#mi papas celebrating my birthday! <3
sandersidess · 3 years
Remember Me
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29956005
CW: Death, Dead Character
This is original work with OCs that an ex friend of mine and I had. I know they won’t mind that I continue using them as I wrote more of them than they did, and 3 out of the 4 used are mine anyways. I might start posting more of them, but for now, enjoy this. Forgive my Spanish. I do speak it (I’m Latina) but not good at writing much.
Songs Inspo: Recuérdame (Arullo) by Gael Garcia Bernal, Lucy Hernandez Entre Dos Aguas by Paco de Lucia
Santiago watches from the door as Lorenzo strums his guitar, their three year old daughter looking at him with joy. A soft smile was on his face, listening to his husband sing to their daughter.
“Recuérdame. Hoy me tengo que ir, mi amor. Recuérdame,” Lorenzo sings to Zeriah, smiling at the way she bounced on her knees.
This was their song now, a sweet song he has sung to her since they brought her home. He would mostly sing it when he had a long business trip or when it was bedtime. He would also sing it whenever Zeriah requested it. He could never say no to his sweet daughter. His pride and joy.
“No llores, por favor. Te llevo en mi corazón y cerca me tendrás. A solas yo te cantaré, soñando en regresar,” Lorenzo taps her nose, laughing at her sneeze. She always did sneeze when her nose was tapped or kissed. She got that from him.
“Recuérdame. Aunque tengo que emigrar. Recuérdame. Si mi guitarra oyes llorar,” Lorenzo continues strumming his guitar, looking over at Santiago.
He smiles at the sight of his husband, watching him record them both. He always had a thing for capturing moments. Lorenzo blows a kiss, both men laughing as Zeriah does the same.
Lorenzo looks back at Zeriah, both starting to sing again, “Ella con su triste canto te acompañará. Hasta que en mis brazos tu estés,” Lorenzo smiles and kisses her cheek, finishing up the song with her, “Recuérdame.”
Zeriah stares down at the tombstone of her father, bending down and places down the sunflowers. She smiles sadly down at the grave, looking at her fiancé as he places a hand on her shoulder. Zeriah wipes away her tears and looks over at her father, Santiago, who stood next to her as well.
“Can you start please?” Zeriah whispers to her fiancé, letting out a deep breath as she goes down on her knees.
The sweet sound of a guitar surrounds them, Zeriah gently brushing her hand over the tombstone. It’s been six years since he’s passed away and it still hurt her. She doesn’t cry much anymore, she moved on as he told her to do. She wishes Lorenzo could have met Aidan. That Lorenzo could have been there for her college graduation. He would have cheered the loudest of them all. She was now twenty five, and grown up to be the woman he wanted her to be. Independent, happy as she can be, with her dream job.
“Papa,” Zeriah whispers softly, putting a smile on her face.
“Now now. No tears, mija. Quiero ver esa sonrisa antes de que me vaya. Ahi esta. Esa sonrisa hermosa. Ay, mi niña. My girasol. Recuerda, mira la vida con una sonrisa. Es un insulto para las que te quieren matar que sonríes. Siempre sonría. Baila. Grita con emoción. Dale gracias a lo que te crees, que amaneciste con vida.”
Zeriah stands up and looks at her dad, and holds out her hand. Santiago looks at Zeriah and nods, holding onto her hand. They both smile, closing their eyes at the breeze of wind they feel. They both start to dance, smiles on their faces as they did. They could feel Lorenzo with them, strumming his guitar and cheering them on.
“Baila! Tira un grito! Woo!” Lorenzo laughs as he strums his guitar, watching Santiago and Zeriah dance in the rain.
They dance, they laugh, they talk with smiles. They celebrate Lorenzo’s birthday with no tears, with no sadness, but with joy. They do it every year, as he requested they do. To see his birth and death not as a moment to mourn, but to celebrate his life. And so they do.
They celebrate and remember him.
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atikahrnisa · 3 years
dear my bff, happy bday :)
My dear best friend - my sister, Mia.
This's the second time I haven't celebrated your birthday in person 😞Jujur sedih bangeeeettttt, kamu sedih ga? ngga lah pasti :/ lol 
gue nulisnya pake bahasa indo aja yaa biar beda sama surat-surat kemarin, plus ini nulisnya di Tumblr, jadi Mia gabakal kesusahan baca tulisan gue lagi hehe 😅
Mia, gue kasih sub-bab ya tulisan ini.
