#maybe you didn't feed them enough moss
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"kris doesn't like us!!!" speak for yourself they literally made me a cage just for me
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balkanradfem · 3 months
I went to the forest today. It's the warmest we had this year, and I needed to get more soil for my baby plants.
Few minutes in, I realized that the heel of my sock has developed a hole, and my foot was now chafing against the rubber boot I was walking in. Which is mortifying, it meant by the time I'd be home, I would have a wound on my heel.
But then I thought, wait a minute, I'm a woman in the forest, I have to be more resourceful than that. So I started grabbing moss and shoving it inside of my sock, in order to make a soft protective layer on my heel. It didn't work exactly as I hoped, the moss didn't stay where I put it, but I kept putting in more and it immobilized the boot so it couldn't chafe against me.
I also forgot to take the moss out of my sock, so I am the rare tumblr user to be actively touching moss while blogging.
I saw a lot of butterflies in the forest! Over 20 of them, it made me wonder if they accidentally got born too soon. Most of them were plain yellow ones, and they would not let me take a picture, no matter how many I followed, they never land. This orange one was patient enough to let me snap a pic!
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I wonder what they're all eating in the forest, there was about 5 crocuses I found, but other than that, no flowers! There are dandelions and daisies outside the forest though, so possibly they're finding those.
I looked up the orange butterfly, and it's named Vanessa Atlanta, and they're cool to be out during winter! They can hibernate, migrate, they are happy to feed on nettle and dead nettle, and that's available in winter as well. Relieved to know that she's safe!
It was a bit harder to figure out the yellow butterfly, but it's most likely a common brimstone, and they can also hibernate and feed on evergreen foliage during winter. They even feed on holly!
I also found a cool ass birch tree:
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I have recorded in my brain that birches are medicinal for something, forgot for what, but the point is, now I know where to find a birch, so when I connect it all together I will benefit from this knowledge. I think the bark is great for starting fires.
The forest I go in is super versatile! At first I thought it was just beech-chestnut-hornbeam, but then I discovered there's a good amount of oaks as well, and now there's birches too. That is very healthy for a forest! Forests that only have one or two types of tree are susceptible to pests and diseases, these trees can support each other.
If you've read my other post, you know I found some abandoned plant cuttings, that I suspect might be bayleaf; that is still under questioning, maybe it's bayleaf, maybe it's something poisonous. The point is that I maybe found something to eat :).
Here's the crocuses I saw! They've only come out, it's the first warm and sunny day of 2024.
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blackbat09 · 5 months
Hullo :>
Mayhaps can i request something something moss etho arctic bdubs something? They are so dear to me
an interesting challenge! let's set it in Last Life, shall we?
“What the heck a'ya starin' at?” Etho blinks out of his stupor, eyes dropping to Bdubs' face as the red name glowers at him from across the divide of their base. There's a growl in his voice that means - less than nothing, frankly, and he tilts his head slightly to try and see the curve of his base partner's tail, hoping for the U shape of their boogeyman taunting. As much as he'd like to say he knows Bdubs well enough to not need those little hacks and shortcuts, well - Last Life is proving itself challenging in a lot of ways. Etho can cut himself some slack. Bdubs' tail is not in that playful curl, the white fluff lashing as it seems to realize it's being observed. “What, Etho?” Bdubs demands again, drawing his eyes back to his face, the glint of his canines all the more menacing with one simple piece of context. “Spit it out!” “I was looking at your hair,” he admits quickly - not that he's scared of Bdubs, not even as a Red, but he's cautious. Reasonably cautious, really. Anyone would be, splitting a base with someone slavering for blood the way Bdubs is. He'd call him rabid as a joke if it didn't feel like it'd start a fight. “It's, uh - it's been a little while. Since you went your winter color. That because of the fort?” The way Bdubs blinks, reaching up to touch his hair, tells Etho he'd probably forgotten - or maybe not paid any attention to his own hair or fur in the chaos of the game in the first place. It makes sense - Etho doesn't expect him to keep perfect track or anything - but it's still kinda funny, watching Bdubs duck his head beneath his own arm to check that his tail is, in fact, snowy white. “Well, of course!” Bdubs confirms as he straightens up, puffing out his chest and lifting his chin, that fluffy tail held high. “It's a - advantageous! I'm a predator amongst the snow, I need camouflage.” Etho hums in assent, nodding slightly as his eyes move from the tall point of Bdubs' ears to the downright scruffy white shirt he's wearing, bloodstained and torn impressively for the relatively short time Bdubs has been Red. “That why you got rid of your hoodie?” It's a low blow and Etho knows it, from the way Bdubs' mouth drops open slightly, tail falling towards the floor as his eyes dart towards the chest on his side of the base - good to know he still has the hoodie, then. Etho had worried, a little, and he's not really supernaturally connected to free-floating moss, or any other plant, no matter what crap he tries to feed people or lets them just assume. Maybe after more than a few months with the stuff, but, at the moment, he's just a little green around the edges, prefers the company of other plants simply because an environment where they thrive is also probably one good for him. “I mean - yeah? Yeah, a little, but I, uh - ” Bdubs' jaw works a little, mouth still hanging open slightly as he drops from his proud height to a crouch, tilting his head down. “I didn't wanna get it messed up, see? I gotta - I'm Red, Etho. I gotta fight. I can't go - worryin' about screwin' up my hoodie. It's been through enough crap already, an' I like it!” “I could just make you another, back on Hermitcraft,” Etho offers, but Bdubs, ever-stubborn, shakes his head. “No! No, no, I like that one, an' I'm takin' good care of it,” he insists, looking up to search Etho's face for a moment before flashing him a smile. “Besides - I gotta show off this bee-you-teeful winter coat. Can't do that all bundled up in moss.” His body says thank you and I'm sorry in ways his words don't, or maybe can't, with the Red haze over him, and Etho chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Maybe you can't. I can do it all.” You're welcome. It's okay. “Oh, yeah, RIGHT, Etho, as if!”
swap requests are open! (x)
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Hello! I saw you accept husbandry questions so I thought I might ask about this here.
Almost two weeks ago I bought a around 8 months old male Dodoma Kenyan Sand Boa. I had my corn snake for a while and after reading and watching videos about sand boas and their care I thought it will be a great choice for my 2nd snake. He has been a good eater and a chill little fella when handled but after few days I noticed he has kind of saggy/wrinkly skin. It reminded me of ball pythons who used to be obese but lost weight and have loose skin. Sometimes I can see what I thought might be his spine poking out but it's more of on top of his both sides rather than where spine should be giving him kind of a square shape? Not sure how to describe it. With all that I assumed it's a diet issue and hoped it will get better after few meals. I fed him newborn f/t mice every 5 days (3 meals since I got him, next feeding tomorrow. Ate with no problems so far but didn't really constrict his meal. Seller claimed he eats like a champ and was right).
However I started reading about it more and found out loose skin can be a sign of dehydration and this possibility really worries me. I tried to show him his water bowl but he didn't seem interested and I have no idea if he drinks from it at night (I check on him during the night and only once saw him on the surface). I know sunken eyes are another symptom of dehydration but it's hard to tell because this species has funky eyes and it's the only sand boa I have ever seen in person. Unfortunately I weren't able to take a good photo of these skin folds because they show up when he moves and disappear before I could take a photo or even look at them properly (but if they are necessary to tell what is happening I can try). I only noticed this after already visiting the vet for a check up on the same day I bought him (I saw in one of your posts it's a good idea to take a new snake to the vet and my dad happened to have vet appointment for his gecko on that day. Vet said he looks fine other than some weird dark spots on his belly that they said might be because of the bedding sellers used for him).
Is it possibly dehydration or just my earlier theory of previous weight problems? If it's weight problems is my current feeding schedule fine and if it's dehydration is bath a good idea for this species? Today he started to get lighter which I assume means shed is coming so maybe bath wouldn't be a bad idea but I also saw it's not really recommend for this species. I wouldn't be so unsure in this situation if it wasn't a dry species, it didn't have such unusual anathomy and it weren't a baby. I saw a forum post that said boas just tend to have skin like this as babies but as I said they have strange anathomy so I don't know if this applies to them. I will keep researching but I hoped you might have some suggestions. I want to know if there's anything I need or can do for him.
I would bet every cent to my name that your little guy is just in shed. Sand boas can look pretty wrinkly when they're in a shed cycle, and the recent lightness you've noticed is probably just him getting to the clear stage of the shed. My money is on him shedding in the next few days.
It's very hard to dehydrate a sand boa; if you have water in their enclosure at all and they're eating, it's super rare. I also doubt it's weight-related - snakes at his age don't pack on weight like an older snake could. Young snakes will grow faster if they eat too much, and eating too much while young can cause health problems, but it's super hard to make a baby snake overweight.
I recommend adding a humidity box to his enclosure! They're very easy to make - make a hole in the lid of a food storage container big enough for him to curl up in and fill it with damp moss. That'll help shedding go smoothly (and make sure he never gets dehydrated, too).
