innocencel0st · 5 months
Partially plotted AU with @mctives
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Tatum used all the strength she had to fling the freezer door open, smacking him in the head with it. She had to put space between them. She had to find an escape or a weapon. She ran for the door that would lead her back inside the house. But he was already up. She threw the first beer bottle, then the second. But he was running at her. She ducked and he rolled over her back, landing on his on the stairs.
There was the pet door. But what if she didn't fit? What if she got stuck? He'd be up in a second. She had to make a decision.
The skis. She grabbed a ski pole, bringing the point down hard into his chest. "Motherfucker!" She lifted the pole back up and brought it down again. And again. And again....
When she was done, she was out of breath and in shock. The pole clattered against the cement floor when she dropped it. She fell to her knees beside him, blinking. The adrenaline was still pumping through her to the point that she no longer felt the sting from where the knife had cut into her forearm. Her own blood mixed with his on her hand as she reached for the mask, pulling it off. Of course it was Billy, she hadn't trusted him from the start.
As she got back to her feet she picked up the last unbroken beer. There was a numbness setting in as she climbed the few steps back up to the door. Conveniently unlocked this time. As she made her way into the kitchen and back into the party, she didn't notice the stares she was receiving. She was disheveled and bleeding as she made her way to Stu, "Here's your beer."
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inxspacetime · 2 months
[ EXPOSE ] for receiver to discover sender covered in blood. 
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Randy could barely think straight - and he certainly couldn’t walk straight. He stumbled across the familiar farmhouse in an attempt to find someone, an eeriness sitting within the stillness of the property. Just five minutes ago, they place had been full to the brim with people; bursting with noise. Well, at least it felt like five minutes ago to the horror buff - but time was a bit of an enigma to him at the moment. He was able to find someone outside, but considering it was the very much dead cameraman of Gale Weathers, that wasn’t a whole lot of help to him. It did let him know the killer was around, but he wasn’t quite sure what to do with that information. With his luck he’d end up running right into the figure’s arms. 
Still, he couldn’t just sit on the ground and accept defeat. He decided to loop around back, hoping to see Dewey or Sidney or somebody along the way. He jogged as quick as he possibly could, but immediately stopped upon seeing Tatum’s mangled body hanging from the garage door. He tried (and to his surprise, successfully) to hold down his vomit at the sigh. He was only used to simulated gore; qnd even then, the most realistic effects could never compare to seeing one of your best friend’s heads crushed like a grape. He was paralyzed in fear - that, mixed with his already delayed reflexes, were why he didn’t hear the sound of the door leading into the garage clicking shut.
He looked to the source of the noise as quickly as his intoxicated state would allow and he saw Stu. He was bloody, possibly bruised, possibly hurt. His eyes widened, his mouth hung open and his first thought was to run over to where his friend stood. But he took a step towards him and quickly froze up once more. Stu never gave him any reason not to trust him before - sure, his head was pretty far up Billy’s ass recently, but he couldn’t really be a killer… …. .. could he?
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He took a step back, and then another. He didn’t run, not for a number of reasons. First and foremost, he knew if he did that he wasn’t getting that far at all. Second, he didn’t know where anyone was. Even if he did manage to make it more than a few steps, no way would he be able to last all the way until he reached the nearest neighbor. And third, and kind of the most important point, he really didn’t know if he was staring at a killer or a guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time…
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americanedpsycho · 1 month
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progeniterror · 3 months
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" JESUS FUCK they let you out already ? Feel like I shoulda gotten a call about that... "
starter for @mctives
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screenviolense · 5 months
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  ' you look worse than the last time i saw you. ' was she smug? a little, given how she'd managed to but she could only be so smug when she was the one coming back here for more material for her next book. unofficially, of course.
@mctives / short starter call.
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cstarling · 5 months
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clarice hadn't argued when jack gave her this assignment, despite wanting to protest against it as a whole. she wanted to stay on the ripper case, find the man who had been terrorizing the city for years. instead, she took the file and set up a time to meet stu macher at the prison he's resided in for some time, now. his case was pretty cut and dry - the ghostface killings in woodsborro, california ; him and billy loomis had killed several students, eventually trying and failing to kill their final victim, sidney prescott. stu made it out, billy didn't. even the macher family lawyer couldn't get the judge to deny all of the evidence presented against him. she thinks about this as she enters the prison, checking her gun and badge with security before following a guard to the room they'd be using. clarice listens to the precautions and nods, heaving a silent breath before she's allowed into the room. sitting at the table is stu, scars littered across his features, the man handcuffed to the table. she meets his eyes. 'hello, mr. macher. my name's agent clarice starling, m'with th'fbi,' hand gestures toward the chair across from him. 'may i sit?' @mctives.
