weirded me out at the end 😭 😭 AND VEGAS??? HE SURVIVED THAT?? and petevegas........ the smut fic for that pairing must be the most insane section on ao3 i can only Imagine and i fear my own morbid curiosity. and then not even any kimchay at the end :/ anyway it was good!! i got a little bit tired somewhere in the middle bc it really was just like yeah ok we've all read this exact mafia au at some point or another but then it got crazy again lmao bestie HOW do you find these things lmao
also don't read the novel if you want to keep your sanity. the tv series is much better and way less.... uh...... well..... everything.
also bruh the whiplash I experienced in the final episode 💀💀 everything about Namphueng and Korn makes me so fucking nervous I fucking sbdksksks. fuck Korn, me and the homies hate Korn.
And yeah I've perused the v/p tag and it's bonkers in there. I love that for them. I have such mixed feelings about them but overall I'm like "good for Pete. he and I have a lot in common, we both ignore major red flags because... well... Vegas is hot"
and yeah bestie the kimchay ending...... now you understand why I've been so fucking feral about them.
ALSO kp is like blowing up the BL world because it's just leagues above most other BL series. thank my mutual @kinnsporsche for also being unhinged about KP (and other series that they made me watch, like bad buddy and semantic error, the former being another one of my top fav TV shows of all time)
I thank god everyday that mile phakphum was like "by god I am going to have fake gay sex with apo nattawin if it's the last thing I do" and he's so fucking valid for it
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
HAPPY 2023! Back to the old grind. But first -- I would like to manage a quick year-end post for 2022 if it’s still relevant. First, a little gush about finding this place, and then a quick hit list of shows that moved me. 
I only joined Tumblr in July 2022, after watching Old Fashion Cupcake (on the recommendation posts of @isaksbestpillow​, who I’ve followed for years in my passionate pursuit of everything Kinou Nani Tabeta-related). I was so moved by OFC that I literally felt like I needed an OUTLET to gush out my feelings about what I had just watched. And so, my first post went up. 
I legit had no idea what I was getting into with Tumblr, but at least I felt like I had a space where I could really nerd out about shows I loved in incredibly minute detail, which my real-life human mutuals (partners, sibs) wouldn’t be able to appreciate. 
After that first OFC post, I felt like a pressure valve had been released, and I really had no idea how much I NEEDED TO TALK about these dramas I’ve loved watching so much over the years. So I just want to say that I’m so appreciative of all the feedback and engagement I’ve gotten on my posts in these short six-ish months -- it really makes me emotional and full that I get to do some real writing that I truly love doing, talking about subjects that I LOVE talking about (dramas, food, etc.)
Also -- this outlet here on Tumblr. I’m a crazy, overworked mom, trying to fit everything in -- kids, partner, work, school, childcare, making meals, working out, the whole freaking bit. I can’t tell you all what a RELIEF it is to be able to prioritize time to sit here and write about things I love. It is truly a mentally welcome release. 
Okay, quick thoughts on my dramas of 2022. I’m not going to do any kind of numbered list, just a fast and emotional meditation on what moved me. 
I think the dramas that I wrote the most about this year were:
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Cherry Magic (so. many. Cherry. Magic. posts.) Kabe Koji
And I hold these very close to my heart, especially Cherry Magic, but I’m just reviewing my pinned post drama list, and thinking of what twists me when I even see the title. 
I think Eternal Yesterday earns a spot. Certainly the Cherry Magic movie -- now that I’ve seen Akaso Eiji and Machida Keita in so many other works, I truly think that us CM fans were ridiculously spoiled by their acting in the CM franchise. And I think Extraordinary Attorney Woo, while not a BL, was likely the best Korean drama that I’ve watched in years (but I’m gonna hold up on that, because I’m watching Semantic Error right now, ha).
In any case, if Old Fashion Cupcake was so good to move me to literally join another social media network, then -- that says something.
