#mine was either Phantom Hourglass or Spirit tracks
jazzjlan · 5 months
ok look, this has been scratching my brain the past few days and i had to let it out, fair warning though it's not THAT shocking it just fascinates me and i was going insane as the damn linebeck stan i am
midway through this blog i just checked the zelda wiki and hyrule historia again and found out 100 years passed since then, so just a small warning this is all BEFORE i found out about the 100 year gap between the games, and theory's rather going with the more "logical" 70-80 years
This is basically related to Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, and specifically Linebeck himself. Based on some rambles of mine one random night at 4 am, with no prior research but facts from Hyrule Historia, and autism.
In Spirit Tracks, you come across Linebeck III, who looks very similar to Linebeck himself from Phantom Hourglass. He gives you a letter from his grandpa, which is signed "Linebeck Senior". Initially I thought; "Is his grandpa Linebeck's father? Is Linebeck this guy's dad, then?" But turns out I was wrong.
I was reading Hyrule Historia the other day (i have the french version, hence the french screenshot underneath) and it says that Linebeck III is not only Linebeck's descendant as mentioned in-game but also his grandson. Therefore, Linebeck Senior is in fact the guy we all know (and love) from Phantom Hourglass.
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don't worry, i got you covered, put a translation at the top as well
But then I was confused. I asked myself; "Wait, how did Linebeck ALREADY have a grandson???"
Putting Linebeck aside, if we pay close attention to Niko, the silly hehe pirate from Tetra's crew who appeared since Wind Waker, we notice that he's aged up, from possibly a child/teen to a grandpa. I'd like to pretend Niko's around 14-15 during TWW and PH.
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So if we think about it, a lot of time has passed since the events of Phantom Hourglass, let's say 70-80 years. we love you grandpa niko
Anyway, going back to Linebeck, let's say he's in his 40s, and so is Linebeck III (maybe younger, he seems like it), and if we still say that the average human life expectancy is 80 years, that means Linebeck III is born when his father's the same age, being 30-40 years old.
If we take this same pattern with Linebeck (Senior) and his child (Linebeck II), that means...
Linebeck's a father during the events of Phantom Hourglass???
i'm honestly shook over this fact idk why. it's just so funny to me to think of linebeck as a dad, seeing his personality and the way he acts and so on. i just always see him as some bitchless pathetic stinky garbage man LMAO
With whom did he even have this child? Jolene? Who knows?
Personally, I just think it's funny to think of Jolene's being after Linebeck's ass because of that child he possibly abandoned. But that's not the canon reason why she's after him, that being just pure revenge.
honestly i'd like to think of it like that it's just hilarious like "LINEBECK FOR FUCKS SAKE WHERES THE CHILD SUPPORT"
However, if we delve into the more canon timeline, being ST happening 100 years after PH, that would mean that Linebeck possibly had his child after finding land, by the end of PH. It's either that, or he could just be much older than I thought (like, maybe 60?) and he's already had his child.
and niko's old as fuck and somehow still thriving
thanks for listening to my rambles baibaiii
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mckittyarts · 5 years
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hey guys sorry about the couple of days i wasn’t posting!! this thing took a little longer than i thought-- but yeah! i’ve seen other artists draw their own interpretations of all the incarnations of Links, and i finally decided to draw the versions i’ve made up together with a friend of mine all in one place! get a load of these fools
tumblr wouldn’t let me post these in rows without them getting super blurry so there’s gonna be closeups, headcanons, etc under the cut
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Time (Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask):  - post-majora’s mask but he still has the scars from oot(dont ask me how idk either)  - Really Fucked up. Very Strange Grandpa  - despite actually having had the years to grow up this time he still acts like a kid  - idk i can’t really describe him but he’s just been through so much stress his only remaining emotion is essentially just “:)”  - he’s gone back to hyrule and is just kinda wandering around he got those two shoulder pads as a gift and they’re based off of the ones he has as a ghost  - the gauntlets are redesigned golden gauntlets only because i forgot what they looked like  - he’s missing his right eye from a wolfos and lost his finger when Ganon slapped his sword out of his hand also he has goron tattoos on his shoulders  - headcanon that he’s Zelda’s twin brother but they just never were told about it
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Sky (Skyward Sword):  - he’s got Sleepy Bitch Disease  - just wants to rest...... please let him Sleep For Once  - he gets very snappy and Rude, especially when he’s tired but he’s pretty patient and sweet around people he’s fond of  - headcanon that he has some form of asthma(because in game hes like constantly gasping for air)  - after the events of his game hes just Tuckered Out and just wants to sleep for the rest of his life  - i didn’t really give him any redesigns, just let him keep his skyloft outfit  - his scars are from demise and ghirahim(jerks)
