#mind you the penguin film is a documentary rather than a fictional plot but it's feature length film
Hello! 3. Are you like your zodiac sign suggests that you should be? 45. If you could bring back a person from the dead who would you bring back? 53. Mention a movie that always makes you cry? (ça fait beaucoup)
Salut !
3. Are you like your zodiac sign suggests that you should be?
Yes and no! I am a Leo. I have a heart of gold and I can be warm and generous, sometimes even fun, and I enjoy attention. HOWEVER, I am also very private and want space too, and sometimes I hate being loud (and usually avoid being loud unless I'm with close friends) and I usually find very loud people extremely irritating because I know they're usually compensating for something that they lack. And often I do not know how to respond or act when all eyes are suddenly clearly on me (for example I HATEEE being presented things in public, e.g. formal ceremony or whatever. I'm like "please let me walk over, take it and leave, I don't want to be made just stand there and wait for someone to GIVE the thing to me in front of all these people, I'm no better than anyone else, let's just do this casually not formally"). I much prefer this type of attention and praise in a private setting, not for everyone to see because I feel it comes across as incredibly insincere that way. I'm also quite introverted, and Leos are given the reputation for being extroverted. I love doing things myself and with friends, but I also love just chilling at home. Also, god help you if you piss me off. I think that is an accurate Leo trait.
45. If you could bring back a person from the dead who would you bring back?
Okay honestly there are sooooo many different people I'd love to bring back to life, but if I could only choose just one...
Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I said Edwige Feuillère, would it? 😅 I would love to ask her so many questions, and I think she could give me some amazing fashion tips, haha. And I think we would genuinely get on well -- both a little shy but crave human connection, and she was so intelligent and well-read, so open-minded, I could listen to her talk about anything or we could discuss literature or history together for hoursssss. (Also maybe I would like to run away with her somewhere and have a passionate affair that would either last forever or end so terribly that neither of us would ever get over the other for the rest of our living days) Idk, either we would have much in common or she'd absolutely despise me, not sure which, but I'd like to think we would get on. 😅
53. Mention a movie that always makes you cry?
Hmm, there are quite a few that get a strong emotional reaction out of me, but making me really cry... I have only seen An Cailín Ciúin/The Quiet Girl (2022) once but I was bawling tears in the cinema by the end (and same with everyone else who ever saw it in the cinemas here, from what I've seen and heard!). It was so beautiful, I don't know if it is possible not to have a dry eye by the end of watching it! And I knew as I watched it that it was going to do so well with critics and award nominations, and it did!
Another film (that I have seen more than once) that always rips my heart out is Sans Lendemain (1939). I cry at that one too. </3
Honourable mentions go to Snow Chick - A Penguin’s Tale (2015), Waterloo Bridge (1940) and Marie Antoinette (2006).
Merci pour les questions !! ^.^
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