If the wrinkles don't clear up within the next week, I'd visit a vet, but I really do think he's just shedding.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Uhh, so... Guys... I wrote a little drabble... *shifts nervously from one foot to the other* I really like it a lot - but there's a catch... It's not Loki or Tom related... 😅 It's another character I am currently obsessed with... 😅 Nevertheless, I just thought I am going to throw it out there, maybe somebody likes it. 😊
Warnings: a bit of the usual TWD stuff...
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The Stranger with the Crossbow
The handsome stranger in the forest with the beautiful crossbow. It was all your mind could think about, as you laid there in your hammock, staring sleeplessly into the star speckled night sky. Who was he? It was a question that burned itself into your skull, since the moment you saw him. Who was he? And where did he come from? Obviously out of the thick bushes and woods. You didn't see him coming, though. Well... Luckily, he chose to go that way. Without him, you'd have ended as walker feed...
The small group of walkers came out of nowhere. You had just been out to gather some firewood, when they suddenly attacked you. One against three - clearly not fair. You were in such situations before. It was nothing new... nowadays - and it certainly wasn't like you couldn't fight, but this whole situation took you by surprise, leaving you stunned, like frozen to the ground - a deer caught in the headlights. You've already seen your life rushing past you. Memories flooded your mind, beginning in your childhood, passing over to your teenage years at college and finally molding into your young adult life. The images of lost family members and friends at the forefront of your brain. This was it, you thought. I am going to die. Right here, right now. You didn't even recognise the fearful cries and screams leaving your throat.
But then the unbelievable happened. The impossible happened. An arrow rushed passed you, drilled itself straight into the skull of the closest walker attacking you, his body sinking lifeless to the ground. Two more arrows followed the first, extricated you from the plight you were in and saving your life. You quickly turned your head, searching for the origin of your saving grace. You didn't need to search long. Your gaze collided with a stranger, standing a few meters away from you. It was a man. A man with a crossbow.
While you were reflecting what had happened that evening and still pondering about the two questions you asked yourself, the next one penetrated your mind. Why did he save you? He could've easily leave you to your fate and just walk away - but he didn't... Why?
You took a deep breath, inhaling the cold night air, before you closed your eyes. You could still see him standing there. Right in front of you, as clear as day... His tall figure shimmered in the orange rays of the sinking sun, making him almost look like an angel. Perhaps he was one? The slightly shabby clothes he wore didn't damage his appearance in the slightest. Quite the opposite... It fitted him. You couldn't imagine him to wear something different. The black shirt with torn off sleeves he wore, underneath the black leather vest. A dirty, brown jeans with a few rips and holes here and there, wound itself around his lower body. Black boots completed his outfit. It couldn't be more perfect - especially not with the crossbow slung over his shoulder.
You remembered, how you slowly stood up from the dirt, moss and leaves covered forest ground. Your eyes never left him. Once you had both your feet planted firmly back on the earth, you had been brave enough to look your saviour in the eyes. Dark brown orbs were looking back at you, threatening you to lose yourself in them. His gaze was earnest, but nevertheless held some kind of sympathy and kindness to it. A brown, slightly greyish beard spread mainly over his upper lip and chin, making him look even more manly. His dark brown hair didn't reach his broad shoulders yet. The strands softly swayed in the chill evening breeze.
The muscles in his upper body flexed, as he readjusted the crossbow. A thin layer of dirt and sweat covered his masculine arms. With a last look at you and without saying a single word, he turned around and walked away. All you could do was stare after him. You noticed the pair of beautiful beige angel's wings sewn on the back of his leather vest.
You reopened your eyes, gazed again in the beautiful night sky.
The handsome stranger in the forest, with his crossbow and angel's wings.
Could it be love at first sight? Did something like this even exist? You didn't know. But what you certainly knew, was that you wanted to see him again. How, was the only question left. Where to begin? You didn't even know his name. He could be everywhere and nowhere.
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Perhaps you like this @youlightmeupfinn ? 😊
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rustycottoncandy · 1 month
Drawing ideas for when Future Me finds herself staring at a blank canvas:
- Draw various doodles of Avery in a dress with rose patterns. She'd totally take pictures of herself if she were in an outfit that she liked, so draw what they would look like.
- Does Cocoa have a clue of where his name comes from yet? No? Oh, but he'd make up theories, you know him. Draw Cocoa explaining where he thinks his name comes from and perhaps trying to ask Henry and Ethan about it. They wouldn't understand him because he's a cat, so how would he feel about that? Draw a short comic about Cocoa theorizing on why humans don't understand him and maybe put it into Tales of a Talkative Housecat if you feel it's good enough.
- Quit forgetting about your OCs, they deserve some love. Remember Amy and Emerald? Draw them spending time together. Didn't you say that Emerald liked to sleep inside Avery's hair? Draw that. Does Amy have any toys that she's made for Emerald? Draw them.
- Let's re-visit Henry and Ethan, shall we? We know they like to go on walks together, so draw them doing so. Draw them on a date. Draw them having coffee together. Draw them cooking something together. Remember how you decided that Ethan was able to play the guitar and Henry could sing? Draw them making music together. Draw them napping together, or both trying to watch a movie and one of them falling asleep. Just draw them, they deserve some love.
- Mel deserves to be drawn more often, she's a cutie pie. Draw her spending time with Honey or Raydel. What about the three of them going on an adventure? Draw the chaotic trio. Draw Honey picking on Raydel. Draw Raydel showing Mel the rivers of Sunstream. Draw them discussing the history of each of their kingdoms and what they want to do with them when they grow up. Draw them talking about future plans and imagining a better world. Draw them picking small flowers up. Draw them wandering around Dracone's giant flower forest. Draw them making magic together.
- Ephil and Alither also exist, can't forget about them. Draw them spending time with each other, going on adventures, training. Draw them spending time with Mel, reading her bedtime stories, seeing her fingerpaint, comforting her after a nightmare. Draw them being supportive towards each other. We know Ephil's pretty stressed most of the time, so have him talk to Alither about it. Make a little comic. Have them sit down and talk about their troubles in seek of advice, then try to help the other one.
- We've drawn Melody and Jackie together, but have we drawn Richard and Jackie together? No? Well, now's your time to. Draw them hanging out. Draw them going to the park, talking via a face-time call or having a nice chat at a café. Didn't they work together to make a poem with the sole purpose of annoying Melody? Draw the scene. Draw them composing that poem.
- Crossover time! What if Mel and Avery spent a day together? I'll let you figure out what to draw for this one. Squeeze your brains a bit.
- Pet time! Moss pissing Ethan's father off. Draw Jennifer comforting kid Henry after a bad day at school. Draw Melody bathing Rose and putting little ribbons on her fur afterwards. Draw Autumn protecting Saturn from Avery or feeding her fish. Draw the Maine Coon army, parents included.
- Sibling time! Draw Nicholas and Melody together, Aiden and Ethan/Aiden and Alba/Ethan and Alba/all three together, Autumn and Avery, the entirety of Cocoa's forest family (because YES, he's got siblings), Jan and Jenelia, Samuel and Sydney... You get it, just draw siblings.
- Mother/child time! Draw Dahlia and Melanie. Draw Grace and Ethan/Aiden/Alba (or all three). Draw Elizabeth and Henry (and make it angsty). Draw Sianne and Avery/Autumn (or all two). Draw Raydel and her mother — design her, actually. Draw Sadie and Sam. Draw Evan and Caleb.
You got this!! Fill that canvas!
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bontenten · 3 years
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Pairings: Osamu x F!Reader x Atsumu; Miyacest WC: 7.4k Genre/Warnings: smut, fairytale retelling (Hansel and Gretel), magic au, dubcon/noncon, incest (miyacest), fear, knife, monster, bondage, snuff, vore, gore/blood, object insertion, body horror, a bit of size, tummy bulge, oral (m.receiving), anal (m. receiving), masturbation (f. & m.), voyeurism, arson...
Summary: The unexpected guests at your cottage have a mysterious past and hidden agenda. Will they allow you to accompany them on their journey?
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Travelers are advised not to spend the night in the Dark Woods. It's said that beyond the last hiking trail, past a brook, lives an Evil Witch. That witch is vile and merciless; often, fools lost in the woods are never seen again. It's said that she must be over 800 years old, feeding off of the essences of children and young men unfortunate enough to cross her paths. It’s said that she even eats fellow witches. No one really knows. After all, no one who has seen her has lived to tell the tale.
It's been a few months since your teacher has left you to fend for yourself here in the woods—your first time alone during this apprenticeship. She said she had to attend a big conference with a whole bunch of other grand witches. You asked if you could tag along, but she insisted that you stay and watch the cottage. The lack of company is about to drive you insane so you often resort to conversing with yourself or the forest itself.
The soft moss muffles the sound of your footsteps as you begin the trek back home, a faint off-trail path away from the main road that no one else would usually notice. On any other day, you would just go home without a fuss, but loneliness makes people do some bizarre and odd things. For instance, the desperate longing for companionship leads to you dropping a not-so-hidden trail of fancy pebbles to inadvertently lead someone to your abode.
For most travelers, going off-trail is akin to a death sentence as any wrong turn might lure them into the forest's deadly maze. Not for you though, you know this place very well: every fallen tree, overturned log, the wanted signs nailed to the trunk...
Wait. A wanted sign?
