#mod lightbulb
osc-affirmations · 1 year
Journal PPT2 is not demonized by fans
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i whole heartedly think that tissues ii would give the most sloppiest, toe curling, jaw dropping, eye rolling, demon possesing, back arching head known to man, he'd probably have some porn-star level gags because his gag reflex would be absolute ASS
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that-one-paintbrush · 22 days
Roleswap should be Paintbrush getting angry and "accidentally" incinerating someone.
what was that? did you say lightbrush as torchgroundy? welp, youre the boss!
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love loses
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oscconfessions · 16 days
I'mmm not the host so idk that much about object shows but I know he'd want to drop a ton for that recent ask soo here goes, I'll try my best from what memories I can grasp
Nine absoloutely loves rhytm games and is always pestering the other algebraliens (especially Six) to check out the new mods he finds
Saw is trans MtF, i also think she'd like baking
Four is constantly making jokes w/ new memes that show up and nobody gets them because he's so damn early to the bit
IDK why but the host really likes Flower x Clover so not really a headcanon but I think it fits
Speaking of, Flowers favorite MLP is Rarity
And Clover has a ton of those cheap halloween fairy wings that rip really easily, her goal is to make a biblically accurate butterfly/fairy costume eventually
Lightbulb uses typing quirks like thiz!! in her text
Paintbrush had a warrior cats phase that they never fully grw out of LOL
Cracklin (back when he was a human) always wore gloves and some kind of coat as comfort clothes
The more a character has been revived the more common it is for them to see ghosts (may or may not be projecting here) + the longer they've been dead for before their next revival makes it even more common
Electricity or machine type characters eyes can glow in the dark (also projecting) ex: Lightning, Mephone4, Charger Block, etc.
Doorstopper frolicks in fields in their freetime
Character/Fandom list for the mods
Fandoms: BFDI, II, LOTS, ION, AB
/bfdi/nine , /bfdi/six , /bfdi/saw , /bfdi/four , /bfdi/flower , /ii/clover , [not sure how to do ship tags, srry], /other/rarity [i think?], /ii/lightbulb , /ii/paintbrush , /ion/cracklin , /bfdi/lightning , /ii/mephone4 , /lots/charger block , ab/doorstopper
new fav anon just dropped oh my god thank you -🗄️
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
Nepeta: :33< babygirl i'm pawthered by noises you wouldn't even hear
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thebramblewood · 10 months
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Lu writes for a culinary magazine, and she thought going remote would be the dream, but she's already bored spending all day in the house when there's so much beauty just beyond the front door. She's not sure what her dream is anymore, but she knows she won't find out until she breaks out of the cycle of day-to-day drudgery.
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daily-lightbulbii · 2 months
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object-moodboards · 2 months
Hi sorry to bother but would you be willing to do a Cabtubebulb (Cabby x Test Tube x Lightbulb) moodboard? Nothing specific in mind just go wild
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sorry for the wait! im gonna try posting a few today lol -Mod Yarn
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muntdane · 11 months
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my next batch of fandomronpa shitposting official is of season zero specifically. guess thay makes it fandomflicker shitposting? they're all incorrect quotes bc im unfunny as shit
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osc-confessions · 9 months
for some reason, i ship lightbulb x marshmallow just from ONE SCENE in season one..
one. scene
Which scene 👀
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catgirlkirigiri · 7 months
Went into the steam workshop to see if anyone had reskinned coalescipedes so I won't be scared shitless by them, came out of the steam workshop glowing and with children
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osc-affirmations · 1 year
people will shut up about the evil stone theory.
osc fans will realize morality is not just black and white.
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I feel like I've put way too much thought into how object genitalia work. I mainly think about it this way for hfjone but it's been slowly infecting my other hcs for object genitals of other shows.
So basically, gender doesn't matter for what genitals an object has, it's all about personal preference. All objects technically have the same genitals and its first stage form is a slit. The slit appears when they get aroused, but from there it can turn into a tentacle if the object wants to have one.
Their preference for it would probably be based on their first interaction with sexuality. Like if an object was really submissive for their first time, they're most likely to prefer having a slit than a tentacle. But it wouldn't stop them from using their tentacle if they wanted to try it. If their first interaction with sex was solo, like masturbating, they'd most likely prefer getting off with their tentacle instead. There would definitely be objects who'd refuse to use anything but their preferred genitals, but I'm also not saying that all objects would only stick to their preferred genitalia. There would definitely be objects that would use their tentacle and slit interchangeably, but they'd still probably have preference.
With all that being said, I think Airy would have erectile dysfunction. Even if he had masturbated or fucked in the past, his body does NOT remember whatever his preference was. All it knows is that if he's getting touched, his slit's popping out. If he's horny and wants to be touched that lamp's got a penis. If he needs to be the one doing the fucking for whatever reason, give him a second! He doesn't know why it's like this, ok? Just give him a minute.
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heard your Ko-fi. Kinda glad this inner flame thingy got cleared up.
it was admittedly a bit different from the lore ive been making so far (ive been using @thebaddexample's inner flame hcs/lore for that aspect) but i think its similar enough to what ive already planned out that i dont really think ill change anything! and heres the clip for anyone who wants it
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oscconfessions · 2 months
That one testbulb jenga comic is like the osc equivalent of the vaporeon copypasta.
Im sorry.
i'm scared to ask what comic you're talking about. - 💥
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Jade: the most iconic polycule of all time…a, e, i, o, u, & sometimes y…
Eridan: i don't wwanna knoww wwhat those vvowwels stand for
Jade: bestie they are vowels..
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