“Friends...?” - General Relationship HCs
Request: Hi can I request a headcanon for Langa and Miya (aged up) from Sk8 the infinity. Please and thank you <3
Title: “Friends...?” - General Relationship HCs
Genre: lil floofy, lil comedic, m a y b e a lil bit suggestive (nothing extreme at all) and a lil bit romantic
Pairing: Langa Hasegawa/Miya Chinen (aged up) x GN!Reader (separate) 
Notes: So, this is exciting! And quick, but I can’t complain - I was wondering how I would get the new additions warmed into the other fandoms I write for. 
Otherwise, to the requester, I wasn’t sure what you wanted in particular, so I thought that I’d just go with general headcanons for both - like friendship to relationship, and the ups and downs that come with both. I hope you don’t mind! 
That said, I hope you guys enjoy! 
Below the cut! 
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Langa Hasegawa
okay so 
he is a bit of an enigma
keyword: a bit
it takes someone special to understand him
and we’ve all seen how he is with Reki
so what more would it be to get along with Reki’s excitable skater friend?
you two met purely by chance
you had gone to S one night, just to chill
you weren’t necessarily there to compete, but if the chance required it, you’d do it
and then you saw Reki enter with Langa in tow
he had told you a fair amount about the new kid
but you didn’t expect him to be like this
you expected someone a little more nerdy, to be honest
“hey! (Y/n), this is Langa. you remember the dude i’ve been telling you about.”
“oh, i remember, of course. so, Langa, huh? i’m (L/n) (Y/n), but you can just call me (Y/n).” 
he only nodded, but you could tell that he was quite interested. 
you are cute, he thought
but he was there for the skating
he didn’t see much from you, as he had been hanging out with Reki, but when you got challenged to a beef by a random competitor that night
you had a fire lit in your eyes
and boy did you act on it
Langa and Reki were ubnable to take their eyes off you as you dodged, slid, and managed to bunt the challenger into a nearby rock just to win
the whole feat was insane
and Reki was ecstatic as he didn’t get much of a chance to see you go hard 
but Langa?
yeah, that was the ‘aha’ moment
it was only a matter of time until he went to get attached to you
the rest of the night came by like a breeze, you even helping the guy you beat up and calling it good
but afterward is where things got a lottle bit crazier
after S that night, rather
you and Reki would be hanging out with Langa often, and even though you had to balance work and some school related topics
it worked out
and the many days that you guys had spent together paid off
in fact, there is one occasion that stood out to you
Adam had been going wild at S one night, and upon a whim, had challenged ‘Snow’ 
you had no idea who it was until Reki gave Langa a look 
it was one that he gave you when you did something stupid
and that’s when you knew
the beef commenced, and Adam had put up his “best” 
(translation: he manipulated what he could) 
in the midst of said beef, the Love Hug was pulled
at first, Langa was at a disadvantage
you all thought that he was about to get obliterated, especially since Reki had nearly been killed not too long ago
but no
what happened shocked not only you, but the whole crowd
all eyes were on Langa as he dodged said move
and you could have sworn that the light in his eyes was completely new
“holy shit...”
a stunned silence surrounded the crowd
“he dodged the Love Hug...”
at that point in particular, you saw something in him that you had never seen in anyone else up to that point
true power against the one individual that everyone feared (whether or not they wanted to admit it)
but it wasn’t corrupt
it was pure
he didn’t fly, like Adam perceived it, no
he was gliding
and it was glorious
the night went by after
and as soon as you got home, you stared at your ceiling
and everything came rushing back
he truly made skateboarding look like an art
and it was a gorgeous one
from that point forward, you two were almost attached at the hip
you and Reki had your days
but in your free time (in the case that it lined up with his), you would be hanging out with Langa
he had asked you a few questions on of these times
and the one that stood out the most was likely the most simple
“have you ever dated anyone?”
it was forward, really
and you hesitated, but...