You can make out from your distance that there are two heads on it, but the details are fuzzy, and the bounty looks smudged. Before you can get a closer look, you hear the birds caw in the trees, signaling the beginning of sunset. You pull your attention away from the poster and continue on to your way home.
The cottage is extremely cozy and warm. The windows are bejeweled and the door is solid wood. You live here comfortably with your teacher, after all, learning about the principles of magic and what it means to be a witch. It's much more than curses and spells, as your teacher would tell you, witches have character and a moral compass. Although there are certainly those who decide to experiment with the darker arts.
While you get a fire going in the huge furnace and boil some water on the stovetop, you hear two voices squabbling outside followed by three raps on the door. You're stunned by the noise, turning to face the shut door wondering if you were just dreaming about the noise. Is it? Visitors? No, you must have heard wrong.
"'Samu, I bet it's a farce, let's not." The voice sounds both tired and weary, almost out of breath.
"Let me just try again, I can smell a working kitchen in there, someone is definitely there," another voice insists. Three more knocking sounds. "Excuse me! Is the owner of the house available? My brother and I followed a path of colored stone and came upon your establishment...could you spare us some water? A bite of food?"
Two men, though they sound friendly. You're frozen in the kitchen, staring at the door that remains between you and the strangers.
"Is there someone home?" The second voice tries again. "Please, my brother is not feeling very well."
Your initial wariness for the stranger melts when you hear about the brother, which does not sound like a lie based on the raspy voice you first hear. A witch's character is fundamentally kind to all sentient beings, especially those in need. But you're still nervous, so you end up grabbing a metal ladle before carefully going to open the door. When you crack the door open, you see a pair of twins. Beautiful men, one blonde and one grey-haired. The former, with a quirky grin, although his eyes certainly look lackluster. But the other seems like he's at the right place, eyes peering past you into your home, fixated on your kitchen.
"I'm Osamu. And this," he gestures to his twin, "is my brother Atsumu. We're a bit lost, you see."
You nod your head in a casual greeting and introduce yourself as the resident apprentice at this cottage. As a good host should, you open the door to the weary guests preparing to welcome them in.
"Are we welcomed in?" Osamu asks, not moving from his spot. Atsumu isn’t budging either, arms crossed and only looking at you from the corner of his eye, waiting for your answer.
Without giving much thought you nod and open the door wider. "Both of you are most welcomed in."
"Then we thank you for your hospitality," Osamu says, taking a step inside, dragging his twin with him.
Words, especially spoken words carry power and hold intent. And a witch's words, no matter how careless they slip out, contain magic. Welcome, as you say. So welcome, they are.
You shut the door behind them and prepare to go give your first-ever guests some water. When you turn around, you notice Osamu already in the kitchen, the sleeves of his tunic rolled up past his elbows.
"Your food is about to burn. Heat's too high," he tells you, expertly taking control of the sizzling pots and pans. "I got it, don't worry."
Feeling flustered at the faint smell of scorching food, you hurry over to see if you can be of any assistance. "Let me help out."
"No, it's quite alright."
How can a host let her guests do all the work like that? And the first company in a while too! What an utter failure.
"How—" you try to argue back, but you're cut off by Atsumu tugging on your wrist, dragging you over to the sofa in the corner.
"Don't worry about him, he loves to cook." Atsumu brushes out the wisps of his bangs with a huff. "And actually quite good at it. Anything that goes through his hands...well, in short, all become part of his design."
Like his twin, Atsumu's frame is broad and huge, but there is a quality of emptiness of sorts. Osamu's shoulders are wide but there's more substance to it, whereas Atsumu's form seems contained. You can't help but use your learnings to see if you can figure out just what's off about Atsumu. He's slowly walking around the living room and studying the portraits hanging on the wall. He picks up a frame that is set above the fireplace and comments, "None of these are you. How come?"
"Oh, they're my teacher. I'm just a witch-in-training at the moment, so—"
"A witch?" Atsumu questions, clenching the frame tightly. His hands begin to shake, the glass under his thumb beginning to crack.
You did not expect Atsumu to display such a visceral reaction upon the mention of witches. After all, witches normally stayed far away from ordinary human society and when they do mix, it's often a role of healing. But the look that sparks in Atsumu's eyes, it's almost—feral.
"'Tsumu!" Osamu yells while stalking over quickly from the kitchen. He throws his arm around Atsumu's neck and drags him off into the shadows. You can't make out the muffled voices and deep growling noises that are coming from down the hall.
It's their private matter, so you go back to the kitchen. True enough, Osamu's hands are almost like magic. The bubbling pot of broth doesn't seem to be on the verge of overflowing, the onions caramelizing beautifully, filling the air with deliciousness.
Moments later, the twins come back. You notice that Osamu clothes are wrinkled from tugging Atsumu around, but at the very least, Atsumu is looking much better than before.
The three of you set the table for dinner. Osamu brings out the plates as though he knows the kitchen inside and out already. Atsumu comes emerging from the cellar with two bottles of fine wine that you didn't even know your teacher had stowed away. Surely, she wouldn't mind? With Osamu and Atsumu sitting to the left and right of you at the round table, it almost feels like a more familiar, cozier gathering between friends than a situation of a host and her guests.
They tell you that they have been traveling across the lands for a long time now, looking for a cure for Atsumu's illness. It reminds you of the hollow, repressed form you saw earlier and your curiosity gets the better of you. They don't tell you the nature of the malady, but what they do share is that they are looking for a witch to undo the curse on Atsumu, a result of dark witchcraft.
"I am a witch!" you exclaim, feeling your call to action at the moment. "Please, is there truly nothing for me to help to undo the spell?"
Osamu leans in close to you, and wipes a bit of sauce staining the corner of your lips with the pad of his thumb. He smiles. "We're looking for a very high-level witch. One day, maybe you'll get to the level of magic needed."
"You're too weak," Atsumu bluntly points out. You're sure Osamu means to say the same thing, but Atsumu's words are really sharp.
"I know," you sigh. "My teacher tells me that all the time. So, I'm really trying. I'm sure there's at least something I can do."
"I definitely think that. Don't be so hard on yourself," Osamu comforts. "Have you been living alone here for a long time?"
You feel two pairs of eyes glued onto you waiting for your answer. You smile reflexively before your eyes trail to the empty plate and carefully choose your words. "Yea. Just me and my teacher. She's a grand witch...maybe if you wait here for a few days, you can meet her when she comes back from her conference."
"We'll be gone tomorrow!" Atsumu snaps, staring into Osamu's eyes.
Osamu doesn't pay any mind to Atsumu, and puts an extra piece of dessert onto your plate.
"We have a long way to go. Atsumu's condition isn't getting better, so we can't stop in one place for long."
It makes you a little sad, because you were hoping to spend some more time with the twins, both of whom you have grown fond of. Osamu and his gentleness. And even Atsumu, despite his quick remarks and outbursts, adds a particular spice to your mundane life.
"Maybe we'll bring you with us," Osamu comments lightly, "'Tsumu, wouldn't that be nice?"
"She'll just be dead weight," Atsumu retorts. You wonder if he absolutely hates you. Is that why he is always so against you being next to Osamu?
Osamu puts an arm around you and blows on the shell of your ear. It tickles and you can feel his body enveloping you. "But she's so sweet," he tells Atsumu and whispers into your ear, "Aren't you?"
You find your wandering gaze looking into his half-lidded grey eyes. His face is right next to you, lips just hovering barely five centimeters away. The overwhelming presence of him is undeniably alluring. Your breaths become shallow as your heart rate speeds up with desire.
"I'm exhausted! 'Samu you too. We're going to bed!" Atsumu drops the silverware onto his plate and stands up. He comes around the table, muttering curses under his breath. Atsumu grabs Osamu by the wrist and drags him off towards the guest bedroom you have shown them before.
You didn't quite catch Atsumu's angry mutters, but you hear "slut" and "harlot" thrown around a few times. Were they directed at you? No, you're not like that, you tell yourself. Atsumu must have been thinking that you are trying to seduce his twin. After you clear out the table, you decide to clear up any misunderstanding.
You tip-toe down the hall to the guest bedroom prepared to knock when you hear muffled sounds coming from inside. You carefully press your ears to the crevice of the door and clamp a hand around your mouth upon hearing the stream of moans.
"'Samu, 'Samu please, ah—"
That's Atsumu? Your eyes are wide and still trying to process the shock of what you're hearing. You tell yourself you shouldn't be here. You should not be listening to whatever is happening behind the closed door, but you can't help it. Hearing Atsumu's moans makes you want to squirm.
You slightly jump when you hear a slap, followed with a pleasured groan. The sound is so clean it feels as though the phantom hands are touching your own heated skin.
Osamu's chuckle nearly makes your knees weak.
"Don't get cocky, if it were any other day ngh—, any other day, I would be the one pushing you into the mattress."
Slap. "Shut up, cute 'Tsumu. I like you being so needy for me like this. What do you want from me? Tell me."
"Fuck me, 'Samu."
"With pleasure."
The wood creaks loudly and you tell yourself, you really need to get out as you back away and try to quickly walk down the hall back to your bedroom.
