#munday: behind the muse
silverwingborn · 2 months
7 & 9
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
My absolute favorite relationship dynamic is found family. I grew up on so many found family films as a kid: Land Before Time, James and the Giant Peach, Lilo and Stitch. I eat that dynamic up! Characters whose lives cross paths and they grow closer and fill gaps the other usually did not know they needed. It is a bond that’s not just love, but also finding “your people” and your home.
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
There’s a good number of elements that influence me to press the follow button.
Right off the bat at first glance: aesthetic. How is the blog presenting itself? What’s the description like? (Like are the doing a summary or telling me their entire like story in a wall of text). Is their age shown? Is there a rules & info page for their muse? Are they using icons? How many fonts are they using and are they legible? (Graphic design minor tendencies lol). You can tell a lot about someone just by the immediate presentation alone.
The first thing I look for is a rules page & the muns age. I will not follow if those are not present.
Second thing I look for is if they are mutuals only or not. Is this a Sideblog or the main hub? That way I know if they follow me back or soft block me, I’ll know if they want to engage with me.
Since I rp an OC, it’s a make or break deal if they say they absolutely will not engage with OC’s. If they’re selective and open to possibly interacting with OC’s, then I continue reading the rest of the rules.
Sometimes if I’m leery, I will scroll through their blog to see who they’re rping with. The more people I recognize that I follow and/or interact with, then I’m slapping the follow haha.
Also looking for a pattern in what muse blogs they themselves are interacting with and if I get a feel for motive. For instance, if I see a persons main goal is romantic ships, I will pause on following and weigh the pros and cons based on what I’ve already seen. Are they pinning for one character in particular and collecting them like sexy time trading cards? There’s certainly nothing wrong with that, but I love building any kind of relationship with a muse, romantic or not. Exploring their dynamics and chemistry. I made this blog in February and just started shipping with several rp partners I met from the beginning. We’ve done dozens of interactions to build our characters dynamics and said “Yeah! This would work out.” It usually takes me a while to get interested romantically unless the character somehow manages to snag mines attention quicker. I go by my muses vibes honestly haha.
Lastly, I do look at a persons rping. While I’m not particularly picky on length, if I’m seeing a lot of 1 - 3 sentence responses to others that wrote paragraphs, yeah no.
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hellsmayflower · 3 months
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NAME?: Cat,Kitty.
PRONOUNS?: She/Her <3
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Writting. Because of my lack of social skills and my anxiety,I don't do calls or anything with people that I don't know well but just writing with them until I feel that I can get along with them and that I can feel comfortable and close to them. Most people don't understand sadly.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: My OC right now in this Hellaverse community and fandom and I hope to continue to keep her growing.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Since the prehistoric Myspace days. XD 2007 was the best times of my life for me! And I continued on as it was all I had ever known that keeps me happy for creation and inspiration.
BEST EXPERIENCE? : The friends I make and the connections I make for each OC I make in the fandoms that I love. All I'm good for honestly is OC to where I am in control.
RP PET PEEVES?: Most. My biggest is where I get treated like an idiot and my OC also gets treated like garbage when I tried so hard. I'm not perfect but I try as I can.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? : Three honestly. <3 I'm up for them.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Same for those two. <3
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Long for inspiration and short if I feel like I'm just not in the mood or if I'm just needing a quick rp.
TIME TO WRITE?: It's pretty much all I do. XDDD
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Cynical. Mostly. Badass. When I want to be. Bitchy : MOST DEF LOL Mayleene is the best character I ever created so far and like her,I curse all the damn time. XDDD {{ tagged by : @murderous-rodeo-imp666 }}
{{ tagging : @hells-greatestdad @tunedradio @stolsas @peppy-jester @hells-ringleader @therainbowinhell @the-delightful-temptation @e-m-p-error @overangeled and anyone else that wants to do this if they see this. <3 }}
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w0efulboopsoul · 2 years
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Munday stuffs
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papillionsoul · 1 year
late munday:
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plantmusic · 1 year
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// Mun and muse Picrew for Munday
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lultimagoccia · 4 days
what made you choose this muse?
munday asks. [ x ]
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( he just really interests me! he's so absurdly my type appearance - wise AND personality - wise it was kind impossible for me to not be drawn to him. the more concept art i saw of him, the more comics, the little behind - the - scenes lore concepts, the more hooked i became until i'd made up this entire lore for him in my head. so i decided to try sharing it! so glad i did, this corner of the rpc has been so warm, welcoming, and kind. )
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valiisthea · 11 months
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Jess! But I've taken an affinity to being called 'Diehards' (a play on my twitch username).