“not anyone, really. at least, I suppose.”
he watched you intently before you could continue
“the best one was the one popular guy in kindergarten in the US. i was only there for a few months, and you know how childish that crap is...it really meant nothing.”
he quirked an eyebrow
his eyes were piercing to say the least
“so i guess...no one.”
it became quiet, almost awkardly so
but what came about that night as well
holy shit 
“well...would you...like to go on a...d...date with...me sometime?”
you both were the color of Reki’s hair as he uttered that sentence
“heh, yeah...yeah, i’d-i’d like that.”
as he walked you home that night, the stars seemed brighter and the moon was glowing more than usual
the both of you were debating whether or not to do more than whatt you did 
but you both settled for the cliche of brushing your hands against the other person’s like they do in cheesy romance anime
you went to bed with the thought of him, and Langa vice versa
Reki was focusing on teaching Langa during this period, so in the times that he would stay after Reki would leave and you would stay by and help him further
you’d go out on late night runs to the nearby grocery store and get some ramen
those were what you considered to be your dates, and they happened so often that you two were already being suspected of dating by Kaoru, Miya, and Joe
(Reki was still a little clueless, but that’s just another endearing part of him honestly)
it was only when Kaoru had pulled you aside at Joe’s restaurant with Joe on standby that you confirmed it
“hey, kid! so you and Langa, huh?”
“you utter buffoon, we already discussed this-”
“it’s fine Kaoru, really. if you really wanna know, yes - we are dating.”
it may have been uncharacteristic, but Joe had his jaw on the floor
Kaoru had a shit-eating smirk on his face, though
“i told you, Kojiro.”
“okay, douche-” 
(i think we all know where the conversation went afterwards)
anyway, on one of the few nights that you didn’t go to S and Reki had asked you to see him (this being one of the nights that he hadn’t gone to S in a while) 
(he had a falling out with Langa before this, you knew)
Joe and Miya were talking to Langa just as your two-month anniversary came up 
he seemed shaken
about you, Reki, S, everything really
and they could see that
but they thought that this would be a decently good distraction
and it seemed to work
but only after you had enough and dragged Reki to S one night
Langa and him reconciled, thank god
but now Langa had to organize for your anniversary
Reki had found out by now
and it was him who pushed Langa to it
“dude, they love you! they’ve never been this way with anyone, not with any of the people that they’ve had crushes on or anything! do what you want, but know that they don’t care about that stuff!”
“but, Reki-”
“Langa, just do it.”
so he did
and what he planned swept you off your feet
Kaoru had you help around his shop for the day, but knowing that you had this day to look forward to with Langa, let you off early
(might’ve been good to mention it before, but you worked at his calligraphy shop as a receptionist) 
you already knew beforehand that formal wear was welcome
Joe was of course in on it, even setting aside a special little area in his restaurant on one of the off days
when Langa had come to pick you up, you were taken aback
you were both dressed up to the nines (as best as you could both do) and damn, he found you attractive
you found him just as, if not more, attractive in his light blue dress shirt and black tie
yes, there were candles with your favorite scent scattered in the safest places
yes, there was a vase with your favorite flowers in the middle of the table you two were sat at
yes, it was unbelievably cliche (again) 
but it was special as neither of you had actually done anything more than hold hands and kiss each other’s cheeks when you were parting ways
this was different, though
there wasn’t much music involved, honestly, but that didn’t change anything about the night
it actually made the night a little better, considering the weather had decided to cooperate with you two
the sounds from the crickets outside were a little jarring, though
the night seemed to fly by, and it left you two a little upset
after the date, you both had been silent
it was amazing, truly, but the night still felt pretty young
you both decided to chill out at a convenience store
but of course, given the chance, you two did end up skating that night
and no, you did not do it in formal wear
lots of tricks were taught and watched, and lots of jokes were made
you even mimicked the positions of human emojis while skating in and out of Langa’s view just so you could get a chuckle out of him
a lot of words were also shared
as the night finally started to slow down, you two sat on the side of the rink
“did you plan this, Langa?”
he cleared his throat and nodded
he was red
it really clashed with his hair
you smiled, he blushed even more, and the night just felt right
it didn’t meet an end until you were walking with him on your way home
“(Y/n)? can i...can i do something?”