You throw the door open and lock the door behind you with a click. With your eyes closed, you try to steady your breath and the building heat in your core. It's quiet. There's no noise coming from their room. But they are twins! 
You remind yourself that a witch is all-accepting and kind. There are so many circumstances beyond your understanding, judgement is not a part of your nature. And if what they are performing is wrong, what should you say about yourself? You peel off your clothes and step out of the soaked panty that is proof of your lust.
Pillows are fluffed and covers are pulled over your body. You try to sleep, but each time you are about to drift, Atsumu's cries of pleasure come back into your head. Your hand trails down your navel until the fingertips trace over your clit. Gathering some slick from your cunt, you drag it across the sensitive bud.
You shudder from the touch as images, constructed in your fantasy, cloud your mind. You imagine Atsumu's hands spreading your legs apart and Osamu's teasing words next to your ear. He would tell you to open wide and shove his cock down your throat. You suck on three of your fingers until lips wrap over the knuckles, your saliva pooling from hunger. And slip your fingers into your cunt easily, curling them against the plush walls.
"F-fuck me," you moan into your pillow.
With pleasure.
You quiver, clit pulsating, and your pussy juice dripping into your palm. The wash from the high soon takes you into sleep. All throughout the night, you squirm and feel the phantom sensation of being watched. Not just observed, but studied, by two pairs of glinting hungry eyes. You can almost imagine them on either side of the bed, trapping you into the mattress no matter which way you turn.
A few times the weird feelings almost pull you awake, but you don't dare crack an eye open to confirm your suspicions until the morning light begins to filter through the windows, rousing you from sleep. The air is filled with fragrant herbs and the sizzle of delicious brunch from someone awake before you.
No doubt, it's Osamu, because who else can it be? Atsumu? Please. The twins....
You climb out of bed and stretch your neck on the way to the washroom. Your bedroom door is open, but it's too early to notice that detail.
"Morning!" Osamu greets you from the kitchen. You find a fresh mug of coffee shoved into your hands from him.
You mumble thanks and sip at the brew while watching Osamu fry the eggs. Osamu looks to be deep in thought, probably thinking about something pleasant from the faint smile ghosting on his face. You feel a pang of guilt from both listening to their private lives, and also the strange feelings that maybe they heard your private life too—it's all your paranoia talking.
"You're so talented," you blurt out, fisting the fabric of your long skirt.
"Thanks, but better not let 'Tsumu hear ya, he gets jealous super easily."
Even if Atsumu hears, it's fine. You really mean both of them. Both of the twins both seem super talented as a duo; like they've been out there and seen the world. Meanwhile, you're still stuck here, without company. Would it be possible...if they simply stayed?
Osamu senses the words that are stuck in your mouth and answers them for you. "We're gonna be leaving right after breakfast. There's still lots of ground to cover today," he explains, plating the pancake before preparing to ladle a spoonful of batter for the next one.
"Do you have to leave?" you ask, almost pleading.
"It's cozy here and comfortable. We enjoy your company too, but we have to go. Your teacher would hate us, immensely, and on top of that...let's just say, we're always on the run."
"You say it like you two are fugitives or something."
Osamu chuckles and leans closer to you, hot breath flaming your cheeks, or maybe it's just the heat from the stove. A teasing grin pulls his cheeks up slightly as your eyes flicker over to see his lips spell out, "Maybe. Scared?"
Embarrassed, you take a defensive step back, squeaking and bumping into another body.
"MORNING!" Atsumu announces behind you. He's in good spirits and he has his hands on your waist to steady you; he sniffs your hair and smiles before letting you go. "I smell something delicious."
"Breakfast is ready," Osamu says, plating the pancakes. "Hungry 'Tsumu?"
"Tch." Atsumu shoves past you and knees Osamu, mood doing a complete 180. You're almost left like a fly on the wall as you watch the scene unfold.
Osamu is quick to catch his balance while keeping watch on the stove. "Not awake yet?" Osamu grins and passes him a plate of pancakes, essentially telling him to shut up and eat. "Who shoved a stick up your ass? Go eat."
"Fuck you."
Atsumu grumbles but digs into his food anyway. Osamu catches your amused expression in the corner and explains, "It's always like that between us. It's our...way of showing how much we care."
"I know." It's sort of endearing, the banter between the two brothers. Even if the world turns against them, no matter what the odds are, at least Miya Osamu will have Miya Atsumu, and Atsumu will have Osamu. Perhaps it's exactly that sort of bond the two share that you're envious of. Body and soul. Because if only you could have just an ounce of that sort of familiarity with another. But you're just an outsider without an invitation to join in.
While you're mulling over your thoughts, you don't catch the darkening gazes being exchanged between the twins. At some point, Atsmu's plate is already emptied and the wooden table is cleared while you're still lost in your mind. Osamu is fiddling with the metal tea strainer, bobbing it up and down to brew a mug of tea. He threads a cotton string in and out like it's a plaything.
"Do you really want to be with us?" Osamu asks nonchalantly. "'Tsumu and I were talking about it. If you do, maybe we can work something out."
"I just..." You feel like this is your final chance to tell them that you don't want them to go. None of the going around circle hinting that you have been doing. This is the moment to just tell it to them. If you miss this chance, you feel like you won't have another. And even though a pit pulls at your inwards telling you to reconsider, you're brave. "I just want to be together with you all, and help you cure Atsumu. My teacher is so talented, I'm sure she'll have a remedy."
They grin.
Osamu is a great cook, he can do that. Atsumu sometimes seems lazy, but he's super strong and quick to help too. And you can pick up all sorts of other tasks in the area! Maybe because they're so helpful, your teacher will even let them stay once Atsumu is cured. Maybe they can learn magic too! You have heard of warlocks who are powerful with spells too. And you can already imagine, the three of you, like a team, eventually going out into the world to fight demons and monsters and—
"Open wide," a sultry voice sounds next to you. Backing away automatically, you find Atsumu standing right behind you.
"W-wait," your voice shakes, stuck in your throat. "What are—"
His fingers reach for your mouth, prying it open. Before you can voice your distaste, a warm, metal ball gets shoved into your mouth, the thin chain quickly tangles into your hair. The faint traces of tea seep out of its small holes down your tongue and throat, while some spill out the corner of your mouth like trails of drool down your jawline.
Osamu smiles and wipes the liquid away with his thumb, relishing in how your widening eyes gape at him in confusion.
"Being together," he answers the question you wanted to ask, "is what you want isn't it?" He takes a spool of kitchen twine and begins to secure the tea strainer in your mouth. The thin cotton threads wrap around your head over and over again, tightening the steel against your tongue.
You shake your head and try to take another step away from the man you're beginning to become wary of, but the strong grip of Atsumu's hands on your shoulder prevents you from squirming at all. His fingers dig into your flesh, and when you turn to look at him you catch a glint in his eyes, glowering down at you.
"No, no, no, behave," he taunts you, "listen to 'Samu. He'll make you feel real good, trust me."
With the gag in your mouth, all you can let out are weak, warbling gargles from the back of your throat. Why are you doing this? You weren't like this before? Loud snorts flare out your nostrils from the fear screaming through your body.
Osamu comes back with a paring knife, examining the edge under the sunlight filtering in through the stained glass. He presses the cool blade along your cheek, dragging with the dull edge just enough so the sharp end doesn't cut your skin. You feel your knees growing weak and if not for Atsumu's hold on you, you would sink into a shuddering heap on the floor.
"You know, I think you might be the best meal yet," Osamu compliments, blade trailing down to your collarbone. The tip of the knife toys with the first button, pressing tension on the x-cross stitching. Snap. The first button pops off, dropping onto the wooden floor and rolling away to an inconspicuous corner. "I'll prep you well."
Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. The knife flicks again and all the buttons clatter on the floor before running away for refuge.
Atsumu has cleared the table already and you find yourself hoisted up and laid onto the surface like a slab of meat on a cutting board. The cold surface presses against the back of your shoulder and ass. Osamu ties your wrist together with a hemp rope and secures the other end around the table leg. He also secures your ankles to two other anchor points.
You're utterly exposed and ashamed at your body's display, mortified at how your body is reacting when you catch sight of Atsumu, his eyes dilated, looking at your slit that you know is drenched already. The rough texture of the rope presses painfully into your skin from how tight the bindings are. You can only let out gagged whines in complaint, chest rising up and down from the loud breaths.
"Can't do, love," Osamu chides, kissing the knot at your wrist, satisfied with the results. His fingertips trail down to cup your jaw and his thumb runs across the tea strainer. You close your eyes and groan at his touch. Osamu murmurs, "I won't let anything go to waste."
Atsumu is growing impatient at the sight of his twin treating you like the finest specimen ever. You're not the first one. You won't be the last one, but he still can't stand the sight of someone looking just like himself having first tastes while he's missing out himself. He wants to shove Osamu aside, but he knows that Osamu absolutely hates it when he ravages the meal when it's not ready.
Atsumu unzips his pants and lets his hardened, leaking cock spring free. You stare at Atsumu who is fixated on his own pleasure. His hand wraps around his cock and pumps the length up and down.
Osamu turns your head to look at himself instead. "Someone there is impatient, but let's not learn from him, okay? I want to take you slow, make sure you'll be ready. I don't want you stressed, you release too much cortisol and that toughens the meat."
