#mutant busters za!au
polarized-here · 1 year
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Anywaydhfnmhkff for @spinningbagel’s Zombie aunmdmssm it’s one am and I need to be up around like 6 am oopsjjdjjsjsj
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spinningbagel · 10 months
Thought I had already shared these but I didn’t so anyways ZA!su & BP drawings 💪💪
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dem0nguy · 4 months
Guys, guys I did a thing
I made another AU (someone needs to stop me)
Ok for context first, I recently got red dead redemption (absolutely love the game btw) and the first thing I thought of while playing it was “huh, so what if I put Sheriff and Shooter in there…”
And that brings us to present day, Mutant Busters Red Dead Redemption AU:
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I’ll just start off with Sheriff bc, why not?
So Sheriff in rdr is a U.S. deputy marshal, and the Sheriff of a small county in New Austin. Everyone there just calls him Sheriff, but they do know his name is Jim.
His arm is actually fine in this AU, he doesn’t have any problems with it. But in undead nightmare he had to cut off his arm. (Reference to Bagel’s ZA! AU)
Sheriff has ancestors from Ireland (explaining his red hair), who moved to the U.S. bc of the economic opportunity there. He is routinely persecuted for his heritage (bc the U.S. hates immigrants.) But because he is a lawman, most people can’t do much besides insult him.
Ryan went missing years ago, and Sheriff initially set out to find him. But he didn’t get very far, and decided to settle down as a Sheriff to try and help the people that are still around.
Shooter is an infamous bounty hunter, he got his nickname because of how trigger happy he is. And doesn’t typically tell people (especially lawmen) his real name. He’s well known for how quickly and efficiently he deals with bounties. He typically kills the person he’s hunting, except on few occasions where he needs them alive.
He clears out bounties faster than they come in, annoying a lot of other bounty hunters. So he tends to travel from county to county, clearing out bounties and trying not to piss off too many people.
He’s gets a lot of money from these bounties, and usually spends it on gambling.
Shooter has ancestors from Japan, who left for America after Japan came out of isolation. He knows a little Japanese from his parents, but doesn’t use it often. He is also occasionally persecuted, but not as often as Sheriff.
Shooter was attacked by wolves years ago, which left him with a torn ear, blind eye, and scars across his face and left arm.
He jokingly flirts with Sheriff a lot, but gets incredibly flustered when Sheriff flirts back. (Also they fall in love, because I’m obsessed with these gays and take any opportunity to make them kiss/hj)
After a gang long thought to be dead comes out of hiding, Shooter decides to go after them. Sheriff, realizing this is the same gang he thought took his brother. Joins up with Shooter. But they quickly realize this gang has been planning something huge, and they can’t handle it all by themselves. So they seek out help from a local scientist and his kids (White, Vegan-Su, BP), and an opposing gang leader (Brutux).
The gang is lead by Wart and Verruca, and they’ve been holding Ryan captive for years trying to get information out of him. Their big plan is to set an attack on the bigger counties and try to drive out all the people so they can implement their own government.
I based both Sheriff and Shooter’s designs after aspects of John Marston, just for funsies.
I could see one interaction between Sheriff, Shooter, and Marston. Where Marston joins the two at a small campsite they set up, and they talk about how strangely similar they are. Then they probably send Marston on a side quest to get a gun or something for them.
Ight that’s all I got, I might expand on what would happen with them in rdr undead nightmare. But yeah :3
( @polarized-here some more things to think about in your free time :D)
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polarized-here · 11 months
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[Apologies for the sudden absence in art and stuff, I was just a mess for a couple of days and in an art block]
Yeah, I know it wouldn’t make sense but my brain hadn’t shut up about the idea of Sheriff keeping the very same axe that he had… done an impromptu incision with.
[ZA!au is from @spinningbagel, & I should probably head to bed since it is like 2 am basically]
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spinningbagel · 10 months
Please 🙏 tell me abt all of your au’s omg omg pls, I wanna hear all abt them and the lore you got for them /gen
A,,all of them,,?? *stares at paper* I-,, okay,,??
So we’ll start with my main two since they’re the ones I’ve made known and will be easier to sum up first
Based on the ‘what if’ question of: “What if Vegan-Su didn’t help out Sheriff & defended him during the scene where their locked in a cage & Sheriff being a mutant has been revealed to the whole group”
Basically, I’m this Au, Vegan didn’t help out Sheriff in convincing the others that’s he’s still the same person regardless of being a half mutant. So once they’ve escaped & gotten the mushroom they just..kick him out. No real remorse or empathy. They don’t try to hear him out or anything. They just make him leave.