1.1 Just Atika's feeling about Mia.
Mia, di 24 tahunnya Mia ini gue sangat bersyukur Mia masih hidup dan jadi sahabat terdekat gue, kalo ada tulisan yang sangat klise "apalah hidup gue tanpa lo", bagi gue beneran ga klise samsek, karna kayanya gue gabisa bayangin gimana kehidupan gue ini tanpa ketemu Mia di kampus, gimana  kalo dulu pas selulus SMA gue ga milih jalan ke Bakrie, ataauu sederhananya, gimana kalo dari awal gue gaikut Himpunan trus ga random bilang "muka lo kayak cewek brengsek Amrik dah" wakkakague pernah mikirin random thoughts ini while in shower LOL Bcs after all this time, akhirnya gue selalu bersyukur gue ketemu lo di masa-masa beranjak dewasa nya gue, Mia selalu ada "lah ya" setiap gue ngrasa down atau tiba-tiba nangis atau tiba-tiba ngrasa seneng, tiba-tiba dapet sesuatu, etc., you're my 119. Jujurr pasti ada hal-hal yang selalu bikin gue sedih karena Mia, misal "Mia kok ga care sama gue", "Mia kok gitu", "Mia gue sakit tau, liat kek", "Mia ko cuek yaaa, gue ada salah?", "Mia kok duduknya kayak ngjauh gitu?", semua hal-hal yang selalu jalan di otak gue sendiri wakkakaka😭But again, gue uda cukup ngerti Mia gimana, mood mia kayak gimana, meledak pas kapan, baik pas kapan, manja pas kapan.. mungkin banyak yaa yang gue juga gatau tentang lo, tapi gue uda bisa cukup berbangga ada hal-hal kecil yang bisa gue cover buat nutup atau lindungin lo sedikit :")gatau sihhhh.. kepedean kali ya gue??
Sayang banget gue sama lo Miaaaa 😭 bahkan kalo lo uda ibu2 umur 55+ dan gue juga masih hidup, gue rela bantuin lo urut kaki dan punggung lo yang sakit grgr kebanyakan makan daging pas muda nya dan gaada yang mijitin karna anak-anak lo lagi sibuk ng gaul diluar dan suami lo belom pulang kantor, gue juga rela nginep berminggu-minggu/ berbulan-bulan buat nemenin lo *misal amit-amit* lo ada musibah dirumah dan lo sendiri lagi sedih bangetttt (omg i'm crying rn😭), atau apapun pas Mia kesusahan, gue bakal berusaha ada disamping Mia dan ninggalin apa yang lagi gue kerjain (Mia tau gue kann). Se sayang itu gue sama lo, Mi. Mungkin dulu gue ga gimana-gimana sama lo, ya biasa aja temenennya, mungkin dulu jg gue lebih ke geng satunya, tapi semenjak waktu lo curhat ke gue soal Dia panjang lebar di telpon dan sialnya gue ngasi saran yang bodoh bangetttt (karna dulu gue masih mikir lo gapapa sama Dia aja, mungkin dia uda Nyadar), trus beneran lo lakuin saran gue ituu pas Mia ketemu di TM. Dan pulang-pulang Mia nangis kejer sampe demam, disitu pertama kalinya gue sesedih itu liat temen gue "sakit", sejak dari itu gue gamau lagi lo kejebak dilubang yang sama, makanya gue juga uda benci banget sama Dia dan beberapa cowo yg uda keliatan brengsek lagi deketin lo, walopun gue nyadar sikap gue terlalu protektif dan harus relain Mia ga cerita-cerita ke gue atau sampe nyembunyiin banyak hal ke gue waktu itu. JUJUR SEDIH DAN NANGIS. Tentu sih, ada sebab akibat yang harus gue tanggung karna bersikap kayak gitu ke lo. (huhu makin kejer air mata gue disini 😭😭) Tapi hamdallah berjalannya waktu, lo keren banget sejauh ini, even sempet ke distract pun lo uda tau mana yang bikin lo jadi "orang gila" dan mana yang bikin lo jadi "orang bener”. Gue juga seneng akhirnya lo cerita-cerita lagi ke gue soal Dia. Ya, gue harus nurunin ego waktu itu walopun susah demi bisa Mia cerita-cerita bebas lagi, harus sok-sok "ga kenapa-kenapa" tiap Dia ke bahas. Tapi sekarang sih gue uda biasa aja karna Mia juga uda pinter hehehhe smoga..
