#more ppl should try dragalia lost lol
I present crappy homemade memes
In honor of HuMid and Alberius’ wedding Dragalia Lost’s 2.5 Anniversary, I present these crappy sad memes
hahahaha im sorry
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text id if you need it i guess? or if the images dont load/youre on mobile, idk
[ID: meme one is the guy smiling in the top panel and then frowning in the bottom panel.
smiling part: seeing hilarious shippings memes of Humanoid Midgardsormr/Alberius during Dragalia’s 2.5 Anniversary
frowning part: remembering Alberius' final fate/the Blood Casket from chapter 10, which led him to be fused with Chthonius for 300 years to keep the Other at bay, causing him such great pain and anguish that he ended up begging Euden to put him out of his misery
meme two is that guy smiling in the top panel and then frowning meme in the bottom, but the top text is different
smiling part: finally meeting the Founder King Alberius in person during the Dragalia 2.5 Anniversary and learning that he was a relatable, funny guy and cool mercenary who underwent personal growth and wanted to protect people, becoming a famous hero
frowning part: remembering Alberius' final fate/the Blood Casket from chapter 10, which led him to be fused with Chthonius for 300 years to keep the Other at bay, causing him such great pain and anguish that he ended up begging Euden to put him out of his misery
meme three: the “i was so caught up in the euphoria of having all that apple juice, that for like a minute i lived in a world where racism didn’t exist” meme
top panel: I was so caught up in the euphoria of seeing shipping memes of HuMid/Alberius and the sheer hilarity of the idea of Alberius, the legendary Founder King, being a monster/dragonfucker
bottom panel : that for like a minute I lived in a world where the Blood Casket and Main Story chapter 10 didn’t exist. End ID]
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
(oct 24th 2021)
welp thats it y’all a3! eng’s 2nd anni event has ended and with it, a3!’s english localization.
its finally time.
welp see ya on the jpn server now i guess
i see more and more ppl around the same rank i am with english user names on the find friends on the a3 jpn button and its just like. huh. we should make a a3 eng refugee support group or smth there lol, a3! jpn friends tab has a built in chat tab. for some reason. lol.
also this is just making me think about lost media and stuff and like.
guess who’s gonna try to screen record all the dragalia 3rd anni voice lines in eng and jpn tonight bc i dont see anyone else really doing it? this guyyyyyyyyy ayyyyy!
please press f for my phone and laptop’s memory space, which i will now kill with like 5 gb of phone video, and also i hope i find a good video editor or something thats free and simple to use lolololol ill do this between prae grinding bc this guy’s gotta get that cool new jacket in ffxiv and doing alliance raids/crystal tower is fun and all but its only gives like 3 tomes a run....3. oof.
welp gonna clear cache on a bunch of apps now so my phone can handle voice lines and video recording
(this is a dumb idea lol)
oh yeah rip to anyone i dont have guess their voice lines are lost forever unless someone else is doing a project like this lololol
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