#merging 1987 and 2007 mikey into therapy mikey
brightlotusmoon · 1 year
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A friend is working on a Multiverse Mikey AU where each Mikey develops psionic powers. This one is 2007.
"2007 is the worst insomniac ever because his newfound powers make him have horrible nightmares
He got PTSD from seeing so many future possibilities
So he secretly medicates himself without his brothers' knowledge
But he is so happy and relaxed that it made him act kind of feminine
And nobody suspects a thing LOL"
Also he's a lot more focused depending on the strain. Explains why he only makes witty jokes in the movie.
And he is actually very observant there, helping his brothers lie to Splinter and helping the research!
Of course I'm not gonna make Mikey able to hide it for long
His brothers will eventually find out and then they'll go on an outburst at him as overprotective brothers
I love those things in hurt/comfort Mikey-centric fics 😍😍"
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
Thirty year old headcanon no matter what any canon tries to tell us: Mikey enjoys science experiments, is delighted when Donnie asks for his help, and often experiments with his art, media, and culture interests using the scientific method. Although it is in fact canon in various incarnations, the fandom has always had this annoying habit of claiming that Mikey is too dumb. Stop that, fandom.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Wait, IDW turned Mikey into a literal projective empath who can control other people's emotions and communicate with animal minds.
That's my headcanon from the early 1990s, spurred on by 1987 Mikey's telepathic friendship with the parrots and cats and his friendship with the veterinarian we never saw again, and his obvious skills reading other people.
I started using the Empath Mikey tag on Tumblr in 2016, after I met @catbowserauthor when she was writing as ThickerThanLove and UlisaBarbic for 1987 and 2003 Michelangelo, who she gave actual ESP and intense empathy.
*claps hands* *slams table* Empath Mikey is canon! EMPATH MIKEY IS CANON.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Happy Anniversary to the 87 TMNT! They're 35 today.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Watch "Mikey's Family Role | A Rise of the TMNT Analysis" on YouTube
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Watch "TMNT 1987 But the context is in the sewers" on YouTube
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
I always figured the reason the 87 Turtles never got injured was because their show ran on Toon Physics.
100 percent Toon Physics. Everything is bouncy, explosions mean nothing, tis but a flesh wound even when your arm's off. Then it's back on in the next frame anyway because that show became both infamous and famous for animation errors and continuity errors. Yes, the writers were on drugs.
See, that whole "spoof of the bloody hero who patches himself up on the couch and jumps back out the window" trope was still in play but dialed down for children. You couldn't show certain things, of course, you had to use a Looney Tunes filter.
Of course, then the Red Sky Seasons happened and they decided to go a little harder, especially since we the audience had grown up a little.
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
TMNT Mikey with PTSD in every incarnation:
I'm fine, I'm fine, everything is fine, everything is awesome, there's a silver lining everywhere, always look on the bright side of AAAAAAAAAAAA
life, because if we can't laugh we can't live! Anyway, I seem to have gotten into a fight with a wall. Bandages, please. All is well. All is well. Turn tape over.
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
You know...
I'm agreeing with a lot of "all the 2007 Turtles probably had ADHD frankly" headcanons. 2003 Donnie got headcanoned "Asperger's" until I got on Tumblr and yelled "it's all autism, okay, and it implies eugenics so you can't keep it"
-and Mikey is Creative Theater Kid ADHD Autistic who hyperfixates on food and superhero pop culture and social science, you can't change my mind - also hey Leonardo is Introspective Strategic Motherly Brotherly Autistic who fucking loves history and battle strategy - and people ran with it, I'm thrilled.
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
(Rise/2012/2003 crossover WITH 1987) Oddly enough, 87 Michelangelo is the only Mikey he DOESN'T pick up (he voluntarily joins in thou) (I love the 87 dynamics)
Awwwww, I can see that, in fact. 87 Mikey was unique.
Now, my initial concept for this particular crossover was built off the "Raph needs to stop being angry at Mikey" set of headcanons that over the years has been argued and debated so intensely that it's divided fans like whoa. It also left Only Children Adults, like me, really puzzled about sibling dynamics. My views have shifted since then, but I'm happy to do AU forever because the point of an AU is to ask What If?, for example, what if Raph did hit Mike with the lead pipe, etc.
