pizza-rina · 6 years
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I was @dany-kabii-art ‘s secret santaaa.
“The kind of gift they’d like to receive from you: I like that they are creative, while the drawing have a romantic air, that is all. “
Big thanks to @meihemsecretsanta for organizing everything!!~(^◇^)/
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eokoi · 6 years
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my meihem secret santa gift from tumblr user ushimooshi!! This beautiful piece was emailed to me and I was given permission to upload, I couldn't let such an amazing piece go unseen! Mei and Junkrat being cozy ❤❤
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thebigpalooka · 6 years
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Happy @meihemsecretsanta to @indidoughnuts !!  I’m excited to share my present and I really hope you like it, darlin’!  Out of several really good ideas, I chose to draw a slightly steamy makeout (literally) and an extra sketch of the two cuties dressed up in some fancy duds.  Maybe they’re off to a Christmas party someplace?
Merry Christmas!
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meihemsecretsanta · 6 years
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Merry belated Christmas, @hype-hype21 Sorry for not getting this done until the last possible minute XP Hope you like it!
I am retagging @hype-hype21 so they find the entry better :D
No worries about the late submission, a gift is a gift <3
This interaction pose warms my heart, I love how Mei simply leans in and rests her hands on his head, while he seems so proud and confident that she is around to back him up x3
Well done, the two of them look wonderful <3
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Second part of my @meihemsecretsanta gift for @shueren!
Here they are, posing for a quick photo after spending all day playing in the snow \o/
Hope you like it!
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lucciana-art · 6 years
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My @meihemsecretsanta gift for @niuniente! >w< Punkrat and Mermeid! (Yes, She’s naked >////<)  I tried my best to make it not too corny >x< I also forgot to make a lineart??? But I like it that way! :) I hope you’ll like it too!
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noodlerooster · 6 years
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Meihem Secret Santa
They requested a cute Christmas scene! ”You really STRIKE my fancy snow angel!” After all this time he’s still nervous
gift for @ravensboxofnothing // @meihemsecretsanta
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bored-katzy · 6 years
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She left him alone for five minutes. When she came back he had eaten half of the popcorn garland.
This was my @meihemsecretsanta for @diedyecrabu. They suggested something Christmas themed, so I thought some tree decorating would be a fun idea to do.
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blondiesundae · 6 years
Meihem Christmas Secret Santa
This is my secret santa for @thedeathecchi SORRY I SUCK AND I AM LATE I LOVE U BRUH
“Ok Jamison, I have popcorn and cranberries to string and make garland, I also made us some hot choco-” Mei was cut off by a loud crash and a string of colorful curses.
Still carrying the tray filled with stringing materials and cocoa, Mei rushed in to the living room where she had left the junker by himself to decorate. Upon entering she was greeted by the tree laying on the ground, accompanied by limbs splayed out underneath it. His face was hidden by the branches, but Jamison's voice still rung out clearly in distress. Startled by the sight, she almost dropped her tray with a cry. Jamison continued to struggle beneath the limbs, cussing all the while.  Mei quickly steadied herself, placing the tray down on the coffee table and leaping to remove the tree from her lover. Carefully, she lifted it and moved the tree aside to avoid causing further harm to the junker undereath. “Jamison! What happened here?”
The junker sat up and spat out a mouthful of pine needles, a few twigs clung to his hair and Christmas sweater. Mei had to stifle laughter at the sight, holding her hand in front of her mouth to disguise her smile. “Oi, that damned tree nearly killed me.” Jamsion stood up with some help from Mei, the climatologist plucked bits of tree off of him as he rose. Shaking her head, Mei brushed some needles off his shoulders and asked, “What were you doing to cause the tree to land on you?”
With a huff, Jamison stepped over the Christmas carnage and plunged his hands through the limbs of the toppled pine. His long fingers delicately extricated what looked like a star from the branches, lifting it and holding it out to Mei. “I was tryin' to put this thingy on top, all the Christmas stories have trees with these so I made one fer ours.” Indeed it was homemade and with junker flair. The star was roughly welded together, scorch marks obvious on the surface of the material along with the tell tale indents of a hammer's strikes. Parts of it were larger than others and it looked a little bit crooked on it's stand, and not from being dropped during the Christmas kerfuffle. Her fingers traced the areas of dull, mismatched metal, feeling the unique grooves and divots that were part of the items charm.
“This is....” Mei began, fingertips still running over the unfinished metal. “Eh, I know darl,” Jamie shrugged, “It's not as fancy and sparkly as the one's you were lookin' at in the store, but I thought I could try and make one.”
