carissacho · 2 months
closed starter for @meicarrillo
leila had an enormous love for animals so it was no surprise that she found her way to the petting zoo, a smile resting on her face as she made her way toward the animals with the other by her side. "you know, i may or may not be just as excited as the kids are." she confessed with a light laugh, her hands tucked into the pocket of her jacket. "i might just have to make my way to the adoption event later in the week. speaking of, do you have any plans for any of the rest of the things going on? the only thing that i may or may not have confirmed is a hot air balloon ride in bighorn at the end of the week. i may or may not be going with a blind date. You know, the one you set me up with.”
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dominichuang · 2 months
closed starter for @meicarrillo
the closer dominic stepped toward his sister's clinic, the more nervous he was about it. it wasn't the first time he'd stepped foot there. in fact, it was where he took his own kids but that didn't mean he'd seen the woman lately. in fact, he normally got his babysitter to take them to their appointments due to the fact that he was working more times than not during the day. he took in a deep breath and made it way inside, his feet carrying him right up to the front desk where he could see her talking to one of her receptionist. "mei," he spoke, trying to keep his voice from shaking. he knew she didn't want to see or talk to him but he needed to fix things. he needed his sister back in his life. "can i talk to you? please." he practically begged.
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mayxlee · 3 months
location: maya's place
character: @meicarrillo​​ & maya.
As Maya sat across from her cousin Mei, savoring each bite of the delicious Chinese food they were enjoying together, she couldn't help but reminisce about the last time she had a meal this good. "I swear, it's been ages since I've had such amazing Chinese food," she exclaimed between mouthfuls, a genuine smile lighting up her face. The flavors danced on her palate, reminding her of cozy evenings spent with family, and she felt a sense of comfort and nostalgia wash over her. Glancing over at the corner of the room, Maya noticed her dog sitting there, looking forlorn and sad. With a playful grin, she leaned in towards her cousin, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Ignore Benji over there," she whispered, nodding towards the dog. "She's just pretending to be sad so she can guilt-trip us into giving her some of our food." she chuckled softly, knowing full well that her dog's antics were nothing more than a clever ploy to score some extra treats from their dinner table.
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emilyybrown · 2 months
Who: @meicarrillo Where: Event - Lucky Joe's Stand
Emily moved herself into the line at Lucky Joe's. She loved bagels and coffee was one of her weaknesses so she was quite a regular at the store. It was only once she was in the line that she noticed who was now stood behind her, "Mei," she grinned. The woman was her boss but Emily still liked to consider her a friend. Mei had taken a gamble on Emily, and Emily made it her job to repay her for that everyday, by being the best she could be. "Good to know I'm not the only one with a weakness for bagels."
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yasdogan · 2 months
closed starter for @meicarrillo at stormias point
After seeing Mei at work previously, Yas had been looking for the perfect opportunity for them to get back together to catch up outside of the office. The spring event in town had given her just the right excuse to drag herself back out of her house. She knew she needed to start getting herself and her schedule back to normal after Sage, something easier said than done. Luckily, with the spring season rolling in and friends that she needed to catch up with awaiting, Yas hoped it would help push her back to feeling okay again. Having reached out and made plans to meet up with Mei and the kids for the reopening of Stormias Point, Yas was hanging out at the entrance waiting for everyone to arrive. It wasn't long before she spotted Mei and the gang coming, Yas lifting an arm to wave in greeting. "Hey, guys. Glad you could make it. Excited to get in there?"
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rachelhargrove · 2 months
character: Mei Carrillo @meicarrillo
location: Frederick's Farm; Spring Extravaganza
Rachel had most definitely wanted to come today's event despite her feeling towards hot air balloons. Even though she had filled last year's hot air balloon ride with a happier memory, now that memory had also become a little sour considering it included a man who still held a small piece of her. Most of her memories she could look back on fondly with him now with that distance, but considering the way things were, she was just glad to be here with Mei and the kids, happy to fill in a spot for their other mom who wasn't able to come until later. "Okay, okay where are we heading to? And what do you need me to do?" Rachel asked, focusing her attention on this moment instead as she smiled over to her friend, wanting to make sure that she was going to be helpful.
