whatscanon-a · 4 years
🌱 / but also where's the 'i suck at plotting and i'm sorry about it' option ??? idk have the leafy bit tho
🌱: I love your writing but I want to just silently follow you for a bit longer to get a better hang of your muses
lmao honestly i feel that second bit. but i’m a mega fan of u sooo
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i-wrote-myway · 5 years
@mcnticellos <3
Alexander’s lips pressed together as he sat there in his chair, leaning back a bit as he was watching the other man. “Sorry,” he said after a moment or two as he shook his head. He could easily admit that he hadn’t been listening but he wasn’t about to do that. He would just act like he had been the whole time. “It sounds great, just one thing, can you explain that last part just one more time?”
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ncvaflows-archive · 4 years
❝ Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? ❞ / let's go for it lmao
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“It is.” Her breath giving life to a puff of white as it mingled with the cooler air of the winter season. They stood under the dim light breaking through window panes as a party continued on indoors, but she had begun to feel the warmth and flush of the room and stepped out for a breath of cool air. She missed the cold Russian winter and this weather was a balm to her homesickness. Sometimes she wished she hadn’t been asked to visit this new country on behalf of the Tsarina, but there were moments that she loved ever moment of it. Like right now standing on the outside listening to the gaiety of the party and a warm voice breaking through the winter cold. 
“I used to be afraid of dark you know.” She offered with a soft laugh as dark eyes glimmered under the lamplight. “In Russia, during the winter it would get so dark, but then my father told me about the best aspect of the darkness. The starlight. We only get to see the brightest stars in the darkness. I’m glad for its predictability.”
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loyalservants · 5 years
( Continuation | @mcnticellos )
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DOES HIS FACE DISPLAY HIS PRIDE?  absolutely.  pursed lips give away the knowing smile, having a  O N E - L I N E R for almost anything; having plenty of free time and a few too many rivals to plot against will do that to a man.  now, martha is no rival; quite the opposite, in fact, otherwise one can assume they wouldn’t be married.  but if the day ever does come where thomas jefferson spots a UFO, he’s certain she’ll both question his stability and support him nonetheless. she’d be less surprised to find out thomas, himself, is an alien.
and speaking of that —
                          ‘ just one, ’  he responds,                           ‘ i’m lookin’ at her. ’
                                   MARTHA stared at the  CLEAR  nightsky as she tilted her head with a  HUM  echoed in the  SILENCE  that surrounded them. Her  SMILE  was  UNDYING  upon her pretty little face, hands upon each other as she leaned against the window frame, feeling that  COOL  evening breeze as she sighed  CONTENTLY . She was at  HOME  with Thomas, alone with the  STARS . 
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                                   She was about to lean her head against his shoulder when she heard what he had remarked, perking up to look at him and was  SECRETLY  glad that the darkness was concealing a fragment of shades from her  BLUSH . Affectionately, she smiled,    ❝ You’re as  CHEESY  as your mac n’ cheese, Thomas. ❞
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bloominghands · 5 years
AYYY HAVE SOME MEMERS // 💚Are they prone to jealousy? / 😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship? / 💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? / 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children?
Questions about my muse in a relationship - [Accepting] // @mcnticellos
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Are they prone to jealousy?
  Well, on one hand, Robin is a very confident woman (in her looks mostly)- but on the other hand, emotionally, she’s not secure in the least. So, while she might have a perfect facade up of being unbothered or calm about something jealousy-inducing, inside her chest is clenching, her thoughts racing with anxiety and what-ifs. 
  ‘ Am I not good enough?  Was this all just a game to them?  Of course, they wouldn’t want to keep someone like me around when they could find better…‘  
Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?
   A little bit. Once she trusts someone like that she’s more prone to let herself be a little more silly & open with things. She’d also be a bit more affectionate than flirty. Of course, she’ll still be a huge flirt, but it’ll have softness and intent to back it up rather than the idle, habitual teasing she would give someone she’s not involved with. 
Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with?
  Someone so cocky and obnoxious that there’s no room left for anything else in their personality. Also, someone who shows her little to no respect and/or simply sees her as a trophy. Ignorance is also a big no-no. 
Do they want children?
  Not particularly? She’d be concerned that she’d hurt any child she might have the way her own mother did to her & not to mention that her life is far too dangerous to bring a child into. However, despite the fact that she thinks she’d be a bad mother, it’s plain to see from anyone else with a pair of eyes that she’s got massive maternal instincts and has a soft spot for kids. She’d be hesitant to have a baby of her own, but it’s not entirely off the table. 
  However, it’s far more likely that she’d adopt a child unintentionally. Like, yes, I will protect this baby with my life, don’t even look at them, don’t even breathe in their direction. 
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ircnego · 5 years
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“ hey ------ did you miss me?” 
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celestaele · 5 years
---@mcnticellos​--- [ x ]
giving thomas an IRRITATED look, eros let his arms cross against his chest, brow raised.