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Twi (Twilight Princess):  - COUNTRY BOYYYY I LOVE YOUU  - furry boy go awooo  - amazing with animals and kids but doesn’t really cope too well in social situations because he gets Nervous  - GAY. I WONT ACCEPT ANY OTHER ANSWER  - headcanon that he’s the direct descendant of Time  - goes back to his Farming Ways after the War and just chills with the rest of Ordon village  - most of his scars are from those stupid Ghost Rats but he also has some others from Ganondorf
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Wild (Breath of the Wild):  - ‘scuse me everyone certified ROWDY BOY comin through  - he seems very normal from a distance but as soon as you get close to him you will realize that you just found a Raccoon  - *sees anything* oh! yum!  - really, really loves cooking and is actually really good at it even if his ingredients come from questionable locations  - headcanon that along with every other memory he lost, he also forgot most of what was pressuring him before his Death and is now completely unhinged and will not stop for anyones social standards  - he has a couple scars from being blasted by guardians but honestly most of his other ones are because he just really loves rolling down mountainsides
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Warrior (Hyrule Warriors):  - hh,,, Anxious boy :(  - he just really wants approval and he damn well deserves it  - when he first got appointed as the hero of whatever and got the master sword he was honestly starting to get a bit cocky  - but then Cia Promptly ripped all of that confidence and Rude Boy Behaviour out of him and he became :( again  - he could speak beforehand but he got an injury during the battles and is now rendered practically mute  - has a couple major scars underneath his scarf/tunic but he managed to keep his face mostly unscathed somehow
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Albi (A Link Between Worlds/Tri Force Heroes):  - Shy,,,, doesnt like Attention  - honestly just wants to be left alone but since he’ss the hero of whatever people just Gave Him Too Much Love  - broke down and is now Fashionable  - sometimes likes to sew or paint  - headcanon that he’s colourblind(tritanopia)  - those little marks on his skin are little “wall cracks” from merging too often  - has a few scars but no important ones tbh
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Minish (The Minish Cap):  - small and Super Mad About It  - he’s extremely quiet and only really ever talks if he’s mad or asked a question  - and even then he says as few words as he can possibly muster  - really dedicated blacksmith and is pretty good at his job despite his age  - still hangs out with Zelda a whole lot theyre still Best Friends  - the scar is from his fight with Vaati and he got an undershirt with a collar to hide it a bit because he feels a bit self conscious about it :(
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Engi (Spirit Tracks):  - BABY BOY. BABY  - fuckin LOVES trains. he would Probably Die without them. still an engineer  - completely polite and sweet, calls you sir and stutters a whole lot  - also likes to fidget when he doesn’t have anything to do with his hands  - secretly completely RIPPED and could probably break you in half if he just weren’t such a sweetheart  - missing tooth from Byrne smacking him in the face with his Metal Hand and constantly has scratches but thats just cuz hes clumsy  - headcanon that he’s the grandson of Wind  - another headcanon that he can see ghosts since he was the only one who could see Zelda when she got absolutely annihilated 
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Wind (The Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass):  - SHIP AHOY BITCHES  - absolutely Stupid. goddamn Fool, complete and utter buffoon  - tends to be a bit direct and a little too honest but as i said before. complete Dumbass  - ADORES to tease and poke fun as long as no one gets hurt  - swears like a sailor and IS a sailor. Its All Connected  - has a crooked nose because SOMEONE launched him at a wall that one time. Also from that explosion that launched him into that other wall that other time  - all his little jewelry things are treasures he found along the way
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Alti (A Link To The Past/Oracle of Seasons/Ages/Link’s Awakening): - oof this boi has been through So Much - just so tired of this shit.......... wants a break already - has pink hair because nintendo cant convince me otherwise and also has black roots because that’s his hair colour in the gameboy games - still misses everyone from the wind fish’s dream :( also idk know if he ever came back from the ocean tbh - honestly i know jack shit about any of his games so,,, sorry my boy
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Classic (The Legend of Zelda/The Adventure of Link): - the boy who started it all!!! god i love him so - honestly don’t really know much about him either,,, and honestly i dont think there is a lot to know the classic games are pretty plotless - but i like to imagine he’s like every Good Protagonist trope but none of the other links appreciate it a whole lot - “dont worry guys i believe we can do this! :)” cut to the whole group throwing trash at him - also gave him sectoral heterochromia to match the way his eyes look in the first game’s sprites
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chromsai · 7 years
Hey Sai I wanna get into more Legend of Zelda games but I don’t know where to start. I’ve played botw and have read the ocarina of Time manga. What would you suggest? :0
oh man tbh i think this is a tough question to answer cuz everyone gets into it at different times and if i’m being honest BOTW’s gameplay is pretty different to the rest of the series.