Maaf ya Mia, sampe sekarang gue masih menyesali “war” kita yang pernah ada selama ini, ada “war” yang serius maupun “war” ringan. Maaf atas kejadian yang dulu-dulu, baik itu dari gue dan dari lo.  Maaf juga, mungkin gue gabanyak cerita soal seseorang ke lo, malah cerita ke yang lain sampe Mia bilang “ko aku gatau??” “ko aku gatau cerita ini??” itu beneran nanya karna penasaran atau formalitas doang gasii Miii????? :(  seneng sih ditanyain gitu...... tapi namanya Mia Dody kan suka cuek-cuek bebek. That’s why gue gabannyak cerita untuk bagian-bagian seperti itu hihi
OMG CHEESY BANGET GASI INI?   JAWAB GA?! pls jawab di chat wakkaka
*tapi aku emang se cheesy dan se drama ini kalo nyangkut temen 😭*
Dear Mia, please Mia jangan keseringan mikirin apa gue baik-baik aja tiap "direpotin" Mia, atau Mia yang nanya "kamu gapapa atika? BOHOONG kamu kenapa-kenapa kan sebenernya", please gausa nanya-nanya begitu hahaha again, gue bakal lakuin apa aja kok buat sahabat gue sendiri, biarin itu urusan gue. HAHAHAHA
OIYAAA KITA GAPUNYA FOTO BERDUA YANG BARENG YA hahahaha kadang juga gue sedih dan berpikir sih “ni orang ko selfie mulu gamau apa foto ama gue buat kenang-kenangan” wakakkakakaka tapiii makin dikit moment kita, makin besfrend lah kita, sesuai postan yang Mia kirim ke gue waktu itu dan menurut quotes-quotes pertemanan yang ada di gugel
kok nulis part diatas doang yang haha hihi masih aja nangis sih guennya 😭😭 I’m fragile heart💔
1.2 About Mia 1. Hey Mia, kamu itu cantik bangetttt jadi gausa minder yang tidak pada tempatnya wakakakkaa  2. Mia, gapapa belum ada pacar sekarang, mungkin emang Allah uda siapin jodoh terbaik - ter ganteng - ter mapan - ter sholeh - ter perhatian - ter setia buat Mia Dody seorang di masa akan datang, ya semoga secepatnya segera diberi yah ALIAS langsung nikah. Makanya kamu jangan kek orang desperate gitu napa kan masih ada kita-kita, masih ada gue pun, gue yakin kalo lo punya pacar yang “ga seberapa” dibanding yang disediain Allah buat slot suami lo, pasti pacar lo itu bakal kalah juga ilmu dan perhatiannya sama gue dan bicis hahahahhaha Jadi bersabarlah nak.  3. Lo keren dan pinter banget titik. Kayak cerminan orang sempurna tau? ya minus tinggi dan kelakuan2 diluar batas lo sih wakaka 🙈 Mama Eda pas ngandung lo mikirin sama ngidam apaan yaakkk huffttt pasti juga grgr gen papa Mia yang pinter juga sih. Gue sangat memuji kepinteran dan kerennya Mia di beberapa hal like “anjirr gue punya sahabat keren bangett!” trus baik pula kan ke temen-temennya, aw. 4. Attention seeker, eh ini in positive way yaaa. Tiap lo lewat gue yakin banyak yang nengok dan penasaran sama lo, mungkin karna adanya aura positif kali yaa hehe
1.3 For Mia
Mia, gue gatau kenapa masih ada omongan-omongan buruk tentang lo diluar sana, bahkan omongan dari lingkup kita pun ada, padahal lo ga nglakuin apapun ke mereka, mungkin kalopun ga disengaja ada hal keluar dari lo pun ga segede omongan orang-orang itu buat judge lo. Gatau ya Mia, gue bahkan kadang uda kesel dengerin omongan-omongan yang gue tau lo begitu, gue mau ngasih jawaban ke orang-orang itu pun buat apa juga kan, bukan urusan mereka dan bukan ranah mereka untuk tau kehidupan lo secara pribadi. Kadang gue ada diposisi sulit bela lo karna orang-orang suka judge pertemanan kita berdua :( gue selalu harus neken omongan yang keluar dari gue biar orang-orang diem aja gausa mahamin. Makasi ya Mia lo uda bertahan di titik ini walaupun banyak hal uda terjadi di hidup lo, banya yang uda lo tanggung 😭ah makin sayaangggg😭 Semoga Mia selalu baik hati dan sikap nya terus ya biar Allah kasih Mia bermilyar-milyar kebaikan dan ketenangan di hati Mia buat hadapin hal-hal lebih besar kedepannya.  Gue selalu berdoa smoga lo dikasi Allah cowok yang bener-bener ngertiin dan cinta tulus ke Mia dulu deh bukan yang harus cakep materi dan karir cemerlang kek bos2, tapi cowok yang bisa ngertiin dan cinta tulus ke Mia itu yang harus bener-bener Mia dapet, karna jujur pasti susah karna beberapa cowok selama ini cuman take advantage ke Mia. Gue cuman mau lo dipertemukan sama cowo yang sikapnya pertama kali lo lihat kayak dua contoh tadi 😭
Mia, lo sehat-sehat yah, senang-senang terus jangan lupa, inget-inget gue juga jangan lupa ehe, sambil kerja cari calon imam juga jangan lupa, gapapa nangis tapi jangan kayak yang udah-udah yaaaa levelnya💔  Take care of your family juga, rajin-rajin pulang ke mama-papa dan bapak-mama plus adik-adik kamu ya, jangan lupa Farhan, Queen, sama dua adik kamu dikasi angpao karna kamu ultah wkwkkwkw canda angpao 😆
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babycareel · 3 years
February 13, 2019
Dear diary,
It was a wonderful morning when I head out of our house to go to school. I bumped into my papa who was helping his friend carrying a huge karaoke box.
I said my goodbye to him and when I was ready to catch a ride, he told me “Nak, tarong skwela ha” (child, do well on your studies).
