im-ashl · 3 months
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gay birds??? in my pathfinder 2e game???? its more likely than you think
mm i fucked up i p
ok buT this bird ill talk about her a bit
shes the princess of the Featherfolks, everythin was peaceful an hunky dory livin on the winged isles!! until 9 ish years ago when. uh
the bbeg SKKRAAAAAWWWW showed up
an started eating people. coughin em up as monsterbirds
both her moms perished in the conflict (one got skraaw'd, other had to shut off the islands furnace to prevent skraaw from consuming its heart. died in the process) an Avis very suddenly had a lot of pressure put on her. an rn shes very flighty from her responsibilities an doesnt know how to deal with,,,,, it all
also shes sorta mute as she became a songsinger (traded in her voice to recieve the island's voice - she gets cool magic tho so)
yhank you for reading i kissie u on your head
im playin with neocities too if u havent already u should go do that. it makes the internet fun
ok bye ♥️🏳️‍⚧️ love urself kissie urself 4 me
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
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My Motwiing? 🥺👉👈 (take your pick before I redesign her lol)
Can’t wait to see her redesign! Drawing her for the thing was so fun love her vibe and all it’s great.
Here the finished meme!
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Five new judges for Marketer of the Year
Five new judges for Marketer of the Year
Marketer of the Year returns this year after the pandemic with five new judges joining the hunt for Ireland’s foremost marketing talent. The new judge on the board is Kevin Donnelly (above), managing director of Britvic Ireland, and himself a Motwy winner in 2012; Laura Lynch, Group Chief Marketing Officer, Bank of Ireland; Emma Wall, Commercial Director, Glenisk; Luke Reaper, Managing Director,…
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im-ashl · 4 months
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what if,,,, she found a tiny herself,,,,, what would she do
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im-ashl · 3 months
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they all have their weapons pointed at each other (except Thra she is. respons i b l e with weapons)
these r all the pcs from my pathfinder bird game im runnin!! from tha left to tha right we got:
- Thra, Changeling Dwarf & warpriest cleric. shes got an Evil Hag Mom shes huntin down with her uncle Gror! her element is Electric an her bird is the Raven B)
- ROB-1N (Robin), Automaton Magus whos arms can merge to become a rea l l y b i g g u n B] her Core is made of Ancient Featherfolk Tech - found an restored via new age machinery! Her bird is,,, well. a robin (an she also has phoenix vibes too)
- Felise (Fell), Seer Elf Cosmos Oracle w/ static-y glitchy magic. She was a student researcher of Featherfolk history at the Aton College of Magic! Her bird is a Magpie mixed w/ a scissortail flycatcher
- Aspen, Tiefling Ranger who dual wields his trusty blades. Hes got a heart of gold an a panther named Shadow! His older bro got kidnapped by monsterbirds & now Aspen is lookin for em! His bird is a Cedar Waxwing!
- Theo, Half Elf & Half Orc Barbarian & employee of Aton Loaf Co.! he is overworked and hates his job! he is tormented by Crusty, the mascot of the company. Theo's bird is a woodpecker!
all these silly goobers done waked up on the Winged Isles! The Featherfolks live on this island! The players are slowly becoming Featherfolks themselves! There's a Scary Vulture Man! Pirates! Hags! Drama! Bread!
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