He does leave without a fight or anything, after all he’d unfortunately been expecting this outcome. And it’s not like he can really go back to the life he lived before so he hangs around the abandoned city.
Nothing is being done to prevent his mutation anymore aside from the occasional stealing vegetables from his old friends so it spreads (slowly) up his arm. He also ends up being able to understand the mutants unique language & speak it.
With a growing addiction to coffee beans, a hoodie that he found in the dumpster and no friends he lives his life in the city for a few months, at some point during that Shooter starts coming to the city to try and find Sheriff, feeling incredibly bad. Sheriff doesn’t particularly blame Shooter (though he still does partiality) he actively avoids Shooter and any potential interactions.
I’m a bit unsure on how to go about the group seeing Sheriff once more and the angst that will follow with, I’ve tried writing out some possible drafts but nothing seems to stick yet.
My most recent in this list actually, it’s basically a post apocalyptic world filled with zombies and there’s no saving the world or anything like that, the story mainly just focuses on the group slowly building trust and a family they care about.
It starts off with just Sheriff, a 20 year old man who’s a known wanderer, never staying in one place for too long and never getting close to people, he stops at one town to stay the night and that’s where he meets Shooter where, against his will he enjoys the company of and quickly sees as a friend. He pushes those feeling down for the time being though.
The story (imo) truly kicks off once Shooter decides it’s a good idea to steal from this town. The townspeople are not fond of this at all and find stealing punishable by death because of scarce resources. So they’ve got Shooter at gunpoint, on his knees begging for some kind of mercy (it’s around the middle of the night I feel the need to add). Sheriff who was previously asleep sees this shit going down and it sets him off. I’ll spare most details but just know he gets his hands on a lighter, a car and a shitton of gasoline.
Shooter and Sheriff run (drive) off and end up at Brutux’s place, a guarded lighthouse. Going against anything they’ve ever heard about this guy they enter seeking refuge for the night, which they get. It’s pretty calm despite everything.
Until the next morning when the trio wake to yells of guards down below and a lot of crashing. Turns out two people (Vegan and BP) are stealing supplies and are getting away with it too. Brutux drags Sheriff & Shooter along to catch them to pay off him letting them stay the night.
They catch BP and Vegan at some point, probably when their in the fortress/lab thing. Surprisingly the sibling duo offer to let the trio stay with them since it’s high up and much safer. And despite the suspicion they agree.
There’s a lot of mistrust in the start but slowly. Like snail pace slowly they build up trust.
In this Au, Ryan and Dr. White are both dead fully, both being turned to zombies. With Ryan being killed by a 15 year old Sheriff but not before biting him, leading to Sheriff cutting his own arm off with an axe. And Dr. White being killed by Began & BP, having forced his children to kill him.
Time loop!Au
This one is a little under a year old.
It’s an AU where Sheriff is forced to repeatedly die during the final confrontation with the SM, the SM killing him each time (before the reveal of him being Ryan I should add) he’s got no idea why he’s being forced into this, at first being in denial, thinking he’s dreaming up until the fourth loop.
He keeps track of his deaths on a wall in his room in the ship, carving into it with a knife. There’s hundreds of marks, each signalling another death. There’s a small corner in amongst his tally’s. For when he ends the loop early.
Any scars that may’ve been obtained during a previous loop stay with him for all other loops and becomes normal in future timelines. How does he figure this out? When in one loop the SM fully takes his eye out before killing him. He wakes up and can only see out one eye. No one asks him about it.
Eventually he tries telling someone (I’m still not saying who 😈😈). He tells them everything, about the loops and his deaths. They think he’s crazy at first. At least until he shoots himself infront of them and they come running into his room, panicked he was dead. So now two people know.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten with this one, it’s been awhile since I’ve thought about it, might needa dust some cobwebs from my mind.
The Au title speaks for itself. It’s a hero Au. In a world where powers exist, hero’s and villains do also.
Sheriff and Shooter are popular vigilantes, both being the laws nightmare and best friend. They help out with things though their method of doing so is sometimes questionable.
Sheriff has electricity based powers and pretty powerful ones at that, people with electricity powers are pretty high up on the danger scale given just how much they can do with their abilities, though it differs depending on the person.