I gave my papa a faint smile and nod my head. Papa was unemployed. We only have a sari sari store, because he had to stop pursuing his dream before, to work and send his 3 other brothers to school. Papa is a tidy person. But not on himself. You see him with ragged shirt and shorts, and an exhausted face. But that’s because he is working non stop. He is a cock breeder, everyday he would clean a very wide field at the back of our house.
Anyways, when I got to school we were only rehearsing for our prom. Nothing special happened.
Around 5pm, I got a text from my mama. “Nak, giatake imong papa” that moment I knew, that I’m gonna lose him. I kept praying to God “Lord please don’t let this happen”. I did not respond to my mom. She texted mi again “Cardiac”. My mama was at my lola’s house that time when she texted me.
Since we live away from city, I told my mom that they should go to the hospital and I’m just gonna wait outside my school.
At this time I am not convinced my papa is gone. I kept telling them to get an ambulance. When my mama said (Lyk, just please come home.).
I was at the highway of our school when I fell onto my knees, I was filled with grief and anger. I didn’t care about the people who were watching me. I was shouting, crying my heart out. I almost passed out because intense emotion is not for me. Good thing I was with a friend. And got a phone call from my mommy (my biological mom) “Lyk, go home to your mama, she needs you”.
That’s when I decided I should go home.
And there I saw my papa, with a white blanket covering his whole body. Some of my relatives were there.
I rushed to him, and slowly opened the blanket with my shaking hands, showing his face.
I buried my face into his chest and felt his freezing body. He was cold, hard, and lifeless. My uncle stopped me because he said it’s not good to shed tears on the corpse.
When I calmed down, I went inside the house and saw my mama standing, talking to my ate (sister) who is an OFW. My mama was cold, and shaking. She wasn’t crying anymore, but she was quiet.
What else could we do?
Papa was really and literally my number 1 fan. Despite of having not much money, he supported my dream to become a doctor. He was the proudest when he knew I made it to the top of my class and most of my family doubted me.
You see, I never really knew my dad. My mom gave me up when I was only days old. She left me at the hospital. My mom and mama are sisters. So mama and papa decided they would take and look after me as their own child.
It was a wonderful 16 years with papa. That 16 years is where I felt I’m in the safest place. That no one can do harm on me, that no one could ever hurt me.
Even when we didn’t have much, I am proud and I’ll always be proud of having my papa. Even with dirty clothes, he does what he loves. I just hope that I made him genuinely happy in that 16 years that we were together. Life will never be the same without him.
We celebrate our birthdays on the same day. Its either on July 4 (my birthday) or on July 6 (his birthday). Birthdays from now on will never be happy. I’d have to bare it as long as I’m living. That I have to grieve on my birthdays. And even on valentines day. He left us the day before valentines day.
Until then x
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Victoria:Papa Hector wake up mama imelda just fainted!!??
Hector:what!!Don't hurt my imelda!!
The two of them rushed into the living room and...
Rivera's :Surprise!!! Happy birthday Hector!!
Hector:uhh.. What is this?
Imelda:Since we didn't celebrate your birthday on those years hating you we made you a little surprise.
Hector:Gracias you mi familia
Imelda whispered to hector:So do you like it?
Hector:Like it?I LOVED IT!!
And then hector kissed imelda
Imelda:happy birthday mi amor.. I love you
Hector:i love you too.. And gracias for the surprise
Julio:Ok let's eat!! Breakfast is READY!!
After they all ate their breakfast the twins bought 5 cases of beer
Oscar:now!who's ready to drink!!
Hector whispered to imelda:Are you up for a challenge mi amor?
Imelda:i'm up for any challenge..so what is it
Hector:Get drunk..if you don't do it there will be punishment
Imelda:what kind of punishment?
Hector:its a secret i will not tell you so are you up for my challenge
Its been 3pm they all have been drunk and laughing the twins bought another batch of beers
Hector:Wow I'm drunk
Imelda:me too I'm a bit tipsy
Coco:are you two ok
Imelda:yes,we are a bit drunk
And finally the beer cases were all empty it was night time victoria and rosita were cleaning the kitchen
Imelda:let's go to sleep
Hector:si I'm a bit tired
When they reached their bedroom hector pushed imelda on the bed
Hector:isn't it a bit hot
Imelda:si i dont know how on earth is the land of the dead hot its always cold
Hector:anyways lets go to sleep
And they fall a sleep
The next night
Hector: uhhhmm... Mi amor
Imelda:si flaco
Hector: do you remember my sister sophia and Anastasia?
Imelda:of course i remember them,why?
Hector:well sophia discovered a uhhhmm.. I mean invented a medicine that skeletons will look like their faces when they die we will look like our human faces again
Imelda:what!! Is that true!? Omg how amazing
Hector:i know right!!sophia said we will go to her house and try their invention
Imelda:Ok we will go there tomorrow
The next day they arrived at sophia's house and try her new invention and.... It Worked! Imelda just looked the young lady in their offrenda and hector too and the rest of the riveras but... Coco and julio looked like they are 15 again julio grew taller like 5'3 but hector is taller than him he is 6'4 which is very tall
Sophia:Wow it worked!!
