#megumi having no will to live vs yuji telling him to wake up
vesselmade · 4 months
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allforafro · 8 months
I don't even know what it is or allforafro reads people's theories after chapter 236 of jujutsu kaisen
Ok, I don't even know where to start because these are some random chaotic thoughts that came to my mind after reading some theories about how Gojo didn't really die.
Sorry for all the mistakes but this is crazy
After reading the first volume, which ends with Yuji's death at the end, there is a scene (to paraphrase) of Itadori telling Fushiguro to live on. I thought the manga would end with the only one of the main trio to survive being Megumi. It would be along the lines that Yuji cursed Megumi to live on or something like that. However, when Gege made Sukuna possess Fushiguro I wasn't so sure anymore. To be honest, I still don't fully understand how all these techniques, curses and other jujutsu things work. But I think there is a chance that Fushiguro will break free from under Sukuna's influence. From what I remember Sukuna still, hasn't consumed all of his fingers, which may mean that he may not be able to fully control Fushiguro, whose ten shadow technique allows for some pretty amazing things (seriously I've never been able to fathom why this technique could be that good).
Now I will discuss the part of the theory that all Gojo fans are waiting for. As a big fan of Gojo I seriously love this guy it's for him that I started reading jujutsu kaisen, I was surprised at how easily I came to terms with his death, even though before his fight with Sukuna I vowed that I would hate Gege and stop reading jujutsu. I've seen a lot of theories from people talking about how it could be that Gojo would survive being cut in half after all (Darth Maul style lol). Someone in one of their theories (I don't remember who in which one) mentioned Toji, the fact that even though he died he was suddenly restored in Shibuya and it dawned on me. Gojo's outfit in the fight with Sukuna resembles the one Toji was in when he fought Gojo and died. This old grandmother (I can't remember her name) summoned Toji's soul in her grandson's body but Toji was too strong and got out of her control. What if something like this can happen in Gojo's case? I doubt that any of those watching the Gojo vs Sukuna bout would be crazy enough to do it but what if someone from the Gojo clan does it, it would be an interesting introduction of other members of his clan.
Imagine Gojo dies reconciled to his failure, he leaves without regrets (the scene where he talks to Yaga about the fact that according to Yaga theory no sorcerer leaves without regrets is good. Well but seriously Gojo has come to terms with the fact that he has to kill Geto and let his soul go and now he dies without regret, is Gojo some kind of Buddhist saint or what they are referred to in that religion [sorry but I don't know about Japanese beliefs]) and here he suddenly wakes up and finds out that his family has raised him from the dead.
I don't know if this could happen and if Gojo could somehow return, but I wouldn't be mad at Gege for definitely killing Gojo.
Now let's get to the craziest part of the deliberations, which is that I am a delulu who believes that Nobara is still alive.
The old rule of fiction says we haven't seen the body means the person may be alive.
We saw Nobara get hit by Mahito and lying on the ground unconscious. And that was the end of showing anything of Kugisaki. The next piece of information we have about her is when much later after Shibuya Itadori asks Fushiguro what about Kugisaki. Nothing got said directly then Itadori assumed Nobara was dead. Well good only why would Megumi hide from Yuji the fact that Kugisaki is alive? In one of my theories I wrote about how Kugisaki's cursed technique might prove to be the best weapon to fight Kenjaku.
(ok theoretically I didn't write it in this theory but I had it in mind. or maybe I wrote about it in another theory or I read someone writing about it, but I don't remember it. I'm sorry, but I haven't been interested in jujutsu for a long time to remember things that happened a long time ago)
So what if Nobara is alive but this fact got concealed from most people precisely because Kugisaki may prove crucial in defeating Kenjaku. Only a narrow circle of the most trusted people know that  girl is in fact alive. But why can't Itadori know that? What if Fushiguro doesn't know about it either? Or maybe none of the students know about it but Shoko and Utahime, and the situation with Kugisaki may be similar to Itadori's when Gojo hid that he was alive. I think Utahime may think that someone else is working with Kenjaku, and therefore to avoid leaking information she is hiding the fact that Nobara is alive.
Or maybe I think this way because I really want Nobara to still be alive. So I can well understand people's desire for Gojo to still be alive. However, Gege has surprised me many times so one has to wait to see what will happen.
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