#moving to Nashville TN
zivakrealtygroup · 6 months
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verymuchablog42 · 4 months
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obetrolncocktails · 1 year
Deception | Josh Kiszka X Reader | Part 2
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Warnings: stalking behavior, gaslighting, anxiety, secrets, angst, lying, alcohol consumption, betrayal, blackmailing, guilt.
Word Count: 4.7K
Author's Note: This series has been heartbreaking, but so fun to write so far....oh, how I love to tear your hearts into itty bitty shreds! MUAHAHA
Summary: Be careful what you write, what you post, and who you know. One wrong move could bear severe consequences.
You weren’t used to functioning with spectators watching you. You couldn’t remain calm and collected in the eyes of others, especially those that you didn’t know. That was Josh’s specialty. His extraverted nature guaranteed ease of conversation with anyone; stranger or friend, Josh excelled at opening himself to them with little to no hesitation. Recently, you had become so guarded and paranoid, turning with every step you took, checking your phone constantly for another threatening text from your stalker. It had been a week, and you’d waited impatiently for the next unsettling message, but it never came. The mystery of it left your gut churning, the secret guilt rising in your throat like corrosive acid. Through the soft tinking of glasses, and Josh’s hand squeezing your thigh, you nursed yourself back into the light dinner conversation, scrambling for the important points of discussion so you could mask around everyone. You pasted on an unbothered expression and cleared your throat, reaching for your glass of wine. You felt Josh’s thumb spin slow, delicate circles into your thigh, and you knew that he was aware of your distance. He turned his gaze to you while the conversation continued and mouthed, “You okay?” You read his lips and nodded, thought the opposite was true. 
“I’m fine. My stomach hurts,” You lied, placing your hand on top of his, feeling his thumb move to slide over one of your fingers. 
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your temple, his hand moving to caress the small of your back. “I’m sorry, baby. We can leave in a minute or two, don’t worry.” You nodded, offering another gentle smile. In this restaurant, you felt on display despite the fact that no one in particular seemed to hone in their attention specifically to you. Jake, Jita and Sam were occupied within a discussion that must have been riveting, because Sam seemed to gesture excitedly about every five seconds, while Jake sat leaned forward in his seat, his thumb and forefinger pressed thoughtfully against his lips while Jita reclined back in her chair, chiming in when she saw fit. Danny had excused himself from the table a while ago to take a phone call. 
“3998 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215 You look beautiful in that slutty dress, by the way.”
An address. You swallowed, a terrific wave of anxiety sizzling over your body like an encroaching wildfire. You flitted your head upward, peering beyond the table like helpless prey in the scope of a hunting rifle. Pulling up google, you typed in the address. The result appeared:
Santo: Greek, Mediterranean restaurant in the Greek Neighborhood, West Nashville. 
Bile surged up your throat and into your mouth, soiling your tastebuds with acrid bitterness. You rose from the table, cringing from the sound your chair made as it scraped at the polished concrete floor. 
“I don’t feel good. I’ll be right back,” you sputtered to Josh before quickly turning and rushing away, fully aware that everyone at the table was watching you. 
You sheltered yourself inside the private bathroom, blessing the powers from above for granting you this one moment of relief. You forced yourself to breathe deeply, forcing the need to vomit back down your throat. Sitting on the toilet, you pulled the phone out and looked at the text message again. 
“Who the fuck are you, and why are you following me?”  You pressed send, feeling another rush of adrenaline roll through your body, inducing a thin layer of perspiration to pock the high points of your brow.
“Oh Y/n, you’re not quite as discrete as you think you are. I know who you are because you weren’t exactly hard to find.” You read the text immediately as it arrived, not daring to navigate away from this conversation. They weren’t done tormenting you, it seemed. You watched three dots bounce on your screen for what seemed like an eternity. 
*Sent with invisible ink.* 
It was a picture. 
You hesitantly swiped at the screen, revealing the contents of the image. If you could have slithered and disappeared through the floor drain of this bathroom, you would have. It was a screenshot of your Tumblr page, decked out with scrolling pictures of Josh performing on stage, the main pinned quote on your page a salacious profession of what you would like to do to him if given the chance. At the time, it was innocent. A parasocial ‘what-if’ hyperfixation that sufficed as your escape from the mundanity of everyday life. Now, it had come back to terrorize you and jeopardize the one thing you held most dear. You held fast, preparing another text. 
“So you have an old screenshot. So what? I privated my account.” 
You waited for a long while, but when the three dots never appeared again, you rose from the toilet and washed your hands, not stopping to dry them. You let your fingertips drip, wiping them on your dress as you stepped back into the bustling dining room. 
“We were just about to send a rescue team,” Sam said, turning in his seat. “Thought you got stuck in the toilet.” 
“Hey, hey. Leave Y/n alone. The sight of you makes me nauseous too,” Jake retorted slyly. Usually you would have played the game with them both, but this new paranoia weighed you down like black tar, covering your body and soul in invisible filth. You couldn’t look anyone in the eye, especially not Josh. You would have to decide your next move quickly. 
“Can I have some water?” You asked quietly to no one in particular, the dryness of your throat producing little more than a croak when you spoke. Jita reached immediately for her glass and poured more water from the carafe, standing up and moving around the table to approach you. 
“You don’t look so good, babe,” She said gently, handing over the glass, her brows furrowing with concern as she lifted her hand to your forehead. “You’re not feverish, but you are clammy,” she said, her nurturing instincts taking over. As a medical professional, she knew how to triage, even in the middle of a fine-dining restaurant. You turned as you heard the familiar grinding of a chair against the floor. It shot spears of anxiety into your body. Josh stood up from his seat. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said softly, quickly folding his cloth napkin and laying it on top of his plate. Side-stepping away from the table, he stepped toward you, his hands immediately finding somewhere on your body to caress, to protect. You’d never felt disgusting before, so ashamed of yourself as if you could taint anyone near with your presence. You cringed when you felt his touch. He was blissfully unaware of the terrible secret you had hidden so well. Until now. 
“Wanna know a little secret I’m keeping, too?” Your screen illuminated in your hand, the newest notification sending shivers down your body from the top of your head, to your toes. 