Every time I think about this drama -- every time I think about the music that plays whenever Nozue is alone and thinking about Togawa -- I feel a gut punch.
What the HELL was with this drama that made it so great? The pacing, definitely. Togawa’s insistence, for sure. His grind, his determination. That one shot scene in episode 4.
But like I wrote in my very first post -- I think what GOT me about OFC was Nozue, and his responsible, thoughtful engagement with lives other than his own, until the end of the series, when he turned his compassionate light on himself. He opened himself up to the gentleness that he gave unto others. And he shared that gentleness in Togawa with love in the end.
As compared to the many OGs on Tumblr who have been watching and posting about BLs for years, I’m just far behind on understanding BL canon -- I’m diligently catching up on a lot. And Kinou Nani Tabeta in 2019/2020 was definitely my gateway to the genre, but I was also busy having kids and nursing, so -- that kinda interrupted the work for a while.
That all being said, having watched BL and cishet dramas for years, there is a kind of crushing emotionality, a connection to what one is REALLY feeling, in Old Fashion Cupcake that is depicted in such an honestly authentic way, that -- like Eternal Yesterday -- makes me crumble inside. It’s just pure, honest engagement and chemistry. I haven’t seen THAT LEVEL in much else over my years of watching Asian shows.
While I have enough content to go through Akaso Eiji and Machida Keita rabbitholes for months, I just don’t have enough for Kimura Tatsunari and Takeda Kouhei, and I so wish I did, because these guys probably had the best chemistry for me in dramas this year -- maybe save for First and Khao in The Eclipse. I’m looking forward to watching a lot more in 2023, but the standard set by Old Fashion Cupcake this year in regards to how to get my insides to twist with angst -- that standard is pretty high, and I hope a drama/dorama can come close in this near year.
Once again -- thanks for all the engagement and feedback on the posts, and I’m here to serve in the new year! More drama posts this week, and a meditation on the Japanese concept of ma coming real soon! <3
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jondalars · 1 year
movies, tv shows, and books of 2023
((* is a rewatch/reread; currently watching; can’t get through))
She and Her Perfect Husband (s1)
1899 (s1)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (vol. 4) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
White Noise (2022)
New Life Begins (s1)
12 Angry Men (1957)
Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by R.F. Kuang
Bliss Montage by Ling Ma
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood
Popular Chinese Tales by H.F. Chiang
First Love (s1)
Spare by Prince Harry
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Heroes (s1)
A Romance of the Little Forest (s1)
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Heaven Official’s Blessing (vol. 5) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Twenty Five Twenty One (s1)
Physical: 100 (s1)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
The Circle (s5)
Unchained Love (s1)
Liberation Day: Stories by George Saunders
Extra-Ordinary You (s1)
Stay True by Hua Hsu
Three-Body (s1)
Something in the Rain (s1)
Falling into your Smile (s1)
My Roommate is a Gumiho (s1)
Survivor (s44, s45)
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
Romance is a Bonus Book (s1)
The Journey of Chong Zi (s1)
Mr. Queen (s1)
True Beauty (s1)
Nope (2022)
Outlast (s1)
Begin Again (s1)
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand *
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton *
Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok-Joo (s1)
W (s1)
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen *
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen *
Murder Mystery 2 (2023)
To Have and the Hoax by Martha Waters
Sh**ting Stars (s1)
Scarlet Heart (s1)
About Fate (2022)
I Told Sunset About You (s1) *
Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022)
Weak Hero Class 1 (s1)
Swarm (s1)
Thirty-Nine (s1)
Flower of Evil (s1)
Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
Beef (s1)
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld
Jury Duty (s1)
Promising Young Woman (2020)
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Nothing but You (s1)
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte *
Love in the Air (s1)
Till the End of the Moon (s1)
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell *
Semantic Error (s1)
School 2013 (s1)
The Eighth Sense (s1)
The Love You Give Me (s1)
Hana Yori Dango (s1)
School 2015: Who Are You (s1)
Happy Place by Emily Henry
What Six Survivors Told... (s1)
Heirs (s1)
I Think You Should Leave (s3)
XO, Kitty (s1)
Boys Over Flowers (s1)
Back from the Brink (s1)
How Much of These Hills is Gold by C. Pam Zhang
Personal Taste (s1)
The Late Americans by Brandon Taylor
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
To Love and to Loathe by Martha Waters
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers (s1)
The Guest by Emma Cline
To Marry and to Meddle by Martha Waters
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone
Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
School 2017 (s1)
Dog Day Afternoon 1975)
Tár (2022)
See You in My 19th Life (s1)
Black Knight (s1)
Black Mirror (s6)
D.P. (s1, s2)
Jade City by Fonda Lee
Hidden Love (s1)
M3gan (2023)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (vol. 5) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Bride of the Water God (s1)
Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know by Cyan Wings
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating by Jiang Zi Bei
Heaven Official’s Blessing (vol. 6) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
2gether the Series (s1, s2)
Claim to Fame (s2)
Beyond Evil (s1)
The Legend of Anle (s1)
Knock at the Cabin (2023)
Doom at Your Service (s1)
Jade War by Fonda Lee
Hello Stranger by Katherine Center
Bloodhounds (s1)
Uncontrollably Fond (s1)
Bones and All (2022)
Red, White, and Royal Blue (2023)
When I Fly Towards You (s1)
The Starry Love (s1)
Only Friends (s1)
Between Us by Mhairi McFarlane
Commonwealth by Ann Patchett
Cocaine Bear (2023)
Mad About You by Mhairi McFarlane
You Are Desire (s1)
The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter
The Out-Laws (2023)
You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah (2023)
Fake It Till You Make It (s1)
Love at First Sight (2023)
The Glory (s1)
My Lovely Liar (s1)
King the Land (s1)
The Devil's Plan (s1)
Flux by Jinwoo Chong
The Genius (s1*, s2*, s3*, s4*)
The Romance of Tiger and Rose (s1)
House of Villains (s1)
Coffee Prince (s1)
Society Game (s1, s2)
Barbie (2023)
No Hard Feelings (2023)
Secret Garden (s1)
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
My Love Mix-Up! (s1*)
Heaven Official's Blessing (vol. 7) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
Comet (2014)
X (2022)
Zola (2021)
The Green Knight (2021)
Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams
Twinkling Watermelon (s1)
After Yang (2021)
Only For Love (s1)
Pearl (2022)
Dear Ex (2018)
Ma (2019)
The Worst Person in the World (2021)
Deathless by Catherynne M Valente *
Your Name Engraved Herein (2020)
Tune in for Love (2019)
Lost in Translation (2003)
My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
Crimes of the Future (2022)
Only Just Married (s1)
In-House Marriage Honey (s1)
Love to Hate You (s1)
Supervisor Husband (s1)
Aftersun (2022)
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tokkiheart · 2 years
Short Drama Recommendations
Got a short attention span? Have ADHD and just want to squeeze one more K-Drama in before going to bed after binge-watching 16+ hours of another K-Drama? Just want to watch something between class or during a work break? Well, here’s a list of some short K-Dramas that I’ve watched that can be finished in less than a day and some under 3 hours.
Semantic Error
This is a cute enemies-to-lovers school (college/university) BL drama with a good OST that's available on Viki. This drama is based off of a webtoon of the same name. It has 8 episodes, each ranging anywhere from 17 minutes to 28 minutes. The entire show is 185 minutes and 1 second long, so roughly 3 hours long!
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Splash Splash Love
This is a great super short fluff K-Drama that I love to recommend. It only has 2 episodes, each one being about 1 hour long, so it’ll only kill about 2 hours of your day/night.