Age group: Erm...old lol. I'm 32.
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite color: green or blue, don't make me choose.
Favorite food: ugh, pasta. Particularly alfredo pasta. Im an alfred-hoe.
Tattoos/piercings?: Mhm, I have six tattoos (both shoulders, forearm, wrist, foot, chest/over my heart) and then 11 piercings (5 in right ear, 4 in left ear, septum, right nostril).
Current song stuck in your head?: Actually, none. BUT. Yesterday it was "all the things she said" by Tatu LOL.
Pets?: OH boyyyy. Five cats, 3 dogs, and a mouse. Yes a pet mouse, not a house mouse lmao.
Favorite book?: Sheesh, In The Heart of The Sea or The Martian.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: yeaaah. My uncle passed away when I was 5, he gave me this silly little robot toy when I was maybe 2? It's in the barn right now, but I'll never get rid of it. My dad appreciates it too. That was his little brother and one of the only physical things we've got left of him.
Dream job: ok don't laugh at me, but I've wanted to be a paleontologist since I was 5 years old. I'm obsessed with dinosaurs, to the point where I've been caught physically crying looking at bone casts in museums before and taken online classes to learn more about em.
Tea or coffee?: both my friend. Both.
Hobbies: I stream on twitch!! That's really all I do aside from work and RP. Yall can come hang out with me and my twitchfam any time! www.twitch.tv/forthediehards
How long have you been role-playing?: Since I was 18, so 14 years?
Who is your most active muse: Mm, any of the FFXVI ones right now. Most specifically Dion. I've also got a lot of muse for Roche from 7 remake.
Significance behind your url?: hm, well, it just means there's a surplus of hearts. Because I have an assload of muses, and they've all got hearts. So many, many many hearts lol.
Tag some partners!: @lightxrampart @mediciina @pheoniks @sagefired @madrites @carrotsaversion @havfayth @aetherstorms @legendaryplayer @eifri @levinstrike @kihel-sorcas @oifrit @rosfieldj @lightwxrden @creatrix-mea @ofdiamonddust @ultimaleus @holyguardian @rosxrian @waloedrex @waloed-steed @stellarisen @poeticphoenix @spiras-summoner @txnichtgut @diions @ofdragonslight @firevow @wingedturmoil @tsckcyomi @knightxvowed @swerte @owyrmtail @gillionaires @of-mythos @wyvern-flames @oultima @floscaedis @rosfeild @eikonshiva @poppydedicant @yinjiyang @inproelia @ifritmade @lionheartedscout @equescaeli @adenial @phoenix-flamed @flamesofrebirths
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countlessrealities · 8 months
😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc?
Munday asks || Accepting !
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Picking one thing over all the shit I can't stand about the RPC is really hard. I could write a novel about all the unnecessarily stupid and bad behaviours that are so very popular in it, and that gives the idea of the amount of things I have to say on the topic. Also, what makes it difficult to choose just one thing over the others is how connected all said behaviours tend to be, to the point that each of them can be born out of another and vice versa.
You're all lucky that I'm knackered, so I don't physically have the energy to go on a full rant, so...I'll pick one aspect that, at least for how I see it, might as well be the base of all the others, in a way or another.
The one thing that gets the most on my nerves, in more than one way, is how self-centred the members of the RPC have become. Ofc, we're here to handle our blogs, get interactions for them, share our ideas, and so on. However this has become so extreme that a lot of people have forgotten how RP is supposed to be a two-way street, how it's not just about you, but it's about your RP partners too.
Asking for attention is fair, we all like to see our ideas acknowledged and all that. It's also a great potential chance to develop them more, if you get feedback or get to discuss them with others. However, you can just keep demanding attention and time and energy from people without ever giving a crumble back. That's not how it works. Not in collaborative hobbies, not in real life. You had to do your part, you can't just sit on your ass and expect others to give you everything you want without asking for some interest towards them in return. It's not a bad thing, it's not a do-ut-des. It's how collaboration works, people. Especially when it takes 2 minutes to read a post and 2 seconds to like it.