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carmencarrillo · 3 months
𝙒𝙃𝙊: Mei Carrillo @meicarrillo 𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀: B's Teas and Honey Haven
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"Oh good, you came by." Carmen smiled, pulling the curtain on the window in the back of the shop closed a little more as the jingle of the doorbell alerted Carmen that someone had entered. To no surprise of Carmen's it was her wife, who as always she was absolutely delighted to see. "I just sent Elena out for her lunch; we've been working non-stop since we opened this morning, so you just missed her." She spoke, looking at her wife, wiping her hands on a towel before she made her way towards her, placing her hand on her wife's back and placing a soft and tender kiss on her lips. "You're the best, you know that?" she smiled, kissing her once more before she took a step away. "Have a seat and I'll bring you out some lunch, I made you something." she smiled. Disappearing to the back of the shop to the kitchen, she returned a few minutes later with a plate full of smaller portions of foods - several types of warm paninis with different fillings - a bowl of soup with some crackers, and a special tea recipe. "You can obciously eat what you want; if you aren't feeling it I understand." she smiled, taking a seat across from her wife and sipping her own tea. "As much as I hate to say it, I kind of hope you're feeling ill just so I can see if that tea recipe actually works."
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wesxkennedy · 2 months
starter for @meicarrillo
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Wesley had just gotten off the phone with his brother who had just put his son to bed. He was kinda glad that his brother had convinced him to go out today, especially since all Wes had been doing was working and also taking care of Ollie, being in dad mode nonstop. It did feel nice to be out but also strange. As he put his phone in his pocket he saw Mei and smiled. "Hey, how is it going. It's been awhile," he spoke with a bright smile on his face, excited to see a friend.
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eroltilki · 2 months
― SETTING: near the below zero stand, downtown. ― AVAILABILITY: closed for mei carrillo. ( @meicarrillo )
Several years ago, Erol had made the conscious decision to give everyone in the company― himself included― the week off to enjoy the spring festival with their families or simply in whatever way allowed them a solid week of rest. It was his first day in the week that Emre had wanted to do something with his mother and Erol had agreed readily― co-parenting wasn't the easiest thing he'd ever done but it was perhaps the most fulfilling. Albeit, he thought as he lingered downtown with a sample cup of ice cream in his hand, a bit lonely. He was wandering a tad aimlessly― pausing to chat with people he knew and generally trying to enjoy himself when his gaze shifted towards something on the ground a woman ahead of him seemed to have dropped. He jogged to retrieve it and hurried to catch up with her, a welcoming smile already tugging at his lips. "Excuse me, miss? I think you might've dropped this," He said, holding it towards her and hoping he'd found the right person. "Am I right or did I totally just bother you for no real reason?"
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sagefranklin · 2 months
— mei carrillo frederick's farm, saturday.
Sage had option to leave the stroller in the car that day, letting Maggie free-roam whenever possible while they made their way toward where they were meeting Mei and the kids, the toddler excited about the festivities happening around her and even more excited to see her older friends. Along the way they picked up a cup of cut apricots for the tiny blonde to snack on, Sage handing her a slice every now and again to keep her from wandering off, while they searched for their friends in the crowd. Thankfully, they managed to find them exactly where they said they'd be and the older blonde offered Mei a soft smile in greeting. "Finally found you," She joked, glancing around for a moment, "It always surprises me how busy this farm gets when this event happens."
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leilabarak · 3 months
closed starter for @meicarrillo at the open range
Brock was normally the type of dog that had no problem bounding right up to anyone at the dog park and meeting them. He was friendly with people, other dogs, other animals in general, and everything in between. Something about the two gorgeous German Shepherds that were playing together, though, had him standing back looking at them with a pleading expression. Kneeling down next to the big guy, Leila ruffled his ears a bit encouragingly. "C'mon, they look totally nice, I bet they'd love to play with you," she hummed softly as she got up to try and lead him over in their direction. Brock followed, though he kept back behind Leila, peeking around her legs to get a better look at the two dogs. Leila offered a quick wave towards the owner of the two dogs as she approached, letting one hand drop down to Brock's fur. "Brock's being a little shy today, but he'd love to meet your dogs if that's okay. He's been staring at them for the last like twenty minutes."