“Who’s that?” Josh asked casually, pulling you in and kissing your head as he reached for your purse from your seat, hanging the strap off of his shoulder. 
Fuck. He saw the message. You decided to play it off, standing up straight. 
“Just my cousin. She’s gossiping about her brother-in-law. If I’m honest, I’m not in the mood to respond.” It was a safe lie. 
“Did she get a new phone recently?” He asked, reaching for his wallet and keys, from the table. He finished the final sip of his wine. 
“What’s with the third degree?” Sam jutted in, ruffling his long hair with his fingertips. You looked at him with a forced smile. 
“She finally got an iphone last week, and changed carriers. I just haven’t put in her contact info in yet.” Josh wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leaning to kiss the side of your head. 
“We’re heading out, guys. Jake, if you handle the bill, I’ll pay you back.” Jake nodded and shrugged casually in a ‘I got it,’ manner. “Don’t have much fun without us. Danny,” Josh said, pointing to his brother. “Don’t let this miscreant make bad choices. That’s my job.” 
Sam looked around briefly before lifting a middle finger in the air, blowing on it like a smoking pistol. “Dude, you are so lame,” Jake said, turning to the younger pair.
“I’ll take that as a I’ll see you later,” Josh said, squeezing you tighter. “Come on, baby.” He reached down to take your hand in his, and you did, though you felt simultaneously comforted, yet unsettled by it. 
The drive home was quiet, and Josh let you lean against the window. It was a relief that he knew nothing of the inner turmoil that roiled in your gut. He always seemed like he needed to be touching you; despite the silence in the car, he still proved his loyalty in small, but meaningful ways. His right hand rested on your thigh, his thumb rubbing slow, dragging circles into your skin. 
Another vibration ripped through the desperate calm of the drive. 
“Not interested in hearing my secret? Oh, I’ll just tell you then! I have your password, and soon I’ll have everything I need for your other related socials. Go ahead and try to log in. I changed the password and email, and re-routed the phone number to my own. Don’t worry, it’s not this one. Your account is safe in my hands. Until it’s not.”
Is this a fucking threat? You thought to yourself. 
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You typed, terror sizzling through your bloodstream and into your fingertips. You waited for another long moment, this time staring directly at the screen. 
“I want absolutely nothing from you, Y/n. I just want the satisfaction of telling Josh the dirty, pathetic truth of who you are.” You swallowed and looked instinctively at him. He turned his head to you as he approached a stop sign, flipping his hand over for you to take. You echoed his smile, though guilt and mortification roiled in your gut. 
“Are you happy?” He asked suddenly, his eyebrows raising softly, his face turning serious. 
“Of course I’m happy,” you said, squeezing his hand, intensifying your smile. 
“Very good,” He answered softly. “Just checking.” He pulled your looped hands up to his lips, kissing your knuckles before proceeding past the octagonal sign. 
You let the message of the traffic sign flood through your senses like a levee about to break and crumble, the waters destined to destroy anything and everything in its path. 
“Leave me the fuck alone, or I’ll call the cops.” You typed with one hand, and looked out of the window at the passing Nashville scenery. 
“Do it. You’ll just look incensed to them. No one can find me. I’ve got friends who, with their handiwork, have ensured my anonymity.” 
You were trapped. Should you ignore the messages? What would come of them?
“He doesn’t know, does he?” The message chimed through again. 
You’ve had enough. You click the info button at the top of the contact bubble and select ‘Block.” Just like that, the imessage bubbles turned green, flooding you with a sense of relief. You sighed heavily. 
“Feeling any better?” Josh asked, turning briefly to you as he entered the neighborhood. You swallowed and nodded, feeling the anxiety waning. 
“Much,” you admitted. 
“Let’s go inside and watch a terrible movie,” he said, pulling into the front yard. “Popcorn, snacks, me-you time.” He reached to scratch at his hair as he turned off the ignition. You turned your head to smile softly at him. 
“I’d like that,” you agreed. For the rest of the night, you didn’t receive another text. Sleep drifted back to you easily as you laid beside Josh, his chest rising and falling in an innate, comforting rhythm that willed you to close your eyes and let yourself rest for the first time in over a week. 
“The party is Wednesday,” Danny said, tilting a cup to his mouth where he stood in your kitchen, tapping the side of the cup to retrieve an ice cube from the bottom. “It’s an odd day for a party, but Josh insisted,” He shrugged. “It’s not the worst idea. The photoshoot for the album is Friday morning,” he explained. 
“I still can’t believe that you guys agreed to do album prep on their birthday,” you said, leaning against the kitchen island, popping grapes into your mouth. “They didn’t riot?” Danny shrugged.
“It was the only day to get the entire team together without conflicts. A shit ton of people in the middle of the desert? What could be more fun?” He snorted, reaching to steal one of your grapes. 
“We’ll celebrate Jake later that afternoon. You know he wasn’t interested in the whole party thing,” He continued. 
You nodded. “For twins, they’re so different,” you chuckled through your nose. 
“I grew up with them, Y/n. Trust me, they’re similar in the most annoying ways,” he smirked. “They can be ill-tempered jackasses one moment, and then cracking stupid jokes, laughing their asses off the next.”
You knowingly shook your head. “That’s what makes them artists, right?” You smirked. “Tortured souls make for wonderful art,” you snorted. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, straightening his back, reaching his arms in the air over his head, yawning. “I’m gonna call catering and make sure they have the weird ass food that Josh asked for.” 
You popped another grape in your mouth. “Good luck, and make sure to eat before you arrive,” you winked. 
“Oh you mean you don’t like tapenade, caviar, and topo chicos?” He said sarcastically. 
“When you put it all together like that, I’d rather eat sand,” You admitted, placing the rest of the fruit back into the fridge. “We will be limiting the menu of weird shit.”
Jake grinned as he dialed the number. You could hear the dial-tone through the speaker of the phone as he padded into the next room. 
You heard your phone ring in your pocket, but when you fished it out, the call ended. Unknown ID.
“Having a good day with Danny? I heard he’s single too. Maybe you’d want to double dip?” A new text read. Your eyes darted about, through the kitchen window into the spacious, wooded yard. You and Josh didn’t live in a suburban setting. Josh had been smart with this purchase. You had no idea how this person knew you were with Danny. You checked the front driveway for any suspicious activity, but you saw none. Nothing was out of place, and no one roamed about, besides a neighbor who was walking to their mailbox, checking their mail. They were late middle-aged, so immediately you shrugged them off as a plausible suspect. 
