ozzgin · 6 months
WORST Characters x Reader
Featuring Tsukishima Hana, Kawachi Tesshou, Hisashi Amachi, the Muroto Brothers, Tsukimoto Mitsumasa and a reader in her senior year of high school.
If you’re not familiar with the characters and want to give it a try: it’s high school delinquents, the leader of a biker gang and a pair of hired thugs that got out of juvie. (Once again I’m begging y’all to read the manga so I can share my delinquent daydreams with other people ;-;)
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Tsukishima Hana
Hana is such a sweet and honest boyfriend. At first he can’t even tell he’s in love with you. He really enjoys spending time with you, just like he does with his other friends, like Sakota, Renji, Tora, Takumi…Which can only mean you’re also part of the group. Right? It takes a whole intervention for him to understand it’s an entirely different feeling. The rest of the Umehoshi household members are gathered around the table and offer him examples to make it clear: he wouldn’t hold Sakota’s hand and Tora would probably be dead if he tried to kiss him on the cheek (not that he’d ever want to, anyways). So no, whatever he has with poor (Y/N) is not just friendship. It finally clicks.
He will be very shy initially. He’s barely interacted with girls before and has no idea how to handle you. Before he would just treat you like any of his friends, but as a girlfriend? He’s a fumbling mess. Once he becomes comfortable with the idea, he’s extremely affectionate. He’ll insist on holding your hand everywhere and loudly introduce you as his girlfriend to everyone. Often he’ll get an incredulous reaction of “How the hell did you pull someone like her?” and he’ll scratch the back of his head, goofy and proud. He has no idea either.
Hana can’t wait to introduce you to his grandma. You know once things get serious he’ll insist on bringing you to his village in the middle of nowhere. Unlike the time Tora accompanied him, though, he’ll be hovering all over you making sure you’re not tired or uncomfortable. The moment your breathing becomes audible from the effort he’ll pick you up and carry you the remaining way. He lives to serve you.
Kawachi Tesshou
Similar to Hana, Tesshou is incredibly awkward and wary of you at first. He’s head over heels the instant he meets you, but the idea of dating you is just too ridiculous to him. He might be the leader of a fearsome biker gang, but when it comes to you he feels like a scoundrel that has no business being around a pretty girl. So there’s two possibilities: either the other members will eventually let him know he’s an idiot and should just ask you out already, or you’ll have to confess first. He’ll stare at you in disbelief and ask you to repeat yourself several times, wondering if you’re joking or just teasing him, his blush gradually turning into a deep red.
Let us assume that no tragedy happens in this scenario. Tesshou is extra careful on his bike and he frequently takes you on rides, so he can’t afford any accidents. Now that you’re dating, he might as well be a cool boyfriend for you, eh? He likes to wait for you outside the school or part time job, resting against his motorcycle as people pass by whispering and glancing over. He wants everyone to know you’re his.
Naturally you’re now a package deal, so you often hang out with him at the junkyard belonging to TFOA. If you sneeze or mention it’s getting cold, he’ll instantly rip his jacket off and carefully place it over your shoulders. He’s thought of getting you your own custom leather jacket, but if he’s being honest, he just loves having you wear his instead. It emphasizes your small frame compared to his, and afterwards it will smell just like you. The other guys may or may not be planning his assassination, having to deal with his constant cocky grin and offhanded comments about having a cute girlfriend. Sometimes they will tease him by approaching you with “Hey (Y/N), if Tesshou’s ever being an asshole, you can always date me instead.”
Hisashi Amachi
In a way, Amachi acts a lot like a spoiled child. Things must go his way and rejection only challenges him to press further. So if he sets his eyes on you, in his mind, you either accept it now or after some convincing, but at the end of the day it will be a yes. He has money and authority, what else could you possibly want? So his initial approach will be rather cocky, mainly focusing on impressing you with his plans of ruling the city. Once his army crumbles and he loses to Hana, he finally begins to accept that you’re not with him for money or influence. He will be terribly frustrated and ashamed for losing, although this motivates him to try harder for your sake. He’s not like his father. You’re his reason to continue living no matter what.