Anything that goes through his hands...well, in short, all become part of his design.
His hand kneads your breast and toys with your nipple, circling and tugging on the tiny, erect bud.
"Relax," he whispers into your ear. "Just like you did last night."
You try to clamp your thighs shut from reflex. Immediately the resistance from the rope ties stop your movements. Osamu squeezes your thighs and pushes them apart once more.
"Right here isn't it, after hearing me fuck 'Tsumu..." Osamu's finger runs down the sides of your labia. "You just couldn't help touching yourself too huh?"
He knows. They know. You feel your cheeks burn at the realization.
"There's nothing embarrassing about it. If anyone should be, it should be us twins, " Osamu's fingers easily slip in, your pussy already dripping with arousal. "Oh woops, I shouldn't need to comfort you. You're clearly not shy."
Osamu's fingers are thick and long, able to reach far deeper than you ever can. Your tongue is still struggling against the gag while your saliva steeps the tea leaves trapped in the ball.
"Oi," Atsumu cuts in with annoyance. "I thought you said to not play with food. What the fuck are you doing, chef?"
Osamu stops his finger in you for a moment before dragging them out. You're trembling at the sudden emptiness and desire to fill the space immediately. The lack of stimulation is irritating and you are desperate.
Osamu walks up to Atsumu, bringing his drenched fingers covered in your slick to his lips for a taste. Before he can do so, Atsumu grabs Osamu's wrist and takes in those digits, sucking on them gingerly.
Osamu smiles and runs the other hand through Atsumu's hair.
"Patience is a virtue, 'Tsumu, I was just getting her fully prepared for you. I'm giving her all to you already, you couldn't even let me have a taste of her?"
Atsumu releases Osamu's fingers with a pop. "I never said I wasn't going to share," he mutters before pulling Osamu in for a kiss, passing the taste of you along their tongues.
Your body jostles as you finally get a visual matching what you heard last night. You feel your pussy leaking with more excitement, the arousal drips all the way down to your asshole. And the more you squirm, it's as though the rope ties become tighter and tighter, rubbing your skin raw. But even that pain is incomparable to the need to quell your fire.
Atsumu pulls away and presses one last kiss on Osamu's nose. "I always love what you serve, thank you 'Samu." Your heart rate rapidly speeds up as Atsumu comes towards you. He's positioned between your legs, both hands on your thighs, marveling at the display of your body. His hands feel hot.
Atsumu grins. "You probably didn't expect me to be the one taking you, huh?" He guides his cock to your entrance, the bulging tip prodding along your puffy lips. "Did you want Osamu to be the one fucking you?"
No? You want to argue, straining your head up slightly, but only tea-laced saliva drips out from the corners of your mouth.
"'Fuck me, 'Samu. Fuck me, please.' Is that what you heard? Is that what you wanted to say too?"
Your screams are muffled whimpers.
Osamu snorts off to the side, watching Atsumu do exactly what he accused Osamu earlier of: playing with his food. Hypocrite.
Atsumu glares at Osamu before turning his attention back to you. "You'll be begging for me, Atsumu, after I'm done with you."
He lines himself at your entrance and inches himself in, groaning at how your cunt is somehow just sucking him in. You're so warm and tight inside, wrapping perfectly around every part of him. He sits in you for a moment, just enjoying being blanketed by your muscles and chuckling how you tighten around him every now and then.
You whine, urging Atsumu to move a little.
"Okay, okay. Geez, and 'Samu says I'm impatient." Atsumu slowly draws his cock out and snaps his hips forward, the base of his balls slapping against your ass. He delights at how you squeeze your eyes shut and continues rocking into you at a comfortable pace.
Osamu enjoys standing off to the side for a while. He always liked watching Atsumu savor and delight the food he prepares. Atsumu always eats with such gusto. It should have always been that way, until the witch ruined everything. The curse, an experiment with the dark arts, should have never happened. Above all else, it should never have been on Atsumu. Osamu can only wonder if the reason they are subjected to this fate is because they are twins. Until a cure is found, Atsumu, his most beloved other, will have to replenish himself in this way.
A sharp pain rips through you and tears well up in your eyes. You feel Atsumu's cock suddenly begin to pulsate and grow in size. At first, you thought it was because you're clamping down on him too hard and will yourself to relax. But the cock, the thing, is certainly unnatural now. And between your tear-stained vision, you can just barely make out... Monster.
You begin to thrash wildly, head tossing side to side, back arched as much as you can in a futile escape attempt. Atsumu's claws rest on your hips while he pounds into you furiously. His groans, now deep growls, send vibrations that you can feel within your throbbing clit. You fear that you'll actually be ripped in half by the way Atsumu is thrusting into you. The engorged cockhead hits your cervix each time and his ball sack, even heavier, bowls and knocks against you.
Osamu unfolds his arms and comes over.
"It'll only hurt if you don't relax," he tells you, reaching out to press on your clit. "Just let him have his way."
"Go fuck her somewhere else," Atsumu snarls. His voice is warped and bellowing. Your mind is getting foggy as Osamu's fingers on your clit don't stop teasing the bud while having a petty talk with Atsumu. And Atsumu, ticked off by Osamu, picks up his speed.
"There we go, now that's beautiful," Osamu comments, taking his hand away and watching you unfurl in your pleasure. Your abused cunt is puffy when Atsumu pulls out, and you feel the thick liquid start to flow out when you take breaths.
"No, don't do that," Osamu chides, taking three fingers to gather the cum spilling out and stuffing it back in. "Better keep it all in. 'Tsumu isn't done with you yet."
Not yet? You can't even voice your thoughts except weakly shaking your head and moaning into the steel gag. In the moment, your stomach rumbles loudly.
"'Samu, she's hungry," Atsumu points out, rubbing your tummy. "You feed her and I'll stuff her."
Osamu ruffles Atsumu's long hair and gives his new, erected horns a teasing squeeze. Atsumu yelps at the touch. "'Samu!"
"Okay, okay," Osamu relents and stands next to your head. You see him take the paring knife again and slide the icy blade between the cotton ties and your hot cheek. A quick slice and you feel the pressure of the gag release. Osamu removes the tea strainer from your mouth and tosses it into the sink.
"Must have been so over-brewed, I apologize for that," he says. You know he doesn't mean it at all.
"Why?" you croak out. Your jaw and cheeks are sore from being held in position for so long. There's so many things you believe you can ask why about. Why they are prepping you like a meal, fucking you like a toy...Why Atsumu is the way he is. Why Osamu is not who you think he is either. Why you.
Despite Atsumu's grotesque figure, you're sure that you fear this twin more. Osamu's thoughts are so well-hidden behind his eyes; he never gives away what he's thinking or planning. You can only accept his decisions from the receiving end.
"Because of Atsumu," Osamu answers. Everything is for 'Tsumu. "I'll feed you."
Osamu cradles your head with both hands, his fingers tangled in your hair. He prods his cock against your lips. Feeling your resistance, he grips your hair tightly, painfully pulling on your scalp, and presses the tip of his cock to force your lips open. You nearly gag at the length entering your throat and your hands ball into tight fists. Your nose is buried in the base of his cock, pressing into his balls. Each breath you take is heavy with his musky, hot scent.
It's easy to focus on Osamu's cock fucking into your throat, leaving an unamused, monstrous twin off to the side preparing to turn your attention back to him by force.
Atsumu rubs himself against you, preparing to enter you again. You're sure that he has become even bigger. When the tip pushes through, your body attempts to fight the intrusion in self-preservation. The claws at your hips dig in and Atsumu all but pulls you onto his length like a sock. You scream around Osamu's cock, throat clenching around his thick length, and nearly black out from the stretch.
You never had anything this big in you before. Atsumu lifts you up slightly, his grasp becoming large enough to encircle around your whole waist. Your ankles are still tethered and tug on you, much to Atsumu's annoyance. He easily slices through the bondages with a sharp claw. Now free of restraints, Atsumu can cradle you more easily, finally pushing the last section into you. 
You can’t cry while you're stuffed with Osamu’s cock, but tears stream endlessly from your eyes. You’re sure your pelvic floor is broken, completely forced apart in a futile attempt to accommodate Atsumu stuffing you beyond your physical capacity. Your hips give out as your two legs, bone out from their sockets, dangle grotesquely.
“Just focus on me,” Osamu wipes your tears away and continues to pump into you. But you cannot focus on the human object in your mouth when your whole lower half and inwards are broken, stretched or squashed.
"Hey look ‘Samu! It's bulging," Atsumu marvels at the imprint of his tip pushing your flesh out from the inside. “Look, my cock is saying ‘hello’.”
Atsumu excitement translates into messy thrusts, treating your body like a game. “Maybe I can even touch your dick through her!” 
Your whole body is numb, the brain shuts its pain signals off completely, and hormones pour through your bloodstream in overdrive. The broken climax spasms through your body like the last bits of a faltering system.
“Better hurry...she’s...she’s fading soon,” Osamu warns between his grunts. He clasps your head and spurts his seed into you. You mindlessly swallow every drop of him, letting the contents slowly flow down your throat. You can’t process anything nor recognize any of the murky images. Who are you? Where are you?
