#more importantly would garys ORIGINAL sweet baby boy michael owen (whose other dad is becks) like wazza and micah
player1064 · 16 days
Obsessed with your framing of Wayne as Gary’s failson who he’s nepobabying back to success… it got my brain thinking of Jamie x Gary/Wayne blended family vibes like Jamie giving stepfather trying to connect w brat stepson energy….
And THEN I listened to MOTD T10 podcast and around 7.30 (https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0hx85m9) Micah talks about how Jamie is his favourite between him and Gnev because he’s Fun Dad and it’s like…. there’s something here…. Blended family vibes….
oh i am OBSESSED with this fkjghfajhdgdfs.... also love the concept of blended family here... micah having to deal with his stressy new stepdad gnev and going to dad jamie 'but you have more fun with MEEEE right' vs wazza. preferring stepdad jamie to dad gary because jamie will take him for pints while gary just nags at him to get a job
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