#most people just arent usually respectful hahaha
northern-passage 8 months
I was trying to figure something and went back to read the character identities. Now I can't tell if I'm just being dumb or I've just been awake for too many hours for my brain to work, so I'm just going to ask outright. Is Lea always AFAB? I just re-read through the info again but I can't tell if it's just me reading into it weirdly. Cause I had assumed by the "Lea is always trans" thing that F!Lea was AMAB but then I saw she took testosterone and now I doubt my ability to read.
yes, they are always AFAB. f!Lea is transmasculine & gender nonconforming. it's... complicated, hahaha.
if you are familiar with the way a lot of butches or just lesbians in general will refer to their gender identity as just "butch" or "lesbian," that is similar to how Lea identifies. obviously, she's not a lesbian, she's bisexual, but her gender identity is closely tied with her being gender nonconforming. she would not feel a connection to womanhood if she was forced to be feminine; she expresses it through her masculinity instead.
there are plenty of women that are gender nonconforming or butch that take testosterone and do still consider themselves cis & there are plenty of people that use butch & gnc as descriptors rather than identities; it's different from person to person. if Lea were real and lived in our modern world, she would not consider herself cis and she would most likely just call herself butch.
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fiymywings 2 years
hahaha dw! i also did that with him too when i first got him (hollow liker solidarity) and if its not too much to ask, would you be able to recommend team comps for clearing the normal and hard revenge bosses? im having a hard time clearing them 馃槶馃槶
i havent been doing this revenge boss this time around (at least not right now since it was the first half and i was preoccupied on yumeishi management) so the most i can offer is a few baselines:
figure out what type the boss is, because its gonna be really difficult running a phys team on a phys boss that ends up buffing itself into oblivion. THAT SAID if you believe in your debuffers/buffing ability, you can still try
if its AoE, run two healers + guard/dps/utility. in AoE cases, usually the enemies in the back that will buff themselves while targetting at random will be the biggest threat. make sure you have a unit that can grant def for the bosses type (if its a magic boss, a unit that provides magic defense or a barrier if you have initial cyrus/initial victor good to g)
if its a single target, one or two guards with evade (initial kent and asahi) is the most important part, because if the boss breaks through your line of defense itll likely oneshot your units at that point def buffed or otherwise
buffing > debuffing usually, which unfortunately makes chars like hollow a little less viable BUT theyre not completely unusable and chars that grant stun/confusion can still buy time for a dps to snipe an enemy in the back.
these arent Solid of course, some AoE bosses wont have enemies in the back that are of worry (though some will have healers in the back, in which case those Do still count as itll give the boss time to whittle away at your units)
for this event i believe both bosses are physical types which is great because in comparison to magic def theres a LOT of really good physical guard options, however if you dont have any magic offense 4*s i really do suggest trying to bruteforce it with a physical team since in my own experience initial shion and gui have been......struggling :,) and est just barely manages to hit my "respectable damage" quota even with shiranuis buffing
kent and asahi are really good defense units since they have evasion (moon on both of them), and in the case of needing to pick off enemies in the back DATEN mikage brings them to the front in his moon, railway hollow damages + debuffs the enemy 3rd from the front in his initial + sun, i believe the recent camus attacks enemy 3rd from the front in his moon, and going off that baseline if you can recognize the "mae kara 3" skim reading chars skills you can find more chars similar
im not sure how AoE dps manages? i personally prefer big single target damage over medium AoE damage since slow and steady Doesnt win the race in revenge bosses (slow and steady = the boss starts revving up its skill more and wipes your team) but it might work! who knows
i do have a friend whos in a ymkr discord so i asked if anyone in theres found a nice team comp but since im not in it myself since i dont like being Perceived:tm: i cant really offer advice as of rn, but at the very least this mightve been a bit helpful? unfortunately at some point revenge bosses become impossible for f2p/people who save exclusively for one char, so if youve made a comp that just barely gets close to doing so even when youre actively playing (i.e. no auto and trying to strategize skill timing) it may just be an issue of "my current units just Cant do this one" which kinda sucks if i can be honest since a lot of the meta so far have been solely limited gachas i.e. sweetfes kuchen and its Very disheartening trying to find strats and seeing them insist you have to have him
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mostly-stimssssssss 4 years
It's 100% if you take a while to get to this but may I please have some positivity um I'm Alex from Stardew Valley and I'm a Transman Dysphoria sucks and I hate it I'm almost a year on Testosterone and my birthday is in 3 4 ish days (on the 2nd) and I don't feel masculine or handsome at all and just I feel bad about my body in general on top of being sick and being in bed 24/7 I just feel really horrible about everything Please take your time with this There's no rush
Positivity takes priority, therefore in this case, you take priority Alex 馃挏
I'm working on starting my own transition myself since I want to be comfortable with my body and I really respect everyone who gets it done for their sake.
