#my head is focused on chuuya's fine ass returning but also
hesbianyaoi · 6 months
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So What the fuck happened here. Did the very small bite mean nothing
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musicprincess655 · 5 years
Atsushi can’t believe his eyes when they finally get clear of the rubble that used to be the Correctional Facility.
The wall that surrounds No. 6 is gone.
Atsushi doesn’t know what kind of disaster could have destroyed that wall. It has withstood typhoons and earthquakes and storms of all kind, and never even looked scratched. If this is Elyurias’ doing, he shivers at the weight of her power.
“It’s all gone.” Akutagawa at his side is just as transfixed. “No more No. 6, no more West Block.”
“Just people,” Atsushi says. “Come on.”
He grabs Akutagawa’s hand, and Akutagawa lets him, holds his hand back, even. Atsushi isn’t sure exactly what happened, but he thinks…he died. He was dead. And then he heard Lucy singing, and he wasn’t dead anymore. He was awake, and Akutagawa wasn’t hurt anymore, and Akutagawa nearly looked like he’d been crying, but that didn’t make sense, because Akutagawa isn’t the kind of person that cries.
Except he isn’t supposed to be the kind of person that lets Atsushi hold his hand, and here they are, and his hand is so warm that Atsushi can’t feel any chill of death. They walk together in silence, but it’s companionable, and slowly approach the ruins that were once No. 6.
Atsushi notices Gin first. Or, more accurately, Gin notices them first, because she comes flying in at a speed that astounds him, flinging herself at both of them so hard they fall on their backs. Her arms tighten around their necks until Atsushi can’t breathe, but he never once lets go of Akutagawa’s hand.
“Come on, don’t kill them again.” Chuuya is here, too, and pulling Gin off them. He extends a hand, pulling them both easily to their feet. “Glad to see you both.”
“He was totally going to cry, you know,” Dazai says. “It would’ve gotten ugly.”
Chuuya slaps his arm, but it’s not without affection. Atsushi can see Dazai wouldn’t have cried for him, but he would’ve mourned the way Dazai mourns, with alcohol and harsh words and isolation he needs to be slapped out of, and he’s glad they don’t have to go through any of that.
They’re close enough to the remains of the city that Atsushi can see people crossing the rubble, looking around with curiosity at a world they’ve never seen before. Most of them are wandering slowly, taking it all in, but a few are running, and Atsushi focuses in on them.
A grin splits his face.
Atsushi pulls Akutagawa along with him as he runs to meet them. Akutagawa protests, tugging at Atsushi’s hand, trying to get him to slow down, but Atsushi won’t hear of it, not now. He skids to a halt at the same time the man in front does.
“Hey, Fukuzawa-san,” Atsushi says. “It’s good to see you again.”
He goes for a respectful bow, but before he can even start the motion, Fukuzawa sweeps him up in a hug. Atsushi only hesitates for a moment before returning it.
“You caused quite the commotion with your absence.” Kunikida is here too, and Atsushi never thought he’d long to hear Kunikida’s nagging. “Paperwork’s been piling up, morale has been down, and-”
Yosano slaps him on the back, and Kunikida adjusts his glasses.
“Never die again!” Kunikida finishes lamely.
“Yeah, it’s boring without you,” Ranpo adds. “Who’s that, by the way?”
Atsushi doesn’t believe for a second Ranpo doesn’t know who Akutagawa is, so this is clearly him trying to turn this situation interesting.
“I am Akutagawa Ryuunosuke,” Akutagawa says stiffly.
“So you’re Akutagawa,” Fukuzawa says. “I don’t know what you did, but it did one hell of a number on the city.”
“It wasn’t me,” Akutagawa says, and Atsushi realizes they’re going to have to find a way to explain Elyurias, and they’ll have to do it in a way that keeps the past from repeating itself.
“Hey, Sensei.”
Atsushi has the privilege of seeing Fukuzawa look rattled when he sees Dazai. He blinks once, and then again, as if he can’t believe his own eyes.
“Dazai-kun?” Fukuzawa shakes his head. “So you’re not dead after all.”
“The rumors of my death were vastly overexaggerated,” Dazai says. Chuuya elbows him.