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blccdshed · 2 months
@mctives. STU.
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❝ ----- dude, seirously? ❞
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innocencel0st · 4 months
I know I already replied to this meme you sent, but I woke up at 4AM to thunder and lightning with an idea @mctives
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Depending on her schedule, and when his appointments were, they would either meet at the cafe on her lunch break, or across the street at the park after she left the office for the day. Today had been a park day. Until the sky opened up and it seemed to start raining out of nowhere. First it was a light sprinkle, then within moments, the sky was gray and it was coming down hard. There was a boom of thunder and a crack of lightning, and they were running for the parking garage Tatum's car was in.
Tatum wasn't really sure at what point she'd reached for his hand. Or maybe he'd reached for hers to help pull her along? She couldn't be certain. All she knew was that when they made it to her car, they were still holding hands, grinning, and dripping wet. She let go, not because it was Stu and she'd realized her hand was in his, but because she had to fish her keys out of her purse.
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Do you need a ride? The words simply tumbled out of her mouth before she realized it. But she stuck to them, and after a moment of insistence, they were both inside the car, the heater on full blast trying to warm them up (and dry them).
Then she looked at him.
Wet tendrils of hair framed her face, what little bit of makeup she wore was washed away by the storm. She was still grinning, and for a moment she felt like she was eighteen again. Maybe it was the adrenaline still pumping through her, but without giving it a single hesitation, her hand was on his cheek and she was capturing his lips with hers. She was screaming at herself in her head. She could hear Dewey and Sidney screaming at her in her head. What are you doing? But for a moment, she simply didn't care.
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inxspacetime · 2 months
❰❰ ARGUE ❱❱ sender ends an argument with receiver with a kiss
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An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
It was one part of their relationship Randy couldn’t say he missed those decades his friend had been locked up. The pair could bicker like no other - Stu knew the easiest path to get under his skin and have him itching. He knew exactly what to say, knew just about every button to push in order to get him worked up - sometimes in a good way, but more commonly he used those powers just to piss him off. And that night, he discovered that hasn’t really changed. He was in the middle of a rant, no surprise there. Anyone who’s gotten Randy to this level knew it was hard to shut him up once he was there ( * harder than usual, that is ) . Stu had to have known this, which was why he went with a less conventional, yet more effective technique of doing so. 
The kiss cut him off mid-sentence, even cut his thoughts off for a few short moments out of shock. It wasn’t the first time he’d been kissed by the taller —; it was, however, the first time in about twenty years. So while the pair of lips held some familiarity, quite a bit actually, there was something present he never noticed back when they were teens. Stu’s distraction proved to be successful; after only a few moments of confusion, Randy finally gave a proper reaction. His eyes fell shut while a hand rose to the other’s chest. His palm rested flat against the surface, lightly grabbing at the material of his shirt as the kiss continued.
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When they finally pulled back, the look on his face was calmed - but only for a few seconds. “That’s not gonna work on me every time.” He warned, poking Stu’s chest to ensure he had Stu’s attention.
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drkroots · 3 months
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@mctives said: ❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
          munday asks
❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
As I writer, I like that I'm creative as fuck ( though the probably ADHD makes it difficult because I'm in a constant state of stress and burnout ) and if I had the power, I would truly be unstoppable and write the damn series this blog is based around lmfao.
Non-writing related, I like to think I have the patience of a saint with what I used to have to put up with growing up ( though it's also something I've had RL people try to take advantage of ), I'm also hella passionate about the things I love when I am able to decompress and love them properly. I also like to think I'm that chill friend that you come to if you need to chat and vent. I'm always down for a good bitchfit and a couple of drinks
I'm also a birb mum. I got that going for me too.
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loomiskiller · 4 months
“Just you, me and a couple of silly hats. What do you say?”
"I was actually invited to a party." Billy states, though, he doesn't sound like he is interested in going to it. In fact, his mood has been terrible since Christmas. His dad had to ruin everything for him and his sister for yet again. That man can't seem to let his children catch a goddamn break. He has new bruises from trying to defend his sister, though, they are hidden from view. Billy keeps his gaze off of Stu.
Sometimes, Billy thinks about taking a knife and stabbing him a few times. Then, maybe, maybe he will understand what it is like to experience fear. Unfortunately, Hank is his and Vicki's only provider, so, they would be shit out of luck if he did that, so, he's just bidding his time until he can move away from Woodsboro and take Vicki with him. He finally turns to Stu.
"Not really in the mood to celebrate, really. Not even to get drunk."