Sadly, testosterone takes a while, I'm not sure how long you're supposed to be on it for, but I'm sure you're close to how your body would be if you were born this way instead of that, if you get my drift.
Birthdays usually suck for many for a whole spectrum of reasons. I personally dont care too much about mine, I dont make too big of a deal out of them because of some reasons you say and others. I haven't come out to really any of my family as anything.
I should stop talking about myself haha but my point is you're sure as hell not alone Alex. If it helps, if you're that kind of person, look up some chat groups on whatever you use to meet people and get personal help from others going through/have gone through similar. A very common trait in humanity in general is Dysphoria and there are plenty of sweethearts out there who arent trans but will be more than happy to help out. Until I start T, I'm one of those people, haha...
I've been trying to get out and doing more and it helps a lot actually, but considering how social I am. If you know what makes you happy, go out and see those people, go out and eat those things, go to those places and tinker, toy and play with those things. Olympia is a great place for me to be because of how open and nice it feels. Find a place like that, if you enjoy that sort of stuff. Even if you're more interested in staying away from large groups, unlike me, then that's ok!! Go out on a walk around the block, or through lesser walked parts of town that are near the main road but arent the main road! Go say hi to people you enjoy! Make small talk or have a long conversation or even leave it at hi. It's all up to you. You know what you like a helluva lot better than I do, ahaha..
But if you're sick, take care of that all throughout. But dont trap/bury yourself into one place. It does not help. And what I mean by trap/bury is that you're too tired in some way to get up out of your bed or move out of your room. If you get up and walk to get even only food and a decent drink, that's fine! That's good! You're not doing what I'm saying here and that's important. Even if you live alone in a place, moving is important for daily tasks Alex.
Haha, you said take your time with it and I did, look at what you've done, you're making me show that I care too much about this stuff, how dare you be so sweet with your words. I know Craig hasn't developed {and Mivrosoft hasn't stolen} Sarcasm Text but to be sincere here as well, I do hope you haven't shut yourself in while you were sick of all times, but if you have, just ease yourself out day by day, if you prefer. You could go bursting out if youd like, but I'm saying you have a choice and that you know yourself better than most, certainly more than me, hahaha..
Hope you have good days ahead, Alex. Happy early birthday!! :- D
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Curtis, Keigo/Hawks shift
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mannn.. life is just getting so much better!!! i just have to share where i'm at y'all bc ive been pretty excited about who i'm becoming bc i'm actively working on my spirit and who i am thru Christ.
first off - i'm fortunate for past, current and future *pain* bc it's brought me many blessings and will continue to bring me more.. just watch. it's just all about perspective and mines slowly but surely turning around! 馃挄 pain is a blessing bc without it we wouldn't know joy & we wouldn't be able to help others with similar problems!! i def struggle with my own share of health issues, a lot more at 31 than i ever wanted to have but i gotta be realistic about it: i treated my mind, body and spirit like a trash can off and on for the better part of a decade, i have trauma that i wouldn't dive into - like for real, for real - until 2 years ago or so bc i kept wanting to mask it. all that did was make it fester and then i projected it on others so what should i expect you know?? i used to complain constantly that 'life is not fair' and until very recently, i couldn't turn that around in my head and look at it positively .. like I AM ACTUALLY GLAD it's not bc if it was fair then i should have died yearssss ago.. one way or another esp if you look at it from a scientific standpoint. i may not know what my purpose is in life y'all but it's not my job to figure that out, it's my job to trust The Lord and His plan for me even if it doesn't always make sense to me. He is a God beyond my understanding and letting Him run the show makes life a lot better. we're not meant to have it easy but we weren't designed to make it so hard on ourselves or others either. He provides us the tools, it's just a matter of if we choose to use them or not. we all struggle so let's help each other out but the right thing is usually not the easy one so be proud of yourself when you make good decisions, no matter how small. the small things become big things; choices become habits -- that can be good or bad so make it a good thing 馃槝
one main problem i've always struggled with is consistency, esp when it comes to obeying The Lord. i am finally aware that my behavior does NOT affect Gods love for me bc He's an unconditional, loving God but my behavior dictates how much easier or harder life becomes for me.. and it's a daily thing y'all but it is for a lot of people, not just me. i just know that when i impulsively react to somebody or something, my
m o u t h is the first to go 馃槵馃槒SOOOO now im pretty good at waiting it out and if i think the same thing 2 mins later or so, you bet i'm gonna say it bc i'm blunt like that and i don't care to sugarcoat my thoughts BUT i also don't have to be hateful/disrespectful about it.. so that's been a turn around, for sure! 馃檹 most people have a filter and i seem to lack one so i'm trying to develop one.. haha, it's funny but it's not at the same time.. actually it's been quite debilitating, really. my impulsivity and my mouth have burnt a lot of bridges in my life. not everybody or everything deserves a reaction and i don't need to waste my energy on things that arent my business -- and huge surprise here guys -- there is a LOT of stuff that is not my business so i take my nose out of it now 馃槣. i thrived off the drama and chaos for so long bc i didn't wanna look inward at myself and work on what was actually wrong -- which was me and my spirit. i am blessed for awareness and personal perspective.. it is everything.