my instinct, tho, tells me to immediately recommend you my (now) second fav zelda game (because fuck BOTW was that good) which is Wind Waker. i will say it is linear af compared to BOTW’s open world but in terms of exploration i think it’s the closest thing to it (that being said... Wind Waker’s world is much smaller). ngl tho my favorite thing about Wind Waker is the soundtrack... gods... that soundtrack...
maybe you’d wanna play Ocarina of Time since you already read the manga and are familiar with the characters (though admittedly the OoT manga adds more depth to their personality ofc) so you’ll have an idea of what to expect. the puzzles in it are excellent though. Majora’s Mask also comes to mind because the story is much more... intense. tbh I haven’t yet finished Majora’s Mask but i know the story & characters pretty well and gods I love it.
speaking of good stories in zelda, I’d recommend Skyward Sword. you will get The Feels™ guaranteed. also, if you want more ZeLink, THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU. Another ZeLink game is Spirit Tracks (oh my god this game is so cute and the dungeons are awesome and the soundtrack is fucking great too, I will fight anyone). Twilight Princess is also up there with a great, epic AF story and honestly some of my favorite gameplay in the entire franchise, even if it’s also linear as heck. shipper feels from it too. Plus, ya get to be a wolf. I’m no furry but fUCK YEAH.
if you’re looking for zelda games with great puzzles, from what I’ve played, I’d recommend A Link Between Worlds & Oracle of Ages. the Oracle of Ages puzzles are really well thought out and complex, I really enjoyed that game. Same goes of ALBW & like honestly ALBW is genuinely superb for a Zelda game overall. ALL the dungeons are great, the characters are cute & endearing, it has a good amount of challenge, and tbh the wall-merging gimmick is one of the best ideas & uses of the 3DS’s capabilities. Oh plus this game is also pretty open-world so you can do whatever you want in pretty much any order you want almost to the same extent as BOTW.
besides all those, I’ve also played the original/first Legend of Zelda and well it’s just the basics, i’d say play it later on when you’ve finished other Zeldas and only if you really wanna play it for a challenge + 8bit goodness. People might be appalled at hearing me say this but I have yet to play ALTTP. Tbh tho I don’t even have to play it because I just KNOW it’s a great game since it established a lot of the Zelda formula that makes all the games so good plus it basically introduced Hyrule as we know it today. (I’ll play it some day I SWEAR... heck i have the game I just... haven’t gotten to it yet).
i think that’s all the games in the zelda franchise i’ve played beside Triforce Heroes (which is REALLY fun but you usually need either 3 friends to play or 3 random strangers to play and well unfortunately the online community is kinda dead last i checked... there is a single player option but... i didn’t find it as fun) and Phantom Hourglass which, imho, is the worst Zelda game. like it’s not a terrible game but like... it has a fair share of problems that make it tedious (*flashbacks of the Ocean King Temple... SHIVERS*).
you mentioned the manga & I know you didn’t ask about this but my god I love all of the manga for each game. Akira Himekawa really know how to get at your feels in brief chapters/volumes pretty effectively and they do a pretty good job of abridging each game’s plot without changing too much from it. Sometimes they’ll add original manga-only characters to some of them, like in the Alttp manga, but honestly I appreciate them more than I could ever dislike them at all. Their interpretation of Link in each manga is both unique to each game but still retain the most important part of his character each time (which is, to his core, being the righteous and courageous hero that he always is). And, overall, he’s pretty much always written as DORK so I’m sure you’ll appreciate that. 
and you know what, i’m just gonna say it: read the Four Swords manga. read it, Skitty. read it. read it oH MY GOD. what are you doing still reading this lame post of mine. go read the Four SwORDS MANGA AAAAAAAAA
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bestdayblogger · 7 years
Hourglass TRILOGY by Myra McEntire My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is really amazing! Im so grateful that I received this trilogy from PageTurnersBlog.com 3 years ago! Thank you so much!
