#meanwhile on the discord
eightyonekilograms · 3 months
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johntorrington · 6 months
terror fans are crazy why does everyone here have a masters degree
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the-final-sif · 7 months
I need to hop back into my transformers bullshit for just a moment because I don't think they've had much interaction in canon, but I think it'd be really really funny if Tarn was actually terrified of Starscream.
Like, I dunno if MTMTE/IDW canon has confirmed Starscream's immortal spark for that particular series, but I'm going to assume it carries over. If so, it'd make Tarn's power basically useless against him.
In my ideal headcanon, Tarn got sick of Starscream's shit at some point and went against Megatron to try to murder him. He tried to do this subtly using his voice only for it to 100% not work even a little bit. He would've had this whole build up where he got Starscream alone and was attempting to be a dramatic bitch about the whole thing and build up to the murder and then-
And then it just doesn't work and there's a really awkward pause where Starscream is looking around kind of expecting something to happen when literally nothing does. Tarn is trying to keep a normal conversation going now while also attempting the murder again and again just for it to literally do nothing. Eventually Starscream gets sick of him being weird and walks out judging the guy.
It'd be so fucking funny particularly because Starscream having an immortal spark is generally totally unknown, so Tarn would have to assume that Starscream had found some way to render his ability useless, which is terrifying. Tarn is now extremely worried that Starscream somehow had a spy and found out what he was planning to do ahead of time. He might've even been able to get something into Tarn's head somehow to know his plan this well. Clearly that level of genius must be part of why Megatron keeps him around. Tarn was a fool for having attempted to disobey, and Starscream was clearly not a problem he could solve like this. What if Starscream reports this clear disobedience to Megatron? Tarn just tried and failed to kill the second in command! Starscream would have every right to demand his execution if he so desired, or save this as blackmail!
Tarn is just out of his mind spinning conspiracy theories and getting super high levels of paranoia about Starscream. Just doing whatever he can to not have to be in the same place as the guy. He runs under the assumption he's being blackmailed by Starscream for his attempt and does what he can to not cross the seeker.
Meanwhile from Starscream's perspective, Tarn showed up and had a very weird conversation where he kept raising his voice at random times and then nothing happened. Then the guy freaked out and got even more weird about it. He has no idea why this happened. He has no idea that Tarn is hiding from him. He thought it was weird and stopped thinking about it after a few days. Starscream's minding his own business and mostly forgot about this entire thing after two weeks meanwhile Tarn is having a mental breakdown about it for years.
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llamagoddessofficial · 6 months
this is probably already been asked before, but how would the boys be in a long distance relationship?
I don't think I've ever actually done this one before!
Sans: He'd be really good at an LDR. This is the meme king himself, after all. The fact that he can just teleport to come see you aside, he doesn't desperately need physical affection like the others. He's definitely cuddly with those he loves, and he would miss you a lot, but he's also alright with having his own space. You guys can just be bored together on calls. He's absolutely hilarious over text, the kind of guy you would start messaging only to look up at the clock and realise you've been talking to him for four hours straight.
He likes texting, and he's always laughing at your messages, but video calling is his favourite. He wants to see your face, even if you're both doing absolutely nothing.
Red: An LDR would be really good for him.
Red has a habit of using physical intimacy like a shield. He avoids addressing his real feelings, he covers up uncomfortable moments with touching or flirting. In an LDR, he has to acknowledge his feelings... both to you, and himself, or things just won't work. Texting gives him time to relax and gather his thoughts, plan his responses, navigate complicated feelings before speaking. Talking over the phone means he can hide his face and get little more confident at being affectionate in a romantic way. He gets better at putting things into words, and by the time the two of you do see each other in person, he's already overcome a lot of the emotional hurdles he otherwise would've stumbled at.
At the start of the LDR he'll prefer texting, since chatting to you can make his voice crack. But as time goes on he defaults to calling.
Skull: Surprisingly, he could manage! It varies wildly, though, depending on whether or not he's met you in person before.
If he's met you in person before the relationship becomes long distance, his biggest struggle is missing you being around. He isn't great at teleporting and it frustrates him that he can't go see you. He texts you almost constantly throughout the day, about random stupid stuff. Sometimes single word messages; 'snail?' with an attached picture of a snail he found in his garden.
If he hasn't met you in person, he has a lot of self esteem issues and self doubt. He feels like he's fooled you into being in a relationship with a thing like him. What if one day you meet in person? He's so much more intimidating in person. Will you really want to stay with him once you see how off-putting his mannerisms can be? Once you understand how broken and clingy he is? (Please let him know ASAP that big scary guys are your type)
He prefers to text. Calling is hard, hearing your voice makes him feel so much better, but he struggles so much with speech and he doesn't want you to feel pressured to do all the talking. Video calling makes him far too emotional, it's just not the same.
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yuesya · 11 days
The darkened screen lights up with a new incoming message.
Sunday immediately lunges for his cell phone, ignoring the scattered sheets of promptly-abandoned paperwork that go flying everywhere as they are knocked over in his haste.