“hmm? whaddaya wanna do, Langa?”
“...can i...kiss...you?”
now you were flustered
he could have sworn he saw you rereading his words in a statement just standing there
“y-yeah, go for it.”
he gingerly brushed his hand against your jaw, tilting your head towards him lightly, and leaned in
and then it was magic
time froze, and it seemed like fireworks went off around the two of you
it was sweet, but a little more rough than either of you intended
and it may have gone on a little longer than either of you intended, as well
but damn-
best first kiss ever. 
Langa did end up walking you home the rest of the way, and from then on a new habit came about
instead of the simple cheek kiss, there was a kiss on the lips waiting whenever you guys would see each other and depart for the day. 
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Miya Chinen
so lets consider Miya around...17? 18? 
around Langa and Reki’s age
so the funny thign about this is 
he was going from interview to interview and event to event
meaning he wasn’t at school often
but he was at S often
and so were you
you attended almost every night, watching each beef go down
some of the results made you cringe, but you refused to leave
you still found the action of it so cool to watch and observe
and Miya was one of your favorites to watch
the way he moved was so precise yet so powerful and seemingly uncontrolled
it was truly intriguing
it wasn’t until you got cornered by Adam that Miya was made aware of your existence
yeah, it took a while 
either way, Adam started to persist - challenging you to a beef, then following that up with even more pressing after you denied it 
except it could be considered a tad bit more...touchy
if he actually managed to touch you 
Cherry and Miya had seen this go down
Cherry sent Miya to get you away, and Cherry would take care of the rest 
but then you kicked Adam right where the sun doesn’t shine and he fell to his knees 
the crowd around you was taken aback
(frankly, so were Cherry and Miya)
but Miya was a little amazed
so he made it a goal to talk to you once the current beef was over
which he followed up on as soon as the winner was announced
“hey, i saw you earlier. nice kick.” 
“oh, uh...thanks.”
“i’m Miya.”
and everything was uphill from there
it didn’t take long for you two to exchange numbers and bond over your favorite video games and skateboarding
from time to time, he’d invite you to the skate park 
or the store that Langa and Reki work at
or even just skate beside you when walking to the gas station for a soda or some snacks
seriously, it was amazing to watch him so close up 
some of the tricks he did (some which he hadn’t shown anyone) were so hard that you were questioning if he’d even land them
but then he did and you were faced with the constant visual reminder that he was an award winning skater
at some points, when you two were hanging out and playing video games
he’d throw a hissy fit when he lost
he’d try and blow it off, but then he’d go to the nearest bathroom and scream profanities at the top of his lungs
but then again, you did the same when you lost, too
you both got a laugh from it, thankfully
and it didn’t help that the games you two played were both of your favorites
sometimes, when you didn’t feel up to playing a few rounds, you would sit back and watch some random movies
i see Miya as someone who doesn’t watch movies often, but when he does, he’d be a little picky about the content
nothing bad, it has to be good. i’m not wasting however many minutes on some crappy b-movie - like that, y’know? 
however, you sometimes chilled out and laughed at the filmed shitshows
laughing at it was fun
and he learned to find the stupid things and laugh
(even though he would still prefer the better movies, lol) 
on nights when he’d attend S, you’d stay beside the little group that had formed and talk to Reki and Langa, sometimes popping a comment towards Joe or Cherry
but when you’d watch him, he tried to do his best
trust me when i say that he knew you were watching
but sometimes, when you weren’t there 
(again, you attended often, not every night) 
he would get into beefs and wipe out horribly
Cherry would let you know when he would get hospitalized
and Miya would try to play it off as something small 
(which made sense - he had an idea of how to land from many years of skating, after all) 
but you would almost lose it
a couple times you were left in tears
you knew it was from a place of worry, and he did too
the thought left him a little flustered, though
he had never really reached out to others, especially someone that was a simple gray man in a crowd at S
not even a low-ranked skater, but a viewer. 