Fuck. You might have said the word audibly. You practically sprinted around the house, unplugging all of the Ring cameras one by one, making sure to reach inside to yank out the reserve batteries. 
“What’s wrong?” Danny asked, confusion knitting his brows together. You could vaguely hear the hold music tittering through his phone speaker. 
“I’m being watched,” you snipped, balling your hands in fists, feeling the batteries clack together.
“What?” He asked, his eyes widening. 
“Someone is stalking me.” You reached for your phone and showed him the text. 
You watched him read the text. “Are you sure it’s not just someone playing a joke on you? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Sam being an asshole.” You shook your head instantly.
“No. This is serious. Someone knows things that they shouldn't. They’re threatening me.” You said, instantly wishing you hadn’t opened your mouth about something so vulnerable and sensitive. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, hanging up the phone and shoving it in his back pocket. “They know about the album? About the tour?” He asked, trying to conjure up any information he could think of that has been kept secret and was worthy of this much worry. 
“No. It’s so much worse than that.” You admitted, feeling the simultaneous need to vomit and cry. 
“Did you do something?” He asked softly, stepping toward you. “I mean, did something happen?”
“Well not exactly,” You said, guilt stabbing and prodding from deep within your belly. Nervous sweat broke out on your brow. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked gently. “You can trust me, Y/n.”
“I don’t think I’m very trustworthy,” you said, an angry edge grating the statement, though you were only angry at yourself and at the unnamed stalker who had conjured back so much forgotten anxiety. “I did something awful to Josh, Danny.” 
You already said too much. 
“Okay…Did you cheat?” He asked. 
“Are you fucking serious? No!” You practically shouted, throwing your hands out defensively. 
“Okay, okay, don’t yell at me–” he snipped, echoing your movement as he yanked his palms in front of his body. “What is it, then?”
“I just don’t know how to tell Josh that–” You began, but were cut off promptly as the front door opened and Josh walked through it. 
“Tell me what?” He asked with a soft smile. You watched as he pushed the door shut and placed his key fob on the hook beside it. 
“Nothing–just a little snag. We don’t want to ruin the surprise, so we can’t tell you, sorry.” Danny said, saving you this once. You cleared your throat, finding it hard to speak. 
“We’ll fix it,” You accrued him, offering a small smile that seemed to vanish just as quickly as it appeared. 
“What happened?” Josh pressed further, crossing his arms across his chest as he leaned against the doorway. 
“The caterer couldn’t find one of the things on your stupid list.” Danny said, grinning at Josh. “You’ll have to survive with one less…peculiar menu item.” Josh snorted. 
“Just as long as everyone’s there and makes it in one piece, It’ll be the perfect day,” Josh said, stepping closer to you, bending and pursing his lips. You tilted your head upward and kissed him softly, feeling the touch of his lips like a stake to the heart. This is wrong. So wrong–and he doesn’t deserve any of it.
“Oh shit, I forgot,” Josh said, suddenly scrambling for his phone. “What time is it?” Pulling it out of his pocket, his eyes widened. “Fuck–I gotta go get mom and dad from the airport! I’ll see you later?” Josh asked you, to which you nodded with a soft smile. He reached to pat Danny on the shoulder before snagging his keys off of the hook and booking it out of the door. 
Silence clung to the walls as they seemed to close in around you. Danny looked at you expectantly. You shook your head slowly, pulling your hands up to cover your face. 
“What is it, Y/n?” Danny asked, turning to you. “What happened?”
“Why did you do that?” You asked angrily. 
“Do what?” He retorted, his face twisting with confusion. 
“Why did you lie for me? You don’t even know what I did. I–” You shook your head, your throat tightening with an ache that burned. 
“Y/n. I am a safe person to talk to, but I also know that Josh is, as well.” 
“I can’t tell him. I absolutely cannot tell him.” 
“Tell him what? Just tell me.”
“I need a drink first.” You admitted without a hint of shame, pulling yourself into the kitchen to retrieve the nearest bottle of liquor. You pulled a glass out of the cabinet and poured freely, uncaring of the unreasonable amount of alcohol you were about to drink. 
“Y/n…don’t do that,” Danny said, stepping into the kitchen. In a moment of numbness, you lifted the glass to your lips and tilted it back, swallowing back the liquid, tasting the bitterness that assaulted your tastebuds. You wanted to cough and hack, but you resisted the urge, downing every drop. You wiped the excess from your lips and set the glass down, taking a second to breathe deeply. You would have done it again, had Danny not yanked the bottle from the counter. 
“Stop!” You spat, reaching up for the bottle, tears springing to your eyes. 
“This is not healthy!” He said loudly, battling for dominance over the desperation in your voice. He was tall, and you wouldn’t be able to reach it even if you wanted to.
“There’s always more,” you said, reaching into the cabinets to grab a bottle of tequila, uncorking it and pulling the bottle to your lips. 
“Y/n, fucking stop it!” He shouted this time, his voice filling the kitchen with a deafening command. His free hand wrenched the bottle from your grasp, liquid splashing over the rim and landing on the floor at your feet. You couldn’t conjure words to explain yourself or defend your actions, but the alcohol had begun its effects, easing your inhibitions. Uncontrollable sobs wracked your body, your chest heaving as you struggled to take in deep breaths, but every time you did, the choking noises became worse. Danny sat the bottles down onto the kitchen island. 
“Hey, hey,” He said as reached for you, tucking your body defensively into his chest. Your body crumpled, and you let yourself fall to the floor, knowing that Danny would protect you on the way down. You cried and cried and cried some more, your face drenched with tears. Danny used the cuff of his sleeve to wipe the tears from your eyes, holding you close and rubbing your back. “It’s okay, Y/n. It will be okay. Will you talk to me?” You heard him almost coo the words, coaxing the truth from you in a safe, nurturing way. You’d already decided that you would tell him, and you hoped that he would keep your secret until you could tell Josh. If he didn’t, it would just be yet another mistake you’d been stupid enough to make. What else did you have to lose?
