#my hand in fwiendship uwu
cicerobussytransplant · 6 months
love when in historical fiction a twink will say 'i extend my hand to you in friendship' and we, the audience, knowwww that his cock is also included in the offer
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flowerrose14 · 3 years
Question, which ocs do you want new friends for? How about foes? Also, do all your ocs exist in the same verse or are they different stories entirely?
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We've got quite a list lemme tell you!;w;' And honestly my heart jumped at the second question Foes would DEFINITELY welcomed just as much as fwiends!!>:3 Should of included such on interaction policy post>:/ And very wonderful question! uwu Most and Main ocs live in the same universe! And even when they aren't there are smol strings here and there connecting them!
Example would be the void members who's stories don't take place in the same world as characters such as Anthony,Penn,AJ ect But vaguely know of their existance! + The Fallen/Ex Gods like Julien,Emortus,Apple and Springs have HUGE roles with both universes
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annd there is also the many MANY aus and alternate versions of my ocs >u>' Universe is one thing but if we're talking about stories just by themselves like for ocs then there be quite a handful! quq Though the main one with the most connection and characters would have to be Anthony's. Of course there are others! Like Troy,a lad who was originally from another universe entirely but got kicked into Anthony's world and had to fend for himself with no family,friends and no clue on how to get back home to them ;u;👌 plus being like a few inches tall,wasn't very fun time quq
But honestly,friend,foes, it be very much welcomed!! There are alot of ocs i just wanna use more and old ones who are in desperate need of new relationships and connections! Their previous connections from a couple of years back no longer exist for I no longer want any of my ocs to be associated with the certain folks that had interacted with em at the time <:3 I'd be more then up to discuss this with anyone interested and if you do desire to create possible fwiendship or a enemy then please keep in mind I'll be leaning to stuff on the cannon side of things!x'3
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majorxmaggiexboy · 4 years
watching (one of) the Three Musketeers Musical(s) pt 2, another 30 minutes
greetenings it is 12:12 in the AM and i just finished drawing my fourth grinpayne i’m still awake let’s go.
“Is honor satisfied?” “highly satisfied” they have Adopted him
they just gave him poor Planchet and now they’re telling him to find a mistress
“Mistress...servant...a good meal. Will you all dine with me” d’Artagnan your phrasing
“We are no longer the three Inseparables” Athos Is Filing For Adoption
aw he’s singing about how bad he wants to adopt d’Artagnan
he just said come what may and i think that’s a pretty good future prediction moulin rouge reference even though d’Artveitnan didn’t say it
awwwwww they’re singing a fwiendship song :’3
it’s all just. very sweet. he is Baby. he is being Adopted
i cannot believe they’re all just walking around him while singing a friendship song and now Athos and Porthos have a hand on each of d’Artveitnan’s shoulders and Aramis has a hand over his heart and he’s just standing there in the middle harmonizing the musketeer motto with him
“That’s what friends are for” the tenderness
he and Athos are holding hands now
cuddles all around this is adorable
i cannot believe they’ve literally just sung an entire friendship ballad and adopted this silly boy this is the cutest thing
awwww he gave Planchet his hat
i love the way this dude talks he’s just like :D :D :D and then sometimes like >:D and sometimes like >:O he’s v cute
Planchet: “Here’s why it is a Terrible and Dangerous idea to get involved with this woman” d’Artagnan: “BUT I LOVE DANGER” oh honey
if anyone ever hurts this boy we’re going to have a Problem
the amount of times these people’s swords have got caught on their shirts is amazing and im here for it
“I’ve got a job! With A Maniac! :)” oh Planchet you have no idea sweetie he’s just getting started
scary music is scary
aw Constance :(
aw Anne :(
these two always have such a vibe
these ladies are doing a Duet and it’s lovely
wh- which one of them are you referring to as your angel, sir?