Robin: I found her! Thank you for your help in narrowing down the facilities, brother.
An exhale of relief escapes his lips, and Sunday finds himself slumping down slightly in his seat. The heavy, constricting feeling on his chest finally lightens at the knowledge that his youngest little sister is safe.
Even though he knows that Lyra can take care of herself when it comes to physical confrontations, that does not mean Sunday is happy when his sister –either one of his beloved little sisters– is in danger. Especially not when she does so deliberately.
It also does not help that Lyra knowingly allowed herself to be kidnapped by slavers, because it reminds him of a certain time in their childhood.
A bloodstained warehouse. Dismembered corpses littering the ground. Lyra, blank-eyed and unaffected, standing in the center of it all –and oh, how Sunday’s heart ached for his dear little sister. How fiercely glad he’d been, to find her still alive and well amid the carnage.
Sunday closes his eyes for a brief moment to compose himself, then responds to Robin’s message.
I’m glad I was able to help, he tells his sweet sister. Is everything alright over there?
He sets his phone down to the side of his desk, and goes about the room regathering his paperwork. Given the tone of Robin’s words, the situation was most likely under control. And… all the way in Penacony whilst his sisters were elsewhere among the stars, there was only so much that Sunday could do.
Not for the first time, a sudden jittery, uneasy sensation flutters in his chest. Separation anxiety, was what others had jokingly named this feeling when Sunday described it to them, but–
His phone screen lights up again. Sunday hurries back to his desk, setting down the papers and picking up his pen on autopilot even as his eyes are drawn to his phone.
Robin: All good! Lyra finished things by the time I got here.
Robin: There’s actually very little collateral damage this time, too.
Robin: She also found all of the missing children!
Robin: Everyone is accounted for. [Smiley face]
Robin: [New Attachment: Image file]
Sunday pauses.
… The picture that Robin sent him is clearly one that she’d just taken on her phone. In the frame, there are several children curled up against each other in a small pile, some of whom are asleep, while others hold markers in their hands with mischievous expressions. But more importantly, beside the children–
Soft, silvery hair, and feathery wings. Lyra’s appearance is not elegant or enchanting the way Robin’s is, but no one –not even the other Halovians who incessantly wagged those tongues that they did not deserve to keep– would deny that she was lovely in her own right. His little sister’s beauty is one that’s precious and darling, which has its own charm.
There is a blond-haired young man leaning quite closely over Lyra’s shoulder, his arm reaching over her body to point at something that she’s holding.
Sunday’s eyes narrow at the ostentatious peacock–
Who is he, he means to type to Robin. But as he lifts his hand, Sunday suddenly realizes that he’s dripping ink on the table.
Slowly, he unfurls his fingers. Fingers that he does not recall tightening into a fist in the first place.
Pieces of a broken pen fall one by one onto the polished desk with a clattering sound, ink seeping deep into the wooden grains as dark droplets continue to dribble down from Sunday’s hand.
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etirabys · 7 months
Nov 2
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Nov 4
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fumifooms · 1 month
Here to share Hien thoughts today.
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One thing that defines her is that she’s very capable. She’s the highest ranking in the squad after Maizuru so her confidence is in part because she does have that senior coworker &/ leader authority to her, confidence which is very much earned.
If I had to dig deeper at her beyond just what we’re shown I’d go with the angle that… She was born into the Nakamoto household and being a ninja servant, she grew up there, she doesn’t know anything else beyond the job, and it’s a job she does well, traines to get there. She’s here to do her work and she’s content with her life being how it is, not that she knows anything else. I don’t think she’d be self-aware about it all? Both because this really is pretty normal for Wa and it’s her normal, and because, while she doesn’t fold her spine or care for things like cosmetics, she does mold her attitude to be both capable and respectable. Her home, the Nakamoto household, is simultaneously a professional setting, it’s a 24/7 thing.
She’s critical of others, including her superiors and she doesn’t shy from it. Everyone shittalks Toshiro’s father regardless, but she also gets reprimanded by Maizuru for seeing Toshiro as vaguely unreliable, again likely influenced by their history as childhood friends, sasses Maizuru when she goes off into an anecdote again, etc. Even as a kid with Toshiro, doubtlessly after starting her ninja training already considering that Toshiro started his at ~5yo, she told him it was unbecoming of him to cry. She’s the one both with the job and the will to keep others in check, like when it comes to Izutsumi not doing her tasks, etc etc.
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Her childhood friend relationship with Toshiro only grew more professional with time, to her surprise but seems to be more about the thought of it rather than it affecting her emotionally. With the way her extra comic lays it out, it seems she expected to become Toshiro’s mistress because of history repeating itself, in a "it is what it is" way more than anything, which is in line with the reading that she’s more go-with-the-flow and "anything that I’m tasked with I’ll accomplish, as a matter of course". She’s not really social, and keeps herself ready to act at beck and call. She’s not uptight but she’s hard-working. So yeah like, taking pride in your skills but also keeping your identity mostly molded for efficiency. She doesn’t really think about it all, she just is and she’s fine with things as they are, going from one task to the next.