“I-I,” you began, the sobs stealing your voice from you. You took a second to pull yourself together, pulling away from Danny to sit in front of him with your back against a cabinet door. “I lied to him.” 
“You lied?” He asked softly. You nodded, pulling your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs. 
“About what?”
“About who I am. I’m not a good person.” You shook your head left and right, sniffling. 
“I don’t think that’s true. I’ve known you long enough to know that it’s not true.” You looked up at him, and his eyes softened as he met your gaze. 
“But it is true. Danny, I knew who you guys were before I met Josh.” To your surprise, Danny’s expression didn’t change immediately. 
“Okay,” he said slowly. 
“I let Josh believe I had no idea who he was, when in truth, I knew exactly who he was.” The truth suddenly felt like the heaviest, but lightest thing you’d ever carried before. Simultaneously, a relief swept over your body, while the damning truth still weighed you down like a concrete block tied to your feet. 
“Okay, well, we are kinda….”
“Famous?” You asked, finishing his sentence, finding it the tiniest bit amusing just how humble Danny was. He shrugged. 
“I had a blog. About you guys. I wrote stories.” You said, continuing. You picked at your nail beds as you dove deeper. 
“Okay,” He said again, his eyebrows furrowing, trying to understand. “What kind of stories?”
“You don’t want to know.” You said, covering your face. “You can guess.” 
“Oh,” He answered. “I see.” 
“But I didn’t know you guys. I didn’t know Josh. I just knew your music…all of it came from my imagination, and now I have a stalker who’s trying to out me to Josh and to the entire fandom…”
“Wait, what?” He asked, sitting up straight. 
“I told you,” You said, pulling your phone open to the conversation with the number that you had previously blocked. “I blocked this number, but they keep texting me. Scroll.”
You watched his thumb slide across the screen, stopping when the screenshot of your tumblr page appeared. 
“Wow,” he said. You eyed him, and let him continue to read. 
“They knew where I was at the restaurant. The exact address.” You watched as he read the text. 
“Okay this is fucking creepy,” he said. “Did you report this to the police?”
“What would they do, Danny? There’s no one to connect this to. No names, no nothing. I’m absolutely powerless.”
“Okay, but you blocked them, right?” He asked. You nodded, and reached for your phone. 
“I did, but they created another number.” You opened the new text chain, showing him the text you had shown him earlier. “How do they know that you’re here, Danny?” You asked him, knowing he wouldn’t have an answer. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t post anything.” 
“They’re here. They’ve hacked the cameras….or they’re following me,” you said quietly, taking a second to look up out of the kitchen window at the darkening sky outside. “They’re threatening me.” 
“With what?” He asked.
“They’re going to tell Josh. Everyone. I know it.” 
“Then what’s the easiest solution?” He asked. “You have to tell him, and be honest about everything.” 
You nodded. “I don’t know how to tell him the truth. I can’t watch him fall apart in front of me, Danny.” He shrugged, sighing deeply. 
“Josh is sensitive when it comes to personal relationships and with trust. If he loves you like I know he does, he will understand–but only if you tell him.” 
You swallowed, feeling the ache in your throat becoming more prominent. A single tear teetered from your lashes, sliding down your cheek. “I don’t want to lose him.”
“You won’t,” Danny said, reaching forward toward you, pulling you in again. “He’s in love with you, Y/n. You have no idea. He kissed the top of your head. He’s one of the most understanding and forgiving people I know. He will appreciate you coming to him.” 
“The party is tomorrow,” you whined. “I’m going to ruin his party if I tell him right now.” 
“Then make the best decision that you can,” he said, pulling you up from the floor. “Let him have a good birthday and tell him afterwards, gently, when you two have a moment together.”
You pulled Danny in for a big hug. “I’m sorry for lying to you, too, Danny.” You hugged him tightly, and he reciprocated, squeezing you him. 
“It’s okay. Thank you for trusting me.” 
“Please let me be the one to tell Josh,” you pleaded. 
“I won’t say a word,” Danny said. “But don’t leave him in the dark, Y/n. I can’t leave my brother in the dark. It’s not fair.”
“I know it isn’t.”
“Do you feel safe here by yourself?” He asked you.
“Not really, but I’ll be okay. They’re not stupid enough to break and enter.” He smirked, reaching for his keys off of the island. 
“If you see anything funny, text me.” You nodded, reaching for the counter as wooziness challenged your balance. 
Josh arrived home later than you had expected, but you assumed that he had been with his parents. “I’m home, honey,” he said, bending to kiss your cheek as you pretended to be asleep, curled up in bed. You opened your eyes, taking a moment to observe the loveliness of his features, knowing that it could very well be the last time you’d see the love in his eyes. 
“Come here,” you commanded softly, peeling open the sheets. 
You spent that night making love with him, savoring every delicate touch, every kiss. Upon his lips, you’d uttered the words that you knew were true. “I love you.” It was the first time you had said it, and though you’d wished it was said under better, less ultimate circumstances, you wanted him to know. 
“I am in love with you, Y/n. I probably have been since that first day in the pasta aisle,” he chuckled. “I love you.” Your chest heaved, and before you could save it, a betraying tear rolled down your cheek, and he saw it. “Awe baby, don’t cry.” He leaned and kissed the wetness away, pulling you to his chest. It was simultaneously the happiest and most heartbreaking moment of your life. By this time tomorrow, it was likely that you’d be the undoing of it all. 
End of part 2.
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shefanispeculator · 6 months
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The Smoakstack is Paul Moak’s personal recording studio, established in 2004 and in 2009 moved to its current location in the heart of Berry Hill, Nashville, TN. Over 3000sq feet, Smoakstack is a large multi-room facility filled with Paul’s lifelong collection of instruments and recording equipment (click on “GEAR” to learn more). Alongside Paul’s productions, the Smoakstack has gained a reputation all its own and has been used by Band of Skulls, Avicii, Kelly Clarkson, Ann Wilson, The Indigo Girls, Brett Eldredge, Ellie Goulding, The Cold War Kids, All Sons and Daughters, Landon Pigg, Lucy Dacus, Ben Rector, Audrey Assad, Toby Keith, Building 429, Hailey Witters, as well as companies like JHS Pedals, Lacie, Sony Music, EMI, Atlantic Records, and more.
the smoakstack — Paul Moak (paulmoakmusic.com)
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 6 months
Lt. Governor Randy McNally
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Featuring Tenn. Lt. Governor Randy McNally
Here I am on a trip to Nashville, TN to hook up with a guy who happens to be Tennessee Lt. Governor Randy McNally. We've been communicating through Instagram which have been mostly supportive, and arguably flirtatious. Nowhere near cyber-sex, but I had the 79-year-old grandfather so horned up with my pics that we had to meet. And I’ve always been daddy fodder.