I feel like he has the biggest potential as a yandere. He probably has significant trauma around abandonment and would immediately cling to you once in love, but in a not so obvious way. He doesn’t want you to see him as weak or needy, so instead he’ll act jealous and possessive towards anyone that could pose a threat. Hell, he might even doubt his own subordinates. He needs the occasional reassurance and secretly adores being praised by you. He wants to be the kind of man you trust with your life.
Amachi is more of a stoic boyfriend and prefers to listen to you talking, quietly going along with whatever you’re doing. While he has dropped his arrogant act, he still has some leftover tendencies, mostly in the shape of gift giving. Every now and then he’ll show up with some ridiculously expensive item he thought you’d like. Old habits die hard. Especially when they involve spoiling his Princess. I suspect he might be into slightly kinky jewelry, like dainty necklaces that need a key to be opened. He enjoys the visible, tangible proof of owning you.
Muroto Zenmei & Koumei
Now, the Arson brothers were paid for a very specific task. That doesn’t mean, however, they can’t take their time and have some fun while at it. The town has plenty of cute girls, but you really caught their attention. And they’re not very fond of sharing, but they can always figure it out as they go. What’s certain is that they won’t give up easily in their almost predatory pursuit.
Koumei is the more reserved sibling. He’s a bit cautious about parading you around, because he doesn’t want to put you in any danger. He has a lot of enemies and he worries about you becoming a potential target. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be able to protect you, he does have quite the reputation after all. He’s a bit clumsy when it comes to romance, but he does his best to spoil you. He’s always been preoccupied with fighting, so he hasn’t really considered the scenario of having a girlfriend. If he’s completely honest, he didn’t even expect you to actually accept his confession given he’s…well…the worst of the worst. Worry not, you won’t regret it. He’ll prove to you no other guy compares.
Zenmei is the cockier sibling. If he had patience or self-control, he wouldn’t have landed in juvie. He wants you and he won’t make it a secret. In fact, he’s a big fan of PDA and loves letting everyone know you’re his. Your designated seat whenever you’re with him is his lap. He’s not too worried about others harming you because either him or his twin lackeys will always have you under their watch. Additionally, who would be mad enough to mess with the girlfriend of Muroto Zenmei? Most small fries will cross to the other side of the street if they see you. And you can’t blame them, really. Zenmei can be very territorial and dominant. He can’t help it. You’re his pretty little thing.
Tsukimoto Mitsumasa
Mitsumasa has two younger sisters, so he’s probably the most relaxed when it comes to approaching you. He can be very charismatic if he wants to, and what better motivation than the girl of his dreams? I also feel like he’d be so easygoing in general. He’s one of the strongest students in Housen, yet one wouldn’t know it when he’s with you. He’s all smiles as you brush and braid his hair, occasionally blushing at your compliments. God forbid anyone messes with you, though.
His biggest hurdle are his brothers. It’s an inside joke that in terms of looks, he’s the least threatening. They didn’t expect the statement to come bite them in the ass once the blonde brings you home for dinner, introducing you as his girlfriend. His mom is over the moon and immediately begins to call you “daughter in law” (to Mitsumasa’s great embarrassment), occasionally asking you if her son didn’t somehow coerce you to date him. You reassure her awkwardly while simultaneously avoiding the burning stare of the other boys. “This bastard, landing a cute girlfriend out of nowhere” is the unified inner monologue at the table. You don’t know it yet, but poor Mitsumasa will be harshly interrogated after your departure.
