jjkfire · 5 years
military!jungkook + 51. "It's about to rain, get inside."
military!jungkook + “It’s about to rain, get inside.”
“Jeon Jungkook, Batallion 32,” You huff, for the umpteenth time. “He’s here and I know it.”
“Well, we’ve announced that… but no one’s responded.”
“Announce it one more time.”
It’s already begun to drizzle and you’re certainly not dressed for the thunderstorm that’s about to roll in. You shiver as the wind blows, the distant rumbling of the sky a forewarning that you should get inside soon. Instead, you’re left stranded, standing at the entrance of the military camp, looking like a fool because your best friend, Jeon Jungkook, loves to hold grudges.
“I think you should leave,” The soldier manning the gate mumbles as he looks up at the sky. “If he’s here and he hasn’t responded, it must mean he does not wish to have visitors.”
“I’ll just wait here,” You sniff, looking down at your feet. “Can you at least tell him I’m waiting here?”
The soldier nods, disappearing into the guardhouse to speak to his colleagues. The rain begins to pour, your shirt soaked within seconds. You start to wonder if you’ve perhaps got the wrong address. This is the right military base, isn’t it?
“H-how do I look?” Jungkook asks, turning to his roommates.
“The same as you always look,” One replies, unbothered, because they’ve heard him ask that question far too many times today.
“Shit,” Jungkook mutters, looking in the mirror for what must’ve been the 300th time now.
He’s not sure what he’s trying to fix. His hair has been reduced to a beautiful buzz cut so there wasn’t much to style there. He’s dressed in his uniform, so it’s not like he could impress you in the fashion department either. He had ironed out his uniform all morning though, ensuring that not a single crease was in sight because you told him you’d be here today.
It’s just you, his best friend… so, why is he a nervous wreck? Why does he care about how he looks? Well, that’s just it, isn’t it? It’s because it’s you that’s out there waiting for him. The best friend he’s been in love with for years now. The best friend he hasn’t been able to see in months. The best friend he only gets to chat with online for an hour per day… well, sometimes two when he bribes one of his roommates into giving him their hour in exchange of him picking up their chore duty for the night.
He’s been begging you to visit for months now and finally, 6 months in, you’re actually here. He didn’t think you’d come. After all, it’s a 5 hour journey from the college town you were in.
“It’s really pouring out there,” One of his roommates hums as he draws the curtains aside to peer out the window. “I might just go pick her up myself if you’re just going to stand here and look in the mirror all day. I’ve seen her picture. I wouldn’t mind having lunch with her.”
“I know you like your stupid jokes but I said she’s off limits,” Jungkook growls, grabbing his cap that’s laid on top of his bed.
“She’s just a friend, he says. I don’t like her like that, he says,” His roommate snorts. “Then go fucking get her you big idiot. She’s been waiting out there for 20 minutes.”
Twenty? No. It can’t have been that long. It must have been only 5 minutes max since he had heard his name ring around the loudspeaker system.
“Jeon Jungkook, Batallion 32. Jeon Jungkook, Batallion 32. There is a visitor still waiting for you at the gate. If you don’t get here in 5, she looks like she might just chew off your head… and mine so hurry up!”
“Shit, shit, shit,” He curses as he sprints down the hallways, practically skidding as he turns the corners. He grabs an umbrella, dashing across the lawn to reach the front gate. When he finally reaches the guardhouse, he’s basically gasping for air.
“How long has she been out there?” He asks, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
“Too bloody long,” One of the soldiers answers. “Look at her. She’s totally going to kill you.”
You’re standing there, hugging yourself as if the act could bring you any warmth. You’re drenched to the core, the rain pelting down on your skin relentlessly. You’ve given up on wiping your face every so often because you didn’t even need to look. It’s been too long now and it didn’t seem like Jungkook was coming at all. He really loves to hold grudges, that one. You know you promised him you would visit him in his second month but things just got busy and you couldn’t find any time off. You’re a few months late, but hey at least you’re here. The least he could do was come see you.
