#me love my starteke
hollisofficial · 11 months
hey that ask game? 3. or 8. 22 i think. fr either metalocalypse or strek. sar tek.
answering this as midnight lets go boner squad
also doign this for my tootsit baby girl SAR TEK becuasr i think if i did this for mtl my brain would melt out my ear
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
not necessarily a single take bt i despise any jokes about scotty being in love with the enterprise . UNLESS. you are 100% serious in that case objecto win and love and peace kn planet earth for one thousand one million years. if NOT. and youre just doing it to be funny like LOL scotty doesnt rly have anyone to ship him with (OBJECTIVELY WRONG) ship him with the ship LOL or like LOL he loves the ship maybe like ACTUALLY LOL #ENGINE idfk . i wont to beat your head in until it looks like a crumpled little tin can . i think you shoufl be forced to go back to the coal mines of the facebook meme pages because youre literally the most unfunny human being on the face of the planet and you deserve to be there. crumple and cry. cease and desist.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
im gunna say it . i dont care about spocks stupid little being in heat episode. i dont care if being in gay with his captain fixed him. i get it or whatever oooooohhhh it was so gay look how gay this episode was . i dont car. city on the edge of forever means 20000x more to me.
this isnt even like an opinion. i dont even know what the opinion is here. ig that it was good . i think it was overblown.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ok sponer nation. hello.
i am NOT going to be able to articulate this correctly but like the fact that bones isnt afraid to apologize to spock and that the two of them obviously have boundaries set + know when crossing the line is crossing the line ect . like i feel like its so easy to just say 'bones n spock torment/heckle/whatever eachother' and to just have bones be some sarcastic dick all the time but hes not!!!!! him and spocks relationship goes so much deeper than just auogh they jsut poke fun at eachother . THERES COMPLEXITIES. THERES MIRRORS. bones is such more character than just sanded down to doctor guy who argues with spock and third wheels spock and jims relationship. you all are so wrong and bones literally has helped spock come to terms w his human side JUST AS MUCH IF NOT MORE ‼️‼️ as kirk has.
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twistedwireart · 3 years
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This is the very first and only Astronaught I have ever created in wire. I absolutely love how this creation came out.
I kept thinking about Neil Armstrong when he first set foot on the moon. He spoke these words.
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
This piece was made from 22 gage coated copper wire. It stands 8inch in height and it is 8 -1/2 inches wide. It weighs 3 lbs. (Yes thats alot of wire lol)
If you would like me to create something for you please inbox me or log on to my website Www.twistedwire.us
#astronaut #spaceforce #usairforce #NASA #WIREART #wire #twistedwire #metal #copperwire #readyplayerone #starwars #startek #cool #cashmoney #millionair #handmade #wireart #$$$#mandelorian
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banuthh-blog · 6 years
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We both started off as strangers. I was a trainee & you were already tenured. I remember first seeing your face on a peformance you and your group had on the tv screens on each and every floor of Startek dancing to Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop The Feeling!". That's when I started asking who you were from my supports and friend. Why? Why not. You are a dancer, and you have chinky eyes, for crying out loud. 😏
Remember that anniversary keme singing contest? That's when I first fell inlove with your voice.
Or the Tenacity launch? That's when you first laid your eyes on me.
How about Sportsfest opening? That's when we first talked.
And that's where our journey started.. 😊
We became friends, got to know each other more everyday, we discovered a connection. Those days when the most important part of every shift are breaks and EOS, those sneaky titigans that we had on the production floor, those tenacity chats, those volleyball games.. all definitely filled my tummy with butterflies. 💝
We started off the relationship very roughly, but we managed to fight for what we had until everything went smooth.. We worked together, lived together, ate, slept, we did everything together. We had all the time in the world all to ourselves for each other. Everything was sooo perfect for months. ❤
But unfortunately, I made a terrible mistake of making my emotions decide for me. I made wrong decisions, wrong choices that destroyed everything that we built. I broke up with you. But you never left.
I pushed you away, but you never left.
I fell inlove with someone else, but you never left.
I said terrible things that can break you, but you never left.
I did horrible decisions that can tear you apart completely, I broke you, I damaged each and every part of your emotional being..
But you never left.
What have I done to deserve you?
What have I done to deserve someone who loves me more than he loves himself?
What have I done to deserve someone who embraced me despite my imperfections and of all the mistakes that I have done?
As always, maybe, just maybe..
God blessed the broken road.. that led me straight BACK to you. ❤
To my bonjing,
words will never be enough to express how fortunate I am that I still have you. thank you for loving me beyond my dark side.
And please know that I love you so much. Always.
And let me prove that to you every single day of our journey. I will never let you down again. I will love you everyday. I will always choose you. And please know that I am fighting for this, I am gonna work this out. Let me rebuild what I destroyed, and I'm gonna need you to help me. G?
I love you so much. You are my greatest love.
You are what I deserve. ❤
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the-voyager-bunch · 7 years
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Screw my few days break.. I've been scrolling though my old posts on here and I've been laughing like crazy. I haven't posted some seriously funny content in god damn ages and literally it's just cheered me up so much. Once again though Star Trek: Voyager has just got me out of a depressed episode and I'm so glad that it has. My emotions and my moods are so erratic it's horrible and I really mean that. I'm so glad that I have Star Trek in my life and all the funny people in the comments especially you @the.red.heads.of.tv I love you so much!! Thank you for being a part of making me laugh 😂💕 #startek #startrekvoyager #startrekvoyagerfandom #captainkathrynjaneway #captainjaneway #kathrynjaneway #feelinghappyagain #startrekcheeredmeup #michelsullivan #thatswhatfriendsarefor #depressioncankissmyass
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