Bonus points if you like playing video games or have nerdy interests. Mitsumasa spends most of his time playing, so he would absolutely love to share this hobby with you. Then he could spend his lazy days with you in his arms as he finishes quests or levels up, and you could do your own thing, whether reading, watching something or also playing a video game. As long as you’re cuddling him. He’ll be giddy all day in anticipation and can’t wait to hang out with you. Even better, he gets to brag about it the next day. He’ll yawn dramatically and apologize with a cheeky grin: “Sorry guys, I was up all night with (Y/N). Time sure flies when you’re having fun, you know~?”
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Hello there Sumire Muroto fans.
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joyousnudibranch · 1 year
Project Opuntia -13 A Journalist Meets Opuntia / Project ウチワサボテン-13- 読売新聞記者サン参戦!
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This time, a journalist from Yomiuri newspaper joined us to experience removing opuntia and write an article. 今回は、読売新聞の記者さんが1人、サボテン駆除を体験して記事を書くために参加してくれました。
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The location was, again, the worst-affected spot near the tip of Cape Muroto. He really struggled getting stung by the spikes. 記者サン、サボテンのトゲに刺されてかなり難儀しながら頑張って下さいました。
The newspaper article is available here in Japanese. (I tried Google's website translation tool and it worked OK, though not perfect. ) The journalist obviously did his own research and interviewed several people including the curator of the prefectural botanical garden and a University student who is writing a thesis on the opuntia problem. Hope the particle will help raising public awareness on this issue.
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-- Opuntia has been removed at these locations --
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nsmrso · 2 years
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2022/5/7 12:58@Koochi
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the-cricket-chirps · 8 months
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Hagiwara Hideo
Muroto Cape
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mybeingthere · 10 months
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Hideo Nishiyama born 1911 Muroto Cape "Muroto Misaki no Ame". Rainy day at Muroto cape. Woodblock print Period Taisho 1912-1926 Width Item 15.4 inches = 39.2 cm.
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portraits-of-iris · 1 year
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Cape Muroto with Rainbow
Wasaku Kobayashi
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yousakana · 2 years
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今日 6月15日は弘法大師・空海(お大使さま)の誕生日。高知県室戸市には、空海が悟りを開きその名前の由来となったと言われている「空と海」がみえる洞窟『御厨人窟(みくろど)』があります。 空と海がみえる洞窟。空海、悟りの地『御厨人窟(みくろど)』 – Land of Kukai’s enlightenment “Mikurodo Cave” 高知県室戸市には、弘法大師・空海ゆかりの場所が数多く残っています。『御厨人窟(みくろど)』は、約1200年前の平安時代、青年時代の空海が悟りを開いたといわれる洞窟です。内には五所神社があります。「空海」と名は、この洞窟の中からみえる空と海に感銘を受けたからと言われています。残したい日本の音風景100選(環境省) In Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture, there are many places associated with Kobo-Daishi Kukai. The Mikurodo Cave is said to be the cave where Kukai attained enlightenment as a young man in the Heian period (794-1185), some 1,200 years ago. Inside the cave is the Gosho Shrine. The name ‘Kukai’ is said to have been inspired by the sky and sea seen from inside the cave. One of the 100 soundscapes of Japan that should be preserved (Ministry of the Environment). 御厨人窟(みくろど) 住所:高知県室戸市室戸岬町3225-2 アクセス:高知東部交通バス停「岬ホテル前」下車、徒歩3分 時間:9:00〜17:00 Mikurodo Cave Address : 3225-2, Cape Muroto-cho, Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture Access : 3 min walk from Misaki Hotel-mae bus stop (Kochi Toubu Kotsu Bus Stop). Time : 9:00〜17:00 (御厨人窟) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce0Y6h7vQRJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shintoism-buddhism · 2 months
Saimisakiji Temple Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture 🇯🇵
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muzukashiidesune · 2 months
排水溝 (haisuimizo)
Le long des rues de Muroto, les eaux coulent des deux côtés. Dans leurs canaux à ciel ouvert, elles roulent, dévalent et se déversent dans les rivières qui courent à leur tour vers l'océan, juste au pas de la ville. 
