#miss froggie
Miss Froggie - Original
I was listening to Rock House, a show devoted to rockabilly, on WEVL while grilling hamburgers tonight & I heard this fun tune by Warren Smith & thought I’d track it down on YouTube Music & share it. For those not familiar with WEVL, they are a listener funded, volunteer radio station in Memphis but you don’t have to be here to listen because they stream live on the Internet. They are seriously one of The City’s overlooked gems. They have definitely introduced me to music genres & artists that I wasn’t familiar with. For instance, Hawaiian slack string guitar. I didn’t know that was a thing that existed, let alone that I enjoyed listening to it and this station has a whole Thursday evening show devoted to it. As for Warren Smith, Fallout fans will know him from his song, Uranium Rock.
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arunneronthird · 9 months
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the thinking chair
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Oops meant to post this earlier for valentino white bag day JRJJEEKKE
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Better late than never as they say
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freeasfishes · 2 years
So you cant define woman? That's what I thought
I already told you, the main woman is Miss Piggy and all other women are just whoever she says is a woman, kind of like with bees.
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froggydraws · 3 months
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I forgot Miku day was coming up!! I'm so sorry miss Miku :( have some old experimental sketches
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fangirltothefullest · 3 months
*puts tiny frog in your hand* *runs away*
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molekel · 3 months
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Amphibiuary Day 25: Clothes
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suhyeos · 6 months
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mikibagels · 9 months
I'm currently in my double down and get shit done era now that university, and therefore my anxiety, is back in full swing. I can't promise frequent uploads but know that I miss interacting with y'all 🙇🏻‍♀️♥️ I hope y'all are doing well
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cutemeat · 4 months
they still do not understand that the sunny world needs to BREATHE....and by that i mean they need to do side characters again.
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froggy-anon · 8 months
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Before I go on my break/detox I wanted to draw something as a tribute to Inquisitore3. I might've been his follower for a short time but he creates such an amazing community and saved me. She didn't deserve whar happened to him. Fly hing Vincent🕊️
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superbellsubways · 9 months
running around outside during a rainstorm and splashing jumping onto puddles and twirling an umbrella around could fix me..
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froggymarsh · 2 months
"Jay? Can I borrow you for a second?"
"Huh?" Jay glances up. Ichabod is there, a puzzled look on his face, with Chip latched onto his arm. "Oh- yeah-" she turns back to her desk, puts down a wrench, then looks at him again, "yeah, what's up?"
"I was ah- hoping you could answer somethin' for me."
"Of course."
"Well, Chip approached me and pushed this book at me 'til I took it," he lifts and wiggles a small blue novel, "and he hasn't answered any of my questions about it, refusin' to talk."
"Oh yeah?" Jay looks to Chip- he does seem a little dazed, but it's a dazed Jay recognizes. He's chewing on his sleeve and won't exactly meet her eyes.
"So all I was wonderin'," Ichabod says, "was what this here book is for, and if somethin's wrong with Chip."
"Fair question," Jay laughs. "This is normal, don't worry. Chip didn't have a very good childhood, and his mind has chosen to deal with it by making him act like a kid for a while."
"Yeah," Jay smiles, holding her hand out. Chip latches onto it. She rubs her thumb gently over his skin, "it isn't permanent, he's usually acting like himself again after a couple of hours or a few days."
"Is it beneficial in any way?"
Chip nods against Ichabod's shoulder.
"Yeah, it is," Jay answers for him. "Helps with stress, mostly. Settles his mind."
Chip nods again.
"Well, alright," Ichabod smiles at Jay, then at Chip, "if it isn't harmful, I'm happy to encourage it."
He looks back to Jay, wiggling the novel again, "any idea about the book?"
"I've been reading it to the crew as a bedtime story," Jay answers, waving one hand, "teaching Gill how to read became a whole thing."
"I see," Ichabod opens to the page she marked, "well, I'd be honored to read the next chapter, if that's what Chip's askin' for."
Chip nods.
"Please," Jay translates.
"Perfect," Ichabod gently pries Chip's hand off his shoulder and holds it instead, giving it a squeeze, saying to Jay, "you get the crew, this one an'I'll get the quarters ready."
"Sure," Jay puts the rest of her project aside, removes her goggles, and stands, "we can do it down here."
"If that's alright?"
"More than alright," Jay assures, "I'll get the crew."
After a polite decline from Alphonse (he has to steer the ship) and a gruff denial from Gryffon (he isn't used to their shenanigans yet), Jay climbs below deck later with Gill and Drey in tow, finding an excited Ollie engaged in a pillow fight with Ichabod while Chip is curled up in a pile of blankets in the corner.
"There you are!" Ichabod beams, then is whacked in the face by Ollie and knocked cleanly off his feet.
Jay laughs. Gill takes Ollie by the armpits and lifts him in triumphant victory. Drey winces despite his chuckle.
Ichabod sits up, "got me good, kiddo."
Jay joins Chip in the blankets. He's sucking idly on his pacifier and looks to be halfway asleep already.
"Sorry we took so long," she says, offering a hand.
He blinks slowly at her like an oversized, affectionate cat, and latches onto her hand. Jay rubs her thumb over his knuckles.
"Alright you scallywags, sit down, I'll read'ya a story."
They pile around Ichabod, leaning over shoulders and sharing blankets. Chip lays his head on Jay's shoulder. Jay keeps a steady hold on Chip's hand. Gill lays on his stomach, head cradled in his hands, feet kicking idly behind him, tail draped over Jay and Chip's legs. Ollie presses close on Ichabod's other side, following along as he reads.
Drey sits in a chair nearby and listens.
Ichabod leans over to Jay before he starts, "catch me up real quick?"
Jay relays the story so far- lots of talking, mostly. Someone going to another dimension, briefly, though this chapter he's supposed to come back.
Ichabod nods, settling back, and clears his throat.
"Chapter nine," he reads, "Out Of Time..."
"And that's the end of it," Ichabod says.
Jay is the only one who managed to stay awake during the whole chapter- Chip is fast asleep on her shoulder and Gill's snoring away on the floor. Ollie is slumped against Ichabod.
He smiles and closes the book after dog-earing the page like Jay did last chapter. "How was that?"
"You do good voices," she answers, then yawns. It's a fight to keep her eyes open, "thank you."
He smiles, giving her leg a gentle pat. She can see the thanks in his eyes, "you rest well, kiddo."
She nods, watching as he carefully lifts Ollie up and lays him in Chip's hammock, tucking him in easily. Then he maneuvers a pillow beneath Gilion's head without waking him up, then tucks Jay and Chip in with another blanket.
"'Night, kiddo."
"'Night, Ichabod."
He offers another smile, then claps Drey on the back and heads to the upper deck.
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glitterslag · 6 months
i follow this amazing ceramicist on IG who makes absolutely adorable ceramic smoking pipes and i've just realised... we're seriously missing an opportunity by not having chrissy and eddie hitting bowls out of a little painted strawberry girlypop pipe
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froggydraws · 1 year
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☆ ★ Starlight Anya!! ★ ☆
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just-null-cult · 5 months
Happy past holidays how you’ve been 🥺
been good but busy, yk how it is..! ty for askin anon, ilysm. i dont celebrate holidays but i do hope everyone else enjoyed theirs!
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