#meantions of 3rd life
joifee · 5 months
Heres a lil oneshot I wrote for @stardustanddaffodils!! I really hope you like it, it was real fun to write :D
The off purple patch of mycelium on Jimmy’s finely trimmed lawn stuck out like a sore thumb. Despite usually looking bright in nature, compared to his colorful and fantastic wonderland, it looked dull and out of place.
So no wonder Jimmy had spent the morning looking at it out of the very open window of his kitchen. Silently, he sipped his coffee, wondering if the mycelium would spread further. Yesterday, it was just hidden behind his workshop but seemingly overnight it had wandered further, nearly reaching the door of the barn. The mycelium was spreading fast.
Jimmy knew the source of it. After all, Scott was parading around the island, planting spots of mycelium in every home and settlement he found. And if Jimmy believed the words of the other people living on this island, Scott’s mycelium was a pest to behold. It spread fast, it was hard to get rid off, and even if you somehow managed to remove it, it found its way back to the surface, stronger and faster than before.
He took another sip. Usually, he would mind the mycelium messing up his lawn. He kinda was known by his neighbors to be meticulous about the way it was trimmed and he used to go over it one or two times a week. But this time, it didn’t seem to bother him.
It might be the fact that he himself was part mushroom; a"Funguy", how he half jokingly, half genuinely called himself. Mycelium didn’t turn him away, it felt good under his feet and in his hands, a very natural feeling for him. And it wouldn’t be messing with the aesthetic of his home, he would just let it be. But, like said, he was very meticulous about his precious lawn.
Jimmy set down his empty mug, sighing as he stared at all the mushrooms growing on the mycelium. It was a huge accumulation of death caps and fly agarics, both known to be rather toxic. Despite not minding the toxin of the mushrooms himself, it wouldn’t be the best idea to have them inside the barn. He wouldn’t like one of his animals eating them.
He didn’t know why Scott’s mycelium only spawned toxic mushrooms – maybe it was a side effect to killing mobs. Scott had complained about an invisible force restricting his powers everytime he killed a zombie, skeleton or another hostile mob. Maybe spawning only toxic mushrooms was a punishment for this; at least that was what Scott assumed when he came by to visit a couple of days ago.
With a shovel in one hand and a bucket in the other, Jimmy left his house and walked towards the patch of mycelium. He had decided not to completely get rid of it, just to relocate it.
On one hand, he knew that even if he tried to remove it all, it would come back anyway. The mushroom part of himself could feel how deep the mushrooms and the mycelium had spread inside the earth. He was able to feel the tiny root system, the inner connections of the death caps and fly agarics. And with a sniff of his nose, he got a whiff of the high amount of the spores in the air. So no matter what he would do, the mushrooms would return anyways.
On the other hand, he couldn’t help but find the patch pretty. Sure, it ruined his lawn but then he found himself not minding a lot. He even wondered how far it would be able to spread if he took proper care of it.
He dug the shovel into the earth despite all. Scott would know what he was doing anyways.
’I am connected through the mycelium. If I spread it like this, I can see everything and everyone! You especially!’ He remembered Scott saying. It had been one of Scott’s many, impressive abilities. Jimmy was able to run faster, hit harder or make himself more durable; something which often came in handy when the others pulled pranks on him. Scott as a fungal mage however had so many cool abilities, he himself wasn’t even able to recount all of them.
Jimmy smiled when he remembered their meeting a couple of days ago. Scott came over to show him one of his newest magic tricks. Jimmy already knew that Scott was able to spawn spore clouds to hop for a short amount of time. When he first saw the trick, the fungal mage had mentioned that he wanted to practice this and maybe see how far up he was able to get with it.
And, behold, Scott had practiced a lot. One spore cloud after the other appeared and Scott, nearly effortless, jumped from cloud to cloud and was able to reach the top of Jimmy’s pink villa and join the Funguy himself on the roof without even breaking into sweat. It was very impressive. Jimmy hadn’t been able to take his eyes off his friend. The way the spore clouds had sparkled in the morning sun, the way dew had collected on the big mushroom Scott wore on his head, and the smile the mage had shot him just left Jimmy breathless.
He felt his cheeks heat up if he thought about it again. He dropped the shovel on the mycelium, then let himself drop beside the tool.
That morning, the only thing that had run through his mind was the thought that he wanted to kiss Scott. And the thought didn’t leave his mind every time he saw the patch of mycelium outside. Jimmy hadn’t been able to string a single sentence together back when Scott stood before him, the rising sun behind him, sparkling spores coming out of his mushroom hat. Scott had chuckled at Jimmy’s embarrassment, asking jokingly if he had accidently enchanted him considering he was part mushroom. Jimmy had flushed even more because of these words and he denied it all, while Scott just stood there, smiling knowingly.
Jimmy plucked a fly agaric from the mycelium – it being a good miniature copy of the one sitting above Scotts white hair. Jimmy hadn’t been able to place those feelings for the first days since that meeting on the rooftop. He hadn’t really encountered those before. Or at least not in this intensity.
