#mrlively tmnt2k12
frogonamelon · 8 months
What kind of turtles are 2k12????
It's never been specified but I would very much like to know what kind of turtles they are. There are so many box turtles and I just.... don't believe that they're diamondback terrapins.... they're green???
Picking out the options, I decided to go by what they look like to find similar looking turtles in color/texture/pattern but I'm almost certain I missed something. There were also some I just couldn't even if I wanted to like spotted, wood, and map turtles as well as any kind of sea turtle.
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frogonamelon · 8 months
Hamato Yoshi/ Tang Shen Swap
...Raccoon Mom ?
In bottle green robes with a cane w/ red designs up the length instead of red robes w/ green cane
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frogonamelon · 9 months
Chompy the starchild <3
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Raph’s been sneaking out as the Night Watcher for a while, even after the Shredder is defeated and his brothers are recovering from their injuries and generally taking it easy. He will don a disguise and sneak up to the surface to fight criminals and generally keep an eye on things.
On one of these nights, he sees what he believes to be a mutant dashing between shadows. He finds Y’Gythgba, a warrior from another planet who is here to recapture a creature before anyone else can hunt it down for their hyde, which is incredibly desirable both aesthetically and functionally, for it is both beautiful in a variety of colors and is so durable it can withstand magma. 
He wants to help and she needs a guide (or ‘guide’ given that Raph has never been outside of the city) and so they venture out on a mission to the Mojave desert (opposite side of the continent from NYC), defeating many who are hunting the creature and falling in love. Including a sweet moment when they’re close to the end of the journey where Raph is awed at the stars in the desert since he’s never seen so many at once.  
When they reach the creature, they find that the Volcanthian Draise (drake tortoise) has been defending her only remaining hatchling against the kraang. She is heavily wounded and being dragged away. The two leap into action and save her, getting her stable enough to be transported back to Y’Gythgba’s home planet for proper care but the wounded mother nudges her hatchling into Raph’s arms, leaving them in his care.
The couple part ways with the promise to see eachother again one day.
Due to the different environment, the young Draise becomes more bipedal than their mother was. They’re shades of magenta and lavender, with yellow eyes that reminds Raph of Y’Gythgba. He raises the draise as his own (teen dad Raphael <3) and calls them his starchild. 
The couple communicate long distance for a while before Y’Gythgba returns. The two of them will get married and move to the desert, better environmentally for their child and far enough away for Raph to get breathing room away from the stress of being a mutant ninja. He gets to paint in peace with his wife and their child in a small plot of land in the middle of nowhere under uncountable stars.
Ok! On the Chompy front: I need a name for this child. I want him to be named after an artist as, out of all the brothers, Raph is probably the most likely to continue the tradition. I’ve got two that I like.
Vincent/ Vin/ Cen/ etc- Named after Vincent van Gogh and a reference to the painting ‘Starry Night’. I like this one a lot and choosing a more modern artist than the renaissance turtles feels like a nice progression. It's got cute nicknames but it’s kind of basic since van Gogh is one of the most well-known artists in popular consciousness.
Giotto/ Gio/ To/ etc- Giotto di Bondone is another Italian Renaissance artist who had a few different paintings including stars in particular Stars of Bethlehem and on the ceiling of the Scrovegni Chapel. Also has cute nicknames including the fact that the family met on Earth. My reluctance here comes from already having a tmnt character named Gio.
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frogonamelon · 7 months
Spontaneous Pre-Fishface Xever Montes
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The face reference I used is Brazilian model Arthur Xavier.
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