I honestly find this kind of behaviour incredibly disheartening. It kills my motivation to reach out to people, to be curious about their ideas and muse, when I know that I'll never be anything more than a number in their followers list and a chance to go all "I, me, myself, my muses, my ideas". Not to mention that it gets old so, so fast. I'm too old for that shit.
I could talk about how people act without ever thinking about hurting the ones around them, because they forget that there's a person behind that screen and that other writers are not fanfics machines for your fantasies, but...I don't want to get too close to a few personal experiences I had this year and that made me really mad. Still do. So, I'll just end it with one, simple rule that would make everything better in the RPC if everyone followed it.
Don't be a self-centred, tactless asshole 🙃
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aetherceuse · 6 months
Development Notes from the Mun ✨
I've decided to start a new trend for myself on Mundays. I'm going to share some "behind the scenes" notes, sort of to show you guys the creative process that goes into writing my muse. There's a lot of little things that I haven't shared with you guys before. So, let's get into a few of them.
Lusamine's last name is a reference to Eugéne Delacroix, a very famous French Romantic painter. Despite being well-regarded for his art, and cementing himself into history as one of the most recognizable artists of his time and genre, Eugéne Delacroix drove himself to a point of illness due to his obsession with his work. He had a very uneasy relationship with the art establishment and the press as well. I drew inspiration from that for Lusamine's obsessive fixation on her own life's work, along with her less-than-warm relationship with the scientific community, despite making major contributions to her field.
Her touch aversion is a reference to the flower that she is named after in the French translation: balsamina. Impatiens balsamina is better known as the Touch-Me-Not. Impatiens balsamina is also an invasive species on several islands in the Pacific Ocean, hence why I tend to describe Lusamine as "parasitic" while inhabiting Alola. (Easy to do so, since she isn't from this universe to begin with.)
The creation of Silvally has one foot in modern genetic engineering, and one foot in mythology and legend, to represent the difference between aether, and ether. 'Aether' is a classical alchemical element, and was believed to be what comprised the heavens where the gods existed. It is the space in between. Ether, on the other hand, is a clear chemical compound used as an anesthetic, and is incredibly volatile. Both words have the same root, and both have a connection to the concept of "purity," yet they represent entirely different schools of thought. As a perfect representation of the duality of aether and ether, Lusamine is attempting to create a modern forme of the source of All.
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xkuja · 7 months
What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
|| ♡ Munday Meme ♡ ||
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Where does the tail go?
Usually he keeps it bound behind him in a tight, uncomfortable, coil (he's used to it)~. But on occasions, he keeps it hidden via magic while keeping it still so it doesn't move about and rustle things. That's why he favors clothing with long trains or skirts down the back
If he lets his tail free and visible around you, it is a sign of trust... Well, the very least, complacency.
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silverwingborn · 3 months
//Munday Mun pic under cut
Silly doggo and mun
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hellsmayflower · 4 months
{{ Some Mun pics from yesterday. <3 }}
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ukigumos · 2 months
munday asks 28 and 39
UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞« Munday Asks.
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28. Is your muse canon divergent in any way?
Actually, this is an excellent question. I usually write him with canon in mind as much as possible, but I also have the biggest 18->80 goggles on where he's pining behind the scenes and not processing his feelings at all-- so I guess technically, sorta, yes?
39. What’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
Kyouya has like... A very flowery/poetic sense of style so it's really hard pinning down songs that scream 'oh my god it's him' aside from his own songs.
But I guess if I squint REALLY loudly, I can see Fragaria Memory's (Noir Bouquet's) All So Bad having his 'fuck you, I do what I want, you can't hold me down and I know what I want' energy.
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antvnger · 11 months
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3.Who are your longest rp friends?
Hhhmm. Longest RP friends…well, I would say @inz-lokisdottir @askmyocsandrpwiththem and @arandomnerdsrp358 would fit the bill. I feel like they’ve been with me from the beginning, and I’ve enjoyed every interaction. ❤️
8. What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
Well, if you ask out dear friend Iron Mun, they’ll tell you we have all of this in common. I will tell you we are both nerdy and a bit goofy. We love corny jokes, and we both try to be kind and see the best in people.
