#mixels infernites x reader
gacha-pothoz-blog · 21 days
Characters might act OoC* (Out of Character) and some headcanons can be short too because I don't know what else to put.
Oh! And reminder as usual, no sending request, but asking questions is okay.
And the gifs of the Infernites are not mine nor do they belong to me, and belongs to @shinigami-striker
Enjoy! ♡
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He seems the type to flirt with you a lot. So when he sees you blushing when he first flirts with you - Oh. He loves that reaction of yours. And that's why he loves flirting with you. BUT, if you decide to flirt him back as 'revenge', then he'll go all like, "Aww~ How cute, hon. But you need to try harder next time." All chill and putting on a smug face.
But once he is in his room - Blushing like mad and proceed to mumble on how cute you are. (and Zorch record that and secretly send that to you lol)
His love language is obviously Word of Affirmation and Quality time. He loves to spend time with you, like going on dates and such.
And he loves having movie dates. Would suggest a horror one every. single. time. He does this because he thinks it's funny to see you all scared and asking for him to snuggle up just so that you get less scared.
Also, He loves calling you nicknames. A lot actually. He will call you 'hon' all the time, but in private? Would call you 'Hermosa' or 'Mi Amor' because I headcanon he is Latino- idk.
ANDANDANDDD ANOTHER LOVE LANGUAGE- Act. of. Service! Like, if you come to his house and you're feeling hungry? Don't worry, he gonna start to cook something for you (and he can cook SO WELL) and if you are like tired and pretty sore, Flain will ask if he can massage your shoulders just to ease up the pain there.
And will open the door for you while giving a kiss on the back of you hand after that. Give him a kiss on the cheeks/beak or a 'thank you' after that because he'll appreciate it.
Would ask for you to dance with him if you two lovebirds are going on a date. While you two start dancing, he purposely trip you and catch you again. And you pout because, "Bro, srs?? I almost fell-" but it's obvious he does that to tease you.
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Zorch is like Flain - LOVES to flirt with you too. Might even make some stupid or cheesy pick-up lines (on PURPOSE😭)- and that either makes you laugh or internally cringe. If you flirt him back? Bro, he will take that as a CHALLENGE and probably do the whole, "The winner gets to make the loser to do whatever they order them to" stuff.
Don't expect him to not prank you, because he will. Obviously. He is still a jerk through and through, but he is your jerk so- it's either you get used to it or... payback time 😈
Love language? Quality time. Even though Zorch doesn't show it, he loves to spend time with you, and sometimes even suggest going on a 'prank' date, basically prank other mixels together. He'll be fine if you decline, but if you accept it? Excited and immediately suggest what pranks or who to target.
If there's a mixel who witness you and Zorch prank together, "OH NO THERE'S TWO OF THEM" While you and Zorch just waves innocently at them. While holding a water balloon. (And you know what happens next)
And Receiving Gifts. Like for example; he would put something infront of your door and zoom out. Then when you heard the knock or bell ringing, and open the door to see nothing but a heart-shape box there with chocolates.
And you just- sigh, not in like an "Ugh, really?😒", more like in a "Aww, almost forget that he's secretly a sweetheart💕" way. Also, there might be some times where he pranks you with that so be lucky that he didn't do it this time.
I feel like Zorch will just call you 'babe', and 'baby' because I see him the type to call you that, that's all.
Look. If you decide to call him 'Zorchie' as a teasing nickname because you heard his brother and cousin calls him that... He'll be embarrassed and just avoid eye contant with a hint of blushing. But he'll let it slide just because your his lover. (And will prank you afterwards)
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He loves to take you on ice cream dates while having a nice conversation with you in mixel park. Also some picnic dates.
Also, Vulk doesn't flirt a lot because he is wayyy to shy to even flirt with you. He prefer complimenting you if you are okay. But if you started to flirt with him. I don't think he can handle that but surely he can get used to it, that's what he told himself. (spoilers; he did not)
Love language is Quality time because he obviously loves spending time with you, and Physical contact. Hear me out- he is touch-starved. I mean, come onnn, he has LAVA fingers and he can make physical contact with ANYONE, even with his friends. Except his cousin and brothers, but they are Infernites so it's obvious that their are immune to extreme hotness. Except for the extreme coldness-
So, if you offer him some hugs/cuddles? He'll decline it since he is afraid to hurt you... but with you using your puppy eyes on him? I guess he wouldn't mind as long as his lava finger don't touch you. And HE STARTED PURRING (He has cat ears, what makes you think he would not at least act like a cat? Tbh he should have a cat tail just sayin' smh). You we're surprise, but thinks that it's cute and probably tease him for it.
Loves when you watch him play DJ's. Let's say you got curious and wanted to see how he plays it (and probably ask him if he can teach you some). But when he starting to play it, you know he's good, but you didn't know he could be THAT GOOD 🤯. Mind blown man.
Also, for nicknames? I don't know, I think he just calls you by your nickname or 'Sweetie' and 'Cutie Pie'. He likes calling you cute pet name!
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That's all, Ribbons and Bowtie folks. I made this because I was bored. Also because there's not a lot of Mixels x Reader stuff, so- yeh.
Also, I'm on Quotev and my username there is GachaPothoz, and no, I haven't post anything but I am still working on a fanfic so be patient 😁
Bye and have a good day/afternoon/night! ♡
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