#more matey
jeeaark · 9 days
And now my brain goes mad.
Greygold X Lae’zel X Emps?
Does Icarus fly too close to the sun? Do mortals not wish to wield the power of gods without consequence??
Can dreams really come true???
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No one in this universe wants LaexGreygxEmps to happen more than Greygold. But Baby Steps. Right now, they'd be ecstatic if all three of them were in the same room without any blood spilling. Oh, the 19th century Victorian blush they'd have if they ever got to the point of hand-holding.
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pachirobi · 11 months
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Agent 4 tries the grimace shake
Happy birthday grimace ^-^
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sleepynegress · 3 months
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Because Amazon does not know how to advertise its good shows, but shoved the very mid and expensive LOTR series down our throats...and now that I KNOW the series gets a complete story told... For those who haven't hopped on board yet...
This is the UPLOAD pilot episode. It was created by the people behind Parks and Rec and is an anti-capitalist, sci-fi dystopian speculative futurist, romcom, murder mystery, sitcom... It's very charming, sweet, and feels spookily prescient at times. I can think of some pretty obvious reasons why a mega-corporation like Amazon didn't push this show. Anyway...
Here is the pilot for free. The rest of the 1st season (a quick binge of 10, 30-minuteish episodes) is on the same "platform". Enjoy!
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conradforrest · 2 months
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I'm sleepy, I should go to sleep. Anyway, quick compilation of all my oc's from Papers, Please, I have no idea where so many of them came from
By the way, I have the headcanon that in M.o.I. when you reach a certain high rank the uniform turns from black to white, why? I don't know, I just like the idea
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smoothriverrocksrock · 5 months
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Listen- all I’m saying is that Pillow is everything people depict Test Tube as
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keepersofmyheart · 8 months
Happy Birthday to the love of my life
Ryan Hawley
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As average life expectancy among werewolves has increased since the Renaissance, symptoms with growing age have become clearer. Top of the list are joint issues and chronic pain, though the common onset age is hard to diagnose over such a lengthy timespan.
Most older wolves have some chronic pain, though transformations usually help with healing, even for a little while.
Attila got his first cane as a gift from the pack they were helping out during London's ripper craze (unrelated). He was always too proud to use it, even when he needed longer and longer to recover from moons and even daily life. He'd put it in arm's reach because he knew it would help, and then leave it there because his pride was still too strong to allow for such a visible sign of weakness. But even pride can't hold up against time.
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waspgrave · 7 months
I hate downloading cc and starting up legacy families but I love having cc and legacy families
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disdaidal · 10 months
Sometimes I really kind of envy you native English speakers who make writing and posting fics seem so fucking easy. With near perfect grammar and hardly any typos. Or those of you who are capable of writing & updating your fics whenever the muse hits you just right... and not like, once in six months. Actually, try two years lol.
Whereas me, a non-native speaker, who occasionally struggles even with basic English grammar:
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I'm fine. Totally.
#personal#okay so i've been writing this one piece of fiction for a while now#actually two but i've seemed to put the other one on hold for a while at least#(i may have mentioned this already like five times during the past two weeks but my point is i'm still working on it)#many thanks to @ihni who recently gave me some words of encouragement <3 and ofc @catzy88 who gave me even more insp *saatananauru*#and i'm actually really kind of enjoying it because there's no pressure to write it and post it#i write it in small sections. whenever i feel like it. giving myself enough time to plan it and think about it. even getting new ideas#and for once i'm trying not to keep editing and fixing it as i go. i just write whatever crap comes to my mind and just let it flow#i try not to think about how many mistakes and typos i make because that way i'm never gonna get it finished#but at the same time... when it's finally time to go through it#fix typos. missing words. possibly poor grammar. i know i'm just gonna hate it so fucking much lmao#but i'm really trying my best here okay. and i'm trying not to rush it. for once#because i used to write like this as a teenager. when there was nowhere really to post your original stories (thank god for that)#so i did it in my notebooks. and i quite enjoyed it doing that way#and i'm not sure why i'm even rambling this because most of you are never gonna read it anyway lol. so who gives right#but it matters to me and i'm feeling good about writing again so here i am rambling about it. no matter if you care not. so cheers mateys <
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airyairyaucontraire · 3 months
welp Netflix jacket its prices up so I jacked my plan down
eventually this gets to the point where we part company
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solmxri · 29 days
I truly am pathetic, huh? A broken chuckle escaped his lips as he stared at the ceiling with dead eyes and a forced smile on his lips. Those green gems that once shined so brightly in the past were now dulled as adulthood set in, accompanied by all the trauma that came with it.