This K-Drama is about a high school student who escapes the pressures and stress around school and the important test she’s supposed to take. Where and how does she escape? Well, she escapes into the past via a puddle on a rainy day, winding up in the Joseon dynasty. In order to survive, she pretends to be a eunuch and a mathematician to help the king.
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Queen of the Ring
This is a short webdrama that I literally just watched for Ahn Hyo Seop. I’d say this is about middle ground for me, it’s not a favorite, but it’s also definitely not the worst thing that I’ve ever seen by any means lol
To sum this show up very briefly, girl loves boy, boy is in love with some girl he had a chance encounter with (who turns out to be the FL’s best friend) who he doesn’t really know. Girl gets magic ring from mom that allows her to, in the eyes of the person she likes, look like their ideal type (in this case, her friend). Basically, the message of this show boils down to “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
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7 First Kisses
This is quite literally the weirdest thing I have ever watched of my own free will and this recommendation is partly a joke and partly because I want to make sure it wasn’t all just a weird fever dream lol
Anyway, this is a web series k-drama (with an extremely misleading title) that is basically a giant ad vehicle for some duty free store/company (I don’t even know what a duty free is, but it seems to just be a big mall/department store). I kid you not when I say that this thing is literally just some y/n fanfic brought to life as a choose-your-own-adventure style show. You could watch the whole series if you want to, or just watch the first episode + whichever episode stars your bias + their corresponding ending episode and call it a day. You can find this show on YouTube where you can watch them all mashed together in one video or watch from a playlist. There’s 15 “episodes,” with the episodes in which the FL meets the male leads and figures out the AU she’s in having a run time of anywhere from 8 minutes and 21 seconds to 12 minutes 51 seconds and the ending episodes for the choices being only 1 to 2 minutes long. If you decide to watch all of the episodes and all the ending possibilities, you’ll kill 1 hour and some minutes of your time, if you just want to watch your bias, you’ll kill less than 25 minutes of your time (anywhere from 18 to 24 minutes depending on your bias).
I will readily admit that the only reason that I even watched this thing was for Lee Jong Suk. Do I have regrets? I genuinely don’t know. This thing was wild lol
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Soundtrack #1
A short, four episode long romantic drama that you can find on Disney+ (or your favorite illegal streaming site).
This drama is a best friends turned lovers drama set around winter. The female lead has two weeks to write a song for singer Seo In Guk, I mean Jay Jun, about unrequited love. The only problem? She’s never experienced unrequited love, so she recruits her best friend who she knows is currently experiencing it with “Jennifer.”
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The Sound of Magic
This is on the upper end of things in terms of length/run-time. This K-Drama is a musical on Netflix that has 6 episodes, each at about an hour long, which puts the total run time for this drama at 6 hours and 51 minutes, so about 7 hours.
This show has a good OST, it’s a bit darker/serious than most if not all of the other dramas on this list, but it’s got some great light moments.
This show is about a girl who was forced to grow up too fast in order to provide for herself and her little sister, who one day meets a magician who is very much still a child at heart. There’s some intense themes in this show, including an attempted r*pe of a minor, so just be aware of that going into the show.
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This ended up being a short list since I haven’t watched a ton of short K-Dramas yet, but I will add to it some more when I watch more!
I will say that outside of shows that I’ve seen, I can say that just about every BL K-Drama tends to run on the short side and can be finished in a few hours. I think they typically tend to range from 6 to 10 episodes in length, with episodes of 30 minutes or less. Outside of those, web series tend to be your next best bet for something short to watch!
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Mom: Oooooh we have an opportunity to…clean a wound.