it was new to him
but he had a feeling that you were cool when you fought back
and it didn’t help that you were so kind and caring despite the fire in you
he truly knew that you were feisty
and he loved it, really
but he also loved your nice side
the side that, from observation, you didn’t openly show often 
not even to your own family, oddly enough
it was a little unsettling, but he was honored to be one person to see you vulnerable
it still felt nice either way
it wasn’t until Joe had taken notice to his actions towards you
Cherry tried to keep him from prying, but even Langa was invested and Cherry was semi-ignored from that point forward
it was very obvious, especially when you wore a particular hoodie with some cat ears on the hood 
it wasn’t for any specific reason, you said
it wasn’t meant to get closer to Miya, you said
you totally didn’t mean to get bold and fluster the boy, you said
(if you can’t tell, those were blatant lies) 
(even Cherry groaned internally when he saw your triumphant smirk from the side) 
(you really weren’t slick) 
but yeah, he was left speechless
you had even ironed a patch on the front pocket of a cat skateboarding
he was firetruck red after that 
you left the park soon after
and Miya had been cornered not long after you left
“so, (Y/n), huh?”
and Miya crumbled
it was the usual,
‘they like you, too’
‘you can’t keep this in forever, dude’
‘at least ask them what would happen’
‘go for it, big guy’
and so
he didn’t
he thought it through first
kid you not, it took almost a complete year for him to even develop the closeness to you that he had
much more to even consider asking you out
cuz he’d barely be there unless he was at S
and he knew that while he was there almost every night, you weren’t and the perfect opportunity would be hard to find
he also didn’t know if a stuffed animal, or chocolates, or flowers, or whatever was necessary
anything you liked was on the table to give you
he was so close to spending a good 100 bucks on you for a gigantic plushie
he didn’t, but he would’ve had Joe not saw him eyeing it by chance and gotten him to put it back
but the chance had to come up soon
cuz though it took a while, he had been planning on confessing and thought out what to say
(had to emphasize just how long it took - at least four more months before he got the confidence ngl) 
but when he did 
oh boy-
it was so awkward
it wasn’t even planned either
he’d tried to talk to you in private as the night at S was coming to an end and the big players were leaving (him included) 
“hey! (Y/n)!”
of course you looked at him 
the whole crowd around you did 
but you responded either way
“what’s up?” 
he had gingerly reached for your hand as soon as he ran up to you
but he grabbed it eventually and took you to the skate park
(you busted in don’t ask questions) 
you both sat on one of the ramps, you kicking your legs and Miya messing with his hands
he cleared his throat...
prepared the words in his head...
and began
“(Y/n), i like you. and i wAnted to know if you would be willing to go on a, uh...dAte with me.” 
his voice had to crack
you laughed - like snort laughed
he found it adorable, but you both knew he’d never say something like that 
“you dork! of course i would. i like you, too, after all.”
and the story begins...
i must say, chaos was inevitable
with everything that you guys are involved in, it was only bound to happen
especially with the crew
on the days where you all randomly go to the beach just to chill out, you end up running from Reki and Miya chasing you with water guns
you are armed, obviously, but their aim is insane
(you hid in a corner in a closed off area of a beach house that you had to climb a fence to enter)
(they still found you and got you, but there were no open cracks in the walls or anything) 
(you still question how they even knew you were there - the shot came from the back) 
either way, when you guys are tired, you and Miya usually stay later than the rest of them and walk to your friend’s house
they don’t live too far away, and when you and Miya started dating, crashing their house when they weren’t home was the next best thing
Shadow being himself, he was scared at one point when you two stayed back
then it became a habit until you got your license
on the days where you guys weren’t doing anything, you were either playing video games in your room or he was teaching you how to skate in your driveway
or you were bothering Joe (and Cherry, when he was there) at his restaurant 
on the days where neither of you wanted to do anything, though, you just laid together
it didn’t matter where, as long as you two were in private
that was more often than not when you guys were able to choose
those little adventures and chill days just transitioned into your dates
except for when your three month anniversary came up
Miya went all out, even got the team to help out 
(and they actually weren’t insane - it shocked you) 
(and Miya, but you didn’t need to know that)
it was lit just enough to make the room seem a little more romantic
(favorite/flower) was in a vase set up in the center of the table
and the food was better than usual, there was even some dessert
(deemed a surprise for the couple by Joe) 
either way, it surprised you
you had only been told that you had to wear something nice
but this? 
it felt like you were underdressed for the occassion
“Miya, did you do this?” 