he’s just babbling away and she’s like “nah”
he tries to return the handkerchief that’s got his blood all over it and she’s like “uhh u can keep it” and he’s like “omg a gift from a beautiful woman. i shall keep it. next to my heart” someone stop him
“Constanceeee!” baby boy
“I’d like us to be friends, Constance, and if you are ever in any danger,” so basically “hi we just met I would die for you”
update it is 1:17am and i got distracted by drawing another Gwynplaine u-u
“who’s that over there? could be an as sass in” Paris At Night is in danger of Slappin
they tried to arrest the Duke of Buckingham and d’Artagnan just barged in  to help out with Not Letting That Happen
this fight scene is a little better than the previous ones
Rochefort took Constance hostage but then was like “oh now wait a minute” let her go and apologized :O
just heard Piper from Light Princess, “god, whAT A MAAAAAAAAAN” good boy rochefort
d’Artagnan barges up to this guy, “What ARe You Doing With This Woman??? I Love Her???” and Constance is like Hold Up Wait A Minute
d’Artagnan you have discussed with this her at all you idiot
he didn’t realize she was married XD
he’s so stupid oh no
“I knew it! I knew you were in danger! :D” help him
“How Dare You Follow Me?” “:D” “Come On Then” shfsjhsj
ooh Milady oooooh
Milady just basically promised to murder d’Artagnan. i have Concerns for Constance’s safety
“Constance! Stahp! I said I wanted to be your Friend”
“How do I know you’re not a spy” Constance he wouldn’t last five minutes as a spy
the sheer distress on “HE’S AN ENGLISHMAN” boy sounds near tears
“It’s wonderfully romantic” boy
one boot comes up higher than the other and it’s. been like that for a while actually but i keep Noticing It and it’s like seeing an old friend. every few seconds. like Ah, still Like That,,
“if the Duke had been arrested the Queen would have been ruined” “Then I’ve??? Saved The Day???” d’Artveitnan you are such a NERD
the look of Revulsion when he asks for a kiss.
tbh slap him again Constance he’s being Dumb
“You think you can just ride into my life on a white horse-” “-yellow” ASHFAJFHAJ
these two are Perfect
i mean on the one hand he is being pushy and annoying and this is unacceptable
on the other hand
i’d die for this idiot w/out question
this Milady is just v classy tbh i like her a lot
Alright Planchet!
Congrats on getting my uwus planchet i am Delighted and Inspired
look at these dudes just hyping d’Artagnan up to their buddies
they love each other so much D’X
ohh he is Adorable he’s singing about being in love with Constance
Athos is like “This is sickening pls stop immediately”
Athos genuinely got so mad he just walked out but Aramis and Porthos are being super supportive and it’s rly cute
Athos is about to murder this kid
Athos is now singing about why Love is a Bad Bad Thing
Ohhhh Hecccck Athos and d’Artveitnan just did like an aggressive secret handshake and now there’s a Life of a Musketeer reprise happening
can’t tell if these people are fighting or aggressively snuggling but i mean they seem pretty happy
they all love each other so much 😭 
it is now 2:07am and i am Still Not The Sleeps. and so the Musketeering Continues in between Hunchback OST and Gwynlit sketchins >:}
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underoosstark · 6 years
The 1895 Atwanta Cowmpromise Spweech uwu
@why-fren :
Mw. Pwesident and gentwemen of the boawd of diwectows and citizens:
one-thiwd of the popuwation of the south is of the negwo wace. No entewpwise seeking the matewiaw, civiw, ow mowaw wewfawe of this section can diswegawd this ewement of ouw popuwation and weach the highest success. I but convey to you, mw. Pwesident and diwectows, the sentiment of the masses of my wace when i say that in no way have the vawue and manhood of the amewican negwo been mowe fittingwy and genewouswy wecognized than by the managews of this magnificent exposition at evewy stage of its pwogwess. It is a wecognition that wiww do mowe to cement the fwiendship of the two waces than any occuwwence since the dawn of ouw fweedom. not onwy this, but the oppowtunity hewe affowded wiww awaken among us a new ewa of industwiaw pwogwess. Ignowant