#mhst millie
wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
HellohelloHELLO darling, I hope you’ve been okay, happy Easter, I swear It's been a century-
In case memories are fuzzy, person who always requested the reader to be this close 🤏🏻 to dying here lmfao, I’m finally back into the game with my essays babiee.
Can I maybe get some good ol’ headcanons for Cheval, Lilia [I'm guessing people in her position get access to monster eggs for protection of the city, perhaps?] and possibly Hyoro and Mille if they’re not too much trouble, who hatched this egg; only to find out that the monster (of your choice ofc =}) inside seemingly has a conjoined twin. Making it’s survival rate extremely low and making it painfully fight for it’s life every minute or so, to the point the said characters consider taking it’s life as the most humane thing to do, especially as they cannot give it the proper care it requires to survive due to their busy nature.
But that’s where us stubborn mfs step right in, a non rider insisting to take good care of the poor beast until it can stand on all fours without the urgent care [Looots of handfeeding, I presume?], basically going days without sleep and any basic human//wyverian needs just to make sure the monstie’s possibly getting everything they can give in their power in order to make it survive.
Welcome back! Cute idea! Every monstie deserves love!❤️ Hope you enjoy!
Lilia, Cheval, Hyoro, and Millie Hatch an Egg that Contains a Monster with a Conjoined Twin
-Since she isn't a rider, Lilia obtains abandoned eggs or eggs that riders can't keep in order to use the monsters inside as hunter training in the arena, or if a rider is willing (like her friend Cheval), train the monster as protection for places. She isn't used to taking care of any monsties, and she doesn't have a kinship stone. So, when the egg hatches and sees the monster inside, she is absolutely terrified.
-A Tobi Kadachi...but it seemed to have a conjoined twin.
-The monster was barely surviving with all the mutations and physical deformities it had. Lilia knew it would be no use in a fight because of that, and all the pain it was in. It could hardly control its powers, with sparks flying everywhere now and again. Lilia is in a commanding position so she's super busy, and she knows that the smart thing to do would be to put the monster out of its misery. So, she employs Reverto to do so.
-But then you come in to save the day.
-You aren't a rider, but you know that every creature deserves a right to live. Since she is so busy, you managed to call off Reverto and decide to take care of the little guy. It requires a lot of energy sapping from your end, but the monster needs constant care and attention. You have to give a lot of physical therapy and a lot of handfeeding. Also, you would sleep with it when it got all whiny. It might never get trained to the extent that she wanted it to be, but at least it got to experience a life. With your stubborn care, it will get better.
-With Rathi, Cheval never really finds a need to hatch many other monsties. He had a Velocidrome, a Nargacuga, and a Great Baggi, but he only ever uses Rathi as his monstie. However, if he sees an egg that is abandoned or in a stressful situation, Cheval will hatch it and take it in. He figures that a monster will always have a good life with a rider that's willing to take care of it. So, when he finds a familiar-looking egg in an old looking nest, he feels the need to take it in. But the monstie inside isn't what he was expecting.
-A Rathian...but it seemed to have a conjoined twin.
-It was disturbing for Cheval to see a monster in such a position because he's never seen one like this before. The physical deformities made him wince, and the sounds the poor thing was making just made his heart hurt. Even Rathi crones at the poor little rathian. Cheval could take care of a healthy monstie, but a monstie like this would require constant attention that he just couldn't provide. He knew the humane thing would be to put the baby down and out of its misery, but Cheval didn't think he could do it. The little monster looked too much like Rathi for him to even raise a weapon to do so.
-He was lucky that you came around.
-You were stubborn enough to take the monstie for yourself. You weren't a rider, so you had no other monsties to take up your time. He helped you out when it came to advice on what to do with basic care. It needs all the help it can get from you, so you do a bunch of hand feeding and physical therapy. Cheval tries to help you in any way that he can, but you were stubborn to deal with this on your own. Plus, he's busy in his own ways. But maybe one day the little conjoined rathian will grow to be Rathi's size. You can only hope.