Your memory fades in and out as your eyesight drifts between black and white. You can’t do anything about how the monster is now on all fours over your body, unrecognizable as Atsumu. You don’t feel any fear towards this grotesque figure. You don’t register how his tongue licks your neck.
Your mouth is now empty but you can’t formulate syllables.
“I’m sorry,” you hear Osamu whisper before sharp fangs pierce into your jugular, digging in deeper and tearing a chunk out. Red sprays across your body in fast spurts, drenching Atsumu and covering Osamu. The teeth at your throat gnaw at the flesh, starved, tearing through the skin, fat, and tissues like a child crunching fruit. 
You can feel the droplets falling onto your face like fresh rain after a storm. You vaguely remember your teacher and her warning of strangers. She always reprimanded you and you wanted to make her proud. There will no longer be any chance of that now. You weren’t a good student, and only an utter failure.
Osamu waits for Atsumu to finish you off. Atsumu always gets messy at this point. Osamu tried to help Atsumu section his prey off by cutting and organizing the limbs and even attempted to debone the meal beforehand, but Atsumu has his preferences, and Osamu respects them. So, Osamu delegates cleaning duties to himself instead. 
You’re already beyond recognition when Osamu comes back with barrels of oil. All that is left is a kitchen stained with blood and a pile of bone with chewed connective tissue left. Atsumu sometimes eats the bones too, but not always.
“‘Tsumu, are you full now?” Osamu asks, reaching out to cradle his twin. Atsumu has now transformed back to the way he is supposed to be. Osamu threads his hand through Atsumu’s blonde hair and inhales his twin’s scent.
Atsumu doesn’t respond and tugs at Osamu’s collar, trailing down his arm to bring Osamu’s hand to his own cock.
Osamu grins and kisses the top of Atsumu’s head. “Do you want to fuck me ‘Tsumu? I know you like to, after your meals.”
Atsumu whines and nips at Osamu’s jaw, pushing the twin down on the blood-stained floor.
“Okay, okay.” Osamu unzips and pulls down his pants before crawling onto all fours.
Atsumu’s hand cups Osamu’s ass and pries the cheeks open before curiously fingering at the specimen plugging Osamu’s hole. Atsumu holds onto the base and turns the object, before laughing.
“‘Samu, what is this you have in your ass,” Atsumu teases. “I like this presentation.”
This time, Osamu is the one embarrassed. “Last meal, it hurt like hell. So...I wanted to prepare a little.”
“With an egg holder?” Atsumu cackles again, fiddling with the ceramic object. “Should’ve just told me ‘Samu, I could never bear to hurt you.”
Atsumu holds onto the base and slowly pulls the object out before tossing it aside. He smiles and teases Osamu’s enlarged hole that’s opening and closing around nothing. Gathering up some saliva, he spits onto Osamu’s asshole before lining his cock at the rim and slowly pushing in.
Along with the curse comes a near insatiable lust. Atsumu knows that if he doesn’t fulfill his need to fuck or be fucked, he will snap. He doesn’t really care who he kills during a frenzy of that sort, but it’s too risky to get Osamu caught up in the collateral.
The witch that wanted to create the perfect weapon, failed. She failed because she underestimated the twins’ bonds for each other. She failed because the twins discovered that witches excrete a very special hormone in their body after climax, and it is exactly that substance that is slowly curing Atsumu. With every witch eaten and absorbed, Atsumu is healing and gaining magical powers. He is even capable of passing those essences to Osamu. One day, everything will be the way it's supposed to be.
Osamu plays with a few strands of Atsumu’s hair. Atsumu’s softened cock still buried inside of him. Atsumu has his jaw resting on Osamu’s shoulder.
“You make me feel so good,” Atsumu sighs, enjoying the quiet moments after his high.
“And what about her?” Osamu asks, gesturing to the table where your remains are still at.
“She made me feel good too. The best one yet, but don’t be jealous.”
“Come on, let’s clean up and get out of here.”
After washing their bodies and changing into clean clothes, Atsumu and Osamu are ready to say goodbye to the cottage they have overstayed their welcomes at.
"Let's go 'Samu, we're already behind." Atsumu finishes dumping the last bucket of oil along the edges of the room.
The clamor of boots stride across the creaking wood. As though with the passing of its owner, the cottage itself has lost the will to live.
"Coming," Osamu calls back, walking past the makeshift funeral pyre for you. He notices a flash on the ground and bends down to pick up a button.
"'Samu! Get the fuck out or I'll burn ya down too!"
"Yea, yea."
Osamu drops the button into his shirt pocket and joins his twin outside. Atsumu strikes a matchstick and tosses the small flame into the cottage. Fire meets oil and spreads in an instance, engulfing the cottage in an angry blend of orange and red, devouring all contents and remains within. The smell of scorched wood reaches the twins who are looking at the sight from a distance.
"She was good," Atsumu comments, looking at his twin unsure about what Osamu's grey eyes are thinking about. Atsumu realizes that he didn't specify what good exactly means. But it doesn't seem like Osamu is paying much attention. Is Osamu thinking about you? Is he unhappy? Does he regret what happened to you? Although what's done is done already, if time can go back, would Osamu choose? You or Atsumu?
Osamu slips his hand into Atsumu's, erasing the unspoken worries away. He gently leads Atsumu onto the trail, leaving the burning cottage behind.
"Stop thinking such nonsense," Osamu mutters, squeezing Atsumu's hand. No matter what happens, Atsumu will always come first. His needs, his desires. That's what it means for Osamu to love Atsumu. Even though the rest of the world may not understand the relationship the twins share, calling it depraved and disgusting, it's still selfless on their part. What sin is there to honestly love? What sin is there to try and save his loved ones?
While Osamu admits to himself that he does feel a deep attraction to you and knows that Atsumu feels the same pull as well, there's nothing that can be done about Atsumu's condition. But it's not as though you are completely gone. Your essences and core are within both twins, being absorbed as one with their bodies and soul. You'll forever be with them in that way, even if you no longer have any sentient memory of it.
Osamu fiddles the button in his pocket; there's still a physical reminder of you in that tiny form.
It must be about a twenty-minute trek from the burning site. Although the flames are already far from eyesight, the scorching smell and embers still drift over. The twins pick up their pace, eager to exit the forest before nightfall and make it to the next destination. On the way, they pass by the tree trunk with a wanted poster.
"They never get my best angles!" Atsumu complains, ripping a wanted poster that is nailed to the tree trunk.
"It's not like you have a good angle, ‘Tsumu."
"Shut it, we look the same ‘Samu. You're just calling yourself ugly too!"
Osamu shrugs and continues his trek down the main trail. Atsumu huffs, tearing the parchment into indistinguishable pieces before throwing the shreds up into the air like confetti.
"Wait up!"
Osamu stops in his tracks. "Hurry up, loser. We still have a long way to go."
Atsumu takes a few wide strides and swings his arm around his twin's shoulder. Behind them, a very light drizzle falls from the sky.
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forestwater87 · 3 years
Okay, for all of you who don't feel like watching Miles RP as David
Here are some of my favorite quotes. Context may be added if I feel like it. Reactions are my goblin brain screaming. All of these came from a discord so if they don't make sense . . . see goblin brain comment.
(That link should start directly at the point where he becomes David; if it doesn't, skip to 1:40:33)
In roughly chronological order:
David: "Teachers are sort of like camp counselors during the rest of the year."
The thing is David is absolutely up his own ass enough to think this.
David: "Trail mix is expensive!"
^ said to show he understands why not everyone can donate to the charity for teachers. Very adorable, am crying.
David's "ooooh" seeing one dude was extremely non-heterosexual. Fucking bicon. Him losing his mind that one of the arenas is called "Survey camp"
David: "A person's hitting me -- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is just pretend!"
This is just canonically how David plays video games. Either this or he's unwilling to commit violence at all, but I'll defer to Miles.
David: "That's very goat of you!"
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Spencer: "Is David popular amongst his campers?"
David: "I like to think so! There's only 3 staff members, so I'm definitely in everyone's top 3."
"That also means you're in the bottom 3."
David: "Well, I choose not to think of it that way."
(I have to keep adding reacts so you can tell when one quote ends and another begins. Judge not lest ye be judged)
I think the other person in the stream is named Spencer. Friend of Miles. I know literally nothing else about him and am not even confident on those facts.
Every time he says something so non-David in his David voice I die: "I have a lot of grenades!"
David: "Oh my goodness, would you look at this beautiful scenery! Can we hike that mountain?"
This is so goddamn cute. I am dying. Miles looked at his fans and said "they will eat tonight" and I am so relieved.
David: "Not to be a couple of Greedy Garys, but I say we get this [care package] and then I'll drop another one!"
The fact that Miles is grinning like a lunatic the entire time is very good. (Also if this is formatted badly then I'm sorry but not all that sorry. I'm doing my best and David would be proud of me.)
David: "Didja getim? Didja getim? didja getim? How 'bout now?"
Spencer: "I didn't get 'em."
David: "Well, you tried your best and that's all that matters."
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He calls healing "a little health kiss." I'm not sure why but it's very important to me.