One hour to rewrite the past…
For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing what isn’t there: swooning Southern Belles; soldiers long forgotten; a haunting jazz trio that vanishes in an instant. Plagued by phantoms since her parents’ death, she just wants the apparitions to stop so she can be normal. She’s tried everything, but the visions keep coming back.
So when her well-meaning brother brings in a consultant from a secretive organization called the Hourglass, Emerson’s willing to try one last cure. But meeting Michael Weaver may not only change her future, it may also change her past.
Who is this dark, mysterious, sympathetic guy, barely older than Emerson herself, who seems to believe every crazy word she says? Why does an electric charge seem to run through the room whenever he’s around? And why is he so insistent that he needs her help to prevent a death that never should’ve happened? -GOODREADS
When I first received the book I really loved the design of the cover and how it felt. It has a soft feel to it. I’m also grateful that I received the trilogy. I don’t know what I would do if it was just one book. I’ve read all three and absolutely love them! The first book is about a 17-year-old girl named Emerson. After her parents die In a bad accident she starts seeing spirits. Her brother is very concerned for her so he brings in a consultant from a secret organization called “hourglass.” This consultant comes into her life and changes everything for her. In this book you will find adventure, magic, love and friendships.
This book Kept me at the edge of my seat and I didn’t put it down! I really recommend this book. I related to this book in many little ways. I connected with the characters in so many emotional ways that this experience has been truly wonderful. Here are my connections:
1. The loss of the parents. 2. the symbol of infinity which has been my doodle since I was little and I don’t know why or how. 3. there is reference in the novel about Stephen King’s book “The Shining” which I’m currently reading.  4. One of the characters has the ability of feeling/reading other people’s emotions/pain and I strangely connect to that. Strange connections! Coincidence? I don’t know! I totally recommend this book it’s fantastic!
Part II of the Trilogy and it just keeps getting more exciting! I love all the characters and part two is narrated from a different character then the first book. I really enjoyed the story from Kaleb’s perspective. His special ability is that he’s able to share with us how each character is feeling. In this book there is adventure, love, fear and a lot of parts are very emotional!
“A threat from the past could destroy the future. And the clock is ticking.
Kaleb Ballard was never supposed to be able to see ripples – cracks in time. Are his powers expanding, or is something very wrong? Before he can find out, Jonathan Landers, the man who tried to murder his father, reappears. Why is he back, and what, or whom, does he want?
In the wake of Landers’ return, the Hourglass organization is given an ultimatum. Either they find Landers and the research he has stolen on the people who might carry the time gene, or time will be altered – with devastating results for the people Kaleb loves most.
Now Kaleb, Emerson, Michael, and the other Hourglass recruits have no choice but to use their unusual powers to find Landers. But where do they even start? And when? And even if they succeed, it may not be enough..”-GOODREADS
Infinityglass by Myra McEntire My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the first trilogy that I’ve completed. I’m so happy that I own this trilogy because these books can be read over and over again.
No time like the present. No time in the present. No time left. From the moment the Hourglass group violated the rules of the space time continuum to rescue a murdered loved one, time has been in flux. People from other centuries slide into our time, intruding into our space, threatening our world. Frantically seeking a way to turn back this tide, the Hourglass begins a search for the legendary Infinityglass, tracking it to the city of New Orleans, a place where the past rests easily with the present. Quiet, reliable Dune, the group’s favourite geek, is selected to travel to the Crescent City and somehow retrieve the renowned object. But there’s a problem. Because the Infinityglass is not an object, it’s a person. A beautiful, headstrong dancer named Hallie, a girl so enticing Dune can’t take his eyes off her. And time is not on her side. -GOODREADS
I love the characters, I love the concept and story. I love everything! You must read this trilogy, it was an amazing experience! This trilogy was my first and I could not put the books down. Truly brilliant! I really love how the relationships between the characters evolved. The author captured my attention from the very first book. She has written each book with such beauty and detail. Just amazing! I’m in love with this trilogy! Brilliant!
5 out of 5 for this TRILOGY!
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Hourglass TRILOGY by Myra McEntire REVIEW Hourglass TRILOGY by Myra McEntire My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book is really amazing! Im so grateful that I received this trilogy from…
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