Je ne sais trop d'où vient cette eau. Les canaux qui l’hébergent ne sont ni égouts, ni aqueducs. Dans la plupart des villages japonais, elle est si pure que des hérons s’y posent, que des carpes s'y promènent. 
Peut-être provient-elle des montagnes – les trois quarts du Japon sont composés de montagnes. Les eaux des onsen, ces sources thermales aux vertus innombrables, sont tirées du creux de celles-ci, rechauffées par les profondeurs volcaniques. Beppu, ville d’onsen par excellence, voit de la vapeur monter de ses canaux d’écoulement lorsque les nuits sont fraîches.
L’eau coule et coule, en ruisseau clair et artificiel, le long des rizières et des maisons, pour se jeter dans des cours d’eau naturels, plus profonds. Partout où l’on erre, dans Muroto, un ruissellement se fait entendre. Perpétuel.
Je marche.
Les rues sont étroites, ici. Trop pour la voiture moderne, qui doit serpenter entre les maisons avec lenteur et précaution. 
Pour ouvrir plus d’espace aux automobiles, peut-être, ou pour éviter que le piéton moyen n’y fasse de coûteux faux-pas, les canaux d’écoulement sont parfois recouverts, le long des grandes artères. De grands blocs de pierre sont aposés en casse-tête par-dessus, en alternance avec des grilles de métal. Cette protection est censée être assez solide pour qu’on puisse y marcher, et assez robuste pour supporter les lourdes roues des automobiles. 
Dans cette ville de laquelle on ne sort pas, ces canaux couverts font office de trottoir. 
J’évite tout de même de poser le pied sur certaines des grilles les plus rouillées et chambranlantes, qui crissent et s'enfoncent sous mes pas. Mes sentiers me sont devenus si routiniers que je les connais par coeur, maintenant, et peut éviter tout danger sans même avoir y à penser.
À ma droite, les montagnes et les rizières. On vient de les irriguer, miroir; elles reflètent le paysage. 
À ma gauche, une rangée de maisons, puis l’océan. Une maison sur cinq est à l'abandon. Fenêtres barricadées, arbres morts, herbes folles qui reconquérissent le stationnement. 
Mars – c’est la fin de l’année scolaire. Je demande à un de mes collègues, professeur de sixième année, si tous les élèves de sa classe iront à l’école secondaire de quartier où j’enseigne également. 
Tous, sauf une, Kanna. La plus brillante, je m’étonne. Oui, me dit mon collègue, c’est bien pour ça. Ses parents l’envoient à Kōchi, en ville, dans une école privée. La mère de cette enfant travaille avec moi, à la commission scolaire. Elle est à la tête de notre département - connaît et gère toutes les écoles de la ville. A décidé de ne pas inscrire sa fille unique ici.
Je marche le long des rues, par-dessus les grilles. Mes espadrilles s’accrochent dans les plantes qui en remontent, qui pointent tentativement le haut de leurs feuilles vers la lumière. Je ne les remarque même plus.
Dans une autre école, Nasu-sensei, professeure d’anglais à quelques jours de la retraite, soupire en m’informant que tous ses étudiants de secondaire trois ont passé avec succès l’examen d’entrée à la seule Senior High School de Muroto. 
“C’est une bonne nouvelle,” lui dis-je. 
“Cet examen est trop facile,” me répond-elle, secouant la tête. Son regard se pose sur un des bureaux vides de sa classe. “Miyoko Nakamura, tu sais – cette étudiante qui aime tant l’anglais. Elle rêve d’aller dans une école internationale, à Kōchi. Je l’ai encouragée à y appliquer, mais ses parents n’ont pas voulu – n’ont pas pu.”
“Oh, non.”
“Oui. Elle a déjà deux frères, vois-tu. Un aîné pour qui ils doivent déjà payer l’université. Un cadet qui a des… troubles, enfin. C’est trop, mais c’est dommage. Shouganai, ne.” 
