#morning. bc in the morning The Phone Call may seem monumental and impossible. but a lil bit less so if everything i need (
love-songs-for-emma · 6 months
they say that "time heals all wounds" but i honestly think that upping my anti-depressants has done more for me
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jimmymcgools · 4 years
From ch 17, "Through his airplane window once, Albuquerque had looked like an afterthought, dwarfed by the sky." all the way to the absolutely perfect ending! (since I'm about to chonk on this chapter 🥰❤️)
♥️💙♥️💙 thank you so much! this one got long, wow 
fic commentary meme and my answers
i am WEAK for an indulgent callback and this ending is the most indulgent and callbacky thing i’ve ever done. i really hoped it would give the chapter a sense of closure and finality -- or at least that’s the excuse i gave myself to go absolutely ham. 
Through his airplane window once, Albuquerque had looked like an afterthought, dwarfed by the sky.
i didn’t do it deliberately at the time i wrote chapter one, but at some point i noticed that interesting quirk of jimmy’s very first observation of abq. it’s all sky and mountains and nothing of the actual city: “Albuquerque makes a disgustingly beautiful first impression: the sky as big and curved and blue as he’s always heard it can be, streaked with paintbrush clouds.” 
It had looked like something ready to be forgotten
another callback to chapter 1. “Here, the architecture feels almost temporary, as if it’s been carelessly dropped on some enormous play-mat and forgotten.” i always try to use jimmy’s observations of abq to reflect how he feels about himself at that point. 
along with the thought of the heavy suitcases that he’d watched slip and shift in the overhead lockers before takeoff
i don’t think it really stands out enough to be anything, but i was stuck for list items here and i ended up trying to fold in some of that slippin’ jimmy gaze. the idea that maybe he’s not only looking at people to read them / figure out how he could scam them, but looking for these liability insurance $$ payouts waiting to happen. 
... along with the thought of their drive out to O’Hare, Jimmy silent in the passenger seat of the rental car, the radio off and Chuck’s grip tight on the steering wheel. 
oops--just remembered jimmy says chuck’s waiting in a taxi! 
Jimmy had listened to the line ring for what felt like forever, each silver chime spinning a silver thread across the city, winding toward his mother’s living room. 
more damn callbacks! when he thinks about calling his mother in chapter 9: “He imagines a line emerging from the handset, a thin silvery thread spinning off from his room and his street and then out of Albuquerque, crossing over the Sandias and shooting northeastward, over rivers and fields and Dust Bowl states, until finally arriving in Cicero, in his mother’s living room.” 
It echoed through the handset like it was being piped back to him, like the prison phone was just a sick joke, a closed loop, locked inside
so much of acb is jimmy trying to break out of these closed loops 
In a bright and steady voice, or at least his brightest and steadiest, he had said, “Hey, Mom. Something’s happened.”
law offices of james m mcgill, how may i direct your call! 🙂
It seems unfamiliar at first, but then the city starts to take shape, and he thinks he can see the squat skyscrapers of downtown, the geometric cubes that rise from the flat land. 
i wanted this to be the end point of a series, where jimmy’s first impression is the beginning, and him arriving back from cicero is the middle, and now only here is he finally familiar with the city. the next few sentences are kind of a walk through acb -- "squat skyscrapers of downtown” is similar to how jimmy sees the city in chapter 7 when they go to the movies, then we get central avenue/route 66 “historic and neon-glowed”, and then finally the airport on the “desert shore” like in chapter 14. 
Might even see Chuck’s house, still lit by lantern light. 
ofc jimmy’s thinking of the luminarias but the dramatic irony here was too good to pass up 🔥🔥🔥
And in the west now, clouds. As the sun vanishes below the horizon, they become briefly clear, shadowed with lilac and orange, and Jimmy can see their shape by the light on them. 
you’re going to have to forgive me for how damn metaphorical this is gonna get, but thinking of metaphors is one of the big ways i spark ideas for description, and this ending is really just an enormous chunk of description, so 💀
these clouds. these damn clouds. ever since hamlin snr told jimmy to find a space in the world only he can can fit, jimmy’s thoughts have kept returning to that idea -- and his mother’s innocent words, too: “you were really in no shape”. so the idea that, if he can figure out what shape he is, he’ll know which space he can fit.
and throughout the fic when i was stuck on kim description i’d play with light, and the idea of kim being a source of light, like the sun. the fireworks sequence is a big example, where i wanted to make her as bright as the fireworks, or at the holiday party: “Beneath the hanging Christmas lights, she’s luminous.” 
so when i wrote “and Jimmy can see their shape by the light on them” i was thinking about him seeing the shape of himself and therefore his place in the world because of kim. 
... but the clouds only become briefly clear.
(it’s also a little bit of inspired/stolen phrasing from the end of no country for old men: “and i could see the horn from the light inside of it.”)
