#morgan expected her to be normal but HAHAHAHAHAH
fanseries-trashcan · 7 years
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Hanan is the third cure to awaken and transform into the fire-themed Cure Ember. She is the reincarnation of Ignis, The Primal Titan of Fire. She's probably the most chill and down-to-earth of the group. You can always count on her to help you with something, even if she often forgets her own wellbeing in the process. Definitely the most capable of the group, and takes over the leadership role when Ray can't (which is always tbh). Full profile under the cut!
"I want to be flames that nurture life, not flames that destroy life." Name: Hanan Karim Age: 15 Height: 171 cm (~5' 6) Birthday: July 29th Zodiac Sign: Leo Likes: Video games, her family, action figures, anime, "so bad it's good"-movies, trading cards, lavalamps, competitions, hamburgers, onions, snakes Dislikes: Bullies, (flying) insects, being ignored, injustice, studying, losing (though won't show it), bright lights, make-up, loneliness, being helpless, bossy people Dream Voice: Janet Varney (English), Maaya Sakamoto (Japanese) Family: - Hayim Karim, father. Works as an construction worker. While often grumpy, he's a caring father and easily amused by comedic television shows. Has an awfully loud laugh which neighbours often complain about. Also very talented at repairing stuff. - Farah Karim, mother. A housewife, who often babysits children from the neighbourhood. She may seem gentle and sweet but can put her foot down when needed. - Fadil Karim, younger brother (14). A short-tempered boy who tries very hard to hide his emotional and sensitive nature. - Makeen Karim, older brother (18). Is very demure and relaxed, but don't be fooled by his humble demeanour, he's merciless when it comes to chess matches and card games. - Wasim Karim, older brother (26). Currently living on his own a few blocks away and works as a hair-stylist. He makes it his mission to visit his family at least twice a week. - Chomp, family dog. A lazy and chill basset hound who prefers to just lie down and relax. Even tends to fall asleep during walks. An earnest and helpful girl with a strong sense of justice and a caring heart. She is not afraid to speak her mind or stand up for those who need it. Hanan is quite well known around the neighbourhood and often running around helping others. Her calm, reliable and down to earth demeanor gives her a mature aura, but even she can be like a kid at times. Hanan is suprisingly competitive and finds fun in challenges and showing off her abilities and growth. She is a huge fan of action series and big monster movies, inlcuding collecting figurines and trading cards. She's also a very fast learner, being quite a natural at many stuff such as sport and art, but she tends to get bored just as easily and never really gives it her all as a result. Now, schoolwork on the other hand... Little Trivia: - Actually wears contact lenses, and uses eyedrops everyday.   - Often liveblogs video games, animes, series and movies. - Has a habit of getting involved in flame-wars online. - She's pretty much the type who knows and is liked by pretty much everyone, but doesn't really have any close friends. - Is actually a natural talent at a lot of stuff, like art, dance, music but just loses interest as fast as a candle dies. It burns bright but it doesn't last forever. - Isn't all that fond of her powers at first but she slowly warms up to them (heh). - Her body temperature always seem to be very high, almost worrisome degree. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but prefers not touching people because of this. - Is right-handed.  - Is Turkish-American and she’s the only one of the group who was born in Dawnbridge. She is fluent in Turkish though as she tends to speak it at home all the time. 
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