“Stop being an ass and go say hello like a normal person,” he says.
Atsushi gets swept up in the reunion, Akutagawa’s hand falling out of his, as the entire group starts walking towards the bunker. Atsushi is so caught up in telling his friends everything he’s gone through in the months since he left that he nearly forgets what should be waiting for them. Chuuya and Dazai nearly jump out of their skin when they find the child Atsushi sent this way sitting in the bunker.
The child, whose name is Kyusaku but prefers to be called Q, has been here for hours, patiently waiting for everything to be safe. They seem perfectly content to sit quietly and watch everyone with their huge eyes, already at home.
Atsushi watches as his old friends mix with his new, laughing at the explosive pair that is Dazai and Kunikida, sighing as Ranpo tries and fails to talk to Chuuya, shaking his head as Tanizaki tries to make friends with Gin around his sister’s reach. It’s comforting, this new group, almost like a family reunion.
But it’s also stifling in the bunker, and Atsushi has to leave for air.
He can’t stop looking at the place where the wall used to be. It became such a constant in the skyline that Atsushi can’t get used to the new lack so easily. The sun sets, going down on what has been an interminably long day, and he can’t help but think he’d like to sleep for a few days. He did die, after all. He should be allowed.
Atsushi turns, and Akutagawa is there, cupping his face in his hands, bringing their lips together. This kiss is nothing like the first one. That was for all the wrong reasons, for Atsushi leaving Akutagawa behind, but this one is hungry, Akutagawa’s mouth slipping open, Atsushi’s tongue slipping in, Atsushi’s hands on Akutagawa’s hips, pressing them flush together.
When they part, Atsushi’s lips sting from the pressure, and Akutagawa can’t seem to catch his breath.
“You’ll be okay,” Akutagawa says.
“In this new world,” Akutagawa clarifies. “You’ll be okay.”
“You make it sound like you’re leaving.” Atsushi narrows his eyes when Akutagawa doesn’t answer. “You don’t get to leave.”
“You definitely don’t get to kiss me like that and call me anything but my given name,” Atsushi says.
“And you’re the one who said no more goodbye kisses.”
“Can I finish?” Atsushi rolls his eyes, and he doesn’t let go of Akutagawa’s hips. Akutagawa lets go of his face, rests his arms on Atsushi’s shoulders, and continues. “There’s still a lot I don’t know about Elyurias, and I promised I’d take care of her legacy. So I have to go find answers.”
“Okay,” Atsushi says. “I’ll go with you.”
“But you-”
“I’ll go with you,” Atsushi says, more forcefully this time. “And then I’ll come back with you, and maybe we can find a place to live where I don’t have to sleep on the floor. I think they’ll need the space for Q anyway.”
“You say that like Gin will be thrilled about sharing with them.”
“She’ll figure it out,” Atsushi says. “And so will we. So no running away now.”
Akutagawa sighs, and he’s still close enough that Atsushi can feel it brush his lips.
“Fine,” he says. “You can come with me.”
“And who’s going to look after Q?” Chuuya has climbed up after them, Q tagging along behind him. “You two found them, they’re your responsibility now.”
“Well, Chuuya-san, this is kind of important,” Akutagawa tries. Q grabs the back of Chuuya’s shirt, almost as if agreeing.
“I already did two kids,” Chuuya says. “Three, if you count Nakajima.”
“You probably shouldn’t count Atsushi.”
“I’m not doing another one.”
“Oh, come on, Chuuya, it could be fun.” Dazai has joined them too. “Besides, it’s not like they can cart Q along with them. And you wouldn’t really turn a kid out, would you?”
Chuuya stares at Dazai like he’s grown a second head.
“Your habit of picking up strays is getting inconvenient,” he says. “But fine. We can look after Q for a while.”
Atsushi bursts out laughing, burying his face in Akutagawa’s chest. He just feels full to bursting, still reeling from the kiss, from Akutagawa’s promise. He has his family back, and intact, and later, he’ll mourn Lucy, not truly gone, but also no longer here.
“So where are we going?” he asks. Akutagawa looks around, as if testing directions.
“I guess…anywhere we want,” he says. Atsushi lets go of his hips, but grabs his hand again.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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