Curse stupid Jeon Jungkook. You know you shouldn’t have come here. That boy and his pea sized brain was definitely not worth all of this. The next time you see him, you’re going to make sure you give him a piece of your mind. You’re going to tell him that he’s a big selfish asshole and that you hate him and he’s the worst person to ever exist on this sorry planet and—
“It’s about to rain, get inside,” You hear someone mumble and you can barely make out a pair of boots through your blurred vision. You perk your head up, wiping at your face, only to see a big stupid grin when you’ve gotten all your wet hair out of the way. Just like always, that big stupid grin still makes your heart race.
“It’s already raining, asshole,” You grumble. “Everything up till my undies is soaked.”
“Soaked undies,” He snorts. “I mean I wasn’t aware I had that effect on you, but okay,” He smirks, cocking an eyebrow at you.
You only find the energy to scoff before you knee him right in the babymaker, hard. You grab the umbrella from his hand, turning back to watch him double over in pain, rolling in the gravel as he groans. The soldiers in the guardhouse stand at attention as they watch you walk past the gate and into the compound.
“Where’s the cafeteria?” You ask.
“Just straight ahead, ma’am.”
“Thank you,” You smile, bright and iridescent. It’s the first time any of the soldiers have seen anything but a scowl on your face.
Jungkook’s finally up now. His hand resting on one of the columns of the guardhouse as he watches you walk across the lawn with the umbrella.
“I don’t know what you said to her, but you deserved that.”
“I know.”
“I like her,” The soldier laughs, looking at you before he turns back to take in Jungkook’s haphazard look.
“Yeah? Get in line,” Jungkook snorts. “And just so you know, I’m in the front.”
Jungkook runs through the rain, his boots stomping across the grass until he reaches you. You don’t even look at him once he’s under the umbrella, eyes trained on the building in the far distance.
“You’re the worst,” You sigh.
“I am.”
“What took you so long?”
“I forgot you were coming,” He shrugs.
You stop walking for a second just so you could turn to look at him.
“I told you 3 days in advance that I was going to come. Even told you when I’d be here… down to the minute! You said you’d be there, waiting for me and now you’re telling me you forgot?”
You shake your head before you throw your hand up in the air. You wonder how his roommates can even tolerate the big buffoon standing in front of you.
“I’m sorry. I was— I was trying to—” Jungkook sighs before he pulls you in for a hug. He wanted to tell you that he was late because he just wanted to look his best for you but, he knows you’ll never let him live it down. “I’m sorry,” He repeats and all you do is sigh.
“I’ve missed you,” He hears you mumble against his uniform. “I know we talk every day, but I’ve missed you.“
“I’ve missed you too,” He smiles, pulling away just so he could see his favourite expression on your face. It’s the one where you’re all shy with the knitted eyebrows and unsure pout. Ah, you’re going to be the death of him.
“Now that that’s over, let’s go get lunch, and get you all warmed up,” He huffs, lifting you up over his shoulders. You shriek, asking him to put you down but it’s like he’s deaf. When he finally puts you down, you’re standing at the entrance of the cafeteria.
“You did that just to show off, didn’t you? Yeah, yeah I get it. All the military training’s given you muscles now.”
“It did,” He beams. “Are you impressed?”
“Not particularly,” You shrug, and he laughs. You join soon after, shaking your head as he attempts to show you how big his biceps are now.
Oh, wait. Did he say your shy look is his favourite expression? No, that laugh, and that smile… the one you have on now, yeah that’s his favourite expression.
send in an au and a number for a drabble!
- hi i don’t really know what a military au is supposed to be like but this is based off how my friend asked me to visit him at his base when he was in the army... and i never did HAHA. he’s still mad at me lmao but yas they only get to use the computer one hour per day. idk how military works in other countries! i’m sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind!
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