He curled into himself, arms crossed over his battered body in comfort despite the stinging in his wrists. Digging his nails into tender flesh to help ground himself - to stop the shaking - and stifle the pending panic clawing at his heart. No... No - he couldn’t be weak, not here. Not now. Not when HE is around... But whose fault was that? Heh, it would be so simple to just toss all the blame on that devil in disguise but... Matei knew better. Who else is there to blame, if not himself?
If his throat wasn’t so sore, he probably would’ve laughed. Stating so boldly that he was done with Dracul’s bullshit... and yet, here he is - crawling back to him like the little addict he is. Trembling fingers traced down his side to his hip, gently tracing over the tattoo there - a reminder. A constant fixture on his person to never let Dracul back into his life, into his heart! And yet... Matei couldn't deny it, he was getting obsessed again. Or maybe it never left? Laying and waiting in the depths of his soul for the devil himself to come and claim his place once more in his world.
At first, Matei lied to himself - claiming that he was only meeting with the fucker to protect his new family. Then, it turned to needing the money for next month’s rent - trapping himself in an endless spiral of excuses just to escape the truth; he was still in love with Dracul, or at least something close to it. He... he doesn’t know anymore. He tried, he truly did; but his mind was spiralling and his chest tightened like he was suffocating when he wasn't around the other. It only got worse once they started hooking up - crude, pride shattering and loveless, just how Dracul likes. And Matei could do nothing about it.
Aftercare? HA! What a joke - why would garbage need it? He was just here to satisfy those icy blue hues desires when his usual flings aren’t around. Matei knows this! And yet... as he watched that broad, tattooed back disappear into the bathroom; he couldn’t stop those love-filled pitter patters of his yearning heart. To be swallowed up by those unfeeling eyes and those calloused hands wrapped ever so tightly around his neck as if the other was trying to choke the life out of him.
Matei wouldn’t blame him if he was. And... that scared him. He knew Dracul was a detriment to his mental health but... this was a drug Matei couldn’t resist. Heh... even after so many years, he was still chasing after his past.
How pathetic...
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pachirobi · 2 months
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Grown ass 20 year old woman btw
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notmuchtoconceal · 4 months
"In Germany shall divers sects arise, coming very near to happy paganism. The heart captivated and small receivings Shall open the gate to pay the truth tithe."
-- Prophecies of the Master Nostradamus, 1555
In his groundbreaking work, Civilization in Transition, psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Carl Jung has a whole section on the Wotan archetype and its relationship to the German collective unconscious.
Wotan, or Odin as he's commonly known, is one of the main gods of Norse Mythology. Wotan is the god of knowledge, the runes, magic and poetry and also the overseer of Valhalla, which in the Nordic pagan tradition is a place in the afterlife where the warriors who died in battle reside. For Jung, Wotan is an essential part of the German psyche, which helps to explain a lot of the attributes and developments of Germany and the German people in general. The interesting link here is to Christianity, because of the emergence of the Christian faith and the consequent conversion of the Germanic people to Christianity, the Wotan archetype long got suppressed and eventually declared the Devil.
From there, Wotan disappeared for centuries and worked only indirectly and anonymously. Carl Jung writes:
"Wotan disappeared when his oaks fell, and appeared again when the Christian god proved too weak to save Christendom."
-- Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition
He writes:
An archetype is like an old watercourse along which the water of life has flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it has flowed in this channel, the sooner or later it is that the water will return to its old bed.
It is also important to mention that this specific German peculiarity is difficult to understand for people who exist outside this racial and cultural sphere, even when they are formally part of it.