ive been going back to AA and someone mentioned that theyve been praying for people that they have issues with, don't like or whatever the case may be and it's been helping them change their reaction/perspective towards that individual. at the end of the day, people are gonna do what they're gonna do but the way i choose to respond to it says everything about me, not them. that's why i love "The Four Agreements" book so much -- seriously life changing bc it's helped me realized that like i had so much displaced anger for so long and made it about everybody else and "what they did to me" , how "i'm not like everybody else", "why do they have a career / family / house and i don't?" WHATEVERRRR blah blah blah 馃槕 when at the end of the day, it had nothing to do with them. i was unhappy with myself, pissed that i got "cursed" with alcoholism and depression, sleep issues, etc. so instead of looking at it my difficulties as strengths and blessings, i had my own definition of what successful, happy people looked like or what they had and i was straight up mad and jealous of y'all. like how dare y'all have it so easy, right?! 馃檮 omg hahaha how delusional is that!!! NOBODY has it easy!!! we all have something man and just because others may not see it doesn't mean it's not there!!!
"be kind.. for we are all fighting a battle others know nothing about." amen!!
my life has turned out to be nothinggggg of what i thought it was gonna be .. and i'm at a place of acceptance about it now and what a blessing it is to feel at peace more often than not. i think the real definition of serenity is when you stop wishing you had a different past and appreciate what God trusted you to go thru bc He knew Y O U could handle it 馃グ
my alcoholism has about damn killed me but i'm resilient and ive been able to help others who battle my demon too; my depression has helped me understand deep sadness and how not running away or being scared of somebody bc of that can really change another persons life for the better.. one conversation can literally save somebody's life so don't underestimate what it means when someone disabled from depresssion reaches out to you bc you could be a life changer to them, i know this from experience. sleep issues suck but i've had a lot of deep, thought provoking conversations at 3a, ill tell ya that! but lately i sleep better bc i'm getting the garbage out of my soul and giving myself some grace. i'm blessed to not hold on to people who left me during my darkest hour bc they weren't meant to see me grow and to take part in my joy now.. it's all how you look at it!! i tried holding on to soooo many people for so long and now i just feel free of that negativity .. and i'm sure some people feel the same about me these last few years.. i was very toxic to some people so they were right to let me go as well. there's always two sides to everything y'all -- like be blessed for those who have let you down!! now you have room for people who are loyal and worth your damn time!! but as i just mentioned, i had to look in the mirror though and humble myself bc at one point or another, i was "that person" on more than one occasion that let somebody down and perspective on that is key to moving forward and not hurting somebody like that again. hurt people hurt people and i was the queen of that. when i get what i feel is a proper amount of time under my belt, i have so many amends to make that its quite.. sick, really. in the 5 years i've been in and out of AA, ive only been told to F off and/or burn in hell twice after trying to make an amends so that's better than i deserve lol most have been receptive of my amends but this will be the second round for some of those same people and i don't expect the same forgiveness i got the first time bc i don't deserve it. i'll also be frank with you .. some people i don't want to make amends to bc i don't feel they deserve it so clearly i still have work to do on my heart and hopefully thru the program and in time, i will feel differently but right now that's honestly how i feel.
to sum it all up, here are some things that help me:
-if you have to hide it, don't do it. -chaos always proceeds change.