If he watched for long enough, he thinks that he could also see them moving slowly, driven by high winds.
oh did you think i was done talking about these clouds? ☁️☁️☁️
this from chapter 11: “A display entitled Surviving in a Moving Landscape shows how the dunes can shift almost forty feet a year in places, driven by high winds”
“surviving in a moving landscape” ♥️ i always thought that was a really nice way to look at the characters of bcs. they’re the animals in the dunes having to adapt to survive, but also the dunes themselves. moving slowly because of these intangible forces on them, adapting to the forces, but changing forever for it. 
The winds move through him, too, hollowing him out.
a future callback, i borrowed "hollowing him out” again for chapter 5 of safs, so keep an eye out 👁
In the darkness, the flat land below the Sandias seems to go on forever, black and flickering with dying embers: scorched earth. 
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if i had seen this specific image of abq from the sandias before i wrote the chapter, the light on the clouds would’ve been the city lights of abq -- even BETTER than the sunset! look at it! LOOK!
He can even smell them on the wind: the woodsmoke scent of evening
jimmy thinks of night smelling like woodsmoke on their drive along route 66, and then again on the forecourt of clines corners. bringing that back here with the idea that it’s coming from those imaginary fires of the city lights. 
And he thinks that his whole life since arriving in Albuquerque has been like a controlled burn: searing away the silk shirts and the fake Rolexes and the ice of Michigan Avenue until nothing remains—breath on a cold mirror vanishing—a blank slate. 
(peter griffin voice 👉AHH, AHH, 👉THERE IT IS)
the end here is inspired by this from “how to embrace a swamp creature” by tmg:
Alone with your bathroom mirror Try to get my head straight Breathe on the glass and wait for it to clear Clean slate
Burned back and clean. So he thinks about what he could build. 
jimmy thinking very much like kim here, and especially what she said in the last chapter about the desert being sterile. 
He thinks about his brother on a park bench, surrounded by luminarias. He thinks about a paper-wrapped book with fourteen words inside it.
i really wanted there to be some of chuck in this moment, even though i’ve ended up in such a shippery/kim place. 
He thinks of letting her move against him, move over him, move around him. Of letting her define the edges of him.
the same idea as the light on the clouds, but hopefully a little more apparent! 😂and more returning images, and the seed planted by kim in the white sands motel. 
there’s something so fragile about jimmy’s realisation here, i hope. he really is still doing so much of this for other people. it’s hard -- there’s something about slippin’ jimmy coming to abq and deciding to *dedicate years and years of his life to becoming a lawyer* that’s just... incredible. i tried to get to a place by the end of this fic where it made sense, and of course we all know he ends up doing it, but -- i always wanted there to be this inspiration from within himself to do it, too, outside of him just doing it to follow kim or to make chuck proud. 
but i don’t think he’s found it here, as much as the shape of himself is briefly visible atop the sandia peak. 
Jimmy wonders if he’s allowed to stay here all night, up on the Sandias. Up on this one high place.
oh jimmy if only you could stay up there forever. hamlin snr voice: perspective!!
He imagines waiting exactly here until the sun returns, until it rises behind him and breaks over the mountains. Like sitting beside Kim on the trunk of her car, their legs pressed together beneath the blanket.
this specific idea of holding off on seeing 🌄morning over the sandias 🌄at the end of chapter 16 came as i was planning that chapter. i was worried that ending with a sunrise would seem too final, seem too much like the ending of the whole story, and that chapter 17 would then end up feeling tacked on. 
Then, the dawn had seemed to reach out close enough to touch them, huge and breathless, warm fingers on his skin.
three rapid fire callbacks in these next sentences. first an inverse of this from chapter 6, when kim takes a cup of coffee from him: “He can feel the ghost of her fingers like sunlight on his skin.” 
And Jimmy had inhaled the colors of it: blue and gold and orange, streaks of brightness across the enormous sky.
then white sands: “as Jimmy inhales the air and the colors he thinks that there could be nothing more opposite of a Cook County jail cell than this exact spot in the middle of the White Sands National Monument.”
Morning sliding over the land. 
and this is so niche and impossible, but it’s “I watch the sun rise over this wall / I watch it break and slide” from “graffiti” by throwing muses, which is on the road trip playlist and shows up in chapter 10 with: “A smile crests Kim’s face like the sun over a wall.” but, you know. callback?
And now he stands on the edge of the viewing platform and he looks out into the darkness of the city. And he imagines it all bathed in light.
i said that i decided to shift the idea of the sunrise here because it felt too much like an ending -- and man, the noise i made when i realised that jimmy imagining the sun rising behind him was jimmy imagining the world before him finally illuminated. 
i also loved the idea of the weird clash of him standing there at sunset, at night, and imagining dawn. 
🌄🌄🌄☁️☁️☁️ thank you so much for asking!! 💙
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