I always had this 87 headcanon of "what if Mike had kept in touch with Dr Goodfellow and developed his clairvoyance" for example. He's always been pretty independent, especially going into Archie.
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
Wait, since when did the show so Mikey as having psychic powers? Was it just the 87 series or did it happen elsewhere?
He had a couple of clairvoyant dreams, communicated with animals, had on the spot intuition Spidey Sense. In 2012 his empathic insight was slightly terrifying and his family rarely ever believed him.
Then we have Rise Mikey, who actively used telepathy twice, with Todd and with Bullhop, surprising himself. Sure, they may have been cute throwaway gags but they were really really deliberate, which makes me jokingly think someone on the crew knows my old school Empath Mikey headcanons.
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brightlotusmoon · 3 years
Anyway, a recent conversation brought up one of my favorite headcanons from the last twenty years: the turtles trying on human cultures and rules as if they are trying on clothes.
Which extends to really any humanoid characters with nonhuman instincts.
My personal idea of the Ninja Turtles is that they're animals with human psychology, rather than adolescent humans in animal bodies (although that's literally the idea behind the IDW Turtles, with reincarnation). And the best thing about that in fanfic is to take it to extremes or to mix it up.
Why should they live with or by human morals that are subjective? Or, would they follow those moral codes with a nearly cultish zeal because it's strange to them?
In my 2012 AU I wrote how each turtle was fascinated by aspects of humanity that are seen as marginalized. Mikey loves wearing silk and dresses and genders, for example. In my Bayverse AU, they're all kind of obsessed with why humans want to hurt each other over trivial things. In my 2003 AU, they're more integrated in society which makes them even more cynical if not more specifically fascinated. They are often split, too. Mikey and Donnie seem more connected to human culture through art and science. In Mirage, Leo eventually after a century becomes a bodhisattva, for example.
In Mirage, Mikey becomes a published author under a pen name. In fact, that was basically his main arc, how he just wanted to make art for people. Splinter's talk with him in "The Path" was both a backhanded compliment and a prediction, for how he walked the furthest from Splinter's path yet could certainly teach an old master. (And then his cat died.)
The idea is trying out human traits and behavior to see what fits, which is also why they don't have to be fixed. Mikey can be a deep thinker for example.
Also, Mirage Splinter sought to achieve nirvana beyond animal or human and the Rat King slapped him down hard in the City At War arc. That was an incredible dialogue.
I feel like Splinter's desires absolutely influenced the boys in their own ways, bad and good. Mikey wants to be accepted because he shines so brightly, but why not as himself? Must he become a different entity to truly feel love? (Spoiler: No. But that's the point.)
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brightlotusmoon · 3 years
I needed background TV while doing fiction writing, and what do I decide on? TMNT 1987, starting with Season 8.
Oh my gods, my CHILDHOOD.
This hits so hard in weird places. The Red Sky Seasons were a wild ride in the already weirdest cartoon at the time - which is saying something.
(Mikey sounds permanently stoned and Leo sounds incredibly bi. I appreciate the wackiness of this show so so deeply.)
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brightlotusmoon · 3 years
Lol yeah. Not to be rude, but Mikey in the older cartoon gives me awkward kid with Adhd vibes and I love it because it's relatable.
It's only rude for people who don't understand ADHD!
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brightlotusmoon · 2 years
Hey @catbowserauthor I'm trying to archive all your Mikey stories that you wrote on Tumblr, using the tags. Most of those posts have me tagged anyway.
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brightlotusmoon · 3 years
I need to quote a sentence used in an article and apply it to Mikey, all incarnations, because it fits too well.
"...that childlike innocence that lets him see things as they really are, without being clouded by prejudice or social pressure. That trait, combined with a precocious self-confidence and unwavering determination for the truth..."
This describes a regular kid with the ability to see aliens. But goddamn if it's not especially 2003 Michelangelo. And 2016. And 2007, had it been able to expand and explore his role.
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