#most present father in tigerheartstar I give him that
vic-does-battlecats · 3 months
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Something something dovewing and vacant stares
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notwarriorswiki · 5 years
Lost Stars Commentary - Part 2
Alright continuing with my boy Rootpaw
Rootpaw and Shadowpaw sharing a common problem and bonding over it is the stuff I like to see. I can’t wait to see how their friendship develops, and if it’ll become the new AlderPuddle.
The voice talking to Shadowpaw is a tom and has a problem with the three and Squirrelflight, which makes me think Ashfur. But then he also mentions Twigbranch and Tree so I’m curious what’s up with that. If it really is Ashfur, would he also want to harm Alderheart and Sparkpelt since those are Squirrelflight’s children?
I could also see it being Tigerstar or Hawkfrost, but then I question how that works because their spirits were killed? Can they come back, cause if so then Spottedleaf can come back too.
If this spirit is telling Shadowpaw to kill Bramblestar when he gets sick so he comes out good as new, that would be so morally unethical. 
I love Bristlefrost confiding in her mentor. I love Rosepetal still showing concern for her even after she’s no longer a mentor. Thank you for fixing mentor-apprentice relationships.
Calling it now, Rosepetal liked Bumblestripe and he had been chasing after Dovewing the whole time.
“You always has a soft spot for weak cats” Oh no. Yeah, Bramblestar would never say that to Squirrelflight. That’s a hard jab at her. I would not be surprised if it’s Ashfur.
So Bramblestar is sick now, but the real Bramblestar seems to be present. The way he talked to Alderheart so lovingly, saying how he’s glad he was honest, but then looks at Jayfeather and basically makes a jab about lying... Is this cat mad about the whole secret?
The description of Bramblestar spasming and opening his jaw to the heavens in a silent wail is one of the most terrifying scenes I’ve read. Seriously, reread that scene and visualize it.
Rootpaw’s crush on Bristlefrost is cute and innocent, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
“The Moonpool is a special place touched only by medicine cats” I can think of multiple occasions where that has been contradicted, but ok Jayfeather. 
Breezepelt: “Hooray!” What a blessing.
Moonpool is still frozen, and it’s likely solid the whole way through. That is truly terrifying actually.
Squirrelflight yelling at her sons to fix Bramblestar is heartbreaking. Based on what I can gather for Squirrelflight’s Hope, it really strengthened her and Bramblestar’s current relationship. 
Lionblaze is protective of his dad, aw that’s cute.
“So I know these instructions aren’t coming from StarClan” THANK YOU JAYFEATHER! Finally, he says something that is logical and admits that what Shadowpaw is experiencing doesn’t add up. The voice Shadowpaw is hearing already sounds suspicious, and with the medicine cats not being able to talk to StarClan, it is entirely possible Shadowpaw is talking to someone else, and we don’t know if that’s a good thing.
“Why would StarClan seek out a ShadowClan medicine cat, and not one from ThunderClan or one of the other clans?” I can’t believe they’re becoming self-aware that ThunderClan is special and that ShadowClan is the “evil clan”. Poor ShadowClan.
Tigerheartstar is a good dad and that’s the only good thing about him.
“Delusional little flea-pelt” Jayfeather what the heck is wrong with you. Shadowpaw is a child. Can you please leave him alone?! 
“I believe Shadowpaw means well. He truly thinks he is helping. But in my opinion, none of his visions have ever sounded as if they come from StarClan” Then why are you so mean to him Jayfeather? You’re being so unnecessarily mean to this child, while you could just, I don’t know, express these concerns to Puddleshine??
Bristlefrost just fell in the lake but Spotfur saved her. I wish they gave us a little bit more here to show some of the other aspects of Spotfur. The patrol could’ve talked more about their concerns to give us more interactions.
Alderheart has grown so much. The fear for his father is totally understandable and I love seeing him use his authority and trying to talk to his mother about what to do.
I agree with Tawnypelt. You have to tell your clan what is going on. Good for you Tawnypelt, you tell Tigerheartstar how it is!
So Shadowpaw just got another vision with a fiery forest and it’s the same thing as what Rootpaw saw way earlier. What I noticed the most is that there’s a focus on the ash that falls on Rootpaw and the ash that Shadowpaw swallows. Shadowpaw could be consuming the ash in his vision because Ashfur is consuming his thoughts? Just... the focus on ash makes me think Ashfur.
Poor Dovewing wants to warn the other clans about Shadowpaw’s vision. She’s thinking about her family in ThunderClan and all the other friends she’s made. Dovewing is a great character because her loyalty never lied with one clan, but rather with everyone. I think she’d be a great mediator for ShadowClan since she has everyone’s best interests at heart.