David: [while jumping to murder someone] "Hi! Scuse me!"
(i just need something to separate the quotes okay)
David: "Well you know what gang, we did our best. You don't always win the 3-legged race. You did a wonderful job!"
Then there's a bit where they talk about Spencer's time at summer camp:
David: "ooooh hand-holding's pretty serious!"
David is too pure.
David: [dreamily] "Did you fall in love, Spencer? A summer love?" [puts hands up to his face]
Then there's the fact that David/Miles gets to pick where they play each round, and he keeps insisting on going to the one called "Survey Camp" every single time because it has the word "camp" in it.
David: "Now, I don't like to disagree, but . . . I was thinking we could go . . . to Survey Camp!"
Spencer reminds him that technically since David's the one with the power to choose, his opinion is the only one that matters:
David: "Everyone's opinion matters. And my opinion is we're going to camp."
David just steamrolling over Spencer's interests is very good. There are these little selfish nuggets sprinkled in among the wholesomeness that really capture the full David experience.
David: "Well, he's climbing up . . . he's coming my direction . . . oh, he looks scary . . ."
Spencer: "Is he coming towards me?"
David: "Oooh, I don't know. I'm dead!"
The positivity is relentless. I think Miles said on twitter afterwards that this whole thing was exhausting and I can see why. Being David is no picnic . . .
David: "I have a question: do we have to shoot each other in this game?"
And then a few seconds later:
David: "I'm just wondering if maybe there's a way we can, you know, help others. Talk through our issues."
And a few seconds after that:
David: "I was asking if they wanted to be friends in the game!"
I believe that moved killed him, too. Precious.
Also we're interrupting the real Miles!David content to share something my friend suggested to me while I was watching this and giving her quotes; she said that maybe David just calls everything camp to make life more fun, and then sent me this imaginary exchange that actually killed me all the way to death:
David: Gwen Santos would you go to marriage camp with me
Gwen: I'm going to have to change this story when I tell everyone
It made me laugh quite a bit.
Anyway, back to the video!
Spencer: "How do you sign up for [Camp Campbell]?"
David: "Well, um, you can fax, uh, an application to [email protected]. And . . . you can know that myself and Gwen and Quartermaster and sometimes Mr. Campbell will do our best to make sure they get what they need! Which more than anything is love and support. And friendship."
Spencer: "How many dollars does this camp cost?"
David: "You know . . . it is, um . . ."
And then the conversation switches subjects and David breathes a sigh of relief.
Very shortly after this he changed his character from a woman (she was wearing a yellow shirt, which he liked because the campers wear yellow shirts) to "a Forward Scout with a positive attitude!"
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"I like his style."
Spencer: "Does everybody abuse David verbally?"
David: "You know, sometimes people have harsh words. Mostly Max, and Neil, and Gwen, and Quartermaster, and Nurf."
Spencer: "Did you just list almost everyone?"
David: "Mmm . . . I'd say maybe a third."
Poor David. Somebody please protect him.
Spencer: "Yeah, I think people abuse David. I get that vibe. Or at least, I feel it in my heart. Like I wanna put ants in your bunk or something."
David: "Well, I think that says more about maybe some of the hurt you're carrying with you. And sometimes when people don't know how to process that, they act out. Do you want some trail mix?"
David just said his favorite part of trail mix is the raisins which is so cute. "They have a little bit of salt on them, which isn't typical for a raisin."
And he keeps telling chatters to watch their language.
David: "Who is my favorite camper? Aww, you know I couldn't pick a favorite! . . . But I know who has the most potential, even if he doesn't want to admit it."
I KNEW IT!!!!!
I've been saying for years that David doesn't have a favorite and gravitates towards the ones he thinks need him the most AND I FINALLY GOT ONE RIGHT!
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David: "Well you know, Gwen swears and that's okay."
shipping intensifies
David: [gasp] "The moss is growing on the north side of the rock!"
Every time he nerds out about weird shit in the game I gain 3 seconds to my life.
Spencer: "Did you get teabagged?"
David: "What's that?"
Spencer: "It's where somebody places their most intimate bits on you for . . . friendship."
David: [softly] "Oh, I don't know about that."
Also David confirms that the whole show has been a single summer, so please see the "vindication" gif above.
David: "I know a lot of fun camp songs."
Spencer: "Sing 3."
David: [starts singing] "Bum-bum-bumblebee, bumblebee tuna, I love bumblebee, bumblebee tuna . . ."
Spencer: "Okay, please stop. I immediately regret this decision."
David: "Max said the same thing! One of my campers. And, uh, and my co-counselor, Gwen."
He's literally made of sunshine. I would die for this fictional man.
Spencer: "Are people at camp against their will? I feel like they are."
David: "No! . . . They don't always like it immediately, but it grows on them."
Spencer: "It sounds like they're there against their will."
David: "Well I just think that's a negative way of looking at it."
FWIW Spencer makes an excellent foil to David. Not as aggressive as Max or as dour as Gwen, but he brings a very . . . like, straight-man energy to the conversation. Like how a normal person would react to David IRL. I'd enjoy seeing these two interact more.
Spencer: "It's like your overpositivity is wanting me to balance it out with negativity."
David: "You know, I feel like that dynamic's pretty popular with me."
eeeeeeee <3
And the last one that I personally found noteworthy:
David: "One day we'll be able to afford safety equipment. Until then, we'll just have to deal with Quartermaster's Ropes Course. And a lot of pillows."
There's point near the last 20 minutes where either it got kinda boring or I just got too tired to keep track. But if there are any quotes you think I missed, please share them! This was a really lovely bit of content to feed our starving maw, and I appreciate Miles very very very much for taking one for the team.
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pleasancies · 3 years
First Shot
wordcount : 2k+
content / warnings : futuristic whump, lady whump, defiant whumpee, electrocution, hunted, animal attack, starvation, human experimentation, animal death, graphic depictions of violence, eating live animals, leg injury
I was planning for a simple running off from wild animals story but stuff happens. The story got dark. Tag : @summer-of-whump
Previous Chapter
Avis woke up with a shiver. Wind gushes through her hair. Little thorns prickled at her back. She tried to heave herself up, but there's a twinge of pain in her arms that runs deep into her bones. It was dark, but she could smell the rain, hear the sound of leaves rustling and crickets chirping. She needs to get up. Keep moving. This isn't the lab anymore. She has to go back. Avis slowed her breathing. Her finger clawed into the ground. Grass brushing against her palm. With a count of to three, she heaved herself up. Pain flared on her arm. She grimaced. Pushing her body to stand was easier.
Every step was uncertain. Bare feet meets fallen twigs. The sound of it breaking is almost deafening. She felt around. Trees, moss, and stone. Avis was afraid she's going around in circles. But she's free, as baffling as it is. Last thing she remembered was the lab. The oxygen mask. John and Lisette. Fenrir.
Did they left her her because they thought she's dead? The test, whatever it is, was a blank in Avis head. Possible memory wiping technology? Too many question marks. Potential threats to report when she managed to get back to her friends.
"Hello, Miss. How are you feeling?" The voice made her jump. She turned her head, frantically looking where it came for.
"Down here. Look at your feet."
Sure enough, there's an ankle bracelet. Avis did the sensible thing to do, prying at it so it falls off. It was glued to her legs.
The voice speaks again, "This is the test we were preparing you for. Don't worry, the serum will kick in soon and fingers crossed it works. Now, I'd like you to—"
"Go fuck yourself, John." Avis spat. She grabbed a sturdy looking branch. Clenching her jaws, she forced it between her ankles. Avis let out a small yelp, as the twig tears apart the fused flesh and machine. Drops of blood falls along her toes. Still, she kept going without hesitation.
A nasty crackling noise send Avis movements into a halt. Her entire body jerked as electricity pierced her ankles and burned her veins.
"If you tried to break free then I'll zap you again. Got it?"
Avis tried to speak, but her teeth was still chattering from the aftershocks. She could hear Lisette murmuring on the other side. The girl was too far from the mic for anyone to clearly hear.
John went on, "I really don't want to do this. The more we hurt you, the more likely this project fails and you die. But you took things to an extreme."
"I'm a Heretic, I have to do what I have to do," Avis muttered. Her ankle cuff buzzed a noise that might have been an exasperated sigh.
"I urged Professor Clayton to release you without the shock bracelet. I don't want to reinforce your group's indoctrination that we're sadistic tyrants. But I guess he's right. You and your people are beyond saving."
"I don't need a baby-faced intern who looked like he could die if he lift a potato sack to save me."
Lisette's laugh can be overheard from the speaker.
"That goes for you too, Lise. You're complicit in this," John gruntled. "Fair enough, answer me, Miss. How do you feel? Avoid using profanities, please."
"Like I've been electrocuted, dear boy."
"Other than that. Emotions, physical conditions, list everything."
Avis frowned. It would be so easy to flip him off. Why would she answer to some milquetoast intern about how she feels? The boy might never even starve in his life. Her jaw and gums hurt. After the shock, her ankle felt strangely heavy. There's a veiled threat in his words. They injected her with something.
"How do you feel, Heretic?"
Do you even know my name?
