#meme au Taeden
sleeplessvalley · 4 years
y'know I think if all my variations of tartar wound up somehow being able to meet each other (under a readmore because this is LONG)
gets along well with 2.0, since they're basically the same but do have some differences
really doesn't like taeden since he did get the prime directive accomplished but did it in a way that left the world intact
would be somewhat disappointed in teremun for going through with his plans but getting depressed over it later, because 'are you kidding me how could an attachment to people make you REGRET THE THING WE'VE BEEN WORKING TOWARDS AND FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED'
is surprisingly neutral towards meme au taeden despite him going on a good path; considers his actions reasonable
refuses to interact with tasnim if he can avoid it, for reasons unknown (with the reason being that it actually makes him sad to see a version of himself that never went for such an extreme solution)
very firm in his belief that pokemon au taeden and tartar could've done great things had they not split up. also not a fan of the fact that he's apparently brothers with taeden here, and is a bit surprised that pokemon au tartar is so calm yet so intimidating sometimes (though he’d never tell that last bit)
not sure what to feel towards taiko
considers it an honor to be able to talk to tartar despite just about knowing the same stuff
doesn't understand how he and taeden wound up so different despite having come about almost the same way
sort of gets why teremun got depressed over what he did, but still thinks that he should be happy that he achieved the goal
not very interested in meme au taeden, but thinks his tech is worth learning about
also not very interested in tasnim, but the process of growing his own body and then transferring himself into it is very much worth learning about
just the tiniest bit afraid of pokemon au taeden and tartar
wants to understand taiko's sanitization process better
feels sorry for tartar, but knows he can't be swayed
really wants to take 2.0 apart for what he did to percy
tries to stay neutral towards teremun, but does like him some- upset that he went through with the original plan, but somewhat proud knowing he recognized what he did was shitty. wants to help him but hasn't figured out how to reverse the sanitization process yet either
would probably deck someone for meme au taeden. also horrified that he doesn't have a professor
gets along best with tasnim since he never went down such an extreme path; probably asks what him it's like being an octoling
pokemon au taeden and tartar bug him a bit because to him their plan almost feels worse than the plan tartar had. outside of that he doesn't mind them though and actually wants to know why they have creatures from a game that his professor used to talk about
taiko actually freaks him out; will avoid him at all costs
tartar scares him a bit because he's generally uncaring about the lives of others
the same applies for 2.0 but to a slightly lesser extent
treats taeden with a LOT of respect- he understands that it takes a lot to change your ways. probably winds up venting to him because he'll get it.
a bit confused as to why meme au taeden is an octoling, but also treats him with respect. willing to sit and listen to him ramble about older tech, and winds up mentioning bits of his own story by accident
tasnim reminds him too much of pravin (teremun's percy) and he can't handle it, so he doesn't interact with him
he's able to talk to both pokemon au taeden and tartar, though he's a bit uneasy since their plan reminds him of his own. still winds up talking about what happened with him.
taiko makes him sad, but he'll still talk to him. he wishes he could've loved like that from the start.
meme au taeden:
not a fan of tartar at all, since he clearly can't see how bad he's making things for others
also not a fan of 2.0 for the same reasons
thinks taeden is literally the best thing ever, since he knows a lot about older tech and he likes to work with older tech. they probably bond over this, and he asks him about what his professor is like
really hopes that teremun can eventually find a way to reverse everything he did, or at least bring it all to a bearable point- if he was able to get out of his own bad situation, hopefully he can too
surprised that there's another octoling, but with the mind of a machine- extremely interested in how tasnim accomplished this
knows that pokemon au taeden and tartar's plan was bad but.... he can't stop his curiosity over what they were going to use to change the world.......
unsettled by taiko, but still makes an effort to be friendly towards him. probably winds up getting infected tbh
very happy he didn't go down tartar's path
or 2.0's for that matter
taeden's company is enjoyable and he also asks him about what it's like being in a robot
cries over the information obtained about teremun. he feels REALLY bad for him despite knowing he did some bad stuff
asks way too many questions about octarian society to meme au taeden. yes he's seen it but he wants to know more from someone who's been in it. probably cries a bit here as well
pokemon au taeden and tartar are very different than the rest for the most part and he thinks that’s neat that they share something in common with him
is completely unaware that taiko also tried to infect him but it didn't work
pokemon au taeden and tartar (both generally share the same opinions on others so they’re getting lumped together)
tartar’s plan seems very extreme to both of them, which is actually kind of hilarious considering one of them was trying to change the world through some concerning means. willing to talk to him provided they’re in a good mood beforehand.
kind of worrying to them that 2.0 continued down the same path with very little change outside of a mildly stronger curiosity. still easier to talk to than tartar though.
both are absolutely fascinated by taeden, since he’s an AI but runs on his own and even learns stuff. nothing like that exists in the pokemon world yet, at least nothing that isn’t controlled by a rotom. they probably talk to him for a while about robot stuff
teremun’s situation reminds both of them of what nearly happened in regards to changing the world, except that his situation actually happened. they’re not sure what to do aside from trying to console him, but outside of that they all get along
octillery person? what? they’re so confused by meme au taeden and ask a lot of questions he doesn’t actually have the answers to. they’ve got a lot of different tech and they all talk about that stuff
another octillery person but apparently he’s also a machine? confused with tasnim as well, probably more than they are with meme au taeden.
they both consider taiko to be like... a living version of the move attract. these two probably also get infected by him
Not suitable for infecting. Potentially dangerous, but plan is being carried out in a manner that’s deemed acceptable, therefore poses no threat.
Not suitable for infecting. Potentially dangerous, but curiosity and obtaining answers seems to be the priority, therefore poses little threat.
Not suitable for infecting. Terrified of the virus, it seems. Speaks of the professor fondly. (Miss him.)
Not suitable for infecting. Depressed. Poses no threat whatsoever due to wanting to be better.
Suitable for infecting. Target is wary but optimistic. Obsessed with older technology. Lure target in with questions and/or facts about old tech to lower guard. Infect the moment the opportunity arises.
Suitable for infecting. Target is oblivious and very emotional. Lure target in with the story regarding the professor. Infect at any point during the conversation. Not suitable for infecting. Has the mind of a machine.
Suitable for infecting. The quiet one is very perceptive. The rambling one has sensitivity to sound. Do not allow voice to waver. Infect the quiet one the moment the opportunity arises. Raise voice to 100dB to startle the rambling one. Infect within two seconds.
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sleeplessvalley · 4 years
drawing octolings makes the brain go brrrrrrr. anyways, A Boy
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