9. What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
Scott loves all the electrical engineering stuff and loves to tinker. I took one electrical engineering class in college and was bored out of my skull. I respect the math and science behind it, but good fricking grief I could not wait for that class to be over. Scott is a better dancer than I am, but I’m a better singer. He’s not bad, but I would like to think I am better.
((And thank you! You’re very sweet! We’re sending lots of love your way too!)) @sobeautifullyobsessed
Munday Meme
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Vonny!
Age group: 30+, at 33 years young.
Pronouns: She/her or they/them.
Favorite color: If I had to pick, I'd say dark red, like burgundy or something.
Favorite food: Chicken alfredo.
Tattoos/piercings?: Only pierced ears right now, but I'm planning to get a tattoo in the semi-near future-ish -- an Amaurotine mask with the Azem crystal leaning against it, and the quote, "Darkness and Light. Despair and Hope. As goeth one, so goeth the other", as a reminder to myself that these contrasting elements go hand-in-hand; you can't have one without the other, and that's okay. It's the balance of life. Something something struggled with depression and stuff for most of my life, something something about Endwalker being a truly profound experience for me when dealing with this, my trauma, and my grief.
Current song stuck in your head?: I have been listening to Aviators' "Blood and Snow" nonstop these past like three days while writing replies and shit lol.
Pets?: Six cats, one pupper!
Favorite book?: The Count of Monte Cristo, hands down, always and forever.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: I have many, but. On my birthday following our mom's passing, my sister got me this teddy bear with a little necklace around its neck, and it has my mom's fingerprint on one side, while the other side says "A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go". I still can't read the saying without tearing up(as I am sniffling right now over it), but it's definitely my prized possession.
Dream job: I used to want so much to be a character designer for Squaresoft/Square Enix, back when I used to draw 24/7. But now? I think I'd love to be a museum tour guide or something like that. Something involving sharing my love of history.
Tea or coffee?: Coffee. Never been much of a tea person.
Hobbies: Drawing, writing(including roleplaying, of course), singing, gaming, uh. That's about it, I think.
How long have you been role-playing?: I started on this really shitty chat site when I was 12, then it was all downhill from there lol. So like 21 years.
Who is your most active muse: Definitely Elwin. I've been neglecting my poor Quintus muse. :( But it's okay, because I'm having an absolute blast.
Significance behind your url?: OKAY, HEAR ME OUT ON THIS -- I actually went with this one specifically because of this blog being centered around the AU idea of Elwin being resurrected by Phoenix's flames. Very impressive, I know.
Tagged by: @heartsurpluss
Tagging: @rosxrian because he's a fucking nerd(affectionate), and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do this!
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tsckcyomi-archived · 11 months
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Nikan/Nill, either works Age group: 25+ Pronouns: she/her Favorite color: Cyan Favorite food: (Buddha??) Bowls Tattoos/piercings?: Three earlobe piercings on either side, one helix piercing. Tattoos of a sea horse, a sea shell, a betta fish and an eagle ray on my left forearm, a flower tattoo on the left side of my body and a tattoo with the golden ratio around my right shoulder blade. Current song stuck in your head?: Athena, the tireless one. I'm clearly doing too much p12s Pets?: …My ~20 plants. I wish I had a cat tho 😔 And I'd call it Popcorn Favorite book?: The Child Thief. Peter Pan but darker and closer to the original, I dig that Do you have a 'prized possession'?: A stuffed animal from my childhood that's been through a lot. If I ever lose it or someone throws it away I'll be inconsolable. Dream job: If I had the liberty to choose and be able to live comfortably? Anything where I can work with animals. Tea or coffee?: Tea. Coffee makes me feel yuckie. Hobbies: Writing, drawing and when I get around to it, crafting (may that be crocheting or sewing or anything else) How long have you been role-playing?: Uuuuh. Around 15 years? Roughly 11 of those in English, before that only in my native language. Who is your most active muse: Joshua and Sleipnir are spinning around in my head a lot since yesterday. Significance behind your url?: Since this was a single muse blog for Yotsuyu from FFXIV previously, I just took the name of the primal that she turned into, Tsukuyomi. And I couldn't be bothered to change the url when I turned this blog into a multi muse blog-
Tagged by: @heartsurpluss <3 Tagging: 🧍 ← steal it if you haven't been tagged before or else that will be me outside of your window tonight
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