Imelda:wow sophia how did you invent this thing!?
Sophia: well i could teach you someday anything for the rivera's
Hector:Gracias Sophia
At that moment imelda's phone rings
Imelda:hello...WHAT!! Ok we will be there
Coco:what happened mama?
Imelda:the head of the family reunions just called and... Someone just joined us
Rosita:who mama imelda?
Victoria:was it elena?
Oscar:was it franco?
They all expect that it was someone old from their family
Imelda:Miguel...just died he got hit by a truck
Hector:Miguel!!but... He is too young to die...
Coco:poor miguelito he is now away from his family
Imelda:lets go meet miguel
They arrive at the family reunion and they saw crying miguel and a woman comforting him
Coco:miguel were here now dont cry anymore..
Said coco comforting him
Miguel:why it has to be me!! I am not ready to die!
Imelda:dont worry miguel we will take care of you
Hector:si miguel, you will have fun in this place since you didn't have much time last time you got here..
Miguel:i will try to have some fun..
The next morning
Miguel:Wait...why do we have skin?
Hector:Well... My sisters sophia and ana invented a medicine to have skin
In that time Coco just remembered that this comming thursday was Imelda's and Hector's wedding anniversary
Imelda:Mija are you ok?
Coco:Si mama
Miguel:papa hector can i meet your sisters?
Hector:Why miguel? I mean of course just tell me when
Miguel: Now,i want to meet them now
Imelda:Ok you two go to sophia but be back before lunch
Miguel: Wait mama imelda,you should come with us
Imelda:I'm busy miguel
Miguel: Just come with us mama imelda so you can relax
Coco just realized that miguel was right imelda should go with hector and miguel so she and the rest of the Rivera's can plan what is the perfect surprise
Coco:si mama,miguel is right you should go with them
Imelda:and what am i gonna do there
Miguel whispered to imelda:Mama imelda you should spend time with papa hector... And you can find out what has he been up to here in the land of the dead
Hector: Are you two finish?
Imelda:uhm... Si I'll come with you
Hector:lets go,adios!
Coco:Adios take care!
And coco told the rest of the Rivera's her plan
Imelda sat at the front seat hector on the driver seat and miguel on the back seat and they drove
Miguel:How many siblings do you have papa hector?
Hector:I have 5 siblings 3 boys and 3 girls
Miguel:Wow,what are their names?
Hector: Do you really want to know?
Miguel: well yes
Hector:Albert,William,Me,sophia,leina and anstasia
Miguel:ok, are we there yet?
Hector:mabye 10 minutes left
Imelda: why do you even want to meet them miguel?
Miguel: i just want to
Imelda:what are we going to do there?
Miguel: have fun and relax
Hector: Relax its going to be fun,imelda
Imelda:i just regret making that decision hector
Hector:yiehhh.....baby imelda...
Imelda:Stop it hector
Hector:were here!
They enter the house
Anastasia : sup imector!!
Miguel: imector?
Anastasia: oh hi you must be miguel!! I'm Anastasia ana for short
Miguel:hi who's imector?
Hector:seriously ana
Ana:imector is hector and Imelda's love team
Sophia:my favorite brother is here! Terry and hi miguel!
Imelda:terry... Papa terry...
Hector: girls are so typical
Imelda: what did you say!!??
Hector:nothing mi amor!!
Miguel: wow what a cool house
Sophia:so what are you doing here?
Hector:miguel just wants to say hi and meet you
And they keep chatting and laughing then they drove back to the Rivera's shoe shop
Imelda:Why the heck!the door is lock!!
Coco:uhm.. Mama we are discussing family problems
Rosita:lunch is ready!
Victoria: We will just put the plates then we are ready to eat mama imelda
Imelda: I'll go change my clothes
Imelda changed her clothes and was about to open the door suddenly hector pulled her and kissed her passionately
Imelda:Hector were going to eat
Then hector stopped feeling hurt then nodded.Then the two came downstairs to eat when they finished eating hector pulled miguel to the garden and sat on the grass
Miguel:Whats wrong papa hector?
Hector:I think your mama imelda hate's me
Miguel:why would you say that papa hector
Hector: she keeps shutting me out and she doesn't want me on her zapateria
Miguel:mabye she's just careful for you after that ernesto incident
Hector: I can take care of myself
Miguel: Papa hector...
Hector:Si miguel
Miguel: Can i ask you a question?
Hector: of course
Miguel: Papa hector do you like to have a baby?
Hector: ......
Miguel: oops sorry i think i shouldn't ask that question i was just curious if you want a baby again
Hector: its ok... Anyways let go back
The thursday has come its Imelda's and Hector's anniversary coco had everything ready. Miguel approach mama coco
Miguel:Uh... Mama coco
Coco:si miguel are you exited!
Miguel:I talked to papa hector yesterday and i asked him a question
Coco: what kind of question mijo did you ask?
Miguel: if he wants to have a baby again
Coco:and what did he say
Miguel: He didn't answer me,and he told me that mama imelda hates him
Coco:Why did they fight?