For Sheriff he has to constantly have electricity in his system and so more often then not you may catch him sticking a fork in a socket and just,,absorbing the electricity. He’s capable of causing power outages if his powers are too much on the fritz. So yeah, not someone you want as an enemy.
Shooters abilities (if he truly has any) is unknown to the public, he’s Sheriffs partner in crime vigilante work and is responsible for all their tech and weaponry. Some people theorise that his ability lets him create almost absurd things from pretty much nothing (ima spoil it, it isn’t that)
Vegan Su, BP and Dr. White are all hero’s, top ones at that. Well less so Dr. White since he’s more focused on science and things rather than being out there actively saving lives. I’m yet to decide on hero names for the sibling duo and abilities for them.
Brutux is a villain but not your standard super villain, more so a criminal who deals with illegal things like drugs and certain weapons. He actually gets along quite nicely with our Vigilante duo and doesn’t tend to bother them as much.
Max and Jim are Sheriff and Shooter when their not out being vigilantes, the two work at a fairly small grocery shop (think IGA small- size wise I mean) and their manager is Brutux playing civilian (known as Alex to them) obviously Shooter, Sheriff & Brutux aren’t aware of each other’s double life identities since they do well to keep ‘em hidden. The truth may eventually come out though.
There’s a little bit of betrayal in this Au because at some point, Vegan pretends to be a vigilante to get close with Sheriff & Shooter- either to recruit them as hero’s or arrest them for several crimes.
That’s all I’ve got so far for this Au, like the time loop it’s been awhile.
Okay this is a very long post holy hell. And there’s one or two that I’m yet to talk about but currently my hand is cramping from typing this all up on my phone so I’ll do them tomorrow after school. This took like,, an hour to write ☠️☠️
Anyways though, hope you’ve enjoyed my insanely long ramble on my Au’s that I would never have shared if not asked to (I don’t really mind, the only reason I never shared them is because I came up with them all and thought it’d be too many & people would get annoyed at me for having so many but this fandom is starving, I don’t think people mind if I’m Au central™️/hj)
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polarized-here · 1 year
@spinningbagel's Zombie au.
His hair had been getting long again and had been blocking his vision. He was already at a disadvantage when his primary weapons of defense were a revolver, and its constant need to reload, and his axe, which was hard to carry and use appropriately with one hand. He always did manage, learn, and adapt, if not for his own life, for the life of Shooter.
So instead of trying to aim his swings and bullets with hair getting in his face, he opted to just try to cut it and put it up if it really sucked somehow. He hooked his axe on its sheath as best as he could, putting it in his duffle bag of sorts, before picking up his revolver and shoving it in his homemade holster for it. 
He makes sure he has everything and heads back inside, it was still noon at this point, so he’d only be wasting daylight if he took any longer than he needed to. Shooter and BP had been softly chatting in the main room, he nods in a form of greeting. They nod back.
He continues his trek to the bathroom, enters it, locks the door, and drops his duffle bag on the floor. 
He looks in the mirror that had a small bit of steam clouding it and sighs, he wipes at the glass. And spots his eyes, which look far too familiar to someone he used to know. He shuts his eyes and sighs pinching the bridge of his nose, “It’s just a simple haircut, why are you about to cry from that, Sheriff it’s too late in the day to start crying over your hair.” He opens his eyes and opens up the sink cabinets, decidedly avoiding the sink mirror that would force him to look at his vulnerable and teary eyes.
He sniffles and picks up some scissors from the top cabinet on the right. And places them on the counter as he wipes his eyes and nose, making a noise of disgust at the small bit of mucus. He was an ugly crier, and he didn’t want to deal with that mess. He tries hyping himself up for it, he doesn’t want the day to go by with nothing having been done, so he needs to just get this over with. He’s about to cut his bangs poorly, and then there's a knock at the door. 
He sighs once more, “Occupied,” He says, loud enough they should get the message. They knock again. And he groans, the third time was the charm as he set the damn scissors on the sink counter and unlocks the door. He picks up the scissors and waves them around at who dared bother him in this probably more emotionally vulnerable moment… Which had been cutting his hair…
Shooter blinks at him confused for a moment. “Why’d you open the door if you were busy?”
He blinks at him, slowly, trying to process what the dumbass had the audacity to say. He puts his one hand close to his face, in a fist, with the scissors held tightly as he looks up at Shooter. “I will punch you.” Shooter cracks a grin and lets himself into the bathroom, being careful with his duffle bag, which had a weapon in it, by kicking it. Sheriff closes the door while Shooter makes himself comfortable and looks at himself in the mirror. “What are you doing?”