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carissacho · 3 months
closed starter for @meicarrillo
if there was one person that carissa looked forward to seeing, it was mei. their friendship had grown over the past eight years, especially since the woman had managed to help her plan her wedding. it was by far one of her favorite weddings she'd planned, just due to the fact that she'd gotten such a close friendship out of it. she was craving some sort of company and so after dinner time, she headed next door, which she felt lucky for. who else had their closest friend within walking distance? she knocked on the other's door, wine bottle in her hand, and grinned once it swung open. "you wouldn't be up for a couple of drinks, would you?"
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cjwelford-archive · 3 months
→ break room. closed for @meicarrillo
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There was always a spike after Valentine’s Day at work. People unhappy with their relationships, a lot getting unceremoniously dumped on what was supposed to be a day all about love. CJ relished in the spike, because it kept him busy. But now the numbers were dropping, and finding a lull in a way he used to crave, but right now dreaded. 
He still needed to sort everything out. He needed to talk to Seb about the boring legal stuff about annulling their stupid Vegas marriage, and he needed to, well, just talk to Wren again. They said some nasty shit to each other, insults they hadn’t volleyed at each other since when they were young teenagers, since before their parents fucked everything up and they bonded together to make things less hard on Emery. But they were still family. They still loved each other.
It was like everything reminded him of his sister, including the latest customer who walked through the door. “Welcome to Break Room,” He said, though not feeling as chirpy as the job usually required. “Uh, you know Wren…well her name is Cantwell now, it used to be Welford, right? Or like, used to, right?”
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mayxlee · 2 months
location: frederick’s farm
character: @meicarrillo​​ & maya.
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As the downtown festival wrapped up on Saturday Maya found herself drawn to the excitement of Frederick’s Farm in Bighorn Hills. The promise of fresh-popped popcorn, apricots picked that day, and lemonade fueled her anticipation as she joined the bustling crowd eagerly awaiting their turn to fly in one of a dozen hot air balloons sponsored by Providence Peak University. Turning to her cousin with a smile, Maya couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Is there anything you would like to have? Any cravings?" she asked, her eyes scanning the array of treats available. "If not, we can grab some popcorn or apricots," she suggested, eager to indulge in the delectable offerings of the festival.
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seongxhyunwoo-archive · 3 months
WITH: @meicarrillo LOCATION: basic kneads
It was mundane and unexciting, accompanying his son to go to the doctor’s office. If surveyed, he doubted that most, if any, parents would claim that a doctor’s visit was among the list of things they liked doing with their children. Hyun Woo, perhaps if asked in a year’s time, would fall in line with the longtime parents. As a new father ( despite his son being six years old ), Hyun Woo celebrated even the most ordinary moments. Seeing him after school, helping him with homework, sitting with him for dinner. Taking him to the doctor. It was the normalcy, the routine, the integration in Hanbin’s life that Hyun Woo had craved for years and welcomed now. It was also allowing him the opportunity to meet more people in his son’s life and in the town that he was slowly starting to make his new home. Mei, though starting off as only Hanbin’s pediatrician, quickly became someone that Hyun Woo resonated with given their shared background. “Hi,” he said with a smile when Mei walked into the restaurant a few minutes after he assumed she’d ended for the day. With a sheepish laugh he gestured for her to take a seat. “Be honest, how often do you come out to meet your patients’ parents for a meal.”
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yasdogan · 3 months
closed starter for @meicarrillo at growing together pediatrics
Any time there was something weighing on Yas in her personal life, she was always grateful to have her work life to fall back on. It was a comfort to be able to get lost reading through charts or meeting with patients. The fact that she sometimes was also able to take the time to work with an old friend that she'd gone through med school with only ever made it better. After picking up coffees for both herself and Mei, Yas pulled in at Mei's office and headed inside for their meeting. "Got my charts, got us coffee, and even better, some good news to go along with it," Yas greeted as she walked inside, waving a file folder with a grin. They'd been working hand in hand with a mutual patient for awhile at that point and Yas finally was able to stop in with a new set of lab results that cleared the kid completely of the cancer they had been battling with, news that she wanted to give Mei the first crack and passing on to the family.
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