Miguel: no,What do we do mama coco its their wedding anniversary they can't be fighting
Coco: Don't worry mijo they will not fight I will talk to mama.
Imelda was making shoes then coco approach her
Coco:mama what did you buy to papa?
Imelda: Why do i have to buy him?his birthday was over
Coco: Mama you forgot... Your wedding anniversary
Imelda:No mija our anniversary was on....
Coco:December 28 Which is now! I can't believe you forgot mama
Imelda: so sorry mija I'll make it up to him
Coco:ok mama
Then imelda was cleaning her hands in their room and hector sneak up behind her and kissed her cheek
Hector:Happy anniversary mi amor
Hector hands her a gift
Imelda: Thank you but i didn't get you anything
Hector:its ok
Imelda:Whats with the new scent?
Hector:Frida gave it to me
Imelda: Who's frida?
Hector: My high school classmate
Hector:open your gift imelda
Imelda opens her gift and gasp a painting of imelda
Hector:so do you like it
Imelda:Gracias when did you even paint this!?
Hector: Last week
Imelda: Gracias mi amor
Hector : De nada
So its not finish yet guys so i shall return don't worry i will finish it hope you like it
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hamlettell · 7 years
92 Truths!
Rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag! Stolen from: @makumii​ (huzzah!) LAST… 1. drink: Plum tea 2. phone call:  Mi papa 3. text message: Either my brother or sister 4. song you listened to: Lana Del Rey - Love (someone recommended it, but i wasn’t a big fan??) 5. time you cried: They all blur together; it could’ve been yesterday, it could’ve been last week HAVE YOU EVER… 6. dated someone twice: Lmao, no and I don’t think I ever would. 7. been cheated on: No. 8. kissed someone and regretted it: Don’t think so? I kiss a lot of people; only dated one person, but i’ve kissed a lot of people. 9. lost someone special: Ehhhhh? *shrugs* 10. been depressed: Well, yeah, lmao, i have depression.  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Noooooo. Don’t drink alcohol, kids, it’s gross. LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12. Blue 13. Green 14. Purple (these are not in order)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. made new friends: Hell yeah, boi 16. fallen out of love: No? Hard to fall out of love when you’ve never been in love 17. laughed until you cried: Yes! I love my friends!! 18. found out someone was talking about you: If they have, I don’t remember? 19. met someone who changed you: Yeah, but like, they are a shitty person and they’ve made me stand up for myself better because they were that gross 20. found out who your true friends are: Idk 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Dude, so many. Again, I kiss a lot of people (though, not usually on the lips) GENERAL… 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of ‘em 23. Do you have any pets: No. I wish I could have a farm of just dogs tho. 24. Do you want to change your name: I like my first and last name, though I’m sure I’m gonna change my middle name. 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Nothing, which is what I wanted. My birthday parties throughout high school have given me some of the shittiest experiences, so I refuse to celebrate or even acknowldege my birthday at this point :l 26. What time did you wake up: 8:30AM 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I have no clue. 28. Name something you cannot wait for: My audition for NKU and also for Gotham to finally freaking return. 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: Like 30 minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: The sex I was born as. That is maybe the only thing. 31. What are you listening to right now: The quiet humming of my laptop fan. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah, 3 actually. One’s real gross, the other one is funny, and the third one is a giant beefcake that can crush me at any moment, but he’s also my mentor kinda?? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My weight? Is that something that can get on someone’s nerves? 34. Most visited website: Tumblr, youtube, and gmail. 35. Elementary: Was pretty freaking chill. 36. High school: Really wasn’t that great, but I love my friends and teachers 37. College: I am currently loving everything about it! 38. Hair colour: Dark brown/black 39. Long or short hair: Short as hecko 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Besides the lovely actors and creators I know of, no! I don’t crush on someone very easily and atm, I don’t really care to. 41. What do you like about yourself? My eyes. I think that’s about it. 42. Piercings: Nooonono. I don’t like piercings on me. 43. Blood type: No heckin’ idea. 44. Nickname: Vinny >30 45. Relationship status: Single as heck *waves my finger guns around* 46. Zodiac sign: Cancer 47. Pronouns: He/Him 48. Fav tv show: Currently Gotham, but I absolutely love Brooklyn Nine-Nine, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Parks and Rec, and Community 49. Tattoos: Nah. They look p cool, but I’d never get one. 50. Right or left handed: Right FIRST… 51. surgery: Root canal. Mouth surgery hurts, don’t do it. 52. piercing: Don’t have one. 53. best friend: Every 54. sport: Tennis. I don’t play competitively anymore, but I still really like it! 55. vacation: I remember it being one to Arizona, I think? 