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           ‘ oh thomas, we B O T H know neither of those things are going to happen.                 one day of eating o n l y chocolate isn’t going to do A N Y T H I N G permanent.                 it’ll be f u n, trust me. ‘
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sirensscngs · 6 years
@mcnticellos​ continued from x
{ sms | Curls and Hot Bod } it’s afternoon here, or did you get so worked up you forgot about the time difference? x { sms | Curls and Hot Bod } I’m at lunch with some official or his intern or something. I don’t actually know. He’s boring. Showing you my thighs is more fun than anything he’s said so far.  { sms | Curls and Hot Bod } Maybe if you behave yourself, you’ll get more on my ride back to the office. Or if you’re bad. I’m really not one to judge given what I’ve started.
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fashunbtch-blog · 5 years
@mcnticellos  ♡’ d!
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❛   someone  save  me  from  these  sad,   sad  poems.   ❜     /     d’ you  have  a  car,   swmrs
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mcnticellos replied to your post: ‘  is there anything better than pussy? yes! a...
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thickcrskiin · 5 years
mcnticellos replied to your post:  “i love macaroni, but macaroni does not love me.”
(offended virginian noises)
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    “i even had vegetables in it. but my body’s just like ‘nah, fuck that noise’. I’M ANGRY ON THE MACARONI’S BEHALF, THOMAS.”
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whatscanon-a · 4 years
mcnticellos replied to your post: ❤
this is hard af to write because i’m terrible for going missing for weeks at a time (my job keeps me away a lot) but every time i log in and see you on my dash i want so badly to write with you and gush to you about your writing and U G H but i feel like that would be weird so i don’t?? but just know i’m lurking from afar and admire u a lot !!!
okay but real talk?? same. i LOVE your writing, and i love that you’ve taken such a rare character and made it your own. i’ve admired you for a LONG time now, and if you ever want to write, please know that i ALWAYS extend the invitation with open arms.
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i-wrote-myway · 5 years
@mcnticellos (continued from here)
Alexander knew there were a lot of things that he wasn’t good at. One of those things was getting off the phone with someone when it wasn’t a business phone call. He was silent after a moment or two, almost expecting Thomas to hang up the phone. 
His nose scruntched up at the man’s next following sentence. “Is that really supposed to be my line?” He rolled his eyes at the comment that his line was supposed to be from one of those cheesey things teenagers say when trying to get off the phone. “Well, good thing that I’m not anybodies girlfriend then.” 
A small pause. “Do you really want me to say it?”
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ardorveins · 5 years
@mcnticellos   cont’ d!
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                    frances  is  absolutely  not  disappointed  at  his  refusal  of  her  offer,   and  she  definitely  does  not  pout  for�� half  a  second.   she  would  never  in  a  million  years  admit  that  she  was  looking  forward  to  having  an  excuse  to  touch  thomas.   she  frowns  at  how   ...   off  he  sounds.   he  sounds  almost  deflated,   she  thinks,   and  that  won’ t  do  at  all.   “yeah,   rain  check,”   she  replies,   shifting  so  she  can  face  him.   there’ s  a  question  on  the  tip  of  her  tongue  that’ s  just  dying  to  be  spoken,   a  question  of  what’ s  wrong?   she  isn’ t  sure  if  he  would  react  well  to  the  question,   so  she  just  tilts  her  head  a  little  bit,   gives  him  a  scrutinizing  look.   “y’ know,   if  something  is  wrong,   you  can  tell  me.   i  can  stop  being  a  judge  -  y  bastard  long  enough  for  you  to  talk  to  me.”
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loyalservants · 5 years
( Continuation | @mcnticellos )
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THOMAS LOVES DANCING. Anyone who knows him well knows this. Which is all to say he’s married the right woman, because she’s lifting his hand and twirling herself, knowing Thomas can’t refuse a good melody and any reason to put his hands on her.  Note, he also loves lap dances, but maybe that’s coming later. That or a drunken tap dance, if Martha mishears — she’s always been a little difficult to predict.
But that doesn’t stop him from setting down the wooden spoon he’s using to stir in the kitchen, taking that same hand she’s already extended, and leading her away from hot surfaces in the kitchen to the living room nearby. One hand swerves impossibly low on her back, presses her toward himself urgently; the other laces their fingers between each other, a woven pattern.
                                ‘ In vain I ‘ave struggled. I’twill not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me t’ tell you how ard’ntly I admire an’ love you. ’
                                         MARTHA was not the best dancer. Her skill in arts were in the form of WORDS rather than her body, but she tried just for Thomas, knowing how much he adored dancing. All it took was the right song for her to get in the right mood. She was grading her students’ essays when the radio she would always listen to began to play Elvis Presley’s iconic song. You know, THAT song. 
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                                        So she rose from the couch, hips swaying to the rhythm and she took her husband’s hand, spinning and before she realized it, he was already leading them out back to the living room. As his hands found their places, her grin widened, one hand went to his shoulder and the other squeezed his. Considering the height difference, she had to tilt her chin up so she may looked at him through her SPECTACLES. 
                                        Letting out a chuckle at his apparent ❛ PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ❜ reference. Her heart soared, however, when she heard that. It was only her most favourite line from the book and she always fantasied of someone quoting that to her. She said, ❝ Was that what you’re reading the other day, MISTER DARCY? ❞ 
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sepsumoved · 5 years
@mcnticellos | x
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           “You have ambition.” She could always sense potential in others, and from time to time assisted mortals in their political goals if the goddess liked them enough. While Ishtar did not know this man, she was drawn to his aura as a probable future leader. “My name is Inanna.”
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