#medieval cod discourse
mirkwoodest · 3 years
idk it's kind of interesting to me that a post that began as a musing on how much modern medicine has changed our lives and how fallible our frail little bodies actually are has turned into so many people insisting that they would have died horrible violent deaths by unnatural causes. Like I'm not saying people weren't killed, obviously, but I think people are really overestimating the commonality of medieval murder. Like people still lived in communities and loved each other and took care of each other just like all people do in every single culture and every period of history. Although being mentally ill, gay, trans, red-haired, autistic, or whatever may have made your life more dangerous, I don't think it was a one-way ticket to death for everyone, or even most people. Especially when I look at the tags and see how many of us wouod have died as babies and children and young mothers just because shit like pneumonia and allergies and childbirth, I don't think people were quite as ready to kill off members of their own families like you imagine. I don't have like... stats to support this, just the love in my heart.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
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⭐️ Beautiful! Let's all think some more about medieval autistics that were out there thriving!
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
I have a uquiz for your medieval post:
have fun 💕💕
If even one of the outcomes is *burned at the stake for being gay/trans/mentally ill/a woman with opinions* I will climb the walls like an angry lizard and hiss. /j
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mirkwoodest · 2 years
I looked at the notes of that post again to see if I made the right call and YEAH 1/6 responses make me go into a blind rage and there are 95,677 notes. If I hadn't deleted it I would be in a constant state of aggression for a solid year, lmao.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
I'm reading some Visigothic laws right now and tbh the only ppl who were valid in their concern of being straight-up murdered in the medieval era are jewish people 😬 Like the laws I'm reading are specific to the 7th-10th century Spain, and don't actually allow Jewish people to be murdered (in fact they specifically say that the shouldn't be murdered) but there's an entire book specifically outlawing Jewish people from doing anything Jewish and also outlawing Christians from protecting or defending Jewish people and also outlawing magistrates and Bishops to be lax in their enforcement of these laws so like 😬😬😬 Yeah, this is the only group I'm seeing that was in legit danger of death-by-persecution. Y'all "I'm a woman who speaks her mind" folks and "I'm left-handed" folks please calm down.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
Why do y'all want to fantasize about being burned at the stake so badly?????????????
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
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⭐️✊🏆 thank you for your service
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
TW ableism towards autistic people
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Lol, this for daring to suggest that autistic people could have possibly existed and been loved in the medieval era? Why do y'all have so much darkness in your hearts? Why are you so reluctant to let go of the idea that every single person in every single culture in a time period spanning centuries was a heartless piece of shit that hated every single person that deviated from the norm? Do you truly think the ability to love and care for each other is something we learned in 20th century? Anyway, this is why all the misinformation on That Post made me so mad in the first place. Stop acting like kindness and community was a modern invention.
Please don't try to find the person who posted these tags or send them nasty messages, that's not the Point.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
I'm not surprised about the witch burning misinformation (I mean most ppl have seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail which has like... THE most iconic witch trial scene in cinematic history, and that's set in the medieval era) but I'm really curious about where the confusion about changelings comes from? The only media example I can think of is Outlander, which is set in the 1700s and not nearly so popular? Does anyone know?
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
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You're the only one I respect.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
This is what @heresylog must feel like.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
Like I recently read some late medieval scandinavian laws (so post christianization) about when it's legal to abandon an infant to die and what the exact protocol for that is, and it's so fucking sad??? Like people weren't inherently bloodthirsty and cruel in the past, they were just like you and me. There were only like 3-5 very, very specific physical abnormalities that made infant exposure legal. There were also extremely specific ways that the families had to do this to make things right in the eyes of the community/God. Although I obviously don't condone infant exposure and think it's horrible, seeing legal documents that say stuff like "the child should be left on the steps of the church and a family member must stay with them until they have stopped breathing" or "place the child in the grave but do not place earth on their face until they have died" make it clear that even for these children being abandoned and left to die, they felt it necessary to specify in writing that there shouldn't be any extra cruelty or suffering added. Like the one about the family member having to stay with the baby gets me especially. No one was fucking burning their infants because of a birthmark, jesus!
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
Books I want to own now, thanks to the medieval COD discourse.
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
Major takeaway from today aside from the fact that I have Can't Not Tell People That They're Wrong disorder, is that I am equally annoyed by people vilifying and romanticizing the past, lol. @aqueenvictorious said it really well earlier today: "People in the past were just people, with more or less the same distribution of assholes to angels [...] The past is not Other, the past is Us."
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
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impeccable take
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mirkwoodest · 3 years
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⭐️ ty, as soon as this godforsaken post hopefully dies down I'm going to do some solid research and make a post about witch burnings and child abandonment in the medieval era to hopefully clear up some of these super sad misconceptions!
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