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juneviews · 1 year
I saw your recent tag on your explicitly bisexual characters in bls set (i remember when you first posted it!!feels so long ago!) and it got me thinking of a few characters. i don’t really understand the term “explicit” I think, but these characters are not straight and talked about it or mentioned it. I didn't watch half of the series but i saw it on my dash enough to basically know enough lmao. ritsu in the end of the world with you (he said the B✨ word). love in the air payu (he said the B✨ word). rain love in the air (buuut…not explicit i think but it's bi4bi), i thought abt dont say no leon but he said he is pan not bi i think. bad buddy pat, when they have the hotpot double date they talk about it. Hmmm roommates of poongduck i guess but is it explicit ?idk he said to his love interest he didn’t care if he was a guy. In the movie with saint and mean, there’s a guy who tells his mom about liking a boy and a girl. … Was Gav from gameboys bi?  Speaking of which ! The following characters ARE in bls…so 👀 technically 🤷‍♀️ frdttgh. pearl from gameboys, and i think she said the B✨ word. MISS TIFFY MARRY ME PLSSSS hahem from lovely writer. also kitty my girl i love you from dark blue kiss. pa from bad buddy, well.. she said anyone who’s taller than her will do so… i guess it works lmao. And finally, my secret crush, Yuna!! from semantic error, the power she has hm hm. 
So sorry for this word vomit but it’s all i can think of the things i see on my dash, and from stuff i watched two years ago lol. 
…okay in big sense of the term i dont really believe in “bad representation” to some extent concerning overall queer characters, who are a mess or doing something not ‘green flaggy’. With that in mind… the 2 guys i mentioned who have SAID they are BISEXUAL, ritsu and payu, and alex from uwma from your gifset who SAID it too, all three of them… have serious issues lmao can’t take no don’t respect boundaries plays around with feelings. i LOVE ‘messy’ queer and more specifically bi- characters but i JUST realised the only THREE male characters from DRAMAS I KNOW ABOUT who loudly identify as bi are like this. again, it’s just an observation. and i dont watch every bl on the planet moreover 😅 but yeah wow
okay so lots of things to answer lol. first of all when I say explicitly bisexual, it's exactly what is shown in the gifset, it's either saying the word which is very rare, or at least proclaiming that you like both, that don't wanna choose, etc. a LOT of bl characters are bi bc they're shown as having love interests with girls before ending up with a guy, but it's never explicitly said. that's why I appreciate when bi characters get to make it explicit in bls. I didn't watch love in the air & have never heard of the end of the world with you so that's why I couldn't use those as examples, the only recent ones I was thinking about were pat from bb and pete from the player, but that's not enough to make a gifset, is it? :'))) also for poongduck 304 I don't remember him explicitly saying that he's bi, and for von the movie, I know! I giffed that part lol! but it's not a bl so I couldn't include it in the gifset... also for the girlies, I do need to make the girl characters version of that gifset, but so far there's not enough characters ;_; and oh no for all the bi characters using the word openly being toxic, I hate that shit...
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bonedoor · 2 years
oh em gee i’ve been tagged by my beloved @chamhwis to answer some questions a while back..hello
favorite time of the year: fall!!!!!! my beloved <3 november in particular,, it is my birthday month which definitely is a big factor in Why i love fall so much, but also....at least back in the day fall meant colder temperatures and lots of rain and an overall feeling of coziness? also the brown/red/orange colour palette and the smell of cinnamon and all that u know... im also a big fan of coats which definitely are considered more of a fall thing?
comfort food: the plum dumplings my mom makes & baby rice cereal (& banana nectar)
do you collect something: not really, i don’t think? like not with the Mindset of like, collecting stuff at least? maybe screenshots of things i find funny + screenshots of things that warm my heart (both including a lot of mutuals’ posts)?