-He is someone that doesn't have very many monsties to begin with, Zinrai being his main one, but Hyoro is also someone who is also extremely anxious. There's only so much that he can handle before he absolutely has a panic attack. However, Hyoro also has a big heart, so he can't ever abandon any egg that seems to be in distress. But sometimes he takes on more than he can handle, which leads to this egg situation that he has now. But when he hatches the monstie, he freezes.
-A Great Jaggi...but it seemed to have a conjoined twin.
-Hyoro begins to panic immediately because he doesn't know what to do. He is now responsible for this monstie that is absolute pain and distress due to its physical abnormalities. It's not that he's overly busy, but he doesn't think he's capable enough to take care of this monster. Every time it tries to make a call, it just cries out in pain. It breaks his heart, and many of his friends have told him to just put the Great Jaggi down, but Hyoro just couldn't. He didn't have enough strength to take the life of a baby monster.
-He's so thankful for your appearance.
-You took the monstie from him, being as stubborn as you were. Not being a rider meant you had time for this monster, especially since it required so much of your time. You can't remember the last time you slept, but it was all worth it to see the little guy get stronger. You had to mush and prepare food and help the monstie through physical therapy. But Hyoro was happier each time he saw the baby monster getting stronger. It made him feel better in the end.
-She is a free spirit that likes to rush about in search of adventure. Millie and her Seregios, Legion, fly all about not really stopping to hatch other eggs. However, she is a rider, and that means that sometimes she can't stop herself from helping an egg now and again, especially when it seems like a challenge to get. Mille always appreciates a good challenge. However, when an egg she finds hatches, she gets more than she bargained for.
-A Nargacuga...but it had a conjoined twin.
-The sounds and cries of this monster were unlike anything she's ever heard before. The sound of pain is too intense for her to bear. That, and the physical demands of this monstie required more than she can give. No offense, but she isn't a babysitter. Millie needs a monstie that is capable of growth when she is not around. She knows it would be hard, but she thinks about putting it down. It would be best for both parties. The monstie would be free of pain, and Mille would be free of the task to worry about it.
-Luckily, you showed up and saved its life.
-You didn't appreciate what Lilia was trying to do, and being as stubborn as you are, you snatched it away from her. You weren't a rider, so you didn't understand the viewpoints on this, but you knew that everything deserved a chance to live. So, you took plenty of time to nurture the young monster so it could stand on its own feet. You would handfeed it and so forth. She would check in now and again, and was pleased with the progress, but she knew you were keeping the monstie to yourself. At least until it could survive comfortably.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Ooohh I loved what you did for Mille and Hyoro! Maybe a story where they meet up with the legendary rider reader, Cheval and Avinia and they have a monstie race?? Keep up the good work!
Sure!💖 Thank you!
Like Kids Again
Hyoro and Millie arrive in Hakum to get together with friends old and new.
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It was Lilia who set this whole thing up, even if she wasn’t physically there to take responsibility for it. After all, she always wanted to get together, but then something came up with the Guild, forcing her to stay in Lulucion.
But that didn’t stop everyone else.
You arrived to the village on Ratha. After traveling around for so long, it would be nice to relax with your friends. As you flew the one-eyed rathalos into your old hometown, you were surprised to see that you weren’t the first to arrive.
“Cheval? I didn’t expect to see you here so early.” You stated when you landed Ratha near the garden of flowers where he sat with Rathi. Apparently, you scared him because he nearly tumbled over when his body jumped in shock from your sudden words.
You laughed.
“Still a scaredy gargwa, huh?” You said with a giggle, causing him to frown.
“Rude.” He muttered before smiling and standing up to give you a proper hug in greeting. Rathi and Ratha nuzzled each other, happy to see the other doing well.
“I expected myself to be the first one here.” You told him and he just shrugged, a sad look coming to his face.
“I just...it was the anniversary...” Cheval struggled to explain, so you just put a hand on his shoulder in silent support. He smiled, happy to finally be on good terms with you after all these years.
The two of you then just spent the next couple of hours talking until the next arrivals showed up. It started with Cheval starting to laugh because he’s terrible at hiding things like that. Then, a pair of hands covered your eyes.
“Guess who?” A sing-songy feminine voice said, and you smiled to yourself.
