#morgana telling arthur 'sometimes you've got to do what's right and damn the consequences'???
arthurslesbian 1 year
no but the poisoned chalice may be one of my favorite eps ever 馃槶
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lesbicosmos 1 year
bbc merlin liveblog - s1 ep4: the poisoned chalice
apologies for the inevitable length of this post, this ep is one of my favs
why does like everyone in this show have blue eyes?? merlin, arthur, morgana (ish, katie has heterochromia), nimueh, literally almost everyone has blue eyes
merlin is me whenever and i see a pretty woman, just almost cease functioning
arthur making merlin wear that outfit and that fucking hat is probably one of the funniest parts of the show
"she's pretty isn't she?" gwen see a woman and not immediately call her pretty challenge (she failed)
damn merlin rly seems intent on sacrificing himself for arthur, and this early on aswell
merlin claims the drinks poisoned and arthurs all "oh merlin shut up ur so dumb" but then merlin drinks it and is poisoned and now it's all "ill go get this incredibly rare flower even if it's a suicide mission im not letting merlin die" what do u have to say abt that arthur 馃え
s1 morgana was so sweet i miss her
"you're not leaving this castle tonight." and he took that as a challenge
"sometimes you've got to do what you think is right and damn the consequences" one of my favourite quotes she's so iconic
honestly if morgana told me to do anything id just do it immediately no matter what-
morgana going against uther from the very beginning i love her
the fact there are multiple instances throughout the show of merlin and arthur saying each others names in their sleep...actual soulmates im telling you
why is there a dinosaur in the forest i know mythical creatures exist in this but that is a whole dinosaur
there was no need for that awesome sword twirl but arthur did it anyway bc he's a dramatic bitch (and we love him for it)
"everyone in this show is so dumb they'll literally do anything if a pretty woman told them to" i say as if i wouldn't do exactly the same thing
arthurs actually deaf how did he not hear nimueh doing magic til she was literally yelling the incantations
that shot of arthur just hanging onto the rocks in the dark shouldn't be as funny as it is
m a g i c o r b o f l i g h t
can arthur hear merlin talking to him through the orb orrrr
attack of the shitty cgi spiders
god this is so gay it's literally a knight in shining armour/damsel in distress plotline
four episodes in and literally everyone is willing to risk their lives for merlin...so true
yknow we call him dumb so often but arthurs actually so smart when he needs to be
"i need some fresh water" is just gaius speak for "i need you to fuck off so i can do some illegal shit rn"
god gaius's facial expressions are gold 馃槶馃槶
"his heart has stopped" as if anyone's gonna believe that this is episode four and he's the titular character 馃槶
the first thing merlin does after waking up from lethal poison being sassing gaius is so true
the way arthur looks at merlin throughout that last scene, that's such an "im in love with you and im so relieved you're okay" look
the prolonged eye contact i cannot they're so gay
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thisisjustmefangirling 11 months
Merlin rewatch 1x04
That Camelot red vs Mercian blue is very Capulet vs Montague
Merlin admits the ways of the court are a mystery to him. Merlin, baby. You need 茅tiquette training. Have someone teach you. Please.
Arthur, that outfit you put Merlin in is ridiculous, but also... a bit too put together for a servant ? It's not just the hat... Merlin is wearing a cape !
Merlin having a crush on Nimueh and thinking she's as beautiful as a princess is sweet 馃挄
Merlin making accusations without proof, in front of everybody, AGAIN.
Arthur accusing him of being an idiot and drinking, again, to save his ass and the relationship with the Mercians
Uther is ruthless and unfair here. Bayard was willing to prove his goodwill by drinking out of the goblet but looks like Uther decided that poisoned cup or not, Merlin would suffer from the outcome, either by being poisoned or being punished for lying.
Arthur protests, because he may be a royal prat but he's not like his father.
"Merlin, apologise. This is a mistake ! I'll drink it". Arthur 馃ズ
Morgana grabs a knife when everybody draws their sword ! I love her. I wish she hadn't been turned into such a villain.
The Mortaeus flower is guarded by an awful magical beast and Arthur goes "Sounds like fun" and immediately decides to go save his servant's life
The next scene between Uther and Arthur is really good at showing the difference between them. Arthur starts questioning his father and they both reveal their values. Uther doesn鈥檛 care who dies because to him the life of the future King of Camelot is worth more than a servant's. Arthur refuses to stand by and watch, especially since to his knowledge, Merlin has saved his life twice already. "Then don't watch", Uther says.
Morgana is GREAT here. She wanted to fight Bayard's men with a LADLE ?