Shouganai, ne. Tant pis, n’est-ce pas. La version japonaise d’un c’est la vie. Tacher d'être en paix avec l’incontrolable. 
Sous mes pieds, dans ces canaux de canalisation, les plantes s’accrochent. Elles poussent comme elles peuvent, sans cesse écrasées par les roues des voitures ou par les pas des passants lorsqu’elles osent franchir le seuil de la lumière, entre les mailles des grilles. Elles ne fleurissent pas. 
Tout fleurit, pourtant, à Muroto, au rythme des saisons. Les champs nous prennent par surprise, un matin, lorsqu’ils se recouvrent entièrement de nouvelles espèces. Cosmos, Lycoris rouge, Jonquilles, Aloès (les aloès fleurissent!), fleurs de Colza. Elles apparaissent d’un coup, étouffantes, partout – puis disparaissent sans laisser de trace. Comme si elles se cédaient le terrain, tour à tour, polies. Une réverence au passage.
C’est la fin de l’année scolaire. Je fais des adieux préventifs à tous les professeurs avec qui je travaille, qui pourraient potentiellement être transférés dans une autre école l’an prochain. 
“J'espère que vous resterez à Muroto,” dis-je à Ishimoto-sensei, et je le pense vraiment. Il est celui avec qui je travaille le plus, et le mieux.
“Moi aussi,” me répond-il avec un sourire.
“Faux,” Ryan me confiera plus tard, de retour à notre bureau à l’hôtel de ville. “J’ai parlé avec Ibuki-sensei, qui m’a dit qu’Ishimoto avait demandé un transfert.”
Réflexion faite, cela n’a rien de surprenant. Ishimoto-sensei est jeune, compétent, impliqué. Il se plairait mieux dans une grande école, où les jeunes seraient moindrement intéressés par la perspective d’une quelconque ouverture sur le monde. 
“C’est ce que j’ai dit à Ibuki-sensei.” Ryan hoche la tête. “Mais elle m’a dit qu’il y avait peu de chances que son transfert soit accepté.”
“Elle m’a dit que dans la vie, on n’avait pas toujours ce que l’on voulait.”
Shouganai, ne. 
Penchées sur les berges des rivières par-dessus lesquelles je passe, les fleurs de cerisier tapissent ciel et terre. Bientôt, leurs pétales inonderont les cours d'eau, les stationnements, les vitres de ma voiture. Je devrais faire aller mes essuies-glaces pour y voir quelque chose sous le blanc-rose de leur invasion.
Les plantes des canaux, qui poussent sous les grillages, ne fleurissent pas. Leurs feuilles pétrissent et brunissent, malmenées par un écrasement continuel, mais elles persistent. 
Elles poussent, sans savoir peut-être où s'arrêter exactement – qu’importe, le poids des roues le leur rappelle. 
Le frottement de mes pieds sur leurs feuilles le leur rappelle. 
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Hello there Keisuke Muroto fans.
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joyousnudibranch · 2 years
Project Opuntia -12 Welcome to an Award-winning Project! / Project ウチワサボテン-12- 奨励賞に輝いた取り組みの体験ツアーへようこそ
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Today we (Geopark's conservation team) removed opuntia with some helpers. They were participants of an experience tour for those who are interested in promoting biodiversity. The tour was hosted by the organization which awarded us an encouragement award, and the participants were here to experience the award-winning project.
The forecast was calling for rain, but it turned out to be a hot, sunny day. First we gave a presentation on our "Project Opuntia" in a hotel with the hotel owner talking about the history of a local traditional custom of having meals on the beach.