When I got to Randy's room, he was ready and waiting. He was still in his suit, watching porn he’d ordered and already sporting a big hard cock too which was already turning me on. I walked further in and he followed me with his eyes. Hmmm, this might be fun, I thought.
"You look sexy." I said in a playful manner as he got up to greet me with a kiss. As I began to kiss him back, I slowly felt the silky smooth texture of his tongue sliding in my mouth. I felt his hands grab my bare ass and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his cock growing hard as my own stiff cock rubbed against him.
“Finn, you can turn a rainy day into rainbows and sunshine!” He said as we momentarily broke our kiss.
Quickly, he started unbuttoning my shirt, unzipping my pants, and basically tearing my clothes off as he moved his tongue around inside my mouth. This are not the actions of a ‘grandfather’ working to ‘encourage’ Tennesseans. These are the actions of a perverted 80-year-old man looking to fulfill his closeted sexual desires. And I love it.
I asked him if he’d been with a lot of guys before, and he told me just one and that all they’d done was jerk off together. I told him he was in for a treat.
By now he was working his shirt off as we made our way back to the bed. He was hopping on one leg as a shoe came off, followed by his sock. He shook his shirt off his arm, as he got his other shoe and sock off. His pants fell to the floor. His jockeys were tented out, as he stepped out of his pants. He slipped them down, and I had to stop undressing, and stare at his wonderful dick. All six inches of it pointed out and was framed by his grayish brown pubic bush. His nuts were hanging low to his body. He spun around, like a dancer and showed off his butt grinning before saying, "It's all yours, Finn."
I was just staring at his body. The body Randy was giving me. I was overcome with lust as all my blood had to be in my 7- inch dick. I broke my trance when Randy moved to me, and as he was undoing my belt, he whispered, "Like what you see, do you?"
I could only nod. I placed the palms of my hands on his chest, as he opened my pants. His hand was on my hard dick, feeling and testing the size.
"Oh, yeah." He moaned, as he ran his hand down my tender, sensitive cock. I was afraid I was going to cum right then.
Slowly, Randy lowered himself until his mouth was at my crotch, and he ran his tongue up all seven inches, before gently pushing me towards the bed as our bodies melded into one. His hard dick was teasing mine, as once again, our tongues found the other's mouth. We squirmed up onto the bed, without letting go of our grip on the other. Hands everywhere, as we hugged and rocked each other.
Randy started kissing my chest, travelling lower and lower. He took my cock into his hot mouth, and I knew this was what I wanted. His mouth left my hard dick, as his tongue licked my nuts. I had to tell him that I wanted to taste his cock. But this married grandfather was a ferocious cock hound. He couldn’t get enough of sucking my cock, and from the way he was doing it, mine wasn’t the first dick that old Randy had sucked.
I grabbed his head and started fucking his mouth. No mater how hard I shoved my cock down his throat, the old cock sucker took it and pushed his face against my crotch for more. His mouth was so hot I thought it was going to burst. I couldn’t remember it getting a blow job this good. I was getting close to cuming when Randy suddenly pulled away.
At first I thought that he had enough, but then he turned his cotton white ass toward me and said, "Do it, Finn. Fuck me. Fuck me now. Please, Finn. I need to be fucked."
I took one look at his hairy ass with his set of bull balls hanging down between his legs, spit on my hand and slicked up my cock the best I could. Seeing his hairy ass and his huge balls started my cock throbbing. Hell, I thought I was going to shoot off before I could get my head into him. But damn if his hairy asshole didn’t almost suck my cock inside. I knew then and there that Randy had been doing more than just sucking cocks. And talking about hot!
Then I was holding his hairy ass with both hands and fucking him so hard that Randy was shaking his head and moaning like a two-dollar whore. Suddenly, this 79-year-old East Tennessee Republican was screaming, "fuck me" over and over again. Every so often he would squeeze my dick with his ass muscles, rocked left and right, spreading his legs a bit wider as I continued to pick up the pace.
I was close to emptying my seed, when I put him on his back, and fuck his ass the way he would have fucked his wife, missionary style. I begain running my hands all over that wonderful, hairy chest while my cock repeatedly drilled his ass as old Randy grabbed his cock and started jacking it. By the time I was getting close, my married man was begging me to fuck him harder. And from the look on his face, he was getting close too.
I double my effort and pounded his butt even harder. That did it. With a loud cry, he grabbed the bed sheets and his cock spewed cum all over his chest and stomach, his body convulsing with each spurt. It was only another three or four strokes before I slammed up against him and held myself there, my dick in him as deep as it could get.
"Fuck!" I gasped as my cock began to throb, pumping my load into his ass. Another married man conquered and another notch on my bedpost.