favorite drink: banana nectar!!!!!! usa ppl u are missing out im so sorry.... also my go-to order at this one boba place that’s basically just choco milk w tapioca
current favorite song: can i kiss you? by dahl
favorite colors: pink, light pastel blue, wine red & beige
last song: that i’ve heard for the first time? itzy’s domino. that i’ve heard just in general? wish you were here by luminous
last series: that i’ve finished? semantic error. that i’ve started? forecasting love and weather
last movie: genuinely can’t remember it might have been the p1h movie for the 93849th time but that was also a WHILE ago
sweet, savory, spicy: in general sweet!! tho feeling a pull towards savory recently, just a little
craving: affection affection attention affection affection nd also- also wouldn’t say no to one more shot of one of the two liquors my grandpa let me try earlier today
currently working on: 2021 top bg tts + gtkmvity prompt 2 + another junseo edit (+ a few other wips but these are my priority rn) (watch me post smth else entirely first)
tagging @aquablues @chiwoos @song-mingi @flops @minimotual & anyone who wants to do it...if u have done it (opens arms) i wanna see
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sollucets · 1 year
my mom is much more into dramas in general & especially kdramas than me, she has like viki premium and everything. she got really excited when i told her i’d been watching some again this year and we watched semantic error together while ive been visiting….. its nice to have a mom shared hobby again i love her
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2023/01/22 [Hanbok Interview] ① (Gongchan)
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What are your plans for the lunar new year?
I plan on spending time with my family and making Korean pancakes. On new year’s day, I will give a new year’s bow to my grandma.
Unintentional Love Story will be released soon. Please tell us about the drama.
It is based on a webtoon and is about a romance that starts out as a lie. I play the role of Ji Wonyoung, a general affairs manager and employee of a large company. The drama will be released soon this year, and I’m really looking forward to it.
Did you read and reference the webtoon?
I read the webtoon while preparing for the role and noticed many similarities between Ji Wonyoung and myself. We both have bright personalities but are not good at letting others know when we’re going through a tough time, which really hit home. The webtoon is already very famous, and during filming, I paid a lot of attention to the tiny details to ensure that I was portraying my character as similar to the source material as possible. In the webtoon, Wonyoung has a very bubbly personality, and I did my best to express that type of energy as well as I could.
How were you cast for the drama?
I was considered for the role because the production team thought that my image was very similar to that of Ji Wonyoung. I read the webtoon right after I received the offer, and as I was reading it, I thought to myself, “if it’s already this interesting as a webtoon, it’ll be even more interesting as a drama.” It would have been such a shame to pass up on this offer. Luckily, during my meeting, the director and the president of the production company viewed me favorably, and I was cast on the spot.
BL has yet to become mainstream in Korea. More and more BL dramas are being released these days. Nevertheless, were you hesitant about appearing in this drama? Did you watch any dramas for reference?
Honestly, I’m new to the BL genre. But, I liked the storyline of Unintentional Love Story, in which two people carrying hurt in their hearts get to know one another and gradually start opening up their hearts to each other. Thus, I tried to focus on the script when I was acting. Before we began filming, I watched Semantic Error, Call Me By Your Name, Cherry Magic, and other shows for reference.
How’s your on-screen chemistry with Cha Seowon?
When I heard that Seowon hyung was cast in the drama, I thought that he very much resembled the character of Yoon Taejun and that "the production team put a lot of thought into the casting." I've seen him on I Lived Alone and on a daily drama I watched with my mom, so it felt like I was meeting a celebrity when I met him for the first time. (laughs) It was hard at first, but it soon got better thanks to Seowon hyung's goofiness and adorableness. He's a very playful person and helped to lighten the mood on set, which is how we got close quickly. While filming, he led me well, and we often made each other laugh on set to cheer each other up. All of the cast members were close, and it's such a pity that Seowon hyung is in the military and won't be able to join us during promotions.
What should viewers focus on when watching the drama?
Please pay attention to the detailed emotions of Wonyoung and Taejun as they gradually get closer to each other. It’ll make your heart flutter.
What kind of feedback do you hope to receive after Unintentional Love Story airs?
I hope that after viewers watch the drama, they’ll say, “the actor Gongchan is in this drama and it’s pretty good,” and suggest it to others. I’ll be very grateful if I can become an actor that people deem worthy of recommending to others.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
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I posted 1,328 times in 2022
That's 1,328 more posts than 2021!