Jung talks specifically about psychologists like Sigmund Freud who, because of their Jewish background have problems grasping the German soul, which has a very Earthy quality to it, with an Inner Barbarian, so-to-speak, that wants to be unleashed. This is by no means an anti-semitic statement, Jung is very clear on this, but rather a factual observation between Jewish culture and its heritage, and the ancient Germanic people.
Wotan is a Restless God. He's the God of Storm and Frenzy. A restless wanderer creates unrest and steers up strife. An unleasher of passions with a lust for battle, but he's also a supreme magician and master of the occult. Like every archetype, Wotan has a dual nature and trickster-like qualities. Initially, the Romans when they first came in contact with this god, identified him with Mercury, but Jung rightfully detects, Wotan doesn't correspond to any Roman or Greek god. Also, the similarity to the Greek god Dionysos isn't really accurate, cause while it is true that there are certain parallels, Wotan is closer to the warrior sphere whereas Dionysos was more influential with women.
But how did the Wotan archetype actually manifest itself in Germany? Well, there are a couple of historical and collective happenings which, for Jung, signified the resurrection of Wotan. One of them would be the emergence of the German Youth Movement which started in 1896. It consisted of young people, mostly boys, who were wandering around Germany and Europe with a rucksack on their back. These blonde youths are being described by Carl Jung as faithful coteries of the roving god. It is interesting to mention that these boys celebrated the solstice with animal sacrifices, which shows a clear pagan link.
During the later period of the Weimar Republic, this wandering activity was being joined by many unemployed people who were aimlessly wandering around. When Hitler came into power, the wandering turned into marching because the Hitler movement, in the words of Jung "brought the whole of Germany to its feet, from 5 year olds to veterans."
Wotan the Wanderer was on the move.
In this context of wandering, he makes another intriguing observation. That is, the myth of the Wandering Jew who didn't accept Jesus Christ was a projection of the European Christians on the Jews.
The German word ergriffenheit describes a state of being possessed. This indicates there's both someone who is being seized, but also someone or something who seizes. The German word for that would be ergriffen. Wotan as a psychic force is an ergriffen of the German people and of particular German figures like Adolf Hitler.
For psychological/mythical thinkers like Jung, the gods are personifications of psychic forces. He doesn't necessarily deny that they are actual entities, but he also doesn't propose it. Jung is an empiricist who's influenced by Kant's skepticism of metaphysical claims.
But let us continue with the concept of ergiffenheit.
Jung claims that Adolf Hitler was being possessed by the Wotan archetype and has, in turn, affected the whole German nation. Other manifestations of this state of ergriffenheit of the German people by the Wotan archetype are the Blood and Soil ideology, the depiction of Jesus as a blonde and blue-eyed hero, the image of the Devil as a dwarf in Jewish or Masonic guise, the supposed inferiority of the Mediterranean races, and the Northern Lights as the light of civilization.
It would be very fascinating to observe how the Wotan archetype will continue to influence the German psyche. It is difficult to predict because of the trickster-like qualities of Wotan and his tendency to move under the radar. In this respect, he's very much like an inactive volcano which can break out anytime. However, one sign of the Wotan archetype could be the emergence of neopaganism not only in Germany, but in many other western countries. Groups like Ásatrú try to restablish pagan traditions from the past and are generally, more or less, antichristian.
Thus, the activity of such groups indicate the workings of the Wotan archetype. While it is difficult to tell, but it will definitely be an interesting phenomenon to observe in the near future.
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viis-here-idk-why · 10 months
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no context micronation oc
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hershelwidget · 11 months
Guys 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sequel to THIS POST
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The GUPS under the cut + Soup Man !
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Those first two designs are for the AU... Professor Inkling’s MAFIA skin (in the timeline where he stays to take over his father) and the Octopod whilst under Jarvis’ control :) I’ll explain all that better some other time I promise-
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itscooltoskate · 5 months
happy new year, you’re the best 🚀🪐👩‍🚀
No u >:(
Me sliding into the new year like
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I've now got a drinking problem. Brewdog anyone?
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