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likeadevils · 9 months
2003 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Mar 23, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Ok, where did I leave off? Friday. Ok, on Friday in school we had a “Code Red” drill. That’s when someone comes into the school and everybody gets freaked out and the teachers move all the students to the back of the room and turn off the lights. That night I had to babysit Austin while mom + dad went to a Vonda Shepard concert. Saturday mom and I got up early to go to NY for an hour ½ voice lesson. On the way we listened to a CD that mom bought from the concert the night before. It was this band called Sugarland and the lead singer is this girl that’s really good. I like their one song called “Baby Girl”
May 17, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey. Today Mom and I went to New York. We talked and laughed all the way up and parked in a garage near my voice lesson. We walked to her apartment and we worked on Smoky Black Nights after doing all of her warmups. I didn’t do it well @ first but she said that the song was “ingenious.” Cool. After mom and I went to this cowboy/western store nearby. We got a white shirt that buttons up, jeans, and a white T w/notes in it. Then we had pizza at a pizza place and walked back to the car stopping @ Tasti D-Lite, our FAVORITE ice cream store. It’s kosher, non-cholesterol, Extremely tasty, dreamy, frozen yogurt, and only 40 calories. Does it get any better than that? Then we went home and got movies. You know, sometimes I think about what my first kiss is going to be like. It’s going to be great and romantic. I’m such a romantic. I just dream about looking into someone’s eyes and feeling something I’ve never felt before, you know? I just never was able to put a face to my fantacy. But something tells me that my first kiss really far away from happening! Because the guys in our school aren’t even worth worrying about. They are all in it for one thing and I think you know what is, sex. I guess I’ll be okay without a first kiss!! XOXO Taylor
May 19, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Oh I was SUCH a b**** today! When mom picked me up, she was late again because she thought I had Varsity Singers. I was nasty to everybody!! Oh, I tried to practice my songs for Nashville, but I completely psyched myself out and broke down crying. I don’t know if I can do this. I want it so bad but I get so scared of what might not happen! When I miss notes, I dive bomb and the whole thing goes crashing down. I just have to breathe in … and breath out … breathe in …. relax, Nashville is not going to kill me … I can handle it. I’m okay. I’ll be fine. I’m young. I’m talented. They’ll see it in me. I’ll be ok. I’ve got to hang on. Can’t worry. I’m only 13. I’m allowed to make mistakes, right? Oh, this is a lot to handle. Taylor XOXO P.S. Pray for a better day tomorrow!
Jun 5, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey Journal, I had to sing @ the Garden Party today so Mom and I went to the field and got some of the equipment set up. Then we went home and I got ready. When we got there, all of my friends were there, and they helped set up (kind of). I started my show and in one first three chords of the first song, my guitar pick broke in half and flew out of my hands! There was this huge silence! It was awful! I had to bend over and pick it up in front of everyone! And while I was singing, this guy was shouting stuff like, “Go on, b*#@h! Sing that country bullsh*t! Go on motherf*cker!” It was awful. After the Garden Party, we all went to the Reading Hospital to visit Nanny. She looks worse everytime we go. I sang I Used to Fly, A Little More Like you and Same Girl for Nanny and her roommate, Penny. Penny has liver cancer and is bald from chemo. All of the nurses loved listening to it. It went really well. Then we went home and I worked on a song called Not One day. It’s ok, but I don’t know. Taylor Swift
Jun 19, 2003- Nashville, TN
Hey Diary, This morning, I woke up and I went over to RCA records and did a small showcase and “chatted” with them. We talked to this girl and she was really hip and cool with me. They really liked me and said they would call on Monday because she would be on vacation that weekend. Then we headed over to Capitol Records and met with the president and vice president of the company. They totally flipped out over me! They even said I was the most talented 13-year-old they had ever seen! They told me that I should be thanking God every day for the incredible gift he gave me. Well, I appreciate the compliment, but then they followed it up with “I’d just hate to see you jump into this right now and have a short-lived career.” They very politely agreed that country is directed to 35-year-olds. Radio just doesn’t play teens. That’s where I’m gonna prove them wrong! Well, he took me on a tour of the building and gave me about 25 cds of Capitol’s artists. Isn’t that nice? Then we went back to the hotel and then we went to the Bluebird Cafe, this cafe where like 4 songwriters go in and sing their songs. We sat all the way in the back. I have a radio call, meeting with Warner, and flight to catch tomorrow. I need my sleep!! Taylor I have a good feeling about RCA! <3
Jun 24, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey Diary, I got a record deal! AHHHHH! RCA records in Nashville wants to give me a development deal!!! We were taking Sassy to the airport (late) and when we headed home, we stopped at a Taco Bell. My manager called us on Mom’s cell and she gave the phone to me. He had Dad on conference call. He started out by saying, “Well, we got follow ups on all of the labels. And they think you need a couple years to grow so they can put you on the radio … Except for RCA, who wants to sign you!! Congratulations!” I was going crazy. I cried. I guess I never really expected to get one! It’s a development deal, but those are the only details we have. I told a bazillion people! We were making CDs for a New Hampshire concert I have Friday til 2:00 AM tonight. AHHH! Record deal! R • C • A baby! Taylor
Aug 25, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey, Today was my first day of school! And you won’t believe how much better 8th grade is than 7th!! The real problem last year was the grade above us, and now they’re 9th graders so we never see them. I love being older than the 7th graders! I never knew how stupid I must have looked, carrying around that HUGE book bag running and bumping into everybody trying to get to class on time! Okay, here’s my schedule! 1. Accel. integrated studies 2. science 3. american studies 4. latin 1 LUNCH 5. Accel. English 6. Accel Math 7. Intro. Computer studies 8. Chorus/Gym I think I might just live through this year!! I just hope I can keep up. My locker is 117 and my combination is 35-8-27. I love being older! I think my teacher’s gonna give me a spotlight solo in chorus! This year could be fun. I don’t care what people think of me now because I won’t let them bring me down. <3 Taylor
Oct 15, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey, I really have decided that school is a big disappointment. It's only cool when you're popular. I'm not. It's only cool when you have a boyfriend. It's cool when everybody likes you. I don't have that. But my extracurricular "life" is what really matters to me. I guess I'm just not good enough for people my own age. Or maybe I'm not bad enough? [peace sign] Taylor Swift XOXO <3
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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zivakrealtygroup · 7 months
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mercurialkitty · 5 months
NASHCON '24 and Murfreesboro, TN
I have a close family member who lives in Nashville. I visit in December and we both go to Nashcon. I live in another state but used to live in TN. We talked this morning and I told her that Nashcon was moved from Nashville to Murfreesboro for December 2024. She was shocked. I thought she was worried about the extra distance to Nashville. Apparently I haven't kept up w/TN politics.
"In June 2023, the city council of Murfreesboro enacted an ordinance outlawing “indecent exposure, public indecency, lewd behavior, nudity or sexual conduct”. The rule did not explicitly mention homosexuality, but LGBTQ+ people in the town quickly realized that the ordinance references 21-72 of the city code, which categorizes homosexuality as an act of indecent sexual conduct.