and inexpewienced, it is not stwange that in the fiwst yeaws of ouw new wife we began at the top instead of at the bottom; that a seat in congwess ow the state wegiswatuwe was mowe sought than weaw estate ow industwiaw skiww; that the powiticaw convention ow stump speaking had mowe attwactions than stawting a daiwy fawm ow twuck gawden. a ship wost at sea fow many days suddenwy sighted a fwiendwy vessew. Fwom the mast of the unfowtunate vessew was seen a signaw,“watew, watew; we perish of thiwst!” the answew fwom the fwiendwy vessew at once came back, “cast down youw bucket whewe you awe.” a second time the signaw, “watew, watew; send us watew!” wan up fwom the distwessed vessew, and was answewed, “cast down youw bucket whewe you awe.” and a thiwd and fouwth signaw fow watew was answewed, “cast down youw bucket whewe you awe.” the captain of the distwessed vessew, at wast heeding the injunction, cast down his bucket, and it came up fuww of fwesh, spawkwing watew fwom the mouth of the amazon rivew. To those of my wace who depend on bettewing theiw condition in a foweign wand ow who undewestimate the impowtance of cuwtivating fwiendwy wewations with the southewn white man, who is theiw next-doow neighbow, i wouwd say: “cast down youw bucket whewe you awe”— cast it down in making fwiends in evewy manwy way of the peopwe of aww waces by whom we awe suwwounded. cast it down in agwicuwtuwe, mechanics, in commewce, in domestic sewvice, and in the pwofessions. And in this connection it is weww to beaw in mind that whatevew othew sins the south may be cawwed to beaw, when it comes to business, puwe and simpwe, it is in the south that the negwo is given a man’s chance in the commewciaw wowwd, and in nothing is this exposition mowe ewoquent than in emphasizing this chance. Ouw gweatest dangew is that in the gweat weap fwom swavewy to fweedom we may ovewwook the fact that the masses of us awe to wive by the pwoductions of ouw hands, and faiw to keep in mind that we shaww pwospew in pwopowtion as we weawn to dignify and gwowify common wabouw, and put bwains and skiww into the common occupations of wife; shaww pwospew in pwopowtion as we weawn to dwaw the wine between the supewficiaw and the substantiaw, the ownamentaw gewgaws of wife and the usefuw. No wace can pwospew tiww it weawns that thewe is as much dignity in tiwwing a fiewd as in wwiting a poem. It is at the bottom of wife we must begin, and not at the top. Now shouwd we pewmit ouw gwievances to ovewshadow ouw oppowtunities. to those of the white wace who wook to the incoming of those of foweign biwth and stwange tongue and habits fow the pwospewity of the south, wewe i pewmitted i wouwd wepeat what i say to my own wace,“cast down youw bucket whewe you awe.” cast it down among the eight miwwions of negwoes whose habits you know, whose fidewity and wove you have tested in days when to have pwoved tweachewous meant the wuin of youw fiwesides. Cast down youw bucket among these peopwe who have, without stwikes and wabouw waws, tiwwed youw fiewds, cweawed youw fowests, buiwded youw waiwwoads and cities, and bwought fowth tweasuwes fwom the bowews of the eawth, and hewped make possibwe this magnificent wepwesentation of the pwogwess of the south. Casting down youw bucket among my peopwe, hewping and encouwaging them as you awe doing on these gwounds, and to education of head, hand, and heawt, you wiww find that they wiww buy youw suwpwus wand, make bwossom the waste pwaces in youw fiewds, and wun youw factowies. Whiwe doing this, you can be suwe in the futuwe, as in the past, that you and youw famiwies wiww be suwwounded by the most patient, faithfuw, waw-abiding, and unwesentfuw peopwe that the wowwd has seen. As we have pwoved ouw woyawty to you in the past, in nuwsing youw chiwdwen, watching by the sick-bed of youw mothews and fathews, and often fowwowing them with teaw-dimmed eyes to theiw gwaves, so in the futuwe, in ouw humbwe way, we shaww stand by you with a devotion that no foweignew can appwoach, weady to way down ouw wives, if need be, in defense of youws, intewwacing ouw industwiaw, commewciaw, civiw, and wewigious wife with youws in a way that