She pick herself up, looking at the distance. Now she could see faint outlines of the trees around her. Faint glints of light hidden in branches. A camera? Avis stared at it.
"Good, good. How about your emotions, and your perception. Compare to what you see and hear when you first wake up to now."
"A-agitated. Pissed. I want to kill you. My left arm hurts. My teeth hurts." Avis stopped, composing her thoughts. The tip of her fingers felt foreign. As if it belonged to someone else. She wondered what Sherman are doing now.
"Sorry. I'm thinking about my friends."
There's that buzz again. She could discern it. General interference and background noise. Keyboards clacking. Pen scratching at paper.
"Why do you think of them?" John's voice sounds so clear. Sickening. Avis could hear his breath. It was slightly shallow. Did this kid has ashtma? The image of him wheezing to death as she slowly crush his windpipes made a tight sensation in her belly.
"Dunno. Can you stop talking? Your voice makes me want to gnaw at my ankle."
"Alright. Answer my question first, Miss. Any significant change in your senses. This could be vision, hearing, smell, anything."
Avis point at the hidden cameras, "One, two, three, four, there might another one over there, but I need to come closer."
She put a hand on her stomach. It's like there's a hole in there. Somehow it reminds her of the well in her parents' house. The twinge on her arm had dissipate, replaced by a dull throb coming from the inside of her gums. There's just so many things she doesn't see or hear before. Hard to keep track. Her thoughts were jumbled, running all over the place. John muttered a curse.
"John, I thought you said there's no need for profanities."
"You're not supposed to hear that. It's the serum."
Avis froze. The buzzing thoughts stopped. Cold panic gripped her chest. The forest she's starting to feel familiar with becomes unrecognizable. As if someone had brought her to a mirror world. The trees and rocks similar, yet still a twisted replica of itself. How could she not notice?
"What did you do to me?"
"It's only temporary, calm down."
She hissed. Avis took a start, crouching on the ground. The cameras are more than blinking lenses. She could see the machines, the holes it's stuck to. She lunged at the closest one. Her thoughts blend into a murky set of instinct and sensation. Lisette shouted in the background. Avis bit at the lenses, and pulled. She bashed it on to the trees. Stray cables flew.
There's still more eyes watching her. A few trees away. She took a step back, lowered her body, and—
An ear-piercing scream echoes throughout the woods. Her vision went dark. Her body convulsed. Avis fell. She grunted as her back collide with ground.
Still pumped with adrenaline, Avis practically jumped from the ground. Her head flinched back before she speaks. "C-coward! Where are you!"
Another shock. Blood leaked from her ankle. Avis curled in on herself. She blinked away her tears.
No, I'm not going to die like this!
Her body wailed in protest as she heaved herself up. They tased her again. And again.
She lay there for a while, afraid to move. Her fingers twitched. Something had grown in the tips of her nails.
"You're allowed to move now," the voice from the bracelet said. It was deeper. Older. "Please stand."
Getting up was a chore. Avis almost flinched as she expects another sting. One of her feet feels heavy. She leaned at a tree, trying not to move so hard. The gnawing feeling at her stomach is stronger now. She was still shaking and her ankle hurts everytime the skin touches the bracelet.
"I'm so sorry for ruining this Professor," John said.
"Don't be sorry. She's still awake. Project Fenrir, would you please tell me about your injuries?"
Avis grimaced, "You burned my ankle."
"How about your hunger?"
She wondered what Professor Clayton looked like. Until now the man only exist as a name John and Lisette talked about. How big is his head? Does it fit into her mouth? Avis shook her head. Disturbing that the serum made those thoughts came so easily to her.
"You didn't see me eating did you?"
"Aside from the camera I guess not."
"Thought so."
Maybe eating the head is unwise. It would satisfy her anger but it might hurt her jaw. Avis hope this professor is fat. More meat to fill her sick.
"I want to eat you, old man."
"We'll feed you. Soon. This is your test. We will send you a moving obstacle. Defeating them will grant you food. The wound in your ankle might hamper your movements, but if you're as skilled as your file suggest, I believe you can survive them. Good luck!"
Avis cursed under her breath. They left her no choice but to obey. She put her finger into her mouth. Her teeth had grown. Sharp edges and bigger fangs. She hoped the change isn't too drastic. Her friends would have a hard time finding her if she looked like a monster. James kids' would be afraid of her and she couldn't be their nanny anymore.
She should keep moving. Whatever that moving obstacle was, it's not going to be pretty.
Despite her limp, it was easier to navigate the forest. She had adjusted through the dark, and the uneven terrain wasn't so rough after you noticed it's patterns. It was an artificial forest. For miles there was no animal or a single fruit growing in the trees. The ground won't be too altered by the vegetation.
James had taught her once about the fake forests. The trees are real and organic, everyone knows that. But what's unsettling was it's history. Years ago, when the seeds of the trees weren't even made. The Empire was given a choice of which artificial plant variety it's going to use for conservation efforts. They chose the ones unable to bear fruit. The official documents said it produce oxygen more than the others. Besides, most of the land animals that can survive without human intervention had gone extinct. But the thing killed nearby wild plants. Soon enough, the main source of food are from corporate farms and their trademarked seeds.
Avis thought about James while she aimlessly walked in the forest. How he might think, working as a forester and having to plant the artificial seeds. She missed him. She missed Sherman, Emmett, Nancy, pretty much everyone. She hoped they made it out of the city.
A howl tore through the forest. The hurried steps making a beeline to Avis location. She heard panting and leaves crunching. It was a pack. Avis crouched, running more with her hands than her feet. She made a turn. The wolves changed their direction.
The animals were more intelligent that it supposed to. It doesn't seem to follow Avis by a trail. Everytime she repositioned herself the wolves follow. Always a straight line to her. It wasn't long until her throbbing ankle made her trip. Avis bit her lip. She shouldn't make a noise. She grabbed at her bracelet, desperately pulling at it so her burns get a chance to breathe. The footsteps grew louder. She clenched her teeth and started to stand.
The ground was spinning under her feet. Avis staggered. She was out of breath. Her stomach is growling.
Left foot, right foot. Come on, move!
Her face meets the forest floor. The hairs in the back of her neck stood up. A growl. Right behind her.
It dragged her by the neck. The other lunged at her face. Avis clawed and kicked. It hits the air. Another touches flesh. She smelled blood. Her throat was dry. She heard a yelp. It pulled her out of panic. Avis crawled as fast she could. They can't make her kill these animals.
One wolf caught her by the hair. They yanked her off the ground. She land head first onto a tree. She slid down, only to be bit by the ribs and feet. Avis flailed her claws into the air. They dropped her.
The smell of blood was too much. It filled her nostril. The emptiness in her middle ached. Avis lost. Her teeth finds flesh. Her ears barely register the dying cry of the two dogs. She chewed. She swallowed. Warmth filled her stomach. Nerves flared in delight.
When Avis came to her senses, there was only her and two carcass.
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"Congratulations, Fenrir. You passed your first test with flying colors."
Next Chapter
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buggeppetto · 3 years
Zebra person again. I started with ~11 chocolate zebras. They never reproduced and have slowly died off. I have 5 left at the moment. They don't seem to eat fresh fruit or vegetables, and prefer mostly wood. So maybe they aren't getting enough calcium? I've tried Repashy gel food and they didn't care for it. They're in a shoebox size bin with ventilation on the top and sides. I do a gradient of moisture and they have wood, moss, and leaves on top of coconut fiber. Any ideas? Thanks!
Coconut fiber isn’t great substrate,,,, and with that few isopods you shouldn’t have to feed them supplemental food., with how long you’ve said you’ve had them, it seems like you might have got unlucky with all males or all females? For calcium you can just toss some eggshell or reptile calcium powder in there for them to figure out. If you wanted to dm me and send pictures I might be able to help a little more?
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Hi, I wanted to ask about snake sheds? I mean, husbandry wise. The only 3 times I got a good shed was when I wasn't around to manage the humidity (usually I would boost humidity levels when I notice they're in blue) and once when I gave my snake a bath a few hours prior to them starting to try get it off as I didn't want a repeat of the last few times and since they're in shed again should I just... Leave it? Since they seem to do way better when I don't interfere? Even when typically you should boost humidity around this time? Thanks a lot in advance
How do you usually boost the humidity? In my opinion, misting isn't a great way to boost humidity for sheds because it creates a temporary spike. Keep those water bowls full, and maybe add another on the hot side - as it evaporates, it'll put more water into the air. If you use a moisture-retaining substrate (like cypress mulch or coco fiber) you can empty some water into the corners, the substrate will absorb it and that'll boost the humidity for days.
My favorite way to help with sheds, though, is to provide a humidity hide. Find a food container big enough for your snake to curl up in, cut a hole in the lid, and fill it with damp sphagnum moss. Humidity hides can help you get perfect sheds even without boosting humidity.
Finally, take a look at the rest of your husbandry. Bad sheds can be caused by other factors, including stress and eating during a shed cycle. It's wise not to handle your snake while they're in shed, or try to feed them even if they'll eat. If all seems otherwise good and your snake is still having bad sheds even with high humidity, a vet visit might be in order. Some skin diseases or parasites can also cause bad sheds.
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