The ordinance was essentially a covert ban on LGBTQ+ existence."
Fortunately the ACLU (please thank and support the ACLU) challenged this.
"...the government of Murfreesboro removed “homosexuality” from the list of acts defined as “public indecency” by the city code. The small victory came after officials repeatedly refused to issue permits for the BoroPride Festival, citing the new ordinance.
Despite the ACLU’s recent win, advocates warn that the story of Murfreesboro represents a new frontier in anti-LGBTQ+ lawmaking."
Ideally, this is NOT the atmosphere an SPN con should be in. I get that hotels in Nashville are outrageously expensive and hotels in Murfreesboro are cheap. Personally, I'd rather not reward Murfreesboro for a change that only came about because the ACLU sued them.
I'm still figuring what to do. Boycott? Show up in a car covered in a pride flag and see what happens? The one thing I do feel sure about is that it's important to me to spread the word in the fandom, because I think we all should consider what this means to us individually.
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Coral Murphy Marcos at The Guardian:
Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill on Tuesday that would allow teachers to carry concealed handguns in schools despite protests at the state capitol.
House Republicans passed the bill, one of the biggest gun moves since a mass shooting in a Nashville Christian school left three children and three adults dead last year. The bill is headed to Bill Lee, Tennessee’s governor, who is expected to sign it. The law would allow teachers, principals and faculty or staff of a school to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds if they have a permit and complete an annual training. Tennessee teachers and parents heavily criticized the proposal, with dozens flooding the state capitol and chanting “Blood on your hands” on Tuesday. Cameron Sexton, Tennessee’s house speaker, ordered state troopers to remove the protesters. House Democrats were also vocal about their opposition to the bill. “When bullies and cowards have power, they abuse it,” said Justin J Pearson, a Memphis representative, in a tweet. “These are dangerous laws and scary times in TN.” The state proposal is in response to the massacre on 27 March 2023, when a former student killed six people with two “assault-style” weapons and a handgun after elaborately planning the shooting by drawing a detailed map and surveilling the building.
Just over a year after The Covenant School shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, the cowards in the Tennessee State House passed a bill (#SB1325) that would allow teachers to conceal and carry in schools. Gov. Bill Lee (R) is set to sign it. #TNLeg
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Warning: I May Be Slow to Post-because
I moved!!! I've moved from northern Michigan to the Nashville area in TN. This is a huge change- I lived in a small town and in Michigan my entire life. I just wanted to warn you guys and make sure you know I didn't disappear if I don't post for a few weeks (It probably won't be that long but) I'm just trying to get everything set up and I start my new job on the 20th!
Thank you guys so much for all the support. I love you <3
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thelasttime · 2 months
GASP Madie didn't you hear?? Word on the street is there's a vendor/warehouse change!!! Fernjail might be outta here, looks like things are coming from TN!
oh my god why did i move away from nashville i should've stayed so i could've picked up my merch myself smh
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shefanispeculator · 4 months
Bryce Leatherwood
Bryce Leatherwood rose to fame in 2022 while competing on Blake Shelton’s team on the NBC hit television show The Voice, and earning the coveted title of Season 22 winner. Once his time on the show came to an end, Leatherwood was ready to embark on his journey of pursuing music full-time, and that started with saving up enough money to make the move from Woodstock, GA, to Nashville, TN. He spent the summer bringing his music to new fans across the country through supporting tour dates with Dwight Yoakum, a variety of festival sets, and his debut at Nashville’s historic Bluebird Cafe. Plus, Leatherwood has become a frequent performer at Shelton’s various Ole Red establishments and even achieved a sold-out, four-show residency in the Ole Red Tishomingo, OK location. Things kicked into high gear for Leatherwood this fall when he landed his first major label record deal with Universal Music Group Nashville in alliance with Republic Records. Along with this newly-inked deal, the country newcomer dropped his first original tune, “The Finger.” Leatherwood didn’t have a hand in writing this song, but he previously admitted to wishing he had because of the instant connection he felt with the narrative that depicts the painful experience of seeing an ex move on with someone new. It’s been a whirlwind of a year for Bryce Leatherwood, and based on the trajectory he’s currently on, country music fans will likely be seeing a lot more of him in 2024.
Emily Ann Roberts 
Before even graduating high school, Emily Ann Roberts launched her career as a contestant on Blake Shelton’s team on The Voice, where she earned second place in the overall competition. Since then, she’s seen tremendous growth and continues to work her way up the ladder, building on her days of booking shows at tiny venues around her hometown in East Tennessee. Roberts has come a long way from those stages as she’s now racked up a whopping total of 17 performances at the Grand Ole Opry and counting. While she’s still in the early stages of her career, Roberts’ countless hours spent performing, writing music, and finding her sound has resulted in her racking up more than 25 million streams to date. Emily Ann Roberts was raised on eras of country music that celebrated the Smoky Mountain sounds and bluegrass tendencies, from Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton to Miranda Lambert and Cody Johnson. These influences shine through aspects of her own career with songs like “He Set Her Off,” “Infinity,” “Chickens,” and “Walkin’ Shoes,” all of which were released this year as part of the emerging artist’s first full-length project, Can’t Hide Country. Released on September 22, this album features 13 tracks, 12 of which Roberts co-wrote, drawing inspiration from her journey as both a budding artist and a young woman steering her way through the rollercoaster of life. Beginning in February 2024, Emily Ann Roberts will further prove her steadily rising star status as she joins Blake Shelton as a special guest on the second leg of his 17-date Back To The Honky Tonk Tour. 
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Areas affected include: The Heart, The Soul, & Your Tappin’ Toes. Prepare accordingly.
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Strong. Fast moving. Cold. Breathtaking. Those are adjectives to describe a Norther or Blue Norther, a storm bringing in fast cold winds from the north into Texas and surrounding states. Those words also perfectly describe Shane Smith & the Saints newest album, Norther. This album hits you hard and fast! Shane, Bennett, Dustin, Chase and Zach put together an eclectic record that, in my humble opinion, is their best work yet, even topping my favorite, 2013’s Coast.