131 posts created (10%)
1,197 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,325 of my posts in 2022
#kinnporsche - 242 posts
#the eclipse - 210 posts
#not me - 132 posts
#scene - 105 posts
#love in the air - 103 posts
#vegaspete - 87 posts
#bad buddy - 78 posts
#analysis - 70 posts
#ep by ep commentary - 69 posts
#characterization and dynamics - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#are these the youtube subs? iqiyi had 'rain belongs to p’payu now' which is the same thing bc rain is the first person pronoun and p'payu is
My Top Posts in 2022:
Semantic Error Interviews
I wasn't gonna watch Jaechan and Seoham's interviews because Seoham's literally in the military already and I can't afford to get invested in someone who's not even here. However... they're endearing in the few I'd seen or interview translations I'd read, so I gave in lol
some random compilations
How Close Are You Two to Each Other? 스포츠경향: They answered questions about each other and the show
서함X재찬의 동계 MT현장: They play games and answer quizzes. It's fun
To Watch:
WATCHA Game Item Hidden in Box
Maybe some of the Making Of and Behind videos of the show
Watcha Party Live 1 (+ more in that channel)
women of semantic error (cr: 4pawats on Twitter): please if there's a season 2, I need them to meet (and date)
a yuna edit (cd: thornfah on twitter): she's just soooo cool
53 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
i have so many thoughts about post-canon patpran and one of them is do the high school friends ever find out about the two of them and how do they react?
another high school reunion 10 years later, i'm assuming they're married by now and their parents have had to come around: do they arrive together with rings on their fingers? shocking their friends from the get go?
or do they arrive separately like last time, their friends joking about the enemy arriving? maybe the two of them share smiles, so pat’s old friends are like glad you’ve grown up and put it behind you. maybe now that they’re all mid-30s they talk about spouses and pat’s ring begs questions but he waves them off with “it’s a ~secret~” only to have his friends be flabbergasted when halfway through the night pran and pat are found laughing together, wearing matching rings?
80 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
life these days really is just me trying to read or watch something new and then choosing to read bad buddy fic or rewatch a bad buddy clip instead
103 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
I only know Porsche from these episode 1 Tumblr gifsets but if anything happened to this slutty, charming dude I would kill everybody in this room and then myself
131 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Cafe For All/Cafe of Diversity
When I think of pride flags and displays of (diverse) queerness in BLs, I think of Not Me and tangentially Badhaai Do because of their giant pride flag scenes which included protests, joy/euphoria, fighting for rights, celebration, and were just momentous occasions. I loved those scenes.
What I love about The Cafe for All is how it's not as euphoric nor rare, I love the cafe with its casual display of queerness and community, just a space for queer people to safely exist and be themselves. You can spend time with your friends there, you can invite people into your little world there, you can divulge your struggles to your mom there and you can spy on your friends/frenemies there. You can be assured that you are not alone there.
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146 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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brownieracha · 1 year
Yes bestie, send me all your recommendations!! im still a bby stay so I need all the content I can get dhdhhsjsj
Yeah 6 😅 my mom travelled the world from a very young age and so I know a lot of my languages from her!
Oh I am asian-canadian! So I have learned French and English since I was young and learned some of my other languages from mom! I also learned a lot of Korean from kpop, dramas, and my friends 😊
Oh I think I’ve heard of Semantic Error but never watched it! I do watch Kdramas so i will add it to my watchlist!
oops 🙈 you’re good bestie, I don’t mind being corrected!!
You are so sweet 🥺 I hope you have a good day when you wake up!
-your top secret santa anon
oooh i'll defenetly recomend you some stuff, i really like the 2 kids room videos, they are a good way to know them a little better, and also this one is so funny, i've watched it multiple times haha
that's so cool that you know that many languages, i wish!!!
i would love some kdrama recomendations hehe, i watched only a few of them, my fav was bussines proposal, you have a fav kdrama?
also, sorry that it takes me a bit to reply, i'm a bit busy hahah
have a nice day lovely anon <3
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