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Next we enjoyed wonderful bento on the beach and after that, worked hard to remove this alien species at the worst-affected spot near the hotel. その後、ホテルのすぐ下の浜で浜弁当ののち、あの『サボテンの惑星』と化した場所で駆除活動。
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The newcomers were enjoying it in the beginning, then got tired of being stung by the spikes, and finally hated the plant. LOL They really understood how hard it was to remove this invasive plant. 初めての体験者たちは、最初のうち茎を切るのも結構楽しんでいたのが、だんだんトゲに刺され、やってもやってもキリないのに疲れ、根元の茂みをかき分けると、若い新芽がズラリと林立してるのに萎え...。だんだん、この外来種への憎しみや怖さが生まれてきた、と言った参加者さんもいました。ww
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Chatting in the cafe at Geopark Center, we found out that opuntia problem has been reported several places in the prefecture, and our Cape Muroto is suffering the most. It was nice to feel connected with others facing the same problem.
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-- Opuntia has been removed at these locations -
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earaercircular · 10 months
Barbecue in the pool
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Osaka: Barbecue Restaurant Opens Inside Old School Swimming Pool
Japan is running out of children, and schools across the country are having to close. What to do with the empty buildings? A visit to Osaka where they came up with something special.
At first, innkeeper Hajime Otsuki found his new workplace a bit scary. After all, it wasn't that long ago that the 27-year-old went to school and was exposed to Japanese horror culture. "As a child, I heard stories about ghosts at school," the Gakkou no Kaidan[1] that children and young people in the island state like to tell to scare each other a little. That's what Otsuki had to think about when he started working for the barbecue restaurant Ikuno BBQ Skypark. Because it is housed in a disused Miyukimori Elementary School in the Ikuno district of the city of Osaka. More precisely: on the roof of the school. To be more precise: in the swimming pool on the roof of the school.
Japan is the oldest society in the world. According to data from the Tokyo government, almost 30 percent of the 125 million people in the island state are 65 and older. The proportion of older people is growing, there are fewer and fewer young people. As a result, schools have to close. Angular buildings remain that the authorities and investors do not want to abandon without a fight.
So make something out of it, school building recycling is on the rise. They are renovated and reused as hotels, wellness facilities, museums or restaurants. Especially in Japan's hinterland, which is badly affected by the aging population. "Staying overnight in closed schools is just fun!", the travel portal travel.jp titled an article with examples from Gunma, Akita and other prefectures. The coastal town of Muroto[2] in Kochi advertises its "schoolhouse aquarium"; where primary school children once crammed, you can now see hammerhead sharks, sea cucumbers and sea turtles. And in Mihama-chō[3], Fukui Prefecture, the site of a nuclear power plant, a closed school is being used as a public "Energy-Environment Learning Center."
Only eleven first years left
The Ikuno BBQ Skypark is a new take on the trend. However, it is a bit out of the ordinary, because Osaka's Ikuno district is not in the remote countryside, but is an urban thicket of old houses and narrow streets. "There still are a lot of people here," says Hajime Otsuki, "but not a lot of children." Ikuno is not well connected to the public transport network and spreads the crumbling post-war charm in many corners. In addition, many foreigners traditionally live here, especially Koreans. Young Japanese families are more drawn to tidier parts of Osaka with modern tower blocks or single-family homes.
In any case, the Miyuki Mori elementary school was running out of children. According to the school information service Gaccom,[4] in 2020 she only had 76 students in the six grades. Eleven children went to the first class, and only nine children to the fourth. In March 2021 the school closed. The floor below the Ikuno BBQ Skypark is a reminder of the house's past: empty classrooms. Forgotten benches. A lonely office chair stands in front of a chalkboard covered in scribbles. The dawn light falls through yellowed curtains. Sad.
But a local urban developer saw an opportunity in the void. The company Retown[5] specializes in reviving urban places in a sustainable way. It saw the ex-school in Osaka's neglected corner of diversity as an ideal place for a multicultural center. Retown financed the project through crowdfunding - and the Ikuno Co-Lives Park with 22 tenants has been open since the beginning of May. The premises include sports schools, offices, guest rooms, a recording studio, a library - and on the roof the Ikuno BBQ Skypark in the pool.