“mhm...i hope it’s not too much...”
you almost started crying as you reassured him that it wasn’t
and of course, you both had to skate with everyone when you were done
it wasn’t until after everyone left that the best thing of that night happened
the gate surrounding the ramps left a slight shadow on the concrete, courtesy of the moon
you were stood in the middle of one of the ramps watching Miya skate when your phone went off
it was only a simple text, but Miya heard the ping and jumped
when you had looked away, he was coming at you super quick
and then managed to knock you and himself over
(cliche, i know - just go with it) 
he was on top of you, and turned bright red when he noticed your proximity to him
the only things that either of you could focus on were each others eyes and your lips
and after a few seconds of anticipation...
it happened. 
it was a little awkward, but for being your guys’ first kiss?
it was magical
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nay-nay-killua · 3 years
5 Carat Gold
Character: Atsumu Miya
Warnings: None,not proofread,
Description: Miya Atsumu was never completely sure of himself or the choices he makes; but he was sure of one thing, and that is that he’s gonna marry you.
Growing up Atsumu had been told that he “was selfish and only cared and thought about himself” and for years he thought it was true; until he met you that is. You had taken over his thoughts. You started dating in your second year. You were an exchange student living in the dorms, and now here you are walking down the busy side walk window shopping with your boyfriend. As you walk by all the shops you go into a small jewelry store that you quite liked. You had boughten a few things from there because it was nice to have some jewelry that didn’t turn ur skin green. As you both walked around the store looking at everything you stopped by the rings and looked them over. You pointed to a simple sterling silver ring with a single diamond sitting upon it. “if you ever propose to me it should be with that ring” you told atsumu jokingly. “That one? Really?” He replied sounding jokingly offended. The ring was pretty cheep as cheep as a wedding ring can be anyway; it was only about 45-50 dollars. “Baby right after we graduate in 2-3 weeks I sign with the jackals and start practice I think I can afford a nice ring” he states with a cocky grin. “I’m not saying you can’t afford it but why buy some thousand dollar ring when I love that one?” U ask with a chuckle as you walk to look at the rest of the jewelry. As you’re waiting in the checkout line you notice his hand sticking out infront of u and you look at him confused. “Here gimme ur thing and I’ll check out.” He says with a smile. you roll your eyes and hand him ur stuff and the money to pay for it but he just gives the money back. “I got it darlin go get us some icecream from the shop outside so by the time I get outa this line we’ll have the ice cream. It will save us some time.” You give him a disapproving look before you walk out and go to wait in yet another line to get ice cream. Though atsumu did in fact pay for your stuff he payed for a little something else too. He loved you with all of his heart. He can think now of how good this ring will look on your finger when ur wearing ur cap and gown. He takes a minute when he’s laying in his bed at night to think abt his  decision and now he’s most definitely sure it’s the right one. The way u interact with his brother, how you help his mom with cooking and cleaning when you’re over, how when he was stressed over how he was gonna manage everything with volleyball you sat him down and explained that him and his health comes first, then volleyball, then his family, and then you. So when he find himself down on his knee at a graduation “party” you atsumu and osamu were having a week before graduation he knows that this is forever. And through ur blur of tears u look at the ring he’s putting on ur finger and laugh “Atsumu u idiot” you say in a mix of laughter and tears. It was not the ring you picked out well it was the atsumu version of it. It was in fact sterling silver and it had a diamond in the center but the center diamond was about 2-3 times the size and it had smaller diamond around the whole ring with the words “always and forever” engraved on the inside.
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