“Reverto. The soft hands is a dead giveaway.” You said, and Cheval burst out laughing, causing the culprit’s face to turn red. The hands were removed from your eyes, and you turned to see Millie fuming as even Hyoro, who was behind her, tried to keep himself from laughing to avoid her wrath.
But then, she smiled to herself.
“I see your sense of humor hasn’t changed.” She mused, and you just grinned. The four of you were together, just like old times. However, Lilia wasn’t here with you. Instead, you had a new friend join the group.
You looked up to see a barioth flying in, and you grinned to yourself. So, Avinia had gotten your invite to come and join in the fun at Hakum. You were glad she found her way alright. 
“Avinia! Hey!” You called while waving her down. Eventually, Frostfang found his footing while she hopped off. Then, the barioth was overwhelmed by greetings from rathalos, rathian, zinogre, and seregios alike. The blonde rider walked over with a slight smile.
“You guys remember Avinia, right?” You asked your childhood friends, who all smiled and waved at her.
“Of course. How could we forget.” Cheval said, and Avinia then looked bashful. If there was one thing she didn’t like, it was being the center of attention. So, you quickly changed the subject so everyone could be happy.
“Well, it’s great to have us all together. It’ll be fun to just to relax and let loose for a bit.” You said, and they all nodded in agreement. However, there’s only so much storytelling and jokes to say before you’ve all run dry.
Now, you guys were just lying about, wondering what to do next.
“So...any ideas?” Mille asked in a bored tone, spread out on the grass. Avinia just sighed from where she was sitting on the rock, and Hyoro looked like he was about to have an idea, but then he shut his mouth and leaned against said rock.
Even the monsties were bored.
“We could have a race?” You offered from your place where you were sprawled over Cheval’s stomach as he laid on his back starfish style. Everyone seemed to perk up at that, and even the monsties seemed interested.
“Sounds interesting...” Avinia mused.
“You mean...like the one we did as apprentices?” Hyoro asked, remembering his second-place win thanks to you. You nodded, sitting up and looking more excited at the idea.
“Aww yeah! This’ll be great!” Millie said, whistling for Legion before anyone could even mention the idea was still being thought over. However, at this point Cheval sees it’s a losing battle, and agrees that a race would be fun.
“Umm...How exactly do we do this?” Avinia felt like she was being left out of something. Coming from Kuan, she didn’t experience anything like that. You quickly told her how it’s simply a race from point A to point B on your monsties. With that sounding simple enough, she gets on Frostfang.
Now, after Ratha, Rathi, and Zinrai were mounted, you guys just needed a starting point.
“Don’t think we’re going to let you win again, Y/N.” Cheval said with a smirk, moving up beside you on Rathi. All of you, after explaining the basic rules to Avinia, where monstie to monstie lined up at the village gates. You guys planned to race to the entrance to the snowy mountains, where Avinia would know the way.
You grinned at his words, gripping onto Ratha’s saddle. All the monsties were eager to go.
“Ready...” You began to say.
“Set...” You continued, everyone tense and ready to move.
“Go!” Millie finished for you, ushering Legion into the sky. Everyone was quick to follow suite. Except for Hyoro, since his zinorge couldn’t fly. He would have to traverse on the ground.
“Wait! This isn’t fair!” Hyoro yelled out, but no one cared to listen. Zinrai, on the other hand, was not about to come in last place. The zinogre rushed into the forest at a speed that could rival a kirin.
Eventually, Cheval felt bad and landed down to race on the ground to make things fairer for Hyoro.
“I feel like a kid again!” You shouted over the wind, Avinia laughing agreement. You guys were a lot calmer than Millie, who handled this like it was the most serious matter of her life.
“Shut up! I can’t focus!” She shouted at you both, and you guys were immediately back in the game. There were plenty of twirls and dives among the three flying monsties. On the ground, Hyoro and Cheval raced on foot, looking up to see where their competition was at. However, they eventually just figured to push forward.
But as the temperature began to drop, so did the monstie’s stamina.
Except for Frostfang.
“C’mon Frostfang!” Avinia pushed her barioth forward as Legion and Ratha struggled in the frigid air. Down on the ground, Zinrai was used to the cold, so he was able to get a leg up on Rathi and the others. Rathi, got her leg twisted in a tree root, causing Cheval to stop and care for her.