"Spare me the lecture, I've already had it from Uther". Uther's kids are just really good at opposing him 馃槅
"Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right, and damn the consequences". "What kind of King would Camelot want ? One that would risk his life to save that of a lowly servant or one who does what his father tells him to ?" I love seeing Arthur being challenged and growing into the King he will be.
"He's getting hotter" The innuendos in that episode are comiiiiing.
Merlin speaking 馃挮 magic language 馃挮 in front of Gwen. I wish she had put two and two together before the finale...
Morgana makes me laugh ! She defies Uther and defends Arthur.
Funny how Uther sees his son as "just a boy" and Morgana goes "Have you seen your son recently ?" And tells him he's old enough to make up his own mind and have his own experience of the world. Is Morgana still Arthur's older sister in this story ? She would be older than him then.
Merlin moaning Arthur's name as he lays dying and feverish is gay. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
The idea of Nimueh as a pretty wounded woman in the forest is a great throwback to the original Arthurian texts, where young maidens were often on the way of knights as temptations or traps, steps in their quests.
Hell yeah Arthur's wrist move with his sword !!!!!!
You slay that cocatris by THROWING your sword !?
"Arthur, it's a trap". Merlin, he sadly can't hear you ! I wish they had shared a telepathic connection, it would have been so useful sometimes.
Though... How the fuck can Merlin see him and what is going on ?
Arthur's... pauldron (?) Is decorated ? I had never noticed before.
Arthur manages to slay a big spider with one hand while the other is hanging on to that rock for dear life. Impressive, indeed.
"It is not your destiny to die at my hand" please Ma'am it's only season one, I am NOT ready for season five and its pain.
"Go on, then ! Finish me off" Arthur has always been brave in the face of his potential own death.
That blue light seems so gentle and warm, and the music is epic.
"Leave them (the flowers)" Merlin stop being so selfless and let Arthur save your life, the flowers are RIGHT THERE.
"Faster! Faster! Climb ! Follow the light!" Once again, he can鈥檛 hear you... and how do you even know what is happening to Arthur ? Why doesn鈥檛 it happen again later ?
"Inform the King ! Arthur has returned to Camelot". Who the fuck are you to not call him PRINCE Arthur ?
I wish Arthur's red shirt looked fancier, nothing about it indicates he's royalty.
"Gaius knows what to do with it [the flower]. Put me in the stocks for a week, a month even, I don't care. Just make sure it gets to him. I'm begging you". Arthur cares so much about Merlin 馃ズ
Uther truly doesn鈥檛 give a fuck about Merlin's life... He saved his son twice, he is Gaius' apprentice, and he crushed that flower, in an attempt to teach his son that "there is a right and a wrong way of doing things" and he shouldn't be disobeyed. Asshole. "I'll see that you're let out in a week and then you can find yourself another servant". Servants are all replaceable to him.
Gwen shows then that even though she seems shy, she is also brave.
Arthur using the pretense of his own well-known arrogance to get the flower to Merlin by refusing the food Gwen brings him... yes King 鉂わ笍
"We're not all as precious as Her Royal Highness" that guard walked so Gwaine could run with his "princess".
"The poison was created using magic, we might need to use magic to create the antidote" dude that's just exposition at this point, you could have tricked Gwen into leaving without saying anything
You can tell Gaius hasn鈥檛 used magic in two decades... he may care about Merlin but he's a two faced bitch.
Merlin's heart has stopped and was probably restarted because his magic won鈥檛 let him die.
Gwen kissing him haha
Uther pisses me off so much omg, he seems this close to getting angry when Gaius asks him for a minute of his time. His arrogance is worse than his son's, because there is no changing him.
"She's a powerful sorceress, she can enchant the eye that beholds her". Such an interesting concept ! No need to change your face, you just make people believe they are looking at someone else.
Morgana looks so soft. I love her dresses.
Arthur seems changed by this experience. He's uncharacteristically humble in that scene at the top of the castle.
"I'm glad you're back" they were already like siblings... if only we could have kept that dynamic between them...
Uther, you chicken and liar, not telling your son the truth about Nimueh...
"You did the right thing, even though you were disobeying me. I'm proud of you, Arthur. Never forget that". Damn for once Uther is doing something right. Arthur better remember that moment, indeed.
Arthur goes to check on Merlin 馃挄 Like "omg are you alright Merlin ? Barely alive ? I still wait for you to be there tomorrow morning when I wake up because looks like after only four episodes I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore."
Arthur is so soft for Merlin omg <3
I don't understand why Nimueh wanted to kill Merlin when he is Emrys and is supposed to bring magic back to Camelot and free magic users...
Aaaaand in the next episode we will meet Lancelot. 馃槉
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