ancient-healer · 2 years
A big dose of low vibrational fear anyone?
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nova0000scotia · 7 years
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#Invictus - I’m #Jewish and I’m #Muslim.... why cant we all get along.... #POTUS is waking up the #USA and the world of #UnitedNations rich boys clubs that it’s time to address legal equality for men and women of this world and clean up so called civilized sophisticated educated nations that #inclusiveness and #equality must take the lead on a planet that too many suffer in.... imho.... #Russia #China #Argentina etc. are not - in your face dictatorships without a care in the world ..... #UnitedNations and the 5 so called powerbrokers of yesteryear allowed glorious #Syria 2 burn to the ground b4 the eyes of our children and #veterans and bloodstains in your man made wars.... the Middle East Africa #dicatatorshps of #Iran #Lebanon and #Turkey and #Egypt have embraced - the vicious butchers #Hamas and #Hezbollah..... proving humanity was right all along..... the Persians will desecrate the Arabs.... and the few $$$$ famiies of these nations will such their nations dry.... imho.    MEANWHILE ... in the spoilt #USA who controls #MSMnews #Cable #SocialNetwork have completely destroyed intelligence, facts and fair and equal points of view.... and making $$$Billions with their toys and inciting riots .... whilst in the real world... hurting, hungry and helpless in the billions of the real world weep and elders and children now live in confusion and fear......   #Afghanistan is the bravest nation on the planet....... April 5, 2014 - millions of AFGHAN women dragged their kids and grandmas and voted in the face of purest evil of the taliban gameboy killing machines .... and screamed at the #MSMnews who finally crawled out of the caves of the butchers to watch purest history being made... the vote for democracy.    The Afghan women screamed from the mountains to the valleys..... TELL THE WORLD THAT THE FOREIGN TROOPS AND OURS DID NOT DIE IN VAIN......    there is integrity and honour ..... imho.
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nova0000scotia · 7 years
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#USA ya had world's greatest #BernieSanders #FeelTheBern #MarcoRubio - #DNC robbed #MSMnews stole-left crooks #HillaryClinton #Trump -he won .... Just The Facts Ma’am.... is what it is...
you need a new party.... hey #FeelTheBern.... get your party started......  you all are like #Canada .... a lot of folks without education upgrading, jobs, hungry kids, homeless, hurting and and hungry.... in the real world....   you actually live in..... our food banks are always in the tank.... and it’s just not right that kids and elders and hurting have it so hard.... in our beautiful nations.....    imho
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nova0000scotia · 6 years
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HEARTACHE Syria’s agonies go on- #MSMnews bullshite #socialmedia junk - HUMANITY'S INDIFFERENCE 2 #Syria- Kremlin, Khomeinist Iran,the Chinese Communist Party, Hamas, Hezbollah, Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro, and the Syrian mass murderer Bashar Assad  CANADIAN ARTICLE:  http://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-heres-why-some-people-choose-not-to-believe-in-assads-atrocities
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nova0000scotia · 7 years
#RomeoDallaire -Saviour of #Rwanda-betrayed by #UnitedNations #G7 #MSMnews 800,000 slaughtered  #InvictusGames
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