“Checking myself out can never be too careful, some lady or dude might want to hook up.” He sighs and pushes Shooter away from the mirror, he makes a face of betrayal, and Sheriff opts to just cut his hair as much as he could with Shooter in the room. He was stopped right before he could cut even a singular strand of hair. “Sheriff wait—” He groans and turns his head to Shooter.
“What Shooter?” He now has a sheepish grin as he shrugs.
“Can I cut your hair again?” The face he makes at Shooter is enough to kill a newborn on the spot. He doesn’t want to deal with the emotions that came from a simple hair brushing.
“No.” He says, putting the scissors on the counter and looking for the hairbrush Sheriff used once in a blue moon. Or Whenever Shooter had seen the signs of Sheriff needing his hair cut. Despite how teary-eyed he gets, and how clingy he got when he cried, Shooter always offered to cut his hair. Always so Sheepishly. He spots it in the cabinet below the one he had gotten the scissors and passes that to Shooter. So far the only person he’d let play with his hair or style it.
Though most of his ‘style,’ according to Shooter was just needing a trim, if a few inches cut. He lets him carefully brush through it, his hands and brush gliding through his hair, stopping on knots, and then brushing those knots out. It continued like this for a small while with Shooter carefully and gracefully brushing his hair if that was even possible.
He shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath in. He’d gotten through this beforehand, but yet, every time Shooter brushed his hair, he began to cry. Hands and brush were far too similar to when Ryan would’ve brushed his hair and his soft voice would comfort Sheriff when he had to brush through a knot and it hurt. Shooter began softly shushing him, and that made Sheriff cry even more, he sniffled and wiped at his nose, shaking his head trying to stop thinking of Ryan and all he did for Sheriff. 
Shooter had been done with brushing his hair at that point and had let him cry, sniffling and shaking his head, because despite how insane or weird he may have looked to a stranger, it was normal for them, routine for them to go through this.
Sheriff would end up a sobbing mess no matter what time it was, and Shooter hadn’t even cut his hair yet. Something else Ryan would do for Sheriff. He’d cry some more, and then he’d get back to what he was doing after his eyes stopped looking so red and puffy.
It had been such a habit he doesn’t think the crying is just from the mark Ryan had left on him, but also the peace in that moment. Shooter calmly brushing his hair and gently, being there with him as he sobbed.
He fixed his posture, let Shooter put the brush down, and stayed as still as he could, Shooter picked up the scissors on the sink counter and began cutting his hair. He sniffles a bit as cuts Sheriff’s hair so naturally, so easily, automatically knowing what he wanted short and long. What he wanted changed and what he wanted to stay the same.
And when he finally put the scissors down on the sink counter once more, Sheriff finally began to cry again. Tears sliding down his face because his orange hair and blue eyes are far too familiar to him—
Shooter hugs him, shushing him, and hugs him. Sheriff tries to stop crying he does, he wants to break his habit of consistently crying whenever Shooter cut and brushed his hair, but Shooter just played with his hair, and he sobbed even more, he wailed at some point, ugly crying into Shooter’s sweater. And that process repeated as Sheriff cried until he couldn’t cry. 
He slowly got out of Shooter’s hold and wiped his tears, wiped his nose, and unlocked the door, leaving Shooter alone in that restroom, apologizing for the inconvenience as he left.
Shooter just wished he would let himself rest after all of that crying.
I cannot write fluff, oops.
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spinningbagel · 1 year
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Uhshsj,,, ZA!Au designs ig?? They’re the only ones I’ve got drawn up rn,, I’ll do the others at some point.
And if someone asks me “why did u give Sheriff an axe?? Isn’t that like,, the source of his trauma (the trauma that comes with amputating one’s arm)” and to that I respond: cuz it’s cool?
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spinningbagel · 11 months
If ZA!Sheriff “accidentally” sets fire to an entire town while saving Shooter from execution, well could you particularly blame him?
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spinningbagel · 1 year
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Idk sometimes they talk
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Haha so uhh,,, the thought of like- a zombie apocalypse AU has been one that haunts my mind every now and again. So take my thoughts ig??