The junker sighed and placed a hand behind his head, “I was trying to surprise ya, when ya came back I was hoping to have it perched on top like in the pictures, but that didn't exactly go as planned.” He gestured to the toppled tree, still lying in it's spot where Mei had placed it, needles scattered on the ground around it like some kind of botany crime scene. The entire living room looked a mess and Jamison looked positively sheepish, but Mei couldn't help but smile. If being with Jamison was any indicator, she should have expected their decorating to go this way.
“I'll just chuck it in the garbage, no need to have that thing uglying up your pretty tree.” Jamie tried to reach out and take it from her hands, only to have Mei pull it back and hug it to her chest. “Eh?”
The star wasn't the most perfect decoration, this may have been true. It didn't shine or sparkle with crystals or precious metals, but it was handmade and completely one of a kind. It was just like Jamison, a little scorched, a little beat up, but there was only one and it belonged to her. Mei's smile grew larger as she hugged the star.
“Jamison this is the most beautiful Christmas star I have ever had, I can't wait to put it on top of the tree.” she said, placing a hand on Jamie's cheek.
The sheepish look on Jamie's face rapidly changed from confusion to joy, a large toothy smile spreading across his features. Before Mei could register what was happening Jamie scooped her up in his long arms, pressing his face against her neck. “Jamie!”
As he nuzzled Mei's neck she giggled and tried to push Jamie's face away. “Jamison! That tickles!” Mei exclaimed, her efforts futile as he continued to assault her neck and face with gentle kisses and snuggles.
A loud beep from above caused Mei and Jamison to look up. It was Snowball, hovering closely over the pair with a sprig of green leaves and white berries tucked under his little wing flap. Mei grinned at the little droid, knowing full well what he was trying to say. “Well I spose we can't ignore this very important Christmas tradition.” Jamie grinned, eyes bright with the anticipation of getting a kiss from Mei.
“Hmm, I guess you're right, Snowball did go through all this trouble.” She giggled, leaning in closer to her lover. Taking that as his cue to close the distance, Jamie pressed his mouth against Mei's soft lips. She returned in kind, wrapping one hand around his neck and deepening the kiss. This continued for a few more moments until it was interrupted by Snowball who beeped a few times as if to say 'alright that's enough!'
Jamie shot the droid a glare, not ready to finish, but Mei pulled back with a laugh. “Merry Christmas Jamison, I love you.”
“Merry Christmas snowflake, I love ya too.”
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amuerion · 6 years
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It may not be Christmas Eve in Germany, yet, but for my Secret Santa Partner for the @meihemsecretsanta in Australia it is, already! And knowing what they are currently going through, I gladly make an exception <3 
Time to reveal myself to @dingodoesart! I am your Secret Santa this year :D Working with your prompt made me incredibly happy and I hope that this gift will make you happy, too <3
All the best wishes for wonderful holidays and a happy new year! 
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axel-dixon · 6 years
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@brobotics eyyy!!! i hope you like your gifts! this was super fun .3.
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eokoi · 6 years
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“and it’s definitely not your gun painted red and green!”
This is my @meihemsecretsanta gift to @lucciana-art Merry Christmas and I hope you like it!
You wanted a Christmas themed picture so i decided to draw Meihem chibis for ya! I gave Junkrat his own christmas themed outfit and my take on the Mei-rry skin. Junkrat gave her a gift that looks very familiar and given his history in gift making, she already suspects what he’s given her but she’ll love it regardless!
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thebigpalooka · 6 years
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Happy Christmas, darlings!  This is my @meihemsecretsanta gift for @amuerion !
Tammy had several really cute ideas so I had to do an extra sketch after I finished my ‘official’ piece.  I chose the pair of them exchanging gifts and doing a bit of snuggling (afterwards?)  One of my favourite things about giftgiving is how often it says more about the person giving than receiving - your personality comes through in what you pick, I guess. So that’s probably true for these drawings too, lol.
I really hope you like them, dear, and have a wonderful holiday <3
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#meihemsecretsanta2017 I know its not as good as others but I really tried!
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amuerion · 6 years
Hello to you all out there!
After the first week of translating progress, I am finally able to share the first chapter of my new meihem fanfic with you >w< /) This story is dedicated to @ohsolaurel, who was a Super Secret Santa dependant participant in our last Meihem Secret Santa. 
Knowing already that this story grows larger than at first estimated, it will be continued and updated over the upcoming weeks! :)  I hope you will like it as much as I liked writing it <3
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