He always had known that he was different when it came to love. He never felt attracted to anyone, he couldn’t fully understand what Joel meant when he talked about how Lizzie set his heart ablaze, and he couldn’t really follow Sausage’s ramblings about how hot he found certain people he had flirted with during social gatherings.
He had told Scott back then in 3rd Life after he basically got married with the former. Which, honestly, was kinda weird to talk and ask about your lack of attraction just after getting married to one of your best friends. Scott, however, had been so nice about it, taking his time to try and explain and understand Jimmy’s emotions and reassure him that what he felt was completely normal and valid. They ended up being platonic husbands that season and it had been a great time for Jimmy.
After that moment, their friendship became stronger and stronger. Making those sudden emotions even more confusing to Jimmy than ever before. Why would they only appear now? Scott and him had been friends for years. They had spent a lot of time on various different servers with each other. And he never felt something like that during those times! And was it really what he was thinking of? Had he… fallen in love with Scott?
A sudden burst of energy sunk into his body from the ground,startling him. "Ouch", he let out, holding his hand. It felt like a sting, kinda similar to a little electric shock you would get by brushing wool. It just felt a bit different, a bit more… familiar. And his head had formed some words in his mind, he hadn’t thought of before. Something about Scott coming over...
Did… did the mycelium try to communicate with him? Confused, he looked at the purple dirt and clawed his hands into the ground.
And suddenly he saw far away, further away than his human eyes would let him usually see. And he felt so much more than he would feel standing on his neat lawn or in his pink villa. Most importantly, he felt someone approaching in the distance, preparing to travel to someone by teleportation. Someone that made his heart beat faster.
"Oh", Jimmy said under his breath. Yeah, that might explain why he suddenly felt so connected to Scott. And maybe Scott’s silly flirt of enchanting him hadn’t been that far off.
Mycelium after all was known for connecting mushrooms and signaling and communicating through them. And doing that by electric impulses. He basically was connected to Scott though the mycelium the fungal mage had planted. And it was very likely that Scott knew that Jimmy had been sitting on and digging in the mycelium.
Just as he lost the faraway connection, he saw the faint purple shine of the waystone, signaling someone arrived in his wonderland. Jimmy lifted his now soiled with dirt fingers out of the mycelium. And there he was. Scott. Standing under the white-pink pergola, red spores floating around him. He was holding his hand up to his face, seemingly searching for Jimmy in the distance.
The Funguy hid behind a neatly trimmed bush, watching how Scott started wandering around searching for him. Jimmy let out a sigh.
Suddenly he wasn’t that sure about his feelings anymore. Was it really love or was it just a natural connection due to their current matching origins? Yes, he felt close to Scott but he always had felt close to Scott. But that was natural given that they were best friends and have met in nearly every world they have found themself in. Somehow like fate always brought them together. So why should this time around be different? Why should it have a deeper meaning?
It confused Jimmy so much.
Lost in his thoughts Jimmy barely noticed Scott coming nearer. A hand tapped him on the shoulder, startling him.
"WOAH!", he let out, looking at Scott in shock. The fungal mage chuckled at the reaction. "Found you!", he smiled, letting out a louder laugh when Jimmy held his chest in mock offense. "You scared the living daylight out of me Scott! What the hell!"
Scott sat down besides Jimmy still giggling to himself. Jimmy let out a huff, pulling his legs closer to himself. "I felt that you found my mycelium. And here I was thinking that I hid it so well." He looked at Jimmy, who didn’t dare to look back at the fungal mage."I thought you would spot it very soon and try to remove it. I am actually surprised that you just started to do it today."
"I… I wasn’t planning to remove it. I just wanted to relocate it because it got too close to the barn." Jimmy was tempted to hide his face, feeling an embarrassed flush growing on his face. He wasn’t sure if it was caused by shame or just by Scott being so close to him. Scott let out a hum. The look he shot Jimmy was unreadable and he looked away for a second, like he had a question on his tongue. "How long did it take you to find it?" he asked instead.
"I pretty much saw how you made it", Jimmy admitted, finally letting his head hit his knees, hiding the view of his face."You looked pleased with yourself, I decided to let it stand for a while. But then it spread a bit too far and… yeah."
"I guess my spores are very potent. Probably because they are so magical and pretty. Just like me." Scott laughed but Jimmy did not join in, instead turning himself slightly away from Scott. He felt the flush on his face getting worse and his heart picked up on speed. He felt embarrassed and shy. He didn’t want to look at Scott because he didn’t know if he would cry looking at him or just kiss him right away. His feelings were too messed up at the moment to risk it.
Scott went silent as well and pressed his fingers slightly into the lawn. Under his feet and hands, mycelium slowly began to grow, worming its way towards Jimmy’s body. When the purple patch found its way to Jimmy’s feet, Scott began to frown, feeling Jimmy’s discomfort seeping into his own body through the mushroom root system.
"Is everything alright Jimmy? You seem upset?", he asked carefully.