-people will treat you with as much respect as you show yourself (thank you Lord for helping me with this one!!)
-validation may come from other people but that's just temporary. if you ain't happy in YOUR heart, with who YOU are.. check your morals and standards my dear! it doesn't matter if the entire world thinks you're great -- you need to KNOW & BELIEVE you are and that begins with the belief system you set for yourself!
- the saying "one foot in front of the other" goes a long way.. act blessed and you'll become blessed; no matter how stupid it sounds in your head, talk kindly to yourself until you believe it -- affirmations work, i swear!!! most importantly, show others grace so you'll eventually show yourself some 馃挄
i am a sinner but i am not my mistakes. my alcoholic demon is strong but God is stronger.. and thru Him, so am i. without my community from TN to NC to GA, my friends, my family of choice, my medical team and The Lord God, id be an empty shell of a person still at the bottom of a bottle at all hours of the day wanting to die every second i was breathing.. yes, it got that bad more times than i can count so THANK YOU to everyone who has given a shit about me and this crazy life i've had!!! once i realized that roughly 10% of my life is whats happened to me and came to accept that 90% of my life were problems that i created myself, was when i was able to become grateful for all the problems i DONT have & blessed that although some bridges are forever burned, there are many that are not!!! if i continue to act right, i have beautiful opportunities to improve myself and my relationships, the most important one being with God.
i know ive got some haters but i don't view them as enemies anymore bc i don't like harboring anger in my heart anymore .. it doesn't feel good and it only speaks to my own personal insecurity when i've talked poorly of somebody in the past. ive never quoted tupac in my life but there's a first time for everything 馃ぃ "i want you to eat, just not at my table." to the people i don't like and to those that don't like me, let's pray for each other. everybody deserves happiness and to thrive in their own way.. i'm not gonna be apart of some people's lives and BOTH of us are better because of it! God, i loveeee acceptance!!!! 馃檶
above all.. do & be YOU, boo boo!
if it matters any, i think you're pretty great! 馃構馃槞
as alwaysss, much love from knox & prayers to friends in mid tenn!! hope everyone is safe!! 馃檹
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Last Week in CCM
I'm embarrassing. Let me tell you about my night Monday night. After our first day in week 6 with a full entire day of spanish and class with the Latinos, my brain was fried.. It was already fried by 4 lol. Well we are walking to the casa finally to go home for the night and pass some elders, one American two Latinos. I said "隆hola! Buenas d铆as!" ....... they all laughed so hard along with my companions. It was so great :-)))) hahahahahah so funny. I laughed and covered my name tag so they couldn't remember who I was hahaha! They laughed and said hey just because you are in week 6 doesn't mean you can give up! Hahaha *facepalm* it gets better. We were walking in the rain. Get to the casa, I go to close my umbrella and BAM!! IT BREAKS IN 3 DIFFERENT PLACES AND SHOOTS BACK AT ME hahahah well now I need a new umbrella.
But back to the classes we had in spanish today. I can actually see the gift of tongues! IT IS COMINGGGG get ready guys. I didn't understand close to everything but I did catch onto the most of it and it feels so good! I cannot form correct sentences but I know words and put them together haha. It is a bit frustrating as I understand a lot but cannot say what I want to say most of the time, but I know it will come someday. We had an insane crazy rain storm Tuesday evening! It was actually kind of sad because our teachers surprised us and bought a dinner ticket so they could eat dinner with our district. They were soo excited, as were we! We love our teachers, especially grateful because one of our teachers last day with us was that day. Well, we got asked to usher for the devotional and couldn't end up eating with them, they didn't know until they got there and we had already eaten and had to leave. It made us all feel so bad and they were sad. But as we started to leave the comedor to go to the building for the devotional, they locked the doors and made us stay inside because the rain was absolutely insaneeeeeee. I have never ever seen rain like that before. So Hna Jones and I finally made a run for it so we could make it to the devotional early like we were asked to usher. She we ran and we got WET.聽
Remember, the day before this I broke my umbrella. I kept meaning to go to the tienda to get a new one but had no time today. So we ran without anything. We just laughed and laughed the whole time, we both thought it was so fun and funny. Well I said "I'm so glad I decided to wear my rain boots today--"... as I stepped in a HUGE puddle that went up to my knees and water FILLED my boots. It was the best timing. So much for the run boots then lol! I kept bolting and laughing when elders ran up to me and gave me an umbrella while I was running, no idea who they were but wow was I grateful haha! After we finally got there and rang out our dresses and socks (yes we got a video of ringing all the water out) we ushered and I asked our branch presidente if it always rained this much, he said it usually rains more. But the buildings flood and so do the streets, why don't they fix it and find a solution? presidente suaste replied "Well.... here in Mexico the people arent.... they're not educated." I laughed and he said "no, like really" hahaha! It's a mess!