"Barbecue has always been popular in Ikuno," says Hajime Otsuki. Barbecue is typical of Korean cuisine, but there was no public place for it, because barbecues are not allowed in Japanese parks. So it made sense to use the roof with the swimming pool. But how? "First we thought: we fill the pool with water," says Otsuki, but then someone could have fallen in. In addition, a full pool would have cost space for guests - and levelling it was not possible because the city, as the landlord, would have had to approve it. So the water stayed out. Around a hundred people can now take a seat in elegant seating groups on the bottom of the pool and prepare their own or pre-ordered food on the table grill.
The pool is 25 meters long and only 90 centimetres deep because children used to learn to swim here. You can therefore easily look over the edge of the pool into the sunset. The pool is not covered with tiles, as is common in public swimming pools, but with light blue iron plates, a cheaper alternative. A counter is mounted at the front where there used to be two starting blocks. The edge of the pool is equipped with small lights. But basically the pool is still the same as when it was filled up. On lane three, a couple sits so close to the target wall that they could hit it at any time.
The two older men on lane five are grilling at a distance behind them. And on the other side, a guest climbs over one of the ladders into the pool. "The influx isn't that big yet," says Hajime Otsuki, but the summer is still young. In any case, it is atmospheric in the pool above the roofs of Ikuno when the red-golden light of the evening gradually turns into the dark blue of the night. At least for people who don't believe in school ghosts.
Thomas Hahn,  Barbecue im Schwimmbecken, in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25-07-2023,
[1] School Ghost Stories (学校の怪談, Gakkō no Kaidan), also known as Haunted School, is a 1995 Japanese horror film directed by Hideyuki Hirayama. It follows a group of schoolchildren who encounter spirits and other supernatural happenings in an abandoned wing of their elementary school. The film is the first instalment in the School Ghost Stories film series, and was followed by School Ghost Stories 2 in 1996.
[2] Muroto (室戸市, Muroto-shi) is a city located in Kōchi Prefecture, Japan. As of 30 June 2022, the city had an estimated population of 12,121 in 7079 households and a population density of 49 persons per km2. The total area of the city is 248.18 square kilometres.
[3] Mihama (美浜町, Mihama-chō) is a town located in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. As of 1 May 2018, the city had an estimated population of 9,643 in 3175 households and the population density of 63 persons per km². The total area of the town was 152.35 square kilometres.
[4] Gaccom is a portal site composed of the two parts as follows; 1, The school information page provides the information of nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary and middle schools in Japan. 2, The community page provides the community where the parent in the same school can interchange each other and supports it.
The coverage of use is different respectively by the conditions of the registration to Gaccom. The range of use depends on the conditions of the registration. https://www.gaccom.jp/wp/?pagename=about_gaccom_en
[5] http://retown.co.jp/
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today's selected anniversaries: 21st September 2022
American Revolutionary War: The Great Fire of New York (depicted) broke out during the British occupation of New York City, destroying up to 1,000 buildings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Fire_of_New_York_%281776%29
The Muroto typhoon, the strongest in Japanese history at the time, made landfall on the mainland, killing more than 3,000 and leaving around 200,000 homeless. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1934_Muroto_typhoon
J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy children's novel The Hobbit, which later served as a prelude to The Lord of the Rings, was first published. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hobbit
The Soviet Union's Zond 5 landed in the Indian Ocean, becoming the first spacecraft to safely return to Earth after circling the Moon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zond_5
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sayapiooon · 2 years
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♫Yes, some things never change like the feel of the sun burns your skin~~♪♪ but I’d do it all (エブリデイ海&川)again🌊🏄🏻‍♀️🤿🌈 (at Muroto, Kochi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChT6GuUPyao/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nanjotoshiyuki · 5 years
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Shelterbelt, Hane, Kōchi, 2019 防砂林, 羽根, 高知, 2019
http://nanjotoshiyuki.com/shelterbelt http://nanjotoshiyuki.com/tagged/shelterbelt
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