Jimmy didn’t know if he would answer but his body wincing at Scott’s words probably were answer enough to the fungal mage. Scott stayed silent, carefully throwing an arm around Jimmy in an attempt to comfort him. And Jimmy, naturally, just let himself fall against Scott. He let out a long sigh.
"I don’t know honestly… I am a bit confused I guess." Scott softly patted Jimmy’s arm, watching as the funguy raised his head and carefully rested it on Scott’s shoulder, "What confuses you?"
Jimmy thought for a second."I… I am not sure if I really want to tell you if I am honest. I… I don’t know." "Do you fear my reaction?" Scott asked carefully. Jimmy shook his head and looked at Scott slightly flustered. "No, I do not! It’s just… a bit embarrassing and personal. And I don’t know how to tell you."
Scott let out a hum, thinking about Jimmy’s words. He pulled the Funguy a bit closer to him, creating an even more private setting, even though there was no one in sight that could hear their words. "I promise I won’t react negatively to it. And I won’t pry. If you need more time, take it. I have the whole day."
Jimmy nodded. The closeness reminded him of the conversation they had back in 3rd Life. This conversation about Jimmy’s complicated romantic feelings back then had started the same way and the Funguy was sure that Scott was aware of it. Jimmy took a deep breath.
"I think that I am in love with you."
Scott’s eyes widened at those words and his hand briefly stopped stroking Jimmy’s arm. The funguy felt Scott tense up and decided to continue his confession before he was able to regret it.
"I just don’t know if it’s actually real. I feel so connected to you. And well if I am honest… I don’t know if it’s romantic, platonic or if its just the mycelium."
Jimmy felt the tenseness slowly leaving from Scott’s body. It somehow made him lose some nervousness as well. He however noticed through the mycelium at his feet, that Scott’s heart was still beating strongly and that the growth of the mushroom roots deep down in the earth haltered for a second.
After some time, Scott turned his head to Jimmy who was looking at his face. "Sorry, that surprised me a bit. I hadn’t expected that."
"Yeah, kinda sudden, isn’t it?" Jimmy tried to laugh out loud but it was clear that it was just to overplay his nervousness. Scott hummed again.
"That’s actually a good question. Because, I also feel more connected to you than I already do. It feels like the mycelium enhanced my feelings for you." A blush started to raise on Scott’s cheeks, making the white freckles he had even more obvious. His face started to resemble the very mushroom he was wearing on his head. Jimmy swallowed at the image, making his heart race faster. Under his feet, he was able to feel Scott’s heart beating, faster than normal as well. Small little shocks of electricity were traveling through his body from the ground and other than the first time he felt the shock, it felt nice this time around. Soothing even.
"I…" Scott started off again, nervousness creeping into his usually confident voice. "I always knew that I loved you but right now this feeling might set my heart on fire. I… feel like my breath stops every time I see you. I get warm inside and everything is tingling…"
Jimmy’s eyes widened. It was the same feelings that he had when he saw Scott recently. And Scott just said that they were caused by the very suspicion that he had as well. Love. Jimmy licks his lips. "Might be the poison in our blood. I heard… mushrooms can cause that." Scott’s head snaps into Jimmy’s direction, being startled. The Funguy was worried for a second before the fungal mage suddenly started laughing loud, all tenseness leaving his body. The root system under them felt like it started to sing and the mycelium visibly started to grow around them. Jimmy couldn’t help himself and joined in.
"You really are a Funguy aren’t you? Gosh, I just love you so much." Scott hugged Jimmy and the Funguy smiled and hugged him back.
And it felt right. It felt so, so right. Scott’s hand patted Jimmy’s back and it felt very reassuring to Jimmy. He hummed and he felt Scott’s breath in his ear. "It’s okay, if you don’t know how to call what you feel Jimmy. It’s hard to put a name to something. But you know, no matter what it turns out to be…" he whispered, letting go of Jimmy slightly so he was able to look into the other one’s face. "No matter what it is, I will support you. I love you. I value you and the most important thing: I promise that I will be your friend no matter what. No matter how we develop. No matter if what you feel right now is because of the mycelium and no matter how often those feelings will change for you. I will be there and I won’t go." Scott smirked and Jimmy felt dashes of electricity dance around his body, feeling Scott’s own happiness in his own body. Wondering if the fungal mage was able to feel his own.
"After all, we mushrooms will stay connected. And I wish we still will be, even if we might lose those abilities as well."
Jimmy smiled, lowering his head to rest it on Scott’s chest. Scott pressed a soft kiss to his head, holding him close. Jimmy nodded a last time.
"I also hope we do. I love you too."
Jimmy wasn’t fully aware if what he felt was romantic or platonic. But who cares. It was love. And that was all that mattered.
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mallowbees · 2 years
oh god i forgot that just. i forgot about the
Impulse: Did you just yeet the music disk? Did you yeet it?
Bdubs: I did i yeeted it
Impulse: You yeeted it... thats the opposite of pog.
i forgot about this exchange okay.
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