But Tuesday I gained a lot of random confidence. I feel confident to open my mouth and to try. To use and reply on the spirit as I open my mouth. Our lessons with our investigators have become so amazing! We get great feedback from our teachers and I can actually understand their answers to our questions now lol! Before I used to hate asking questions because I could never understand what they would reply back haha. But I can feel the truthfulness of teaching with the spirit and how necessary it is. Our "investigators" have improved and even though they aren't real, I get so excited and truly happy to hear of their success. I cannot wait for el campo!! This week has flown by and I can't wait to finally go en el campo! 聽Like three days!! Ahh! I am one of the first ones to get out of here. My companion leaves on Wednesday and has to fly by herself to Texas with a 5 hour layover! But I leave Monday morning at 1 in the morning!! Is it even worth it to go to sleep? Not sure yet haha. A group of 7 Hatians came this week! As I ushered I got to met every one of them and hugged the girls. They are famous here for sure haha. Everyone talks about them and loves them so I was pretty cool for a moment and they talked to me at breakfast. The elders are awesome, there are only two. Elder Simon and Elder Mompremier. And yes you read those wrong because I said them as you read it and they laughed at me. I do not know how to pronounce it in French haha. Oh well! Elder Simon speaks good English! But all speak creole and French. On Tuesday it got CRAZY here. 104 missionaries came!! I came with only 30 other missionaries! We were eating dinner when we saw the mob come... literally looked like a zombie apocalypse. 聽So many elders, fresh out of high school! There were a ton more sisters than there were elders when I got here. Last week here... last few days. So excited but it is soo bittersweet. I am so sad I'm not going with this whole district. I love them all so much. We had a great devotional the other day. I'm going to miss them! I have one Sunday devotional left then I say goodbye that night to everybody. Dreading it! As missionaries or a member of the church, are you truly converted yourself, or do you just have a testimony of the church? A testimony can lead to deepen conversion but are you yourself converted? Being converted is being true to what we know. As we become Christlike we turn outward when the natural man would turn inward. Reach outward in our toughest times as Christ did, when a natural man would turn inward. We should not only learn about Him, but OF Him. As you become more like the savior and come to know of him, you will feel closer to him and receive greater knowledge than ever before. Something we have been teaching our investigators that I have learned for myself is we do not need to just pray to our Heavenly Father for spiritual things, but anything. Even the little things. He is our loving heavenly father! He wants to hear from us about all things. He knows what we are struggling with and what we need, but we need to ask. He respects our agency but would love to help. He loves helping and healing hearts. In Ether 3 the stones are touched by His finger one by one. Although, he did not see His finger until his faith was tested! Then after he had faith, the veil was lifted. Our investigators are like the stones. We are not the stones being lit, but we are affected by the light that is shown unto us! We are affected by them being touched. Serving a mission, my life is not "on hold" for 18 months like most say. This IS my life from now on! we were reminded of that and I love it! As well as it is not "the best two years or 18 months of my life" it will carry on! We watched a broadcast from the Provo MTC this past week. HOLY COW SO MANY PEOPLE. I tried to see Jessica but couldn't. She's a lucky girl to see all those apostles together this past week! Hahaha thought of another funny story, Elder Parke is going to serve here in Mexico city. He doesn't always try to learn spanish but expects to just wake up speaking it.. anyway, he prayed one day "por favor bendice nos con castidad" hahahah please bless us with chastity and meant to say calidad which is charity. We all laughed. Better to learn here than at a members house right lol! The next day were playing a game we had to close our eyes and he said "saquen sus ojos" take out your eyes hahahah. He is so funny. Didn't mean to say that one either. 聽Can't wait til I can make funny mistakes like that and laugh at myself. Well have a great week everyone! Have a great fourth of july!! I think I will be doing something with the president and I'll still be at their house but we will see! I'm excited! I love you all so much! Thank you for writing me! Hermana Slack
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