Before I go any further, I will give a disclaimer that this review is biased—for good reason. I have no affiliation with the band; I’ve only met Shane twice, I’ve met the other members each once, and I follow Bennett on instagram (he’s also originally from my adoptive city of Louisville, KY). BUT, they are my *favorite* band! I may have Timmy Ty’s lyrics tattooed on my arm, but there hasn’t ever been a band that puts me in a trance quite like Shane Smith & the Saints. I’ve seen them at: Tumbleweed (LaCygne, KS), the Basement East (Nashville, TN), Headliners (Louisville, KY), Bulls, Bands, and Barrels (Lexington, KY), and most recently for their headline debut at the Mother Church, the Ryman Auditorium (Nashville, TN). So yes, I am a fan—to say the least. I *may* even fanboy out when they are within a 4 hour drive. That may ruin the credibility of my review in some people’s eyes; however, in others it makes this review even more true and authentic as I have been a fan for 10 years for no reason except for the facts that they make damn fine music, and that they are the some of the nicest artists I have ever met. And to “kind of” quote Uncle Dallas Moore, “there ain’t no one [reading] my shit anyway.” 🤠
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Norther opens with “Book of Joe,” a hard hitting ballad with a heavy fiddle presence from Bennett and drums that hit you so hard that your heartbeat matches that of the drum beat. “Book of Joe” repeatedly tells us that “It’s a rich man’s war, it’s a poor man’s fight”—no matter which side of the dollar you are on, this life is always a battle. Next up, we get “Fire in the Sky.” Shane starts out by “deep talking” the lyrics, reminiscent of some of Johnny Cash’s lasts works. But then it goes into a toe tappin’, head banging song that isn’t country, Americana, or red dirt, but in my limited Eastern Kentucky vernacular can only be described as Rock.
We have to go all the way to track number 7 (out of 13) for what may be my favorite song on the album, “Wheels.” One set of lyrics in particular makes this song my favorite…“You can’t blame the memories because they brought you a long long way.” As imperfect humans living in a broken world, we have all had experiences that that have shaped us. Some are great and some we could do without. Personally, looking back at those memories, the good and the bad, they all taught me a lesson or changed my direction; something I am thankful for from the Man up above. And “Just like wheels caught in their motion,” we keep trudging forward throughout this crazy life. Jumping down to the 10th song on the album, “1,000 Wild Horses” gives something to the lover of “real country.” While it may be a little faster and have some great instrumentals, the focus is obviously Shane’s deep voice, the lyrics, and the melody.
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Y’all, most albums have one or two of those “skip over songs.” That isn’t the case with Norther. The album has 13 imposing songs, 6 of which were singles starting with “Hummingbird” back in 2022. I’ve already told you once, I am biased because Shane Smith & the Saints are my favorite band for no other reasons except they make great music that casts a spell on me every time I hear it; and that in my few interactions, they are all humble, friendly and down to earth fellas who work as hard as hell to make the music they want to make. So, I know it is only March, but this album has the potential to have my vote for best release of 2024!
Do yourself and the band a favor and go listen to these independent artists right now. Stream them on your preferred platform, check out their merch, and lastly go to the show! I’ve been to a ton of shows over the years, but not one show impacted me the way Shane Smith & the Saints with Justin Wells did at the Basement East. P.S. and that was a show they played with borrowed instruments from Turnpike Troubadours (I think) after their van burned!
-Cheers, N.
Below is the music video for “Adeline,” a track off Norther
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Hi there! I was wondering if you girls know any fics where one of them is from another state? 🤔 like in A Summer Story (AR), Bound for Glory (OR) or Nashville! (TN). I hope this makes sense lol. Thanks in advance, sending you lots of love 💕🤗
Here ya go! ~Lynne
Between The Moon and New York City by jackabelle73
Kurt arrives in a small coastal town in North Carolina to join his dad and Carole for a few days of their vacation, but under duress. He can’t imagine that this sleepy southern town has anything to offer him…till a very attractive local goes jogging by on the beach.
Read at: FF.net or AO3
Ride by @nellie12
Blaine is pretty popular in his city of Long Beach, CA. Summer is here and he’s ready to spend it with friends- BMX bike riding in the skate park and surfing when the waves are perfect. Flirting with girls is a definite. But when a new kid from Ohio shows up, Blaine finds himself wanting to share all these things with him, too. But Kurt’s just his friend, right?
All For You by reidbetweentheelines 
"Never be afraid to love." Too bad Kurt never wants to find his soulmate, but sometimes fate has a funny way of doing the exact opposite of what you'd like. After the death of his father, Kurt moves to California to live with his cousin Nick Duval. A new state, new school, new family, and a Grammy nominated singer who wants nothing more than to find his soulmate.
Glory Verse by  Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.
He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive.
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aleprouswitch · 9 months
What’s your favorite thing about where you live?
(I’m relatively new to the same region and struggling to make it feel like home; I would enjoy hearing your perspective on the area!)
As I'm sure most of you reading this know, I was born, raised, and currently live in the Chattanooga, TN area. Admittedly I hated living here growing up because there used to be nothing but dead air as far as arts and culture. A few years ago, however, this really started to change. The music scene got better, actually-popular bands started playing at venues here, and the art scene also started exploding. My desires to move started drying up once I saw all of the positive changes happening around me.
Aside from the art and music scene in Chattanooga, my favorite thing about this city is that it's smack in the center of what I call "the box", meaning that there are four cities each within two hours of Chattanooga forming four corners - Nashville, Knoxville, Atlanta, and Birmingham. It's so easy to travel back and forth between each city and to catch shows there. Atlanta especially is like a second home to me and I have a lot of friends there. Funny enough, my Atlanta friends come to Chattanooga as their getaway, too.
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animasphinx · 2 years
fellow trans people in Tennessee (and/or the people who love them)
i recently moved to Nashville, and this November ill be buying insurance here. i am, of course, doing my own research. but it would be a fantastic help if i could get some insights from people who live or used to live here
i am explicitly looking for informed consent, nonbinary support, and ease of access. i am currently on HRT and surgeries are my next step, but i do need a new T prescription due to moving across state lines
are there specific clinics or doctors you would recommend, either to go to or to avoid? i am prioritizing good doctors first and then checking what insurances they accept, but any input from fellow TN trans ppl would be very helpful
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