So. So first up, we've got Sheriff, since in canon he's bitten by a mutant and slowly but surely mutating I kinda went: well I wanna keep that (getting bitten) but obviously I can't have 'em turn into a zombie (since he's a MC & theres no cure). SO! What I came up with is this: He gets bitten on the arm, yes. But since the process of turning into a zombie is slow-ish, He has the time to hide somewhere and do a very shoddy amputation job with an axe. Course it hurts like hell but since his arm is already dying it doesn't hurt *as much* y'know??? It also stops the process of turning so he's all g now (aside loosing an arm.) he may get a prosthetic at some point idk,, maybe thats why he's in debt w/ Brutux in this AU. 
Ryan,, uh well he's dead for good. And to make it worse, Sheriff is the one to put him out of his misery :33
Next up on the chopping block we got Dr. White, since in canon, he's first introduced as a mutant (before getting cured) but lik,, there's no cure in this world. So uh yeah. He's a zombie. And he dies for good also. (His kids totally aren't the ones to kill him. No sir) The guy attempted to create some kinda cure using zombies and one of 'em broke out and bit him. By the next morning he was pretty much turned and forced his kids someone to put him outta his misery.
The main group is just built on distrust and the want for protection. Sheriff and Shooter meet after Shooter breaks into a small-ish town of survivors with intentions of stealing. He gets caught and the townspeople demand he get executed or somethn. Sheriff saves him from that fate and the two run off to god knows where.
They end up seeking shelter from Brutux, and while they both have debts with him he's willing to let them camp out for the night. Su & BP get introduced because they rob Brutux's place of supplies (namely guns and food) Brutux drags the other two along to catch 'em (Because they have debt w/ him and gotta pay it off somehow))
The trio catch the siblings and they offer the HQ as a base of sorts. And since it's a lil more secure than wherever Brutux is hanging out; they agree. 
Idrk what they do after this point so use your imagination.
I think thats all I've got for now,, idk, may expand if it plagues my mind for longer (someone hold me down and restrain me, I should not be allowed to continue making up random AU's. It's an issue.)
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spinningbagel · 11 months
Uhh felt like my delightful(debatable) presence was lacking. Been pretty busy, went to Hobart (Tas) with a friend for a couple days and my family is moving into a new house so fun.
Anywayzz drawing dump to make up for that I guess
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spinningbagel · 11 months
Idkk I wrote this while really tired & scatterbrained so don’t expect much. (Could I technically call this an add on to this post? I guess.)
United in grief.
If there was one thing that he somewhat liked after accepting the siblings offer for them to stay here it’d be the headstone for his brother.
There had already been one, tucked away in a corner, flowers either placed infront or growing near it. After he accidentally let it slip out that his brother was dead, a second one joined it a few days later.
He didn’t question who put it there, but silently thanked whoever did nonetheless. Despite the fact it was a depressing reminder of his mistakes. (It should’ve been him.) it gave him a place to properly mourn his losses, something he’d neglected for years.
Early mornings and late nights were spent there. Just sitting. Thinking. He wasn’t ever bothered by anyone, at least they held the sense not to.
Sometimes Su would join him though, sitting at the headstone next to his brothers. It wasn’t often they talked, but through time and quiet conversations he learned a few things.
He learned how the name on the headstone was her and BP’s father. Apparently the scientist had attempted to create some form of cure for the zombie disease and one of them broke out, biting and infecting the man. She doesn’t mention what happens after but from his own personal experiences, he knew.
He learned about how Su basically acted as BP’s parent most of the time. Despite the fact their parents loved them, they tended to get absorbed in their work; neglecting their children. Su would sometimes share fond stories of saving BP’s ass from whatever chaos he stirred up.
And finally, he learned that despite how different their lives and experiences may’ve been, they’re the same in the sense that they are both grieving loss. For him, it’s Ryan and for Su, it’s hers and BP’s father.
“Well, at least you still have eachother.” He comments one late night, he hears Su chuckle next to him.
“And you’ve got us.”
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Some ZA!au doodles from school today
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spinningbagel · 1 year
(Felt real bad for ruining the lives of characters from a silli show so have this)
ZA!Sheriff does end up with a prosthetic arm, it’s a group effort actually, the entire group (minus Sheriff obviously) work on it and gift it to him for his birthday. He 100% doesn’t cry about it. (He does, and refuses to admit it)
I plan on writing somethin about it whenever I get time and am motivated enough.
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Told one of my friends about the trauma the characters go through in the ZA!Au….safe to say they were a little more than a tad concerned.
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spinningbagel · 6 months
So at the end of each school year I like to go through my pages of work, my books and my folders and cut out my favourite drawings to stick in my sketchbook, these are this years.
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