shaww make the intewests of both waces one. In aww things that awe puwewy sociaw we can be as sepawate as the fingews, yet one as the hand in aww things essentiaw to mutuaw pwogwess. thewe is no defense ow secuwity fow any of us except in the highest intewwigence and devewopment of aww. If anywhewe thewe awe effowts tending to cuwtaiw the fuwwest gwowth of the negwo, wet these effowts be tuwned into stimuwating, encouwaging, and making him the most usefuw and intewwigent citizen. Effowt ow means so invested wiww pay a thousand pew cent intewest. These effowts wiww be twice bwessed—bwessing him that gives and him that takes. Thewe is no escape thwough waw of man ow god fwom the inevitabwe:
the waws of changewess justice bind oppwessow with oppwessed;
and cwose as sin and suffewing joined we mawch to fate abweast… neawwy sixteen miwwions of hands wiww aid you in puwwing the woad upwawd, ow they wiww puww against you the woad downwawd. We shaww constitute one-thiwd and mowe of the ignowance and cwime of the south, ow one-thiwd [of] its intewwigence and pwogwess; we shaww contwibute one-thiwd to the business and industwiaw pwospewity of the south, ow we shaww pwove a vewitabwe body of death, stagnating, depwessing, wetawding evewy effowt to advance the body powitic. gentwemen of the exposition, as we pwesent to you ouw humbwe effowt at an exhibition of ouw pwogwess, you must not expect ovewmuch. Stawting thiwty yeaws ago with ownewship hewe and thewe in a few quiwts and pumpkins and chickens (gathewed fwom miscewwaneous souwces), wemembew the path that has wed fwom these to the inventions and pwoduction of agwicuwtuwaw impwements, buggies, steam-engines, newspapews, books, statuawy, cawving, paintings, the management of dwug stowes and banks, has not been twodden without contact with thowns and thistwes. Whiwe we take pwide in what we exhibit as a wesuwt of ouw independent effowts, we do not fow a moment fowget that ouw pawt in this exhibition wouwd faww faw showt of youw expectations but fow the constant hewp that has come to ouw educationaw wife, not onwy fwom the southewn states, but especiawwy fwom nowthewn phiwanthwopists, who have made theiw gifts a constant stweam of bwessing and encouwagement. the wisest among my wace undewstand that the agitation of questions of sociaw equawity is the extwemest fowwy, and that pwogwess in the enjoyment of aww the pwiviweges that wiww come to us must be the wesuwt of sevewe and constant stwuggwe wathew than of awtificiaw fowcing. No wace that has anything to contwibute to the mawkets of the wowwd is wong in any degwee ostwacized. It is impowtant and wight that aww pwiviweges of the waw be ouws, but it is vastwy mowe impowtant that we be pwepawed fow the exewcise of these pwiviweges. The oppowtunity to eawn a dowwaw in a factowy just now is wowth infinitewy mowe than the oppowtunity to spend a dowwaw in an opewa-house. in concwusion, may i wepeat that nothing in thiwty yeaws has given us mowe hope and encouwagement, and dwawn us so neaw to you of the white wace, as this oppowtunity offewed by the exposition; and hewe bending, as it wewe, ovew the awtaw that wepwesents the wesuwts of the stwuggwes of youw wace and mine, both stawting pwacticawwy empty-handed thwee decades ago, i pwedge that in youw effowt to wowk out the gweat and intwicate pwobwem which god has waid at the doows of the south, you shaww have at aww times the patient, sympathetic hewp of my wace; onwy wet this be constantwy in mind, that, whiwe fwom wepwesentations in these buiwdings of the pwoduct of fiewd, of fowest, of mine, of factowy, wettews, and awt, much good wiww come, yet faw above and beyond matewiaw benefits wiww be that highew good, that, wet us pway god, wiww come, in a bwotting out of sectionaw diffewences and waciaw animosities and suspicions, in a detewmination to administew absowute justice, in a wiwwing obedience among aww cwasses to the mandates of waw. This, coupwed with ouw matewiaw pwospewity, wiww bwing into ouw bewoved south a new heaven and a new eawth. souwce: louis r. Hawwan, ed., the bookew t. Washington papews, vow. 3, (uwbana: univewsity of iwwinois pwess, 1974), 583–587.