56. pair of trainers: I have no fucking clue. RIGHT NOW… 57. eating: Nothing 58. drinking: My plum tea. I have a stomach ace. 59. i’m about to: Get ready for class 60. listening to: Nothing, but wasn’t this in a previous category?  61. waiting for: Uhhh??..???? 62. want: Cuddles and Kisses. Everyone come to my house and drop them off. 63. get married: No! Too much to do and I can’t waste time on something as time-consuming as a romantic relationship. 64. career: I am currently not working (other than doing some art to the side?), but I’m working to become either a journalist or actor (I’m majoring in both) WHICH IS BETTER… 65. hugs or kisses: DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE!! 66. lips or eyes: They’re both nice, but I think eyes might win this one. 67. shorter or taller: I honestly don’t care. I’m pretty short myself. 68. older or younger: Not too picky about it, but I kind of prefer older rn (I’m 18 for god’s sake, i’m not going to date a high school kid) 69. romantic or spontaneous: Eh 70. nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t really care, but nice arms could pick me up 71. sensitive or loud: Either is fine 72. hook up or relationship: I’m ace, wtf am I gonna do with a hook-up. Cuddle once and then never speak to each other again? 73. troublemaker or hesitant: I don’t really care, but I’m a troublemaker, so I probably need someone who’s hesitant. HAVE YOU EVER… 74. kissed a stranger? No, but it sounds fun! 75. drank hard liquor? No. I don’t even like light liquor (if that’s what you call it?). 76. lost glasses/contact lenses? Contacts, yes. Glasses, no. 77. turned someone down: 3-5 times, maybe? The last one asked me out in a super gross, very inappropriate way. 78. sex on first date? Hell no, never. 79. broken someone’s heart? Don’t think I have. 80. had your own heart broken? Noooope.  81. been arrested? No and ples don’t arrest me. 82. cried when someone died? Yes. I am a giant crybaby. I cry when people I don’t know die. 83. fallen for a friend: Once, kind of. It was a relationship I was interested in, but I regret being curious about it because it only lasted for a month and a half. We’re still friends, but we should’ve just stayed as friends before then :L DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. yourself? Yeah, kind of 85. miracles? Nope 86. love at first sight? Lmao, absolutely not 87. santa claus? No and I never have! I was always told there wasn’t a Santa 88. kiss on the first date? If that’s what the person feels and wants, why not? 89. angels? Nope OTHER… 90. current best friend: everyone reading this, ur now my best friend 91. eye colour: Brown, bleeehh 92. favourite movie:  I’ve got a few. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Hot Fuzz, Moana, Mulan, and some others, I just can’t think rn.
I tag: Everybody reading this. If you’ve read this, you’re obligated to do this!!
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zzsleepyyoongi · 7 years
92 truths {pt. 2}
took this 92 truths tag I filled out back in senior year of high school and completing it again as a second year undergrad student in college-- bolding my new answers for comparison to my old ones in order to witness my growth as an individual~
1 - last beverage: chocolate milk //chocolate milk LMAO 2- last phone call: my friend because I was selling her some textbooks ahaha :’) MADE $140 THIS MORNING YOOOO //my mother because mi madre lmaO 3 - last text message: Liv (aka the love of my life) //meri papa <3 4 - last song you listened to: currently just one day by bts x //mic drop by bts (oh how things have not changed) 5 - last time you cried: last night //two weeks ago
// HAVE YOU EVER 6 - dated someone twice: haven’t even dated someone once oops //LMAOOO I never thought I’d be that person but lmao as he would say,,, “yeh” 7 - been cheated on: ^ //I’m not even sure tbh which is messed up 8 - kissed someone and regretted it: still haven’t had that first kiss either //yeah lmao oops 9 - lost someone special: death-wise, relatives, of course. life-wise, many, many people. //still true 10 - been depressed: mhm //lol 11 -been drunk and threw up: don’t like drinking at all, so that will probably never happen //been drunk but haven’t thrown up so aye!!!! 12-14- three favorite colors: maroon, white, gold //maroon, white, gold :’)
// IN THE LAST YEAR, YOU HAVE 15 - made a new friend: yup //forsureeeee because college life 16 - fallen out of love: have yet to fall in love //mhmmmm 17 - laughed until you cried: at least once, yes //oh forsure 18 - met someone who changed you: yes (Sanjana & Liv) //yes x100000 (bun bun, maheenie, kunji, ericka, etc.) 19 - found out who your true friends are: found that out a long time ago hahahah //cycles, man 20 - found out someone was talking about you: I’m sure //yup 21 - kissed anyone you follow/follows you: no //still no 22 - how many people do you know in real life that you follow/follows you on Tumblr: at least 10 //more now, like 15 or 20 24 - do you have any pets: no, I wish //still wish 25 - do you want to change your name: definitely no, love my name so much //still true and will always be true 26 - what did you do for your last birthday: drove an hour to my brother’s place, kicked it with him (food, tv, nintendo 64), then went out to dinner to my fav restaurant with him & my parents ((also celebrated diwali a bit)) //lollll b/c the actual day was lol but otherwise joint bday dinner with friends along with some diwali party!! 