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contradictivs · 4 months
when people don't understand you, you can say anything you want.
"I don't think that's actually how that works."
After making himself comfortable on whatever spot of grass he had claimed, Ryder had tried his best to focus on whatever he had been working on. Only mildly listening to the people around him talk about whatever they were talking about. It did not surprise him that Stu was the one to say something like that — Stu saying weird shit was something that he had quickly become desensitized to after hanging out around him a couple of times. It still caught him off guard, sometimes, but it didn't genuinely surprise him.
Pen tapped against paper as he glanced at the other. "You can't actually say whatever you want, whenever you want."
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facepeeled · 5 months
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?  how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? 
she's not possessive over things-- a symptom of growing up poor. she's never had many valuable possessions, therefore she doesn't cherish much. the only thing she's really possessive of is her mother's wedding ring, which she keeps despite having never known her mother. it's worse when she takes calista's place, when she has all these expensive clothes and jewelry and sports cars and whatnot-- these things mean next to nothing to her, because they can always be replaced. she's got an endless well of money at her disposal.
when it comes to people, however, she is very possessive. she doesn't like to share. she can cheat, sleep around, flirt, whatever, but her partner absolutely cannot. she's the type of girl to stab you for looking at another woman. a very jealous lover.
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scrivellc · 5 months
🖕    Flip my muse the bird/a similar gesture 
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"You must have me confused with someone else or you're very, very, stupid," Orin said as he fixed the stranger with a dirty look. Who'd this snot think he was anyway? Probably just being shit if he remembered what he was like at that age. And truth be told he was still like that even if he pretended otherwise. He shouldn't picked a fight, he knew that on some level, but he couldn't just let this kind of thing go. Just like...on principle. "Since you're still just standing here then I'm gonna say stupid."
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innocencel0st · 5 months
💕 our muses’ romantic relationship (for tatum bc of course)
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inxspacetime · 5 months
🎲 ~ for randy
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kiss roulette
↳ 33. a kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking. @mctives
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Randy knew he wasn’t making the most logical decision. Anyone he spoke to on it would probably tell him he was nuts, and advise him to do any and everything but the order of decisions that led him here. That was why he left this secret between him and his conscience until he knew how to approach it. And Stu, of course. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to go there, or what kept him coming back. ‘Normal’ was a dead term, they couldn’t go back to normal after everything that happened - how could they? Well, apparently Randy was sick enough to try. Stu claimed to be reformed. And he would likely always wonder how true that claim was in the back of his mind, but he was willing to (hesitantly) give an old friend the benefit of the doubt until he was proven otherwise.
Much to no one’s surprise, his way of doing that was with a movie night. Even after his brushes with death, horror was still a true love of his, but what would surprise someone (maybe not more than the whole him hanging around Stu thing, but still) was that he actually made an effort to steer away from the genre this time around. For obvious reasons. He may not have been the most socially intelligent, living with a semi-permanent foot in his mouth. But even he knew that might not be the smartest move - though, he choosing to be around Stu, so what did he know about being smart? Besides, a good enough comedy would do just fine. Well, they settled somewhere in-between - really cheesy ghost movies. There was some scare to them, but definitely something to laugh about as well.
He didn’t mean to stay so late. He didn’t mean to actually get comfortable, lounging across whatever part of the sofa Stu wasn’t. Personal space wasn’t in the taller’s vocabulary, and Randy couldn’t help but assume prison only further exaggerated that. So there they were; arm to arm, shoulder to shoulder—- and head in Randy’s case, while some crappy found footage movie played on the TV. And for a little while, it really did almost feel like the past. But the movie reached a slower part, losing his attention enough for him to glance over at the other. As he did so, he caught sight of a mark. A scar made by a hunting knife - he had enough of those to recognize. And he knew the story enough to have a good idea how he earned it.
It was just an area of disrupted skin. He had at least a handful of those sprinkled along his torso, the wielder of the knife being the mother of who was responsible for the other’s very own. He shouldn’t have thought much of it, but after a few moments he realized his gaze was fixed on it. He contemplated his next thought, ultimately deciding it was stupid as he went through with it anyway. His head only moved slightly from where it was propped up against the man’s shoulder, ducking down a bit to press his lips against the the marking for a few brief seconds. Then he went back to his former position, without a word.
It was hard to put his feelings towards Stu into words, even before things got tainted. He spent a long time shoving them to the back of his mind, and he only doubled down on that idea after finding out what the other did. But deep down under all of that confusion, there was even more confusion. But under that, there was something that’d make it hard to ever completely hate Stu the way he probably should.
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