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nakamoto-remade · 6 years
don't you mean you've Ascended to my level of being so i don't feel lonely Up there because we furries are superior :( nvm im joking im Not a furry but i appreciate this message i love you too!! and pls don't be embarrassed of having paws furry queen :')
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flowerrose14 · 3 years
Oops wait Nevermind it's in your pinned. Lemme rephrase, what is your policy on oc relationships, shipping and so on? Interactions are welcome here which is nice but just asking more in depth. I know you don't like forced ships which is perfectly understandable
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👏👏👏!!! *Happy tapping noises* Okayokay gonna need to stop stimming so i can type this out!x'3 Right! First thank you so bloomin much for asking!!;///; And second to answer such a question! My policy thus far when it comes to both ocs relationships and shipping are
-No shipping with ocs that are currently in a relationship! ( Meaning no crackships either please!>:/ not biggest fan of em! Again especially if said character already got a lover .n. Anthony for example he already got a husband Unu)
-BUT that doesn't mean ocs that are married or dating are crossed out from any sort of friendships! (Trust me alot of em need therapy and could use a hug! qnq) Oc relationships such as friendships are very much welcomed to all ocs of mine! If you wanna form a wittle fwiendship between my babs and yours I'd highly encourage it>:3 I'd absolutely love to hear whatever you've got up sleeve!!>:D
-[This be for more of mutuals or fwiends, folks i've gotten use to!] If you wish to plot more detailed relationships, such things like shipping ocs or giving them someone who will make a HUGE impact on their story and life. I'd very much prefer to speak and plan this with you in dms! Go into detail on what could happen and how it'll effect things and Story. [Also would highly appreciate bein informed bout any changes or plans you're making for the character you've put into a relationship with mine!!x'3 cause I'd most likely get very attached to them and have a literal anxiety attack if you plan on shooting them without tellin me before hand<:DD I MEAN COUGH-👏 Y E A H PLEASE KEEP ME INFORMED!!]
-Drawing interactions, such as doodling your oc with mine is perfectly fine!!x'3 Just no forcy stuff>8< if it leaning too much towards a sudden romance outta the blue i'm gettin my broom, i wanna know before hand before you pull out a rose to my child PLEASE Unu also DEFINITELY NO NSFW-! I'll block you for that-[However more stuff like horror or bloody situations i'd say be alright DEPENDING on which character! Anthony AGAIN for example is a dumbass and gets constantly chased by police force and murders uwu👌 And loko existance is just horrifying so placing him next to a creepy as heck oc is very welcome:D
-Oc roleplays are fine BUT PLEASE!! Tell me and ask to plan it out before starting ANYTHING! Do not just write it out and suddenly tag me out of the blue or dm me a starter for a rp i had no clue about [Also 👈👈 wanna know you abit first before we do so!]
-Speaking of though Do Not Draw or Write my characters OUT of characters during interactions either please >:< [If you're unsure how a character would act in certain situations just ask qnq don't just write them without knowin anythin bout em and makin em do stuff they'd never dream of doing]
Hopefully this be enough detail of the current policy! I'm very open with ocs of mine getting to meet or know others, oc related asks or interactions are more then fine! But if you want to start getting more specific and in detailed. Start making things cannon that'll not only effect mine but your oc too I'd want to 1.Discuss this with you,have a conversation before putting anything into action to a point were we both be hap AND comfortable with it!uwu 2.Also know you more first!! 👈👈 [Alsox2 I know both me and alot of people have put this but pls for love of god don't be shy or a stranger now \;n;/ if you crave both chaos and fluff just as much as i do we'll get along, and may be already!uwu *happy tapping right at you fwiends/mutals* THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS CHAOTIC POST AND THANK YOOOU DEAREST ANON FOR SENDING SUCH AN ASK!! REVEAL SELF FOR SENTENCE OF HUGS-!! Which may be delayed DUE TO THIS GODDAMN COLD>8/
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