27 - what time did you wake up today: .. LOOL uh 2:45am because I had to do an ap bio lab report and I put it off completely b/c I hate that class //lmao ap bio was the death of me anywAYS this morning was like 10am god bless 28 - what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping //just walked in my house from a diwali party lmao 29 - name something you CANNOT wait for: for bollywood dance classes to start up again //for my birthday, tbh (’: i’m getting old lmaooo 30 - last time you saw your mother: like 30 minutes ago //today before I came back to college 31 - what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: wish I could stabilize it //still very true but also just figure out what the hell I’m doing lolz 32 - what are you listening to right now: bts, of course (on shuffle, and n.o is playing right now) //bts, of course, on shuffle again~ pied piper currently playing 33 - have you ever talked to a person named Tom: don’t think so //still don’t think so lmao 34 - what’s getting on your nerves right now: ap bio //chemistry 106 and 126 lulz 35 - most visited website(s): tumblr, twitter, snapchat(? that’s an app tho) //instagram, snapchat, school email/canvas if that counts 36 - blood type: O+ //O+ 37 - nickname: Sona, Soso (what Liv calls me) //Sona, Nali (aye Shrutz), Soso (Livi & Alexandra) 38 - relationship status: single as can be //ahaha oh man. single 39 - zodiac sign: scorpio :’) //!!!!!<3 40 - pronouns: she/her //she/her 41 - elementary: hazel dell (aka the best) //lmao still tru 42 - high school: nobletucky, man //rep 43 - College: 99.9% iupui //100% iupui lmaO 44 - hair colour: black //black 45 - long or short: loooong //short!!!!! 46 - height: 5′7.5″ //still the same 47 - do you have a crush on someone: nope //nah 48 - what do you like about yourself: aspects of my personality (passion, dedication), as well as some facial features (eyes, face shape), & oh, my hair //hm. passion, selflessness (to an extent), eyes, height, and hair for certain 49 - random fact: I go through obsessive phases with whatever I’m currently into (first it was anime, now it’s k-pop) //lmao I learned that this random fact is unhealthy actually. like literally unhealthy.  50 - tattoos: none and will probably never have one because I can’t tolerate pain and I also have zero clue as to what I would get right now //maybe one day but doubtful 51 - righty or lefty: righty but was almost both until my parents stopped me when I was young //yup still a righty ofc 52 - first surgery: haven’t ever had surgery //wisdom teeth!!! 53 - first piercing: ears when I was a lil’ baby //(same) 54 - first best friend: Liv back in kindergarten, and here we are best friends again as seniors <3<3 //so cute. still one of my favorite people ever, for sure xx 55 - first sport you enjoyed: dance x //hell yeah. 56 - first vacation: India, I believe //ye 58 - first pair of trainers: no clue what this means HA //yea idk still LOL
 59 - eating: nothing //nothing 60 - drinking: nothing //nothing 61 - I’m about to: finish this and then do homework //literally the same LOL 62 - listening to: bts (I’ve said this a billion times) //enna sona (s/o u know who) 63 - waiting for: my block 3 class tomorrow //my birthday!!! 64 - want kids: yeahhhhh but terrified of the pain //still tru 65 - get married: forsure //still also tru 66 - career: something in the medical field– unsure yet as to what exactly //still also v v tru
67 - lips or eyes: eyes //eyes 68 - hugs or kisses: hugs //kisses, actually 69 - shorter or taller: taller preferably //ironic LOL but still taller 70 - older or younger: hm idk it depends on who it is???? idk //LMAO i’m dead but still true 71 - romantic or spontaneous: both lolz //yeet 72 - nice stomach or nice arms: either-or/both/none, it’s not a necessary characteristic //nice arms thoooo... nice arms 73 - sensitive or loud: sensitive //sensitive 74 - hook-up or relationship: relationship //relationship 75 - trouble maker or hesitant: a mix of both but mostly hesitant //still true
76 - kissed a stranger: no //tbh I expect this to happen someday 77 - drank hard liquor: no and probably never will //lmao ooPS never say never honestly 78 - lost glasses/contacts: contacts a few times //still the same 79 - sex on first date: hahahah no and probablyyy will never happen //lmaoooo nooo but also that emphasis on the extra y’s on that probably :-) LMAO 
80 - broke someones heart: eh. maybe. //mhhmmmm... mhmm. 81 - had your own heart broken: ehh.. nah //ahaaaaa..................... yeah 82 - been arrested: LMAO no //hell nooooo never 83 - turned someone down: yeah, to the boys who think it’s funny to joke //yeaaaaaaaaaaaah about that.. 84 - cried when someone died: yeah //yeah 85: Fallen for a friend: not yet but one day it’s gonna happen with someone haha //and it did happen so !!!!!

86 - yourself: .. hm. half/half. //still true 87 - miracles: sort of //still true 88 - love at first sight: eh, not really //not only by just sight, no 89 - heaven: sure //still true 90 - Santa Claus: when I was young until I found out it was actually my parents and cried about it hahahah //still true 91 - kiss on first date: eh, whatever floats your boat //LMAOOOOOOO my ass I’m funny 92 - angels: more no than yes //maybe more yes than no, but idrk tbh
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