Eventually, Avinia came out as the winner, and everyone met at the foot of the mountains.
“Awesome! Nice Avinia!” You cheered, coming in second place. 
“Second place...again...” Hyoro muttered, tied with you for second.
“I suppose this is better than coming in last...” Millie said with a frown, coming in third as she leaned against Legion. 
“Oh be quiet...” Cheval muttered from last place. He then tried to cover up losing the race by using Rathi’s injury as an excuse. Curse his kindness to Hyoro or he would’ve stayed in the air.
“Don’t be so down, Hyoro. You still did great.” Millie said to him, punching his arm lightly. However, her words caused him to blush as he stuttered over what to say. Everyone laughed a little.
“Well, that was fun...but I should probably get back to my village.” Avinia said, causing everyone to frown. She gave a little wave, saying they had to do this again, before patting Frostfang and taking into the air.
“Should we head back to the village?” You asked your friends, who all nodded after they heard a monster roar.
“I can-” Cheval started to say, but Mille interrupted him.
“Loser has to cook dinner!” She announced, and everyone but Cheval laughed.
“I was going to offer anyway...” He muttered, making you all giggle even more. Then you came up and gave him a friendly side hug.
“Don’t worry, Cheval. You’re a winner in your own way.” You told him with a grin, but he just look confused.
“What does that even mean?” He asked you, and everyone snickered.
So, you all went back to Hakum and put your monsties to a well-earned rest. It was a nice evening to just relax with your friends, especially when the best cook is making dinner. You only wished Lilia could be here as well because with all of you sitting, eating, and laughing together.
You felt like kids again.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
You've seen the anime? Oh, how about Mille and Hyoro headcanons?
Sure thing!💖
Millie and Hyoro Headcanons
-We’ll set these headcanons into the setting of Stories 2, so Millie and Hyoro are as old as Lilia and Cheval, which would be around seventeen or eighteen. 
-Both of them have left Hakum to travel. Although Millie is a lot more confident to go about it than Hyoro, who took longer to leave on his own. For a start, Millie actually accompanied him a bit so he’d be more comfortable.
-Over the years, Millie has grown kinder to her friends since she was a child. That said, she will still overly tease them, but it’s always in a joking manner. But she will put her foot down and hold a grudge if she gets too annoyed.
-Hyoro has grown a lot more confident even if he still is a bit of a scaredy cat. He has even managed to beat his brother during a couple of sparring matches before he left the village.
-Millie still has Legion, her seregios, and Hyoro still has Zinrai, his zinogre.
-She always makes sure to groom Legion daily and give her a nice bath. The scales of a seregios can fall off when they get too old, being replaced with new ones, so Millie makes sure Legion’s hygiene is top priority.
-Hyoro always makes sure to take an hour out of his day to play with Zinrai. The zinogre is always a ball of energy, so his rider makes sure that he’s always getting his exercise.
-Millie used to have a crush on Cheval, and Hyoro has a crush on Millie. Now without having seen the redhead for a while, her crush faded. Hyoro sees this as his chance with Zinrai as wingman.
-Millie is more of the one going to many different places while Hyoro lingers more often. Mille can be at one place and be gone in a couple of days. Hyoro could last weeks as he gets to know the land and monsters.
-Millie often visits Lulucion to see Lilia. She has grown more open about her as a friend, not being as cold as she used to, even helping the commander on occasion with monster research.
-Hyoro still looks up to Cheval, even though they are both adults now. He just admires his courage, and it was actually what inspired him to start traveling around a bit.
-It was actually Lilia who brings the gang back together with Cheval, Lute, Hyoro and Millie. Cheval still can’t stop apologizing for how he used them many years back. Hyoro keeps telling him it’s fine while Mille teases but pretends to be angry.
-They always return to see each other in Hakum at least once a year.
-All four of them once teamed up to take down an elder dragon called Shagura Magala. In reality, someone thought it was the Black Blight, so everyone went berserk. Turns out, it was just the frenzy from this elder dragon. Still, it needed to go.
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