musicacampirana · 1 year
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popopretty · 5 years
i-STAR Festival (03.28.2019)
I went to i-STAR festival yesterday. It was not a normal live event but more like a music festival with a lot of artists joining in. They performed in 6 different venues around the Shibuya area, each artist performes in 35 minutes, according to a timetable. So you can choose which one you want to see and move between different venues the whole time.
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For every ticket you are given a wristband which grants you access to all venues.
There is a cafe where they sells the goods, and serves collab food and drink menu. To be honest, apart from the names, the foods in the menu are just normal food lol xD I ate Piko’s vegetable curry and it was pretty nice even though I would prefer some more meat in it xD
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They have T-shirts, and gachas for sales. That was an evil gacha as there are a total of 104 types (wtf). You can either get a badge with the name of your favourite artist, or u can get a masking tape or a ring or a hairband though they are rarer.
I pulled it 10 times and of course Piko didnt come out lol but luckily if you pull 10 times you will get to choose one badge of the artist you like. I also managed to exchange some with other people and in the end I got Piko badge with 2 masking tapes of the blue team with Piko in it xD
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As for the actual performance, Piko appeared in 3 stages yesterday:
1. In his solo stage, he sang:
- Ghost Rule
- Dappo Rock
- Oboroduki
- Koi wa sensou (Love is War)
- Lost one’s Weeping
- Haikei Doppelganger
2. The special collab stage, he sang:
- Platonic girl with kradness
- Loki with alfakyuu
I have to say alfakyuu and Piko must be secret siblings loll. She showed up wearing the same outer coat as Piko and they were teasing each other in the MC part lol. Piko was like “I’m the cutest here”, and alfakyuu was like “Yeah yeah ugly” xD Then they sang Loki, and in the part where the lyrics said “Selfy”, alfa turned on her camera and they did a real selfy with the audiences. That one was so blurry cuz they were in a rush so they decided to take a proper one later. And I can actually see my face in it lol
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3. MUSICARA stage
This is the same MUSICARA team that held the live back in January. They have Kony as the host, cleanero, Piko, Yuuto, NORISTRY and Irie.
Piko sang Yoshiwara Lament in this. He was playing the role of the okama bar owner as in the actual MUSICARA live lol.
This is a stage I enjoyed a lot. Apart from Kony, cleanero, Piko who I knew pretty well, everyone else is really nice and cute. Irie impressed me with his cheerful attitude and all his songs are upbeat and refreshing. NORISTRY sang the best ballad version of Shoujorei, and Yuuto also sang Tabacco which is my favorite song ;;
In the end, the whole team sang a cover of the song SHAKE by SMAP. They are all so amazing and I stood so close to stage I could see them so well :”>
That was it for i-STAR fes. It was really fun and I wish I had more time to see other artists (I watched alfakyuu solo stage and Underbar too but that would be too long to include in here). After XYZ and i-STAR in two days my body is aching everywhere and the wristband from yesterday is still on my wrist cuz I don’t know how to take it off lol
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ryoseirui · 6 years
So I haven’t seen many translations for older utaites, so if you would like translations, you can send me requests! I’ll also be posting a random bunch of them on my twitter at @_ryoseirui_! With the incredible lineup that’s Chang-Gero Sonic coming up in May, I think it would be really fun to hype up the fandom for it! I’ll be going, so I hope people will become excited for the live report I’ll be diligently writing up after. www
Just so everyone knows, the lineup for Chang-Gero Sonic includes:
Nomiya Ayumi
With such a legendary lineup, I’m super excited. NicoLai performing again, and PointFive comeback?! I immediately bought a ticket when the sales opened. I’m so excited, and I hope I can get other people excited as well! Considering how little attention my live report for MUSICARA (Kony, Yuuto, NORISTRY, Clear, Nero, Irei Ryo, Meychan) got, it would be nice ; v ;
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oo0mai0oo-blog · 7 years
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i-star festival 2016/3/28 @SHIBUYA O-WEST,O-EAST,O-Crest (見た人)夏代孝明、Sou、+α/あるふぁきゅん。、Eve、赤ティン、ゆりん、Musicara mini 初歌い手フェス!コニちゃんありがとう!!!他にも見たい人いたっちゃいたけど、ほとんどwestにいたし、ゆりんくんのステージに集まってきたから我得だった(^-^) 6時間近く飲まず食わずだったけどとても楽しかった!なっちろはシュガビタ最高だったし、Souくんはもう少しライブ慣れして安定したら見たいし、ふぁっきゅんクッッッソカッコかわいいし、いぶそ安定の良さ&おれそ来てかわいいし、赤ティンうまいのにクソ()だし、ゆりんかんのステージゆるゆるの仲良しでちゃぶ台出てて携帯いじってるし、サイダガネタでゆりんくんいじられてるし、みゅじから歌うますぎてカッコ良すぎるし、本当に素敵なイベントだった!これからも続いて欲しい! ゆりんくんのステージ:ゆりん、いぶ、なっちろ、天月、Tくん、はしくん、コニちゃん 中川さんと参戦
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ouraji · 10 years
MUSICARA is so nice Every song is a precious pearl.
Well, to me at least. But seriously, it's worth listening to! All the song are Jazz arranged and the utaites' voices are perfect. Surely you won't be disappointed
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tyfusi78 · 10 years
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harurzkmidori · 10 years
【りぶclearコニー】 MUSICARA クロフエード 【neroゆう十】:
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sundaysmaniac · 10 years
I want to buy MUSICARA...
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tyfusi78 · 10 years
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sailorenna · 10 years
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The members of the "Bar MUSICARA" live, Kony, Yuuto, clear, nero, and Rib, are releasing a concept CD titled "MUSICARA"! It'll be based on the same theme as the live, with jazz-funk arranges of Vocaloid songs.
BUY: act family RELEASES: March 20, 2014
Junjou Skirt - clear
Gossip - nero
solitude - rib
Ren'ai Philosophia - Yuuto
Eh? Ah, Sou. - Kony
Kimi no Taion - clear, Yuuto
Mr.Music - nero, Rib, Kony
Just Be Friends - clear, nero, Rib, Kony, Yuuto
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