I think it’d be neat to look at her relationship with her parents… They’re both servants at the Nakamotos’, so while maybe busy like Maizuru was at times while raising Toshiro but still taking the time to cook for him (which, parents that prioritize work over her would make sense with how she became how she is), I wonder what their relationship was like, how much time they spent together, how Hien feels like towards them… I assume they’re a part in molding what her definition of normal is, after all if they are longstanding servants of the Nakamotos she has that much less reason to question such a life. But like… Have they ever had hard-hitting discussions, or is she pretty distant even with them? Did they push her into working harder, or were more hands-off? Does Hien maybe want to earn recognition by being capable? Hien has a younger sister that she gets along "so-so" with…
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Hien’s younger sister seems to smile more, be more social and a bit nonchalant, such and such. Could be a point of tension that points to the "so-so", that they’re dissimilar/Hien thinks she doesn’t behave right or takes things too lightly, that she’s "unreliable" maybe. Or it could also point to some difference in how they grew up… Like oh I bet there could be tasty angst with mertocracy and siblings favoritism with her family thrown in there… Having to earn the love, earn your keep, earn your spot in the hierarchy (in work and family both)
To me she shines best as a foil, like to Beni, but like. She’s got neat stuff going on If you’re wondering where I took half of what I referenced from I recommend looking at my masterpost on the Nakamoto party, info and extras are compiled
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
the new discord username changes coming feel so weird to me because their big line of reasoning is that something like half of all friend requests on discord fail to connect because people can't get the username exactly right (accounting for both case sensitivity, special characters, and the four-digit discriminator) but this has literally never been a problem for me because every time i have either shared my discord or had a discord shared with me, we're just copy-and-pasting our discord usernames exactly to each other. who are these animals out there trying to freeball this info. no wonder they're failing at it and now it feels like their problem is everyone's. has gen z tech illiteracy gotten so bad that they don't even know how to ctrl-v
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
i recognize rw artists easily by their scugs and the way they draw/depict them but describe it in the weirdest ways
"ok this person owns a hunter that looks like a dinosaur"
"ah yes the saint that looks like a poor old man and pities other organisms, woe is him!"
"minecraft furnace arti"
"this gourmand is a walking pancake and has children"
"this rivulet has so much fucking teeth"
"this monk has a big round nose"
"ah yes the spearmaster that looks mostly made of skin and looks tired as shit"
"wow this survivor looks like an oreo"
"this is a very fucked up enot i feel like they could explode any second god someone help them"
"what do you mean your nightcat is literally the void"
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numahachi · 1 year
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dailydegurechaff · 10 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… more discord emotes
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eightyonekilograms · 5 months
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torchstelechos · 1 year
God, I just want a fanfic about the absolute wild internet fandom and discourse of PIDW. Just full stop make it a chat/discord sever fic with both SQQ and SQH in it but neither know and they have another meltdown relationship on this server. Enough so that the fans make jokes that they’re just alts of SQQ and SQH (which is true but no one actually believes this). Make the final chapter present day them figuring it out and wailing on each other in anger. I need this more than I need air.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 11 months
the only asks i could find that mention this explicitly are from 2020, so i don't know how much water they still hold, but i think a lot about how one of the inspirations for wally's character writing back when clown first picked welcome home back up was dr. habit from smile for me. obviously no telling for certain how that influence will manifest in future updates, but i think it's Very Interesting, given how both characters seem kinda Obsessed with fulfilling the image of some fictional archetype (i.e. habit trying his damnedest to embody the idea of a cartoon supervillain to subconsciously justify his own self-loathing and [at least in one ending] suicidal ideation VS wally being So devoted to his role as an audience surrogate that even now, nearly 50 years after the show has ended, he insists on being our guide as we try to unravel whatever the fuck happened here.
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merakiui · 8 months
Mera your literally about to have me cry at work with that Azul fic like damn 🥲😭 I'm not usually one for reader does angst but this one is killing me slowly man couldn't even die
>:) how many times will I make Azul suffer in fics? The answer: yes. I think it's a knife in the stomach for him (mwahaha) knowing he can't quite chase after you in the afterlife or hope to find you in the next life because he's still living his. The twins are real ones for calling the police and not trying to cover up the murder. Most normal, sane, logical tweels I've ever written (a very rare occurrence), but maybe that's because in this au they're not borderline criminals (or maybe they are and are just good at not getting caught/losing it like Azul does). ;;;;
Rambling aside, I will make up for the pain I caused Zuzu and readers alike by presenting everyone with the discord mod fic! There is no sadness to be found in it! Just pure smut and e-sex and lots of Azul being gross and sexually pathetic. It wouldn't be Azul smut if I didn't write reader appealing to his breeding kink. <3 reader will do anything for the hefty allowance from their tako sugar daddy. :D
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essektheylyss · 8 months
I don't know if this is a matter of being older, or of different school cultures, or just of time period, but I have been amused all week trying to connect with classmates remembering how when I started undergrad it was fully common practice to instantly and unthinkingly follow each other on tumblr
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