"An apprentice is a real medicine cat, thank you very much. And it’s not for us to tell StarClan where to send their messages” Thank you Jayfeather! Now you’re coming around. Support your fellow medicine cats.
I like how he further affirms that he doesn’t think Shadowpaw is making it up. Now Jayfeather is actually expressing what he’s thinking. Good.
I imagine Rootpaw’s reaction when Tree speaks up at the gathering like: “Ugh, dad whyyyyy” But that’s just Rootpaw 24/7
So Shadowpaw is going to ThunderClan and Tigerheartstar, Puddleshine, AND Dovewing are all coming with... Do you ever wonder if Pouncestep and Lightleap feel left out? Because their dad spends every waking moment with his mate and son, there’s no room for them. Poor side-siblings.
Ok so this scene with Shadowpaw, Dovewing, Tigerheartstar, Jayfeather, Alderheart, and Puddleshine all sitting around Bramblestar’s body is BEGGING for some interaction. I want more than just “it’s our duty as a medicine cat”, and “Oh I used to be in ThunderClan”. It’s generic. Give me Dovewing asking Jayfeather how he’s and everyone else has been. Give me anxiety filled Alderheart starting to breathe erratically and Puddleshine goes and comforts him. Give me Tigerheartstar’s troubled eyes as he wonders what he’s going to tell Tawnypelt. ANY of that would’ve made this scene so much better.
HE KILLED HIM! I mean I knew Bramblestar would lose a life so yeah he’d die, but gosh knowing him now, poor Shadowpaw has so much crap coming his way ;-;
Tigerheartstar’s panic as he ushers Dovewing, Puddleshine, and Shadowpaw out is really great. Like yeah, your son just killed ThunderClan’s leader, you have to start running. Dovewing wants to talk to Squirrelflight and her mate is like NOPE.
This funeral is great, in a heartbreaking sense. It’s emotional and knowing these characters and what they say just makes it hurt that much more. Squirrelfight talking about the journey and how she fell in love with Bramblestar. Lionblaze calling Bramblestar his father, and a great one at that. I’m tearing up just reading it.
Jayfeather can’t even finish speaking and is consumed by anger and grief. It’s just how his character would grieve and I totally understand him yelling at Squirrelflight. It hurts, he’s hurting, it’s awful.
I’m sorry, I laughed when they used the word “rippled” because all I could think of was the rippling muscles of all dark brown tabby toms.
“Greetings. It’s good to be with you again.” NOPE. NOPE. That’s not Bramblestar. ‘Greetings’ is a cursed word from him. I don’t like that Squirrelflight is super affectionate to him too right away. And that choice of words. “Be with you again”? Ew, if this is Ashfur I’m literally disgusted.
Oh no and Shadowpaw. His clanmates all hate him because he killed a beloved leader. Tawnypelt is devastated because she had already lost most of her family last series, and now here goes her brother.
Awww Lionblaze is part of the group sent to thank Shadowpaw. That’s cute.
Shadowpaw is right. Tigerheartstar telling him how special he is and putting all that pressure on him is super uncomfortable.
After writing Kestrelpaw in Power of Twelve, and always reading Kestrelflight in the books as a curious but kind cat who always wants the best for others, it’s so weird hearing Kestrelflight have a prejudice against ShadowClan and being hostile.
Not-Bramblestar is framing the situation that Shadowpaw is the ONLY connection to StarClan and ONLY he can be trusted. That sounds like it’ll be used against Jayfeather later. All of the codebreakers for that matter.
Mosspelt jabbing at current day warriors oh my gosh. Mosspelt you nursed two half-clan kits, don’t even!!
Shadowpaw should be more concerned because his visions of codebreakers are really inconsistent. For example, he sees Twigbranch in his dream, but not Violetshine, who left ShadowClan to join SkyClan. He sees Dovewing in the dream, but not Tawnypelt who also left her clan for another. He doesn’t see Crowfeather, who took a medicine cat mate. He sees Lionblaze, who is the product of a half-clan relationship but has done nothing else, but he doesn’t see Pouncestep or Lightleap who are the same. The codebreaker vision is flawed, and Shadowpaw should soon see that.
I’m surprised Violetshine never told her kits about Needletail. It’s a painful memory though so makes sense.
Tree is absolutely right about Darktail and this situation and I commend him for making that connection. 
Rootpaw was absolutely